I [F] slept with a married former co-worker

I slept with a married ex co-worker.

Before I was in my current relationship, I was more interested in casual flings. My team at work knew that I was single, and that I wasn’t really looking for a relationship, as they had tried to set me up.

The married guy was John. He was in a different department, but I would work with him daily. I didn’t know too much about him, but I knew he was married. I always thought he was attractive, and was always super friendly.

This happened as his goodbye party. By then he and his wife had already moved and he was back to close up loose ends and attend the party. It was a casual thing at a bar inside the hotel he was staying at. Prior to this we exchanged information to stay in touch. He actually added me on Snap, which I found odd but didn’t think too much on it.

A couple hours before the party, he messaged me on Snap to make sure I was going. When I confirmed I was he randomly asked me to wear an outfit I had worn at a business luncheon we attended a few months prior. I was..a little shocked that he would ask such a thing. It wasn’t anything scandalous. It was a somewhat short black dress and I wore black tights. I felt a little odd by the request but also somewhat flattered he remembered it, so I decided..what the hell, I’ll wear it.

When I arrived, I could tell he was drinking, but he gave me a nice compliment and then was talking to someone else. When I checked my phone I noticed he sent me a message through Snap that said “good girl.” That really..turned me on, but I just ignored it.

As the night went on and the drinks flowed, I was feeling good, and noticed John kept checking me out. I loved his attention, but it didn’t seem too obvious, which I was concerned about. I did keep checking my phone to see if he said anything more, but he hadn’t.

Around 10pm everyone started saying goodbye and leaving. I ordered an Uber and it was 20 minutes away. John invited me upstairs to wait as the bar was closing as well. Against my better judgment I decided to go as I knew I’d be leaving soon anyway. On the way to his room he kept looking me up and down and telling me how hot I looked. He told me how he couldn’t take his eyes off me when I first wore this at the luncheon. His words were getting to me.

We arrived at his room and he sat on his bed and I stood near him. He called me to him and I stood in front of him. He placed his hands on my hips and I stopped him. Telling him we can’t do anything he’s married. He asks if he can just touch me. I don’t answer and he proceeds, and I let him. He ran his hands up and down my my body. He leaned forward and felt my legs, all the way up to my hips. He was caressing my thighs, hips, and ass under my dress. It felt so amazing. He did this for maybe 5 minutes.

He then turned me around and lifted my dress up and just caressed my ass over my tights. He kept complimenting me. He put his hand between my legs and felt me up. He must have felt how wet I was because he moaned as did I. I knew the Uber was close and I’d be leaving soon. He must have known too. He pushed me forward a bit and I felt him stand up. He then pulled my tights down to my knees, and I felt him starting to work his cock inside me from behind.

I didn’t do anything to stop him. It felt like a dream. He didn’t have the largest cock, and the whole thing lasted maybe 3 minutes. But I stood there as he fucked me from behind and pressed his thumb inside my ass. He pulled out when he came and I felt it hit my calf and some went on the floor. I stood there awkwardly not moving a muscle and he put himself together. I felt his hand on my calf wiping his cum up. I don’t know for sure, but I’m pretty sure he licked his hand after.

I grabbed my phone and saw my Uber was 1 minute away. He pulled me in and kissed my neck and said “thank you.” And walked me towards the door. I said goodbye and left. I got home and got myself off 4 times. I checked my phone and noticed he wasn’t on Snap anymore and I haven’t spoken to him since.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/wydpvq/i_f_slept_with_a_married_former_coworker


  1. Wow that is so hot. What kind of black tights were you wearing? The thick ones or the thin sexy kind?

    Did he cum inside you being pulling out?

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