(32)[F] – (22)[M] Intern at work – Saturday Afternoon Fever

Sorry! Still very behind on the updates. These are the continuation of the events that happened on that fateful weekend 4 weeks ago.

This picks up from where the previous part left off. You can read Part 13 [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/wxn8gr/32f_22m_intern_at_work_saturday_morning_fever/)

**Part 14 is below**

I got off the bed to start getting ready for the family lunch event. I was most definitely **not** looking forward to it as it was tiresome trying to deal with snarky comments and inflated egos. I went to the bathroom and started to brush my teeth. I checked myself out in the mirror, I did look kind of cute and sexy with the soft curls which definitely suited me. I noticed the white flakes around my nipples and remembered how I massaged my hubby’s cum on my tits as though it was a moisturizing cream. I looked further down my body and noticed my slightly hairy pussy and thought to myself

*”Ugh! I picked the wrong night to show my pussy to Eric, just when I was due for a waxing.”*

I looked further down and my thighs were definitely nice and toned, but my tummy could do with some work in the gym.

I was still admiring myself in the mirror while brushing my teeth when I suddenly remembered I had promised to bring a dish to the lunch event. The dish required some advanced prep of some of the ingredients.

*”Oh Crap”* I thought to myself and quickly rinsed my mouth and ran out of the bathroom naked towards the kitchen. My hubby was still rolling around in the bed and had a surprised look on his face when he saw me streaking across the house. I noticed the blinds on the door to the backyard were open, so I cautiously looked around to make sure the guy who came to clean our pool on some of the weekends was not yet in. I boiled some water and soaked the lentils in hot water hoping to speed up the process. I quickly started on prepping the other ingredients.  My hubby sauntered into the kitchen

*Hubby – “What’s rush? What is happening?”*

*Me – “I had signed up to bring some appetizers to the lunch picnic. I need to soak these lentils for a couple of hours. I was supposed to get up in the morning and do it, but I completely forgot.”*

*Hubby – (Grinning) – “Instead you woke super horny and spent the morning riding and squirting on my face to a mind blowing orgasm.”*

*Me – (Playful tone) – “Nope. The whole thing started with you eating my asshole , you* ***asshole****.”*

My hubby gave a couple of playful slaps on my naked butt cheeks. 

*Me – (Hissing at him) – “Go away, stop distracting me. Otherwise come and help.”*

*Hubby – “I can help babe.”*

His helping consisted of kneeling down and kissing my slightly red ass cheeks. He then spread them apart and started licking my asshole again. I had to stop what I was doing and hold onto the kitchen counter. He also inserted a couple of fingers into my pussy and being stimulated at both holes simultaneously was driving me nuts. I realized at this rate I am not going to get anything done, so I kicked my hubby out of the kitchen much to his disappointment.

I spent the next couple of hours trying to juggle a lot of things – Finish making the dish, fixing up a quick breakfast, getting my outfit and accessories ready, showering , doing my make-up and getting ready. I picked out a pretty Indian dress (Nope, not the scandalous sheer pink blouse) and accessories to go with it. The dish turned out below average, most likely due to all the shortcuts I had used. I also had underestimated the quantity of the ingredients which meant I ended up with a much lesser amount of the dish than I had envisaged. This was great since it meant I probably would not have any leftovers to deal with. By the time everything was done we had already blown way past the time we were supposed to leave. This was great as well since it meant I would have to spend much less time at the event.

In India, the older generation seems to believe the whole point of marriage is to pop out kids. God forbid if they encounter a childless woman (like me) who has been married for a while. They are self appointed experts ready to dole out unsolicited advice to correct the errant ways of this woman. They have no qualms ambushing random women (it is always the wife and never the husband) advising them on how important it is to have children. I call them the ***’Procreation Posse’*** and I happened to be their favorite target. Summer gatherings meant the posse’s numbers would have swelled with fresh recruits arriving from India. Anyways I am ranting. 

We finally left nearly an hour later than originally planned. As we were driving to the picnic spot, I remembered I had not sent a proper note of apology to Eric for my behavior at the pub, he was a professional colleague after all. I went through a couple of drafts trying to strike the right balance and avoid making it too formal or too casual. 

*Me (Text) – “Hi Eric, I am really sorry for my behavior at the pub yesterday. My conduct was unbecoming of your manager and left much to be desired. I probably made you uncomfortable on several occasions with my drunken antics. I hope you have it in your heart to forgive me. Thank you for taking care of me. Hope your camping trip with Dan is going great.”*

I did not expect a response since it was unlikely he would have any connectivity if he was camping in a remote area. We reached the lunch picnic spot and I was already dreading facing the Procreation Posse. The lunch was not as bad as I anticipated. My dish was not a hit, but it got over which is what matters, I guess. Luckily there was another girl who was roughly my age and also childless. We kept saving each other when we noticed the other was being cornered by one of the Posse. I was surprised when my phone buzzed with a text from Eric.

*Eric (Text) – “Not sure when you sent it, I just got your text, boss. There is no need for such solemn words. You did nothing wrong that you need to apologize for. I was more worried that you would hurt yourself. Also you did say that the next time around I can get drunk and you will take care of me. ;) ;) Camping trip is going great. We lucked out with the weather, hardly any crowds, and Dan as always provides free entertainment.”*

*Me (Text) – “Hope you did not say anything about yesterday to Dan.”*

*Eric (Text) – “Of course not. I thought you could tell him the next time we meet for lunch. It will provide for some good entertainment.”*

*Me (Text) – “I am not crazy to take up that offer.”*

*Eric (Text) – “Here is a photo from the camping trip to lighten up your mood.”*

I was chatting with a group of women while I was texting with Eric. When the MMS arrived, I just assumed it would be some beautiful shot of the mountains or a lake, so without any further thought I clicked on the download button. I froze and stopped talking when the photo finished downloading. It was a photo of Eric from behind. He was wet like he had just come out of shower and completely naked. He appeared to be searching for something in his backpack which was hanging off a tree. His gorgeous butt was clearly visible along with his hot muscular back. It was so unexpected that I dropped my phone on the ground in the grass. Before I could react another young woman reached down to pick up the phone. Thank god for the short screen timeout I had set.

I excused myself and went to a more private corner and unlocked my phone with mounting excitement. My skin was flushed and I could feel a wetness forming between my thighs as I stared at the photo. I quickly looked around to make sure no one was looking and then went back to staring at my phone. I suspect you could have seen the drool coming out of my mouth. Maybe I was imagining it, but I felt I could see some of his cock between the gap in his legs, but it was not clear against the dark background of the tree. 

*Me – (Texting back with shivering hands) – “OMG! Wow! Hot! How and who took this?”*

*Eric (Text) – “Thanks! We went swimming in a lake. This was Dan fooling around with the camera and taken without my knowledge.”*

*Eric (Another text after a couple of minutes) – There is another shot which shows a different angle which is more* ***’risque’*** *. Should I send it across, boss?”*

I gulped imagining the possibilities and I was not even sure why I was so hesitant. I first typed *”Yes”* and then erased and typed *”No”* and then again *”Yes”*. I looked around guiltily to make sure no one was looking at me as I pressed send with trembling hands. As an afterthought I followed it up with another text *”Please”*. 

I waited with bated breath for Eric’s response. It was only a few minutes but it felt like an eternity. Finally my phone buzzed with his response. I quickly clicked on the download button. The network was really bad and it just started spinning as I tried to will it to download faster. I had not noticed one posse (who had cornered me several months ago) walking towards me. She was almost almost onto me when I looked up and saw her and the image also finally started downloading. I cursed my luck and quickly switched off the screen. 

*Posse (Smiling) – Hi Beta. Do you remember me? Tum kaise ho (How are you) ?*

*Me (Trying to force a smile) – “Main theek hoon aunty. (I am fine)”*

*Posse – “Koi acchi kabar (Literally means Any good news, but euphemism for Are you pregnant)?”*

I wanted to reply that the only good news is that in the last two weeks I have become a raging nymphomaniac and I am constantly horny. I am probably going to be fucking a far younger guy, my intern no less in the near future with my husband’s blessing. As a bonus he has a gigantic black cock which is going to destroy my holes. I was just about to discover how big it truly was when you ambushed me. I instead held my tongue and said 

*Me – (Trying hard to not roll my eyes) – “Nothing yet aunty.”*

The posse started rattling off a recipe for some home remedy for boosting fertility. I just smiled and nodded as I looked around desperately trying to see a way out. My hubby or that other girl was nowhere to be seen. 

*Me – “Thank you Aunty. (pointing to some random lady) Woh apko bula rahe hain (That person is calling you)”*

*Posse – “Kaun (Who?). Ok beta. Good luck.”*

Yay! Finally she left. I quickly unlocked my phone to look at the photo. It was just a normal photo of Eric and Dan in front of a nice meadow with mountains in the back. I checked again to see if I had missed something, but I really could not see anything *’risque’*. I was confused and a little disappointed at the same time. 

*Me (Text) – “Nice photo, but I could not figure out what is ‘risque’ about it.”*

*Eric (Text) – “Lol, good joke, boss. I guess, it was not up to your expectations. Bigger…?”*

*Me (Totally confused by his reply) – What bigger?*

*Eric (Text) – “I meant you probably have seen bigger then.”*

*Me (Even more bewildered, thinking he is referring to the mountains at the back) – “Yes I have seen bigger.”*

*Eric (Text) – “Oh ok, boss. I am surprised”*

*Me (Total head scratcher) – “Yeah I am from India, home to the Himalayas, some of the tallest mountains on earth.”*

*Eric (Text) – “What mountain? What are you talking about, boss?”*

*Me (Text) – “The photo you sent me was of you and Dan standing in front of a meadow with mountains at the back.”*

*Eric (After some delay)  – “Figured it out. That photo I sent more than 20 minutes ago when you asked about camping. You probably got it just now due to bad connectivity. Just noticed the other photo failed to send. It is a good thing since I got carried away and should not have even sent it to you in the first place.”*

*Me – (Dying of curiosity) – “You better send it now that you have whetted my curiosity. As your boss, I am ordering you to send it, lol.”*

*Eric – “Did you just order me to send you my dick pic, lol?”*

*Me – (Hesitating) – “Yes, I did, but only if you want to..”*

There was no response for a while, so I guessed I must have scared him away into backing out.  Feeling disappointed, I went back to look at the first photo and the gym photo to satiate my sexual hunger, but it only made me more horny. It hit me that I had not seen my hubby for quite some time now, he hated these gatherings even more than I did, so most likely he snuck off somewhere. As I had no success finding him, I sat down with another group and started to eat lunch. I was about half done when the phone buzzed with a MMS from Eric, followed by a text.

*Eric – “Sorry for the delay, boss. It took me several tries to send this due to bad network connectivity.”*

My heart started beating loudly. I wolfed down the rest of the food on my plate as quickly as I could, nearly choking on it in the process. I excused myself (yet again) and almost ran towards a private corner away from the crowd.  With a bated breath I clicked on download and waited which felt way longer than it actually was. Sweet mother of god, this photo did not disappoint. It was a profile photo of Eric, completely naked with just a towel in his hand . He was turning and looking at the camera with a surprised look on his face as though he did not expect it to be there. My eyes went down drooling over his rock hard abs and his hot muscular thighs. Between his legs, most of his cock was clearly visible. It was absolutely enormous even in its flaccid state. It was extremely thick and unbelievably long dangling quite some way down his thighs. I did not even realize they came that large. In all likelihood he was bigger flaccid than my hubby’s erect dick. My eyes bulged and my mouth dropped open. I felt weak in my knees and I nearly fainted and my pussy got instantly super wet looking at it. I could not even begin to fathom how large he might get when hard. I started panting and had goosebumps on my skin. I was so engrossed looking at the photo, I did not notice my husband’s cousin come over towards me. I nearly jumped out of my skin when 

*Cousin (Smirking) – “Hey, kya dekh rahi thi? (What were you looking at?). Koi hot hunk hai kya? (Some hot hunk?) Planning to cheat on my bhai (brother)?*

To be continued….

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/x1ire3/32f_22m_intern_at_work_saturday_afternoon_fever


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