That ti[m]e I got woken up by a gangbang…

So I got woken up by a gangbang one time.

This is a long story that features a strange contrast between romance and hardcore sex, so buckle up.

Where do I start, umm…

okay so things with my travel-fuckbuddy (the girl I met on the Amazon River, see my other stories) had been going sour for a while after we had met up again, had a lot of sex, and agreed that we could both fuck other people while we traveled together. We were both getting laid left and right but I was racking up higher numbers and she was getting a little irritated. Basically I can’t stand her bossiness and she kept asking me for more sex than I can and want to provide. Annoying. Plus, she kept doubting my actions. Why do you do this, why do you do that, why don’t you do Y like this…why don’t you shut the fuck up. It was starting to become clear that this wasn’t going to last much longer.

Anyway, luckily I had booked a tour by myself so I was looking forward to a day with new people and none of that nonsense. I had a coffee by myself. When I got out of the cafeteria, the bus was driving away, so I sprinted after it. Some blonde chick yelled after me. Then I realized that it was another bus and ours was waiting for us a few meters ahead. The blonde chick caught up with me and struck up a conversation. I was hungry, she offered me some food, and I declined because it was sugary shit and got some street food instead.

As I was walking back, I mustered the blondie for the first time, and realized I had a hottie on my hands. Perfect (!) tits, nice ass and a pretty face, surrounded by almost platinum blonde hair. Definitely no backpacker. I found out she was Russian, but also had some Cuban blood. Thank you communism. We chatted a bit more, and when we got back on the bus I got back to my seat, where I proceeded to have a nap until I woke up from the commentaries of people around me complaining about the smell of my farts. I think they didn’t know it was me. Damn street food.

Eh, anyway. So after the next break, blondie made me sit down next to her and we continued chatting. On the tour, where we visit some beautiful ancient ruins, we chat on and off. After it’s finished, we get some free time to roam around the area, and we naturally couple up. Street vendors already call her my girlfriend. Going on tours by yourself is awesome for meeting girls, it seems. She asks people to take pictures of us together. Might she be into me?

Anyway, suddenly it starts raining as if armageddon was here. Everybody runs towards shelter, but her and me decide to take in the rest of the ruins. We run in the rain, enjoying it while we get soaked through and through. As we run towards the last pack of ancient columns, I feel like this would be a perfect moment to kiss her, but I let it go. We get back last of our group thoroughly soaked but gleaming with happiness.

The second part of our tour takes us to a huge underground lake, where we take pictures of each other and jump from a cliff. While we are swimming, she waves me over to a nice point of view, and I swim towards her. We’re close and I feel like it’s a perfect kiss moment again, but it’s too difficult to pull off (we have no ground under our feet) and I let it slip.

On the way back, we talk more, it is highly interesting from a cultural point of view. Loads of very different viewpoints. After a while, we start having long silences though. At first I feel weird about that, but then I realize she’s from a cold culture and I’ve gotten used to Latin cultures where silences literally never occur. I start getting sleepy and turn towards her to try to get some sleep. She tells me I won’t be able to sleep and teases me. This goes on for about fourty minutes, and I slowly get closer to her in the process, until I rest my head against her head and shoulder. It feels sneaky and natural at the same time – it’s only sneaky because I am aware of what my body is doing naturally. At some point of her teasing, I tickle her. She jumps like a motherfucker and tickles me back. We both are slightly panting and face to face.

I kiss her.

I mean I wasn’t going to let three perfect kiss moments go by. Anyway, we spend the next hour or so kissing and cuddling, in a very sweet fashion, oscillating between super light kisses on face and neck to real passionate kissing (she grabs me and says “THIS is a real kiss”. Nice). At some point, I tickle her again and she jumps like a motherfucker again, kicking down the empty seat in front of us and almost kicking the driver’s head. I guess we almost died, but we just giggled like teenagers and continued our thing. She had no access to internet, so we agreed on a time and hour where we would meet up at her hotel to go out.

When I got home to my hostel, my fucktravelbuddy (FTB from here on) was waiting half-naked in bed. She immediately assaulted me for sex, but I turned her down and told her I was going to meet the russian and wanted to save some cum for her. Her relentless asking for sex was starting to turn me off. She started to get grumpy. Clouds on the horizon.

When I got to the Russian’s hotel, I realized it was a top class resort that was run like a high-security prison. Security immediately informed me that I wasn’t allowed beyond the lobby area. It turned out that Russia was out of energy after a very eventful day, so we just made out and cuddled for an hour on a sofa. It was really nice and I didn’t mind at all, since I was tired too. We said our goodbyes agreeing to meet again the next day for a day on the beach.

Despite being tired, I went out to the club district of this crazy place to see if something would happen. Unluckily, I ran into FTB, who was with a nerdy-looking guy. We danced for some time with her getting a kick out of grinding the two of us at the same time. I got bored by this quickly, and when I came back from one of my rounds and couldn’t find them anymore, I was happy. I really needed some calm. When a prostitute asked me why I turned her down, I answered:

Me: “Too much sex in my life right now!”

I realized I had her key and got back to the hostel, looking forward to a good night of sleep by myself, since she couldn’t get in. I wasn’t worried for her, surely she was going to stay at nerdboy’s place.Grave miscalculation. Some time early in the morning, knock on my door. Fucking hell. I open.

FTB walks in.

Then a guy.

Then another one.

Then another one.

Then another one.

Her: “Look what I brought with me!”

Yeah, she brought four fucking guys back home for a gangbang. I guess she was trying to make a point.

Anyway, FTB launches herself at me immediately again and I have to fend her off because I’m really not into fucking her anymore and can’t get hard. Fortunately, there are four guys to take care of her and she’s distracted immediately. Everybody takes their clothes off and they start touching her everywhere. Somebody asks for condoms. I grab four of mine and hand one to each of them. That sort of takes care of their doubts about me being jealous.

Absolute debauchery ensues. The guys fuck her in all sorts of positions, she has cocks in her mouth, between her tits, and somebody is always railing her pussy. One guy tries to stay out because he’s got kids and is getting married in two months, but FTB and the other guys make sure he gets his cock sucked. Then she mounts him. She’s definitely in her element. Somebody asks for pictures, so I just grab her phone and happily take up the job of porn photographer. Although the gangbang is great fun, I don’t really get into it myself. I don’t even get a half-master. I joke around with the guys a lot and enjoy myself, taking dozens of pictures. They pose like it’s a holiday picture, but with their fingers and cocks in all her holes. What a debaucherous mess. They cum on her face, tits, back and ass. The pictures are pure porn.

They are all amazed at how FTB can’t get enough. They’re also amazed at how I’m totally unfazed by all of this. At one point, one of the guys turns toward me and asks me:

Him: “Dude, how do you find girls like this? How do you DO this?”

Me: “It’s a lifestyle.”

The whole thing takes almost two hours, after which they see themselves out, not without stealing some of FTB’s thongs for memory. On the way out, they ask FTB if they can have the pictures. She points towards me and says:

Her: “Sort it out with him!”

Them: “So, he’s the manager?”

Her: “He’s the pimp.”

I definitely felt like one. Sent them the pics.

Afterwards, FTB cuddles up to me as we try to get some more sleep. In the morning, she starts asking annoying questions about my plan to spend a day with Russia, so I tell her it’s time we go our separate ways. Enough is enough. I make sure she understands that the gangbang has nothing to do with that and that it had been fun. I don’t want to make her feel ashamed or guilty or bad about it.

I met up with Russia and we had a great day together, visiting more ruins and spending a perfect beach day. A lot of cuddling and kissing. It’s so sweet it almost gives you diabetes. It feels almost innocent. Such contrast between my night and my day. Heh. Literally. Night and day.Logistics get in my way though. She’s still at that hotel and I have no more private room to go to. She’s definitely not a dorm room sex girl. I’m way too tired and I prefer making this a nice memory with lust for more on both sides. So we say our goodbyes in the evening, both asserting we wish we had had more time together.

I get a new hostelroom somewhere on the other side of town, where I know nobody. Just another solo traveler.

But this one’s got some wonderous stories to tell.
