[MFF] I’m (48M) dating identical twins (24F/24F)

I‘ve been sugar-dating a pair of twin college students for about four months now. (And yes, their ages add up to mine :) I thought I’d share some notes about the experience. I know these kinds of posts can be divisive, so I’ll say up front: take it or leave it :)

First off: No, it’s not for everyone.. But after sugaring for a decade-plus I was curious enough to try it, when the opportunity came along. (It doesn’t hurt that they are truly beautiful.) Here’s how it’s worked out:

I alternate solo dates with dates with them both. (So, A/AB/B/AB etc.) In many ways it really IS a lot like dating two of the same person (which they will be the first to say). They’re different people of course, but they share a lot of qualities beyond the obvious physical resemblance—they joke about sharing one mind but it’s less of a joke than I originally thought. When both are together, one is generally more dominant socially, but the dynamic is sometimes reversed. They do finish each others sentences a lot, which can be uncanny, and they’re usually in agreement about things but on occasion disagree vigorously.

They definitely share information—I’ll casually mention something to one and the other will bring it up at another time—and I would never, ever tell anything to one of them that I wouldn’t want them both to know.

What is it like sexually? It’s interesting, and maybe not what you’d think! First, I hate to spoil anyone’s porn fantasies, but they aren’t attracted to each other, and they don’t “do” things with each other. (As one of them put it, “kissing her is like kissing my own arm. It doesn’t really feel like anything.”) That said, they’re completely comfortable with each other, have no qualms about physical contact—or any other personal boundaries, really—and they enjoy doing things together with/to me. So yes, we do share a bed (on group date nights) and we do all have fun “together”. But they aren’t having sex with each other. (Although that thing people say about twins seeming psychic? I get it now.)

Do I ever mix them up? In the dark, yes :) They have fun with that. Sometimes when I get up to go to the bathroom they’ll switch places…

In terms of maintaining the relationship, I’m very careful to balance out my attention and gifts between them—I’ll either buy two if something or two “equivalent” gifts. (Clothes are easy, because they can share.) But so far, jealousy hasn’t been an issue at all. Overall, it’s been a lot of fun!

And yes, I’m happy to share a pic of the three of us. Just send me a (polite) DM and include your age.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/wyd8la/mff_im_48m_dating_identical_twins_24f24f


  1. Wow, incredible. You should definitely write up as many of your fun times as you can manage. I would love to hear it all :)

  2. Well said, sounds like it works with good communication and respect. If everyone is happy, good for all of you.

  3. Can yo I tell if one is kinkier than the other or if they like the same kind of sex acts? Did you go deeper in the kink with one of them?

  4. How much does sugaring generally cost? On average. I imagine twins are just twice as expensive.

  5. How much has it cost to be a sugar daddy to them? I have always been curious about how much this lifestyle is.

  6. i mess with identical twins.. at first it was the thrill of it cause how many can say they been with twins. Now i love them both

  7. I am the Queen of England and I am dating the Dwayne ‘the Rock’ Johnson.

  8. Thanks for a “real” post. I’m glad you and the twins have found each other/

  9. Thanks for sharing your experiences and observations.

    How did you end up dating both of them? Is that something they make a pattern of, and was it advertised from the start or developed some other way?

  10. You guys have any videos or pics of all of you together? Damn that sounds hot. I married a twin, had her twin sister living with us for a while but it never turned into this.


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