Unexpected hero (M32/F22, Slow Burn)

I hate having to stay overnight in the truck stop parking. It couldn’t be avoided with this load. I can’t make the drop until the facility opens in the morning. Most truck stops are noisy and filthy. Sometimes you’re interrupted all night by girls working the lot. Some guys are into that, but I don’t like to pay for my pleasure. I have been listening to a girl getting railed in the truck next to me. What I can’t tell is if she is enjoying it or crying, the sounds coming from her sound muffled and strained. I turn up my radio and start getting ready for bed. It isn’t my business.

I was just starting to fall asleep when a pounding started at my passenger door.

“Open up please. Hello, please open up, I… I… I need help.”

I start to get out of my bunk. Feeling cautious. Listen, these truck stops are a crime haven, this could easily be a fucking scam to rob my ass. Not that they would get much, I don’t carry a ton of cash, but I grabbed my Glock, and kept my hand behind my back as I went to the front of my truck. I looked out the passenger window and there was no one. Then she started at the drivers side. Surprised the shit out of me.

“Please open up, I need to use a phone, please help me.”

I checked my mirrors and looked out the front. Couldn’t see anyone but this tiny girl at my door, but there are a ton of places someone could hide to get the jump on me. Glock in hand, I rolled down my window to get a better look at her.

Damn! She had a busted lip bleeding down her chin, a black eye starting to form, clothes torn as she was trying to cover herself up, and tears streaming down her cheeks. I popped open the door, grabbed her hand, and pulled her into the cab. I got her sat down in my seat and handed her my unlocked phone. I reached behind her to lock the door and roll up the window, she flinched.
I backed away to give her some space.

“Listen I am just going to go back here and grab you a clean t shirt, call whoever you need to.”

“Even the cops?”

“Yes, even the cops.”

She was sobbing as she asked, “where am I?”

My face sank, she was a victim, not a working girl.

“I’ll call it in, can I have my phone please?”

She handed it back and I call 911. I handed her a clean shirt she pulled over her torn clothes.
In a matter of minutes the cops and ambulance were there.

I gave my statement to one of the officers. My blood boiling the whole time because I didn’t have the details they needed. I wasn’t even paying attention to what the make of the truck was next to me. Hell, maybe she wasn’t even in that one. I finished up with the officer when one of the paramedics approached me.

“She would like to speak with you.”

I walked over to the ambulance. She was sitting up. We made eye contact for a second before she looked down.

Her voice was soft as she spoke. “Thank you for helping me. Can I get your name?”

“You don’t need to thank me. I am sorry I couldn’t do more for you sooner. My name is Jason. Is there someone I can call for you, maybe your mom, or friend?”

“Don’t have anyone for you to call.” Her voice was a whisper and I watched a tear fall down her cheek.

“We gotta go.” The paramedic shut the doors between us. “We are taking her to University Hospital in case you wanted to know.”


It was close enough to morning, so I decided to get a move on and drop this trailer off. The whole way there, I kept thinking about that girl. Shit, I didn’t even get her name.

After dropping that trailer, I decided to swing by the hospital. You know, just to check on her, make sure she was doing ok.

It was midday by the time I got there. I parked the truck in the back of the lot. They probably wouldn’t even let me in to see her. I don’t even know her name. Turns out I wouldn’t even have to fight with the front desk, she was already sitting outside in the same tshirt I gave her and some gray sweatpants. She still looked pretty rough and defeated, full black eye and swollen lip but at least cleaned up.

“What are you doing here?” She asked.

“Thought I would check on you and make sure you were doing ok. Can I take a seat?”

“I guess.”

I took a seat. “You want to talk about it?”

“About what? The part where I was kidnapped? The part where it’s my stupid fault for getting kidnapped? Or the rapes and being beaten? Or that I have no one and no where to go?” She was crying at this point.

Any man in his right mind would excuse himself from this situation and walk the other way. I hope I don’t fucking regret this.

“Why don’t we just start with your name?”


“Ok, Samantha, I’m Jason. Have you had anything to eat in a while? Did they feed you here?”

“No, I don’t have insurance and I am starving, they cut me loose as soon as I was patched up.”

“I would be happy to take you out to lunch if you would like.”

“Why should I trust you?”

“Well for starters, I opened my truck door for you and called the cops. Listen I feel bad for you and I get it if you don’t want to go with me. I don’t carry a lot of cash driving but I got $50 you can have and I will just be on my way.” I stood up reaching in my back pocket for my wallet. It wasn’t much but she could at least go back into the hospital and eat something in the cafeteria and call a ride somewhere.

“I don’t want to be alone.”

“Well then, are you coming?” She got up slowly and started following me to my truck. We got to the truck and she panicked.

“No. No, I can’t go in there.”

“Listen Samantha, it’s the only ride I have. I get it, I can see why you wouldn’t want to get back into a truck, but nothing bad happened in mine. I kept you safe in my truck until the cops and paramedics arrived. I promise I won’t touch you, but you should really come with me to get something to eat. Choice is your, take the $50.” I handed it to her. “Keep it, I am gonna get in the truck, I will give you a couple of minutes, and if you want to come, climb in.” I opened my door and climbed in. I must be fucking nuts, this is such a bad idea. Maybe she won’t open the… door opened and she started to climb up. What the hell am I gonna do with this girl after lunch. Fuck.

I finally took a real good look at her in my passenger seat. She was covered in bruises, along her arms, across her cheek. Her nails were torn and bloody too. Must of put up a hell of a fight. And my music was too loud to hear any of it. Damn. She was slender and petite, long blonde hair and blue eyes you could drown in.

“We can talk about whatever you want or nothing at all.” I told her.

She just stared out the window. I stated the truck and headed to a local Denny’s. It was a silent twenty minutes to the restaurant. I parked the truck and hopped out. She didn’t. I went over to her side and opened the door for her. “What’s up Samantha?”

“Everyone is going to stare at me.”

“It’ll be ok, but you gotta go in so you can actually eat.” She reluctantly climbed down. We got in, seated and ordered.

“You don’t have to do this, Jason.”

“Well we are here now. Not a big deal.”

“Both my parents died in a car accident when I just started college. I’m an only child and have no other relatives that I have contact with. College was too expensive and difficult after just losing both my parents, had to sell their house to pay off debts and bury them both, which left me with nothing. I have been living in my car since and working waitress jobs and cleaning jobs to get by and try to save a little.”

“I’m sorry about your parents.”

Our food arrived and she must have felt a little better because she dove in.

“Where’s your car?” I asked.

“Parked in a Cracker Barrel parking lot off 480. That’s where I was working a few days ago and where he showed up. I waited on him. He grabbed me out back as I was headed to my car.”

Tears welled up in her eye. “You don’t have to talk about it if your not ready. You should probably just eat and let your food settle anyway.”

“He threw me in his truck and tied me up in the sleeper. Punched me in the face real hard and knocked me out cold. By the time I came to, he was on top of me the first time, I think. I started to scream and fight and he choked the air out of me until I passed out. For three days, I think, he did whatever he wanted to me.”

My hands were in fists and my jaw was clenched tight out of anger and rage. I know the asshole got away. The truck was gone. She was banging on my door because he dumped her there after he was done with her. What a piece of shit. I went somewhere else in my mind, for a second, to kill that motherfucker but when I focused on Samantha again, her lip was trembling, silently tears streamed down her face and she was visibly shaking.

“Hey hey hey now, he’s not here anymore, you’re with me now.” I took a chance and got up to sit next to her, she was either going to scream and lash out at me or maybe fall into my arms. I don’t fucking know. I slid in next to her and grabbed her hand just waiting for me to get punched in the face with her other hand. She fell into me and sobbed.

“I just don’t want to relive it anymore, Jason. I just want it to stop.”

“It will get better, just give yourself some time.” She regained what little composure she could and straightened herself back up, taking a sip of coffee. We finished lunch and headed back to the truck.

“Well Samantha, where to?” She was wringing her hands in her lap and wouldn’t look at me.

“I don’t want to go back there.”

“Back where Samantha?”

“Back to my car, my old life, any of it. I want to start over. I want a new life.”

I get what she is saying here, but we don’t always get what we want. “I think I understand where you are coming from but life doesn’t always work that way. Sometimes we have to pick up the pieces and keep going, even when we want to start over.”

“No, I am serious Jason.” She suddenly had some strength and will power back in her voice. “I don’t care about my car or what’s left in it, there is nothing back there for me. I know this is going to sound crazy, but can I stay with you for a while? I promise I won’t get in the way and I can help you anyway I can, maybe you could even teach me about trucking.”

“This is crazy Samantha, fucking crazy. You don’t know me, I don’t know you. Seriously, I am used to being alone.”


Shaking my head no. I know this is nuts. Why would I ever agree to this? She is damaged goods at best, with a whole past of fucked up. Probably half my age too. She can’t be a day over 22 and I am 32. I don’t think I have time for shit. I am running my hands through my hair now. But what if I say yes. I don’t have much back home, been driving over the road for a while now looking for who knows what, just living the free and easy life. Maybe company wouldn’t be a bad thing.

“Ok, ok, just let me think on this. Where’s your car at anyway? You know in case you do want a few things. “

“Just inside the state line.”

“That’s a good 8 hour drive. You’re welcome to go get some rest in the back or sit up here with me. Just don’t touch my radio. A man’s got to have his radio.”

“Mmhmmm.” She nodded and smiled, actually fucking smiled. It about broke me too, beat to shit as she is, she is just happy as hell I am letting her tag along. What have I got myself into?

The first leg of the drive Samantha climbed in the back. I had this tiny little thing of a girl, curled up and buried under my blankets with my pillow tucked under her chin. It’s been a long couple of days and I wasn’t going to be able to make this trip in one shot. I was going to have to get fuel and pull over and I knew this wouldn’t go over well with her. She slept almost soundly for the first few hours and the tossing and turning started. Then the whimpers. I kept peeking over my shoulder to check on her and it seemed like whatever was going on in her dreams was getting worse. I decided to call it and headed to the next truck stop.

I pulled in, shut off the truck and Samantha shot up like someone poured water all over her and she was screaming bloody murder. She was terrified and disoriented. I jumped in the back, softly calling her name, kneeling in front of her. She was looking right at me, terror all over her face and a scream stuck in her throat. Frozen as a statue and scared to death.

“Samantha, it’s me, Jason. Samantha, hey, listen to my voice. I am not him. It’s ok. You are safe now. No one is going to hurt. I’ve got you. If you could just see me, I am here and it’s going to be ok.”

She finally blinked, shoved me back with both hands, retreating to the back corner of the bunk, pulling my blankets with her and sobbing.

“I am so sorry, Jason, please don’t kick me out. I didn’t mean to, I didn’t mean to.”

“It’s fine. It’s ok. I am not going to kick you out. But I need to go lock up the truck so we are safe.” I turned to lock the doors and secure the shades in the truck. I came back into the sleeper again. She was still hugging herself close.

“Samantha, can you come here or can I come to you?”

She slowly started to inch closer to me and the end of the bed. She still wouldn’t look at me. I slowly set my hand on top of hers gently. “It’s PTSD, Samantha, it’s a trauma response. I am sorry we had to come to a truck stop, but we need fuel and rest after these last couple of days. I promise no one will hurt you here, you are safe in my truck, safe with me.”

She fell into me and wrapped her tiny bruised arms around my neck. She smelled like medical grade soap and me from sleeping in my bed. Possession pulled at me so I hugged her back, tighter.

“I am sorry.” She whispered.

“Nothing to be sorry for baby girl.” Ah fuck, did I just call her baby girl? She squeezed me tighter. I was not expecting that. She pulled back and kissed me on the cheek and then finally looked up at me. I could barely see her left eye, but there she was like a deer in headlights staring back at him.

She dipped her chin down again, “Jason, can I ask you something?”

“Sure, anything.”

“Without you thinking I am crazy or messed up?”

“Ask away, no judgement from me.”

“Jason, can you make me forget?” She looked back up at me with desperation and sadness in her eyes. Wait, what did she just say? She can’t possibly mean? No, no way.

“Samantha, I am not sure I understand what you are asking. Make you forget what? How?”
“Jason, I close my eyes and I see him. I can hear him. Feel him, his hands on me, him in me. I just want it to stop.”

I don’t know if I can listen to what she is saying. I ball my hands into fists thinking of the man that tortured her.

“Jason, I want you to help make it all go away. I want you, to feel you, and have you touch me the way a woman should be touched. Give me a good memory instead of letting me relive this nightmare every time I close my eyes.” Without warning she kissed me on the mouth. Not just a peck. She parted her lips and opened to me. I didn’t start this, she did, how do I say no to this. She tastes like sweet cherries. Fuck it, I kissed her back. I pulled her into me, snaking one hand behind her head. I broke the kiss when I realized I had been holding my breath, shocked at what was happening and scared to hurt the poor girl.

“Samantha, are you sure this is what you want? I am not exactly a gentle man and I ain’t no therapist either. I am not convinced this is what you need and if you keep pushing this, I might not be able to stop myself and say no to you.”

She climbed on top of my lap, facing me cupping my face in her tiny hands. “Please Jason, you can make it so much better for me, make me forget how scared I am to be in this truck. Show me. Please, I am begging you to make it better.” She kissed me again and this time there was no stopping, by my count she begging me twice, maybe three times. I felt her hips move and I grew hard.

I can’t remember the last time I got laid. I have been over the road for months. Why am I thinking about the last time I fucked a woman? Focus. I slid my hands under my tshirt she was still wearing. I felt the slenderness of her body, the dip of her belly to her ribs. I lifted her up and shifted my hips, trying to situate the growing dick in my pants. I set her back down and she ground her hips into me. I let a moan slip.

“Is that a yes?” She asked.

I cocked my head and replied, “you really want to have sex with me, some guy you barely know, so you forget about what happened to you just a couple nights ago? You really gotta give me a a clear, ‘yes, I want to have sex with you, Jason.’”

She nodded and pecked me on the lips again.

“I really need to hear you say it baby girl, like really need consent on this one.”

“Yes Jason, please have sex with me.”

That was it. I picked her up and laid her on my bed. I ripped my shirt off me and pulled my pants down, before climbing into bed. I straddled her as I tugged my tshirt off her. She was bare. I bent down and kissed her again, running my hand up her side to her breasts. Firm, perky, more than a handful. I squeezed and she moaned into my mouth. I sat back and watched her perfect rosy nipples turn into hard peaks as I rubbed my thumbs over each one.

I kneeled up and started to slide down her hospital sweatpants. She wasn’t wearing panties. She wasn’t bare but perfectly trimmed. I ran my finger down her trimmed patch of hair. “Is this ok baby girl?” She nodded. I moved my fingers down further to her clit and applied some pressure with my thumb. “Is this ok baby girl?” She nodded and moaned this time. I let my thumb run circles around on top of her clit as I played with her breast too. Her body started to writhe beneath me as I started to note what make her react.

I moved my fingers lower to her pussy lips and found her sweetness spilling over. I dragged my finger through her slit and then brought it up to my mouth sucking her juice. “You taste like sweet honey, baby girl. Can I taste you some more?” She nodded again as I crawled between her legs. I pushed open her thighs and she had the perfect pussy. Glistening wet and just dying to be licked. I rubbed her clit some more while pushing her knees up.

“Please Jason.” She spoke and lifted her hips at the same time.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, just admiring your beautiful body.” I kept her eyes on mine and I lowered my mouth onto her clit. I sucked and nibbled her clit to my heart’s desire as I slid one finger into her sweet cunt. Her hips arched off the bed and I pushed her back down gently. “Just enjoy the ride baby girl, we have all night.”

I wanted to make her come all over my mouth and taste her sweet cream. I licked her from top to bottom, gently using my hand to pull her pussy lips apart to push into her with my tongue pointed. She clenched around me. I swirled my tongue in her opening, treating her like the best ice cream treat I have ever had. Her body was responding beautifully. She started to ride a wave, literally, her hips bucking into my face, as I sucked and nibbled every bit of pussy. She fisted the blankets around her, raising off the bed, her whole body stiffened as her core exploded, and I suckled every bit of cream from between those thighs that gripped me in place. I did my job, well the first one of the night. I felt her relax and her thighs dropped open.

“That was amazing.”

“I am glad you enjoyed it. But we are not finished yet.”

I climbed up her body to kiss her. Letting her taste herself on my lips and tongue. My dick was throbbing in need for some action. Not realizing I had started grinding against her until she bucked her hips at me.

She pushed herself away from me. “Please Jason, I want to feel you inside me.”

I would let her ask me twice but wanted her to have the control here. I wrapped my arms around her and flipped her over. She was on top of me. It was up to her now. She started to rub herself up and down my length. My dick was ready to explode, I wanted inside her so bad. She climbed up slightly before grabbing me in her hand. I think she gasped at the size before she lined up the tip to her slick opening. The tip of my dick was in her and I wanted so bad to thrust my hips and put an end to this slow madness but this wasn’t about me at all. Inch by sweet, tight, so tight, inch, she lowered her down my length until I was seated deep in her. She pushed, maybe adjusting to the feel of me inside her tight walls.

“You have to move baby girl, I can’t keep control much longer and I do not want to hurt you.”

“Then move with me.” She slid up and then back down. Sitting on me with her hand on my chest. We started a slow and steady rhythm. As she felt more comfortable she moved her hands to her own breasts as her head fell back. Watching her hands on her nipples, seeing how she likes it. I slid my hand up her sides and pulled her down to me. I took a nipple in my mouth as she moaned. I caressed the other one, repeating her own technique and changing it up as I drew sweet, sweet sounds from her mouth.

She looked at me, the strongest I have seen her yet. “Jason, can you take me how you want to? I know you are doing this for me but I want to do it for you too.”

I cupped her cheek and kissed her. She really is a sweet girl.

I rolled her onto her back and spread her thigh. I watched myself slide in and out of her slowly. I pulled her right leg across me, turning her on her side slightly, like a scissor almost. I could get deep like this and and hold her in place with my thumb rubbing circles on her clit. Each thrust shook her perfect breast begging me to cup on and punch her nipple. Her body started to react again. She started to meet my thrusts and I watched her stomach flex and each time her pussy gripped me harder and harder. She was close and I was a goner a long time ago. I don’t know how I lasted this long.

“Jason, Jason please. Please come with me. In me, Jason, please.”

My name on her lips. She was holding on to my arms for dear life, as her body rocked into me again and again.

“Jason. Please. I’m going to come. Oh fuck. Yes!”

She clung to me. I barely realized I was holding her off the bed. Her pussy milked my dick with each tight clench. I thrusted deep, spilling a massive load into her hot, tight cunt. She held onto me for what seemed like forever, feeling myself go soft and slipping from her tight core. I gently laid her back down on my bed and I was going to get something to clean us up, but Samantha reached for me, pulling me back.

“What is it baby girl?”

“I don’t care about the mess, can you just stay here with me? Just stay right here and keep me safe?”

“Anything for you baby girl.” I pulled her into my arms and watched her fall into a peaceful sleep and I knew I was a fucking goner for this girl.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/wzspws/unexpected_hero_m32f22_slow_burn


  1. Wow, that was actual story that I wondered where it would go. Very well written

  2. Truck drivers wet dream right there. Saw way to many lot lizards in my day. Almost to realistic for me as I wondered a lot about how many of the girls were out there because they were forced to be. And that white knight syndrome of wanting to help ever one of them. Great story though!

  3. She falls pregnant and they live happily ever after. With tons of fucking.

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