Why I Share My Slutty Confessions [F]

I recently started sharing my slutty confessions online, and many of you had asked why I started doing do, so I figured I’d share why.

I’ve been with my boyfriend for a few years. While we’ve never actually discussed kinks, or prior experiences, we’ve always had a fun, healthy sex life. Around a month ago, we were sort of nudged to start discussing it all.

We had been went to his nephews birthday party. I thought it would be low key, but his brother also invited a number of out of town friends and treated it like a mini reunion. So there was an abundance of alcohol flowing.

I’ve been around his family and friends before, who is a wide variance of ages. I was aware of being checked out by them, and never really put too much thought into it. However, with this party, maybe with the alcohol, and out of town guests, it seemed different.

I wore a flowery sundress. It showed off ample leg, and subtle cleavage. Nothing too risqué. I had played a number of yard games with friends, and with the younger kiddos. I also laid out on the beach chair, taking in the sun, enjoying the drinks.

While I wasn’t paying too much attention to the looks, I did notice them, especially from one of the out of town guests. He was very blatant and obvious about it. Wanting to be polite, I mostly ignored him, while also enjoy the extra attention.

My boyfriend and I made our way into the garage where there was a small group of adults having a conversation. As we were entering, before we joined them, we overheard the guy who was obvious about checking me out say “hot piece of ass.” When we came into view of them everyone got very quiet and it seemed awkward. Thankfully one of the kiddos came into to find their dad and it sort of broke up the group.

Not long after my boyfriend and I left to go home. I noticed on the way over he wasn’t saying much and I figured he might have been upset. We went home, changed, and went to bed. He was still quiet when I finally asked him what was bothering him. He looked at me, and mentioned how he noticed some of the friends, and family checking me out.

I dismissed it, and he pressed on. He mentioned how my sundress was short enough that when I’d bend down to pick up the bag for for corn hole, my panties were briefly on display, and my tits were falling out. I snapped on him, asking why he didn’t say anything.

He then told me he enjoyed watching me getting checked out. I then softened and pushed the conversation. He then told me he’s always enjoyed that. He’s always noticed when his friends, family, or strangers would check me out. He mentioned a few times that stood out to him. He asked me if I enjoyed that, and I had to admit that I did. We then spent the next couple of hours talking previous experiences from when we were together, and before that. We even shared previous sexual experiences.

I couldn’t believe how turned on we both were, and ended up having amazing sex the next couple of days. Since then we have broken a wall and have been sharing more and more. We don’t discuss this everyday. We seem to talk more about it on the weekends, but I’ve been thinking about a lot of this nonstop, and find Reddit a great way to share these while I’m not talking to him about it.

I look forward to sharing more old, and new experiences!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/wx3kcb/why_i_share_my_slutty_confessions_f