My Life As A Host To A Slime Monster 08 – Fruit? (fiction, F19, supernatural, monster)

I can’t believe I’m about to do this….. again.

I was about to have sex with a monster…. Again.

I just hope THIS time THIS monster doesn’t try to integrate with me like the last one did.

The monster THIS time was a creature called an Incubus.

Really wish I remembered all the lore my grandmother used to tell me….though most of her ‘lore’ was religion based and not monster based. So she always told me about Angels and demons.

And whatever ‘lore’ **I** knew of was pure science fiction though it wasn’t much as I preferred sappy love stories.

Ok those ‘sappy love’ stories *may* have had vampires…..and werewolves…..and maybe some wizards.

I stood in my mind scape looking at Prime after I had just admitted my choice who stood smirking at me smugly.

I looked at Prime and spoke, “So now what?”

Prime smiled, “I let you take control and **you** tell them your choice my *host*.”

I blinked as I spoke, “I’m sorry, what?”

She smiled and simply snapped her fingers and just like that I was no longer in my mind scape as I was suddenly back to how I normally was.

*So weird saying that.*

I blinked at the sudden realization I was back. I looked down at my body as if I was never in my mind scape and also realized I still had three naked men in front of me.

I gulped and felt my body start to tremble as my heart started racing now that **I** was standing in front of three different monsters.

I heard Prime lightly chuckle in my head causing me to get irritated before I heard her whisper, “*Relax my host. They’re just people just like you or I so talking to them should be easy.*”

*Yeah right* I thought.

Still I took her advice as I felt my mouth go dry from my nervousness but still spoke, “Hi,” as what sounded like a small shrill came out.

I cleared my throat and tried again, “Hello.”

The Minotaur, otherwise known as Cameron, nodded, “Ma’am.”

The were-panter smirked but slightly bowed his head, “Miss.”

The Incubus looked at me straight faced without giving any emotion simply spoke, “Hello.”

I gulped again as I felt completely nervous that I was standing in front of three different monsters…..three naked well hung monsters.

*Yeah this isn’t nerve racking or anything* I thought as I tried to find my words.

I tried to wet my mouth before speaking again, “Before I tell you who I choose I was wondering something?”

All three looked at each other momentarily before Cameron spoke, “Yes?”

I looked at Cameron, “Are you **really** a bodyguard?”

Cameron smiled widely before resolutely speaking, “Yes.”

As Jayme the ‘Were’ was laughing.

I looked at him, “What?”

Jayme shook his head before regaining his composure, “I thought you were going to ask to see our ‘true’ forms.”

I gulped but found my courage as I spoke, “No, if I already have a slime residing in my body I **believe** what ‘she’ has told me about what types of monsters you are.” I looked at Cameron’s way, “If I fully understand Minotaur’s, Cameron, your true form probably wouldn’t fit in this room.”

Cameron looked up and slightly looked around before addressing me, “Might have to slouch and bend here and there but I should fit if you wish Ma’am.”

I blinked and almost wanted to see it as I let the information go because the Incubus started chuckling as we looked at him.

I spoke, “What?”

The Incubus shook his head as he looked at Cameron, “Come on Cameron you’d fit.”

Cameron looked at him, “She asked if I would fit, I answered her question.”

The Incubus smiled, “By **slouching**??? That’s a little rich Cameron. Your eight feet tall. The ceiling is at least ten feet tall.”

Cameron answered flatly, “I’d have to slouch and bend going through door ways and halls.”

The Incubus face frowned as he judged the doors and other areas before looking at Cameron and nodded, “Good call didn’t think of that.”

The Were spoke, “Gentlemen please. I want to hear who Prime’s host choose to have sex with.”

I blinked and suddenly realized *Oh yeah I was supposed to do that* as I heard Prime chuckling in my head. I hissed in my head *Shut Up You!*.

I gulped as my heart went back to racing before I spoke, “Well after careful consideration,” I sighed realizing that sounded so formal like I was on a television show or something as I continued, “Listen I made a logical choice.”

I looked at Cameron, “No offense I’m afraid my little pussy will be destroyed by you if not out right skewered by that long ass thing.”

Cameron frowned but nodded, “I understand.”

I looked at the Were, “And I’m afraid you might change and ravage me,” I smiled, “besides if what Prime tells me is true I’m afraid I can’t hang. I’m a five minute person at best not a 50 hour person.” I held my crotch, “Besides my pussy is small and last time I checked I’m not a size queen. I don’t want you tickling my tonsils from my vagina as you would also **stretch** me out.”

The Were smiled and chuckled as I complimented him but he still spoke, “Fair enough but my record is five hours NOT 50.”

I blinked for a second as the Were pointed his thumb to the Incubus, “He’s more likely to last 50 hours, not me.”


The Incubus looked at the Were, “No I last as long as the person does. When their body gives out is when I finish.”


Is it too late to hold my own vagina to protect it? Or rescind my choice?

Because it sounds like Brandon, the incubus, was going to wear out my vagina until it’s sore. Possibly gapping.

And I can’t tell if I should be excited or scared?

The Were rolled his eyes as he smirked, “Whatever Brandon.”

Brandon, the Incubus, smirked as he looked at me and bowed slightly at the waist, “I’m honored you have chosen this being for your frustration needs.”

The other two bent the same as Brandon did and both spoke almost in sync, “Thank you for your consideration ma’am of Prime.”

Then they straightened and unceremoniously started putting on their clothes before leaving without saying another word leaving Brandon flapping in the wind.

I looked at Brandon and spoke trying to remain calm, “Right! So what do we do next?”

Brandon smiled, “You treat me like a lover. Do what comes naturally for you.”

I looked at Brandon quizzically wondering HOW I would treat a ‘lover’ as up until THIS point usually the guy puts me down and vigorously pumps me.

Prime is the first one who did MORE than any guy. Though now that I think about it she probably had me switch positions just so her sisters could get better access to their preferred entry points….I think.

I felt my face flush as I didn’t know what exactly to do.

Do I kiss him to start?

Let him kiss me?

Brandon lightly chuckled, “Don’t know where to start do you?”

I meekly spoke, “It’s that obvious huh?”

He smiled and nodded as he held out his hand, “Come on Ms Submissive lets go back to the bedroom and we can start there.”

I wanted to argue that I wasn’t submissive but realized that he was indeed right. I had always followed when it came to being in bed.

I looked down at his hand to make sure it was a hand one last time before I put mine in his.

*Just wanted to make sure I wasn’t grasping a claw or something.*

Brandon smiled as he led me to the bedroom and led me to the bed before I sat down as he spoke, “Can I ask you something before we start?”

I looked up at him after sitting down and smiled lightly, “Sure.”

He looked at me, “Am I speaking with the actual person or Prime?”

I looked at him feeling flustered but spoke, “The actual person.”

He smiled, “And Prime told you **what** I do?”

I nodded as I spoke, “You feed on life energy.”

He smirked, “Yes and no but you’re in the right ball park. I have a sense that though you have a monster IN you there’s something about you you don’t like. Is that true?”

I blinked at him semi shocked as he smiled, “Incubus.”

Like that answered all my questions before I frustratingly blew out a breath, “I’m a girl. Not liking parts of my body is part of the job.”

Brandon let out a sharp bark-like laugh before scoffing and finally smiling, “Fair enough.”

He looked at me seriously, “Any parts you don’t like?”

I looked at him squinting, “How does this help with my frustration?”

He smiled, “Humor me.”

I rolled my eyes before speaking, “Let’s see here my ass is too flat and is already drooping.” I lifted my own tits, “These shouldn’t be deflated already nor drooping as low as they are,” I shrugged, “though kind of **my** fault for not wearing a bra as much as I should.” I looked up at him, “I still blame my mom for not giving me **her** genes as she still looks amazing for her age.”

I sighed as I pointed to my face, “I don’t like my cheeks as they’re too puffy. My freckles are a bitch to hide with makeup…..which I can’t afford. Don’t get me started on all my acne.”

I pointed to my various scars, “These aren’t exactly flattering.”

I pinched my sides, “I shouldn’t have fat on my sides and I’m stick and bones.”

I started rambling on the multiple things I don’t like about my body but after I was nearly finished looking up at him, “And you know what the WORST part of my body is?”

Brandon, who up until this moment had remained silent letting me vent, just looked at me quizzically before frowning and lightly shaking his head once.

I spoke nearly screaming, “THIS IS NOT HOW A 19 YEAR OLD BODY SHOULD LOOK!!!’

I finished off my tirade panting like getting all that out somehow helped with my frustration.

Brandon waited a moment before speaking, “My my that IS a long list of ‘dislikes’ about your body.”

I folded my arms, “Yeah well I can’t help it. Genetics being a sloppy bitch and me getting the short end of the stick.”

That made Brandon chuckle before he spoke, “And is ‘Prime’ helping with any of these ‘issues’?”

I sighed, “Yeah her and her sisters are working on my body but she said it’s a slow process.” I looked up at him, “But in a month if I still don’t like what they have been able to accomplish we can revisit this topic and she’ll introduce me to a slime that can help.”

That made Brandon look with a weird smile as he mused for a moment.

I looked at him, “What?”

Brandon looked at me before waving his hand, “Nothing.”

He padded my head before speaking, “Well I *guess* we should get to the show. How about you show me how well you suck a dick?”

I felt my face scrunch up into a sneer at the thought of having a penis in my mouth.


*Excuse me if I never perfected the art……or actually like having a dick in my fucking mouth.”

Brandon smiled as he spoke confidently, “Trust me. MY dick will be different from your previous beaus. Just kiss it and you’ll understand my meaning.”

I sighed before shrugging as I thought *What the hell* before lightly grabbing his flaccid member as I held it up before gathering the courage to actually kiss the mushroom head staring right at me expecting the usual ‘nasty’ taste.

I puckered up my lips and kissed the monster’s dick…..directly on the tip.

Brandon spoke, “Good first try. Now lick your lips.”

I did as directed and blinked thinking *Huh?*.

I kissed the flesh mushroom again now that my lips were wet and licked them again.

*What the hell?*

I did it again and licked my lips causing me to actually smack my lips together as I looked up at the smug Brandon, “Why the *hell* does your cock taste like strawberrys?”

He smiled not saying a word.

I waited for a moment before resuming kissing the phallic object before my lips separated from kissing and let the still flaccid phallic object slip into my mouth and drag along my tongue.

*What the hell?* I thought before I even started that this monsters dick would taste just like every other dick I’ve tasted…..salty and nasty.

Though I’ve only had two dicks before it was still the same ‘*taste*’.

But Brandon’s dick didn’t taste salty….or nasty.

It was actually sweet….and fruity.

As this monsters dick travelled along my tongue I got the taste of different fruits.

I blinked in confusion at what the hell was going on.

And how is this possible?

I looked up at Brandon while his dick was in my mouth as it started to harden as he looked down at me with a smug smile.

I must have looked up at Brandon confused for too long for his liking as he put his hand on my head and ‘helped’ me get his dick further in my mouth….while it was still hardening….and lengthening.

Soon his tip was shaking hands with my uvula causing my eyes to go wide as my air way was quickly becoming blocked by his dick.

My hands quickly found their way to his hips and reflexively pushed to get his dick away so I could Fucking breathe.

I heard Prime whisper in my head, “*Relax my host your not choking as your lungs have enough oxygen to sustain you for 48 more seconds.*”

I tried to relax but I felt my subconscious fight as I renewed my vigor and pushed.

And my push I mean **PUSH!!**

I pushed Brandon with enough force to where he slightly fell back before catching himself while I flung myself away and was now laying on the bed gasping and coughing.

I held my throat and hoarsely spoke, “What the FUCK Brandon!!!”

I slightly sat up to look at the monster with murderous intent in my eyes before blinking as Brandon stood there smugly smiling.

He waited a moment before speaking, “Not good at THAT, are you?”

I coughed as I gasped, “No, I’m not.”

He smugly smiled, “How did I taste?”

I looked at him squinting, “Trying to find out if I want to do it again?”

He chuckled lightly before shrugging, “Usually when women go down on me they have a hard time coming back up for air.”

I looked at him, “Why? Because your dick tastes sweeter compared to ‘normal’ men?”

He shrugged, “That’s Part of it. Yeah.”

I looked thinking *Smug Bastard!* but still spoke, “Yeah I’m surprised you **still** have a dick for how sweet it tastes as women haven’t confused it for how it tastes,” I waited a moment for him to listen before finalizing my statement, “Like **food**.”

Brandon looked at me and actually blinked in what I imagined to be shock before he started to actually laugh….hard.

I sat there and let him laugh before he got himself under control and spoke, “Prime you in there?”

My mouth moved without me controlling it as my voice came out different, “Yes.”

Brandon looked at me smiling, “I like this one. She’s feisty.”

Once again my mouth moved without me actually controlling it as once again my voice was not my own, “I know. That’s why I have selected her. She’s….unique.”

Brandon lightly chuckled, “You sure she’s not like us? A monster in disguise?”

This time **I** spoke, “I am most *certainly* NOT a monster!!!”

Brandon smiled before my not voice spoke, “She does seem to act like us but alas her genetic markers are very much human.”

I smirked as **I** spoke, “See told you,” before adding, “and stop doing that Prime. You taking over while I’m in control is just plain creepy.”

Prime spoke in my mind, “Sorry but the Incubus was talking to me my *host* not you.”

I thought ‘Well maybe you just tell me and I speak for you when **I**’m in control maybe?’

I didn’t hear anything so I assumed Prime was pondering on my suggestion.

I heard Brandon speak, “Would you like another go?”

I looked at him thinking *He can’t be serious after I just literally just suggested of biting off his penis?*

Yet I couldn’t help myself as my mouth instantly started to water and I was suddenly smacking my lips.

He smiled, “This time let’s try for more than one swallow before we move onto something else.”

I looked at him thinking *Asshole!* but couldn’t help myself from nodding vigorously as my mouth was drooling in high gear causing me to gulp the extra saliva down to talk and saying, “Yes sir!”



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