Girls’ Night Out – Chapter 1 [Fart Fetish, Eproctophilia, Humiliation] [ages involved not specified, but over 18], [Females and males in the story] [Includes eproctophilia and some scat]

Girls’ Night Out

Chapter 1.

It was the 90’s. Buffalo shoes and white trumpet pants where prevalent on the dance floors, where the sounds of Destiny’s Child and Backstreet boys gave young people an outlet to feel sexy and flirt innocently through dance moves – moves which hinted a subtle ready sexuality.

Naomi normally met up with her 4 best girlfriends at some eating place, then a stroll through the mall to maybe buy some additions to their make-up bags, and then home, usually to Naomi’s’, where they shared clothing and makeup tips before going out. Naomi’s room always had a whiff of perfume, which these ‘girls’ night out’ nights were more than guilty for.

Lisa usually chose bras and tops that really brought out her boobs, which along with Rebecca’s were bigger than Naomi’s and Chloe’s.

Chloe was still too shy to really flirt, not least because of her lack of confidence, but Naomi really had started to enjoy the attention. They all went to the same college, and Rebecca had overheard some of the guys talking about Naomi’s ass; how they loved the days when she wore tight pants, since they found her ass to be the hottest in school. At first Naomi had felt kind of weird about knowing this, but she soon found herself standing in front of the mirror every school morning, checking if her ass looked acceptable (not just for her, but also for the guys – an acceptability which was emerging into being codependent of both parties in her mind).

“You acting kinda shady, ain’t calling me baby” Rebecca sang with Destiny’s Child while straightening her hair in front of the mirror. Lisa was concentrating on getting her eye liner just right – she had, like Naomi, gone for the smokey eyes look; they had spent many hours of their lives practicing it together and on each other; now they basically went for that look every week when girls’ night out was on the schedule.

Chloe sat on Naomi’s bed, putting on nail polish and discretely singing along – more of an attempt to follow the girls’ vibe, than for any love of the music. She found instrumental jazz more pleasing and played in the school big band.

Naomi was fighting for mirror space behind Rebecca and Lisa, trying on her new white trumpet pants. Ever since she had seen Michelle Williams wearing them, she had this urge to buy them – they looked cool and wide at the end, perfect for making her buffalo shoes sexy but not overly ‘in your face’. The best thing about the pants, however, were that they were super tight around her ass, while seemingly sending out the vibe, that it’s not intentional at all, since they’re so spacious elsewhere. Looking in the mirror, she was more than satisfied with how she looked.

“Damn girl, your ass looks even fatter than mine”, Lisa laughed, which said a lot, because Lisa was overweight and had a big fat ass. “What push-up bras do for my boobs; those pants do for your ass-cheeks!”.

“Is it too much?”, Naomi asked while she looked in the mirror pulling the pants up, to get the biggest effect possible for the other girls to make an honest assessment on.

“Noo”, said Rebecca. “If i had an ass like that, I’d proudly show it off. “I’d even” … She stood up, lifted one leg out, like a dog does when it pees, and let out a low rumbly fart …” proudly”.

The girls looked at each other in a kind of shock for about one second, then burst out laughing. Rebecca was laughing the hardest, lying on the floor almost gasping for air.

“Chloe hand me the perfume please”, Naomi giggled.

“I told you we should have gone for sushi”, Lisa chuckled. “I’ve been to the bathroom 3 times to fart, but you can wave goodbye to that curtesy, when it’s not reciprocated.

“Imagine if the guys in class saw you like that”, Chloe said, seemingly at bit skeptical of the spontaneous arrival of fart humor.

Rebecca, who by now had calmed a bit down, and was adding the final touches to her makeup, looked at Chloe in the mirror, “Then I’d tell them to deal with it, since they probably are way worse. Imagine how it must be at their gaming nights, when all they do is sit at the computer, eat pizza and drink sodas?”.

“Totally”, Lisa said. “I mean, if I could just be myself and…”. Lisa stopped talking and looked up toward the ceiling. It looked like she was searching for a word to complete her sentence, but suddenly, she too let out a fart – a higher pitch than Rebecca’s fart, but still just as commanding. She spoke louder than before, while the girls were laughing, “then I would fart like that everyday in class. But no, I must sit there like a tamed woman whose social reputation is dependent on NOT farting, because that’s not something to do in public. But the second we get home and are alone in our rooms, we let out farts like there is no tomorrow. Funny part of it is, that we all do it!”

“That actually makes a lot of sense. It really seems like you have given it a lot of thought”, Naomi said kind of teasingly.

“I have!”, Lisa proclaimed. “Feminism should maybe focus more on actual female illusions being challenged, instead of just… say armpit hair!”

Lisa had always been the most politically active of the girls, and since her sociology class last year, she had become very interested in societal gender norms and feminism.

“It’s not like I’m saying, ‘pay women more’ for the same job. I’m just saying, don’t put us on a non-existing pedestal where we aren’t expected to fart from time to time”, Lisa explained as she took one last ‘before we leave’ look in the mirror.

Naomi who had always been the “hot girl in class”, and whom the stereotypical female role of being ‘lady-like’ would be most expected from answered, “Alright, I’m with you. So, in solidarity I…”. She walked over to the door of the room, faced the girls, and while holding the doorknob, squatted down and farted… “fart in the cause of female empowerment!”.

While the girls were laughing, Chloe who had just put on her jacket said, “We should have never gone to McDonalds. Can we please go soon, before the smell of Chanel get’s overpowered by your empowerment?”.

They left the room and walked through the living room.

“It sure sounds like you girl are having some fun in there”, Naomi’s mom said, turning her head from the TV towards the girls. “Naomi, you take care, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”.

“Sure mom, see you later”, Naomi answered as the girls left the house.

In the car Chloe and Rebecca sat in the back, Lisa on the passenger’s seat and Naomi drove.

“If the DJ plays ‘Larger Than Life’ tonight, I’m going to kiss a guy on the dance floor!”, Rebecca said.

“Remember girls, if Chloe sees a guy she’s interested in, we all got to help her out. Maybe tonight will be the night for that first kiss you have longed for Chloe?”, Lisa well intentionally asked. What she didn’t realize was that Chloe just felt stressed out and uncomfortable by being talked about in that way.

As they were driving Naomi felt kind of itchy between her ass-cheeks. Or was it sweaty? She couldn’t quite put a finger on the feeling. Maybe she could squeeze in a bathroom visit after paying the clubs’ entrance fee.

“Are you hoping to see Sean tonight?”, Lisa asked Naomi with a smile on her face. Sean was a guy from Naomi’s parallel class, and they had had an eye on each other for the past year – still quite innocently though.

“Why do you think I bought these pants?”, Naomi answered as she winked at Lisa. “But no farting in front of him!”.

Laughingly they arrived at the club and started going up the stairs to the entrance. The doorman checked all their ID’s, and in they went. It was already pretty crowded, and there was a line of people waiting to hand over their jackets to the wardrobe. Suddenly Naomi felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around and there stood Sean.

“Hey Naomi, nice to see you here!”

“Hi Sean, you too. All good?”

“Yeah. Why don’t you come join me for a cigarette? I’m sure your girlfriends can take your coat while we step outside for a couple of minutes?”. He had a smile on his face – which knowingly or not, was Naomi’s weak point when it came to him.

“Sure, Lisa can you…”

“Of course, I can, now you two go out and have a good time and be sure not to stay out too late”, Lisa answered teasingly in a motherly fashion.

Naomi and Sean went down the stairs, where some of Sean’s friends also were, to the disappointment of Naomi. One of them was Liam from Naomi’s class.

“Give me two cigarettes will you Liam? I’m buying a pack later”, Sean said approaching his friends.

“Damn right you are”, Liam answered sarcastically while taking two cigarettes out of his pack giving them to Sean.

“Want to walk around the block with me?”, Sean said while lighting up Naomi’s cigarette.

“Sure.” They started walking.

“You know… It might be kind of obvious, but I really like you”, Sean said. “Do you think you might be interested in …”

His sentence was interrupted by Neil, one of Sean’s friends.

“What the HELL”, Neil yelled while laughing hysterically. Sean and Naomi turned around. Liam was covering his mouth trying to block his laugh very unsuccessfully.

“What?!”, Sean asked.

“Uhm… Naomi…” Neil said, obviously thinking about his next words while speaking. “Have you by any chance had any … stomach problems today?”

“Or maybe … Sat down in a dog park?” Liam asked while a laugh exploded from behind his hand.

“What the fuck are you guys on about?”, Sean asked.

Naomi was bewildered, her thoughts desperately trying to figure out what they meant. Stomach problems… Sat down… Could it be? Oh God. Was it not just a fart she had let out with the girls? was it maybe a … shart? Nothing could be worse if that was the case. She had her white thong on, as dark colored thongs would be visible through her white pants. But now … Her literal shit was visible through the pants?

Sean kind of leaned over to the side, so he could look at Naomi’s ass. As soon as he did that, Naomi, leaned with her back against the building with a panicky look on her face. The car was down the street, so she had to walk maybe 160 feet to get to it. And the streets were full of people, and not only that – DRUNK people who would never have an ounce of politeness towards a stranger who has just had an … accident. Her mind was racing. Should she go to her friends for help? Should she hurry to the car and drive home, leaving her friends to find a ride back home themselves? Suddenly Liam could be heard saying: “Naomi, we all fart, but for future reference, I’d stay out of the Russian roulette challenges if there is any doubt that there could be one in the chamber.”

Liam almost screamed laughing and holding his stomach, it looked like he was literally in pain. Neil’s reaction wasn’t much better. Sean kind of looked back and forward between his friends and Naomi, not knowing how to handle this obviously super weird situation.

“I think I’m going to go to the bathroom”, Naomi said looking embarrassingly in Sean’s eyes, as she slowly moved away from him, still with the back against the wall.

“Yeah… Yeah you go do that”, Sean awkwardly answered.

Naomi turned and quickly moved toward Neil and Liam, as she had to walk past them to get to the bathrooms in the club. But suddenly a new burst of panicky thoughts hit her. ‘Then what? When I get to the bathrooms, my pants will still be dirty and in the club, I’ll be more up close to a lot more people, who’ll have a much better and easier view’. Suddenly she changed her direction 180 degrees, again turning her back toward Neil and Liam. She heard them laughing, and having turned, she faced Sean, who quickly turned his gaze from her ass to her face. He saw. He knew. This couldn’t get much worse. She just decided to make a run for it – she ran as fast as she could to her car.

“Hi honey, you’re home early? How was the night?” Naomi’s mom said, without turning her head, preoccupied with Jeopardy on TV.

“Fine, just tired, going to go to bed early I think”, Naomi answered hastily. “Love you”, she tunefully muttered with a hint of panic in her voice.

She closed the door to her room, trying as best as possible to hide the anxiousness behind her night. Then she looked toward the mirror, in which she still could not yet make out her own reflection – not until she made some dreadful faithful steps that might be the realization of what the rest of her educational years would be impacted by.

She slowly began taking those steps, while she focused on the mirror’s reflection, until she finally saw the outline of herself. She closed her eyes and thought to herself: ‘This is it’. She then took one step more and faced the mirror to look deep in her own eyes, building up her own courage. She closed her eyes, and slowly turned her body, looked over her shoulder and opened her eyes. Her mind reacted with absolute horror to the sight she was witnessing. Her new white pants were literally brown from the exact spot one might expect the asshole to be, and then in a running down motion to the upper parts of her thighs. Like obviously, easily visibly brown. If this would be a design on the part of the pants’ company, only jokesters would buy them. There simply was no false explanation to give here. The embarrassing truth was out there – she had sharted in her new white pants. In front of her crush. In front of her classmates. She sincerely hoped that Monday would never come.
