[MFFFF, 21+] College girls become freeuse for one night, for one horny guy (reverse gangbang)

Kevin had accepted the offer. 

He wouldn’t stop ranting about it to Owen, who listened with an (apparent) sympathetic ear.

“I don’t know what the *fuck* they are gonna do to me. I should ask her to call it off. Should I ask her to call it off?”

“Kevin, deal’s a deal, unfortunately.”

“Yeah, but. This is just outrageous.”

Owen laughed, “Outrageous?”

“Well, *you* didn’t agree to it.”

Owen just laughed harder. Then, in a softer voice he said, “Every single guy out on campus wants to be you right now. Relax a bit.”

“Some of the stuff she asked… I don’t know.”

“So what? You’ll help them out and get back home by morning. Enjoy the ride. Get me a few numbers too while you’re at it. Hot ones only.”

Kevin would most certainly not be collecting any numbers. He’d known Sophia for more than a decade now. They had grown pretty close during their school years, and even though they’d always considered each other “friends”, there had been a sexual undercurrent to their relationship, particularly in recent years. Oh, it sounded grand but it had never progressed beyond the occasional touch and a bit of flirting. He still considered her a friend first. So her asking him… it had been super weird. 

He left his apartment by 9, and was at Sophia’s in a few minutes. Despite what he had said to Owen, he was actually excited. Sophia had invited the new girls from her sorority for a ‘gathering’; but only the most nervous of the bunch, and the ones who showed the most potential “flair”. Whatever that meant. All he had heard was ‘reverse gangbang’.

He knocked on the door and waited. A few moments later, Sophia peeked at him with the door opened a tiny bit, smiled and pushed it open the rest of the way. She gave him a hug and said “I’m glad you made it. They’re getting impatient.” 

Kevin’s heart beat faster, and he asked in a tiny voice, “Impatient?” 

“You’ll see. Come on.” 

She led him into the apartment, which was surprisingly empty. There was still a lot of clutter lying about. Sophia explained, “They’re in Sam’s room at the moment. Supposed to be introducing themselves one by one.” 

“Wait, Sam’s here?” 

Sam was Sophia’s roommate. A total hottie by Owen’s standards. Sophia rolled her eyes and said, “You ignored the part where they’re supposed to introduce themselves to you. I’m going to be completely frank with you. I’ve known you for years, and don’t want you to be in the dark about anything.” 

She rummaged around with a few bottles and then pulled out a few pills, explaining their effects. Kevin’s eyes widened the more he listened to her. Apparently it was meant to be an aphrodisiac, or viagra. Meant to enhance his sexual desire by a huge margin. Totally safe, and would make him last for hours. 

“You can turn back now if you want. After you take these pills, you can do whatever you want to any girl under this roof. And the other way around. We’ve explained that to them. What do you think?” 

*Any girl under this roof.*

Kevin thought about it for two seconds, and then realized banging chicks all through the night wasn’t something any sane guy would pass. He nodded and said, “I’ll go through with it. Sounds good.” 

She raised her eyebrows. Apparently she had expected some resistance, but she said, “Okay, I guess. Um. Take your clothes off too while you’re at it. The pills’ description say so” 

Kevin felt his dick stiffen, but said, “Better give me the pills first.” 

“Well, it said… never mind. Here.” 

There were three of them. She also handed him a glass of water, which he gulped the pills down with. She was staring at him very intently while the drugs wrecked havoc inside his body. He could feel his heart pumping faster, and the temperature in the room going up. He started to feel hot, and then horny. It happened all of a sudden. His hands immediately started pulling his clothes off without him even thinking about it. Sophia helped him out at first, but left him to take his underwear off by himself. He pulled it down quickly, and let his cock pop out into the air. He allowed it to throb for a few seconds, but couldn’t handle it, and began stroking it right in front of her. She gasped but didn’t say anything. His dick felt like *exploding*. He felt like it *would* explode if he didn’t do anything with it. 

Sophia stood still and watched him masturbate. The way she looked at his dick was driving him insane. He threw caution out of the window, stepped up to her, and snaked his arm around her waist, pulling her closer. She let out an “oh”, but didn’t object. It was like she had expected this to happen. Of course she had. 

They stared at each other while he jerked off. She was so pretty; the way she stared at him. He liked how warm she felt at his naked side, and creeped his hand down and cupped her butt. The wheels in his mind were turning slower and slower, and he was starting to feel stupid. Probably a side effect of the pills. He blurted out, “How wet is your mouth?” 

She stifled a laugh and said, “Very. Why?” 

“I need some lube.” 

With that, he pushed on her shoulders until she was on her knees. She stared at his dick with widened eyes, but didn’t resist at all. He stopped stroking and bumped her closed lips with his cock. She hesitated, but didn’t relent, even after he had bumped her lips a few more times. He was getting impatient and very annoyed, but before he could do anything, she took a hold of his dick and began jerking him off. That immediately calmed him down. He realized that he would go out of his mind if he wasn’t getting stimulated. The prospect frightened him. 

He exhaled in relief. She kept on jacking him off, and said “Does that feel any better?” 


“I’m glad it does. The girls might be hesitant, so if you need a hand, just ask. Actually, don’t ask. Push me to my knees and fuck my throat. Got it?” 

“You wouldn’t let me past your lips!” 

“Too bad.” 

As soon as she said that, his dick decided to begin ejaculating over her face. He hadn’t even felt the orgasm come, but it felt the same afterwards. Exhilarating bliss coursed through his body. The first spurt took her right in the eye, and she cried out in pain, letting go of his dick. He snatched her hair with one hand and stroked his dick with the other, blasting her face with cum over and over. He hadn’t realized he was moaning until his balls were completely empty. Sophia trembled beneath him. Her cum blasted face looked up to him with her one good eye, while his still-erect dick loomed over her. The woman looked *excited* for some reason. 

She grinned and said, “That’s more like it. Push the girls. Don’t relent. They all like it this way. The resisting is part of the fun.” 

She stood and went over to Sam’s door. He was left wondering if the girls had a “kink-sharing” session and Sophia decided to gather all of the ones who fit. His brain was slowing down even further. He had been completely wrong about his balls being empty. They weren’t even slightly so, and he had to start jerking himself off again to calm down.

Skye was waiting with the other girls in Sam’s room. They’d done several rounds of rock paper scissors to determine who would go first, and for some God forsaken reason, she had. She was going to go first. 

Sam was tight-lipped about the guy, which made her even more nervous. She wasn’t *afraid* of sex; far from it. But she had just never tried something like this before. Let a drug-addled stranger do whatever he wants to your body? She was incredibly anxious, and couldn’t stop shaking from it. Soon, the door opened, revealing Sophia. Sophia, with her face covered in cum. The three other girls immediately stood, but she hushed them down. 

Sam asked her, “Already at it?” 

“Yeah. Horny ass couldn’t even wait a few moments. It’s perfect.” 

She began wiping her face with the tissues Sam offered her. While cleaning herself up, she chuckled and said, “Will you all be able to handle him? We might need some backup, Sam.” 

“Fuck off. I’m not letting anyone spray baby batter on my face tonight.” 

“Ha, we’ll see. Alriiight, who’s next? Skye? Let’s go. Just do as we rehearsed.” 

She wondered if Kevin would fuck her face like Sophia’s. Presumably. She just assumed someone in that state wouldn’t be able to control himself. Sophia led her out, and there he was. Staring at nothing and stroking his dick. Speaking of, it was *huge*. Probably 7 inches at least. She swallowed nervously while Sophia led Kevin to the couch, where he continued to play with himself while staring into the distance. 

Sophia motioned Skye to sit on the chair opposite to the couch. Well, it was more like a stool. She was directly on level with his dick when she sat down on it. Only then did he actually notice her. She cleared her throat and began. 

She went on for a minute about herself, where she came from, and where she studied. He didn’t even seem to notice her speaking and just stared at her while masturbating. It was kind of flustering; to be the center of attention of a guy like that. Didn’t matter if he was dosed up with drugs. Kevin finally got up. She stuttered for a moment but continued, “One of my teachers said she saw some potential in me,” while he stepped closer. His cock was throbbing right next to her lips when she went on, “She helped me figure the process out and we applied for a ton of scholarships together.” 

It leaked precum, oozing on her lap. She swallowed once more and wondered when he would shove it down her mouth. That’s what all the guys did in porn. Instead, he brought his hands down to her face and caressed it. She went on, “It was incredibly difficult, and we had to wait for a really long time, and be very patient for most of their replies to come through.” 

The strokes on her cheeks were making her shiver. His thumb entered her mouth, but she continued talking, with a slur. His cock loomed closer then, and gently found its way inside of her mouth. She stopped speaking then, but Kevin lightly tapped her cheeks until she decided he wanted her to continue. Her words were complete gibberish though. 

“I fask shukshfsh mugh I lill kash shew…” 

She kept on. However, his dick was creeping its way deeper and deeper into her mouth, and she was forced to stop. She gagged involuntarily, choking on it. How wonderful, telling someone her life story while he wanted to breed the ever loving shit out of her mouth. He finally pulled out then, while she struggled to breathe. She carried on with a heroic effort, “After some time, I was–” *cough* “–was accepted by one of the schools around–” 

Her sentence was cut short by his dick assaulting her throat. She gagged much harder this time and tried to push away, but he held her fast. It was *throbbing* inside of her. She could feel every pulse stretch her throat out. Tears filled her eyes, completely ruining her makeup. After what felt like an eternity, he finally let her go, and she collapsed on the floor, panting and coughing out semen and spit. Apparently, he had orgasmed right inside her throat, and she hadn’t even noticed. She felt like it would’ve been much more impressive if the victim of his assault wasn’t her damn hole though. She wasn’t even finished coughing every scrap of sticky cum out of her throat before the next girl was brought in. 

Sophia fetched Natasha without even bringing Skye back. *So, she either wants me humiliated, or likes reunion parties.*

But this was the sort of thing Sophia was known for. Part of the reason Natasha had even accepted this ridiculous offer, despite knowing her *ex-girlfriend* of all people would be invited. She wanted to know what kind of depraved shit Sophia was cooking up this time and wanted to be involved in it. Well, this wasn’t exactly what she’d signed up for.The most she thought she would be doing was sucking a dick in front of Skye, not *with* her. She sighed, but trudged on. Nothing she couldn’t handle.

Skye was on her knees, her shoulders heaving while she tried to spit something out. The guy, Kevin, loomed over her, stroking that monster of a cock. Well, Natasha had taken bigger. Nothing to fuss over. Skye finally looked up from her coughing, straight at Natasha. Christ, she was *still* so beautiful. Even with her face completely disheveled with what looked like her own saliva. The guy had probably just dumped his load down her throat. Seeing her down there softened Natasha, so she also went down on her knees, and began cleaning her face. Skye glared at her, but she just *tsked* at her and carried on. She knew there was no point to even try to scrub that pretty face, since that angry shaft throbbing nearby wouldn’t hesitate to glaze anything remotely feminine. But goddamn it, she needed these few moments with her. So she whispered, “How’s it going?”

She even smiled in the way that made every girl in the room fall for her, but Skye just shrugged as if to say “How the hell does it look like it’s going?”

Soon enough, Kevin’s cock bumped against her lips. Remarkable, his ability to aim just on the right spot to part her lips so easily. But she wanted to rile it up further. Sure, it looked angry, and would demolish all of her holes given the chance, but this was a one in a lifetime opportunity! She wanted to make him fuck her so bad that she wouldn’t be able to walk. She wanted him to *make* her lick cum out of Skye’s pussy, no matter how abhorrent she found the act. So she pulled back, spat on it, and rolled her eyes. She then kissed Skye on the mouth.

Her mouth tasted salty. Natasha wasn’t exactly a fan of cum, but she kept at it. Skye was hesitant at first, but responded back with some enthusiasm in a few moments. *Huh, maybe this could work out after all.*

She waited, and sure enough, a throbbing dick slipped between their lips, interrupting their kiss. He yanked her hair, and then pushed her into his dick sideways. She assumed he’d done the same to Skye. It was tough, but she continued making out with her on the other side of the cock, even though their lips barely brushed against each other. It was like licking a huge sausage together. Their foreheads touched, and she shivered. Kevin began thrusting his hips slowly, and ended up fucking their lips with some speed. He had to push their heads together with some force to get the stimulation he needed, which made things a bit difficult. Her lips began burning from the amount of friction he was generating. The fact that she was being used like an object was making her incredibly horny. 

Kissing her ex with a huge dick begging for attention between them wasn’t something she had ever imagined she’d be doing. He picked up his pace, which made her lips really begin to hurt. She might end up with chapped lips by the end of his night. Deciding to make it at least worth it, she cupped one of Skye’s tits in her hands, waiting to see her reaction. Her eyes widened for a second, but she didn’t do anything. Skye was like that, utterly naive and letting people walk all over her. This was one of their main reasons for breaking up, but she realized she didn’t care, so long as they could have sex. 

Kevin’s energetic fucking reached an apex, and he moaned, pushing the girls together with his muscular arms. Their heads smashed together, causing Skye to groan and scrunch up her face. He began cumming beyond them and onto the carpeted floor. Natasha could only partially see it from the corners of her vision, but boy, that was a *huge* cumshot. Wouldn’t want that hitting her face. She got a few drops into her mouth every time his head was on her doorsteps, and she eagerly spat them out, as much as she was able to. Sophia sighed in exasperation, since her carpet had gotten ruined. 

She felt Skye’s arms wrap around her waist, so she put hers around her as well, while Kevin’s cock bruised the ever living fuck out of their lips. He finally slowed down and pulled out from between their lips. His still-erect dick tapped each of their faces. Strands of cum still connected his dick and their faces. Both of them looked up at him, hugging each other and waiting for judgment. It was almost poetic. The idea of her and Skye being owned by him as nothing but a sex-slave turned her on further and she wriggled against Skye, before kissing her once more. 

Kevin had apparently had enough of them ignoring him (despite all the attention she’d given him, ungrateful fuck), and yanked Natasha by her hair. She was on her feet in a second with a yelp. Then, he easily swooped her up so her butt faced the ceiling while she looked down on Skye. Being overpowered so easily sent a thrill of pleasure down her spine. She gave Skye a smile, which immediately turned into a grimace when she felt Kevin *smack* her ass. His dick throbbed with the motion. Odd, that she noticed that. Another smack hit her and she moaned in… pleasure? It was both pleasure and pain. 

Kevin kept on with it, while Skye watched her ex get spanked by someone who had dumped his own semen down her throat not ten minutes ago. The fact that Skye was horrified by this turned her on even more, and with one final spank, she screamed in pleasure and shook with an orgasm. His hand rested on her ass, gently massaging it while she wiggled with pleasure. She felt so *wet*. As if realizing just that, he set her down on the floor before her orgasm ended, and gestured to Skye to remove her clothes.

Skye complied, removing her previous lover’s clothing one by one, until she was stark naked on the floor. Natasha was still reeling from the orgasm, so it didn’t bother her one bit to be lying on the floor naked. She hadn’t known it was even possible to cum like that, but there it was. Kevin scooped her up again, and this time, took her to the closest wall, maneuvering her so that she was against the wall with her pussy right next to his cock. 

Without further ado, he penetrated her with all his 7 inches, in one swift motion. They moaned in unison as his cock slipped inside. Her pussy pulsed around him, and she felt him lose his strength a bit. His knees nearly buckled, but he held on and composed himself again. *My pussy is just that good, you bitch.*

After that, he wrapped a hand around her throat and went to town. He pounded her mercilessly, while she swayed in the air and against the wall, reeling with orgasm after orgasm. He slapped her, spat on her, and choked her multiple times. Each action brought her on the verge of another orgasm. She was a bitch for this man’s cock, all because she’d dared to insult him. The idea was making her cum so easily that she thought she was dreaming. 

His thrusts were getting faster as her back slammed against the wall harder and harder but it only made her feel more aroused. He finally ejaculated all inside, filling her womb with semen, claiming her as his fucktoy. Once he was done, he finally stopped fucking her, panting with exhaustion. His hard shaft was still embedded inside of her, but it didn’t stop some amount of cum from leaking out of her breeding hole. As if just recalling her existence, he called out to Skye, ordering her to lick the leaking cum out of her cunt, and hold her up. That wasn’t what Natasha had wanted, but she decided to settle for it. 

Kevin didn’t wait for Skye, and she was soon getting pummeled against the wall again. He was harsher this time. His slaps were harder, and he forced her mouth wide open with his thumbs acting as props. With Skye holding her from the butt, he could use both his hands to punish her as much as he wanted. He spat inside her multiple times. Then he smacked her tits, one by one. Each smack was a blaze of pleasure down her body. She began tearing up from the sheer amount of delight she was receiving, causing Kevin to carefully spit in her eyes. The man was a fucking animal, and she loved every second of it. 

She soon felt a tongue on the lower end of her stretched out vagina, spiraling her to another orgasm. She felt Skye licking around her carefully, gathering up all the semen with some amount of reverence. Maybe she didn’t want to get fucked like Natasha. Eh, her loss.

Soon, he dumped another load down her uterus. She held onto him while his thrusts got wilder and wilder, slowed and then finally stopped. He abruptly dropped her onto Skye. The girls collapsed into a heap on the floor, while he and his pulsating cock looked down on them. Natasha rested on Skye’s boobs, heaving with fatigue. A fuzzy warmth was spreading through her, and she realized she was spent. Sophia wasn’t lying when she said the girls wouldn’t be able to handle him. Oh well, at least it was over for her. The other girls would handle him now. 

Or wouldn’t. She felt hands on her pelvis, and all of a sudden, she was on her tummy, with Skye beside her. She felt him spreading her legs apart, and tried to push him away with them, but he wouldn’t relent. She finally said, “I’m spent, Kevin. Find someone else to bother. For crying out loud, my cunt isn’t even done leaking out all that shit you dumped in me.” 

Of course, he didn’t listen. She swallowed, and awaited the pounding of a lifetime. Sometimes, having a good pussy was worth more trouble than it was worth.

*Forgot to mention it in the title, but this is part 1/2!*

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/wzsyp1/mffff_21_college_girls_become_freeuse_for_one


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