Men lose their shit when I’m in a suit [FM]

Idk man, I’ve been unpacking this for years.

Part of this I suspect is simply the novelty of ME in a suit. I fit squarely into bisexual stereotypes in that I’m generally in ripped jeans and a band tee. Hoodies are my best friend and I want to be buried in sneakers. I’ll get dressed up if we’re going out, but I am not a casually cute human when it comes to clothing. I’m a bit grunge.

All that is to say, when I’m in work clothes, I’m simply more dressed up than my partners are accustomed to. That’s usually when I do my full hair and make up, put on heels… and wear a damn form/fitting suit.

My first adult internship was this summer job I got overseas. We were in a country where I generally had to wear very, very conservative clothes that covered my arms and were loose fitting. I met a dude who fucked me silly for those few months. The first time I came out in a pencil skirt and button down shirt, he lost his shit.

I fought him on my way to make coffee and told him to fuck off as I put on heels and grabbed my bag to leave. He took my hand and bent on over the counter. This was fun and all, but I genuinely had to get to work.

“I cannot be late my first day,” I complained as he ran a hand over my ass.

“I have to destroy you in this.”


“I want my cum on this skirt,” he said as he pushed my head into the counter.

“Ok well I have to wear this skirt into a meeting with my boss.”

“Lucky boss.” He spanked me and pushed himself against my ass. He was hard.

“Bro, [safeword].”

“Fuck Viola!” He huffed as he fell back and leaned against the wall. “Ok. You just look so hot.”

“I have to go! You can destroy me in this when I’m off.”

“I’m going to jerk off to the thought of your heels around my head.”

“Well text me about that.”

During my first meeting that day I got a detailed description about how he had just gotten off to the thought of me crawling on all fours until my work clothes were destroyed. I got so flustered I had to turn my phone off and it was a struggle to keep my mind from wandering the rest of the day.

I was shaking on the bus home because I wanted it so bad. I even got a very inappropriate comment during my commute and was so fixated on getting home I responded, “That’s cool, bro” and pushed this creepy dude aside so I could get off and run the rest of the way in my heels.

No one was stopping me from getting fucked.

The moment I got home the guy I was seeing smiled at how frazzled I looked and started laughing as I tried to articulate that I needed sex. He told me he had been jerking off all day and was slightly less desperate.

“Fine,” I complained. “I’ll go fuck myself.”


“Seriously. Fuck you.”

“V…” He laughed as he ran to me and guided me to the table. He pushed me back, hiked my skirt up, and then wrapped my legs around him. “I’m fucking with you. I’ve been thinking of this all day.

Then he pulled my shirt so hard the buttons popped off. For a moment I gawked at him as he stared back in horror. Finally, I looked down at my ruined shirt and looked back up at him and shrugged.

We both laughed then as his mouth found mine as his hand went up my bra and squeezed my breast. I scrambled to lift my skirt up and reached to unbuckle his belt. I struggled to get his pants down as he put a hand to my throat and started kissing my ear as I moaned.

When he finally sprang free, I started trying to remove my underwear. He mumbled something about being impatient, reached a hand between my legs, and ripped the thong I was wearing in half.

I reared my head back to look at him. “What is going on with you? Have you lost your mind?”

He gave me a guilty look. “I honestly don’t know.”

“Aright, fuck it.”

I pulled him towards me and wrapped my legs around him as he entered me. I gasped and clawed at him so he pushed me back until I was laying flat on the table.

He started mumbling certain things.

*I’m going to pause here… As it was with many things about our sex life, in any other context, the things he was mumbling would not be ok. However, we had a deep mutual respect outside the bedroom that made me cool with the scene that was about to unfold.*

He thrusted into me and bent over me as he started whispering about how I had gotten dressed up just to take his dick and that this was all I was good for.

He made me say “Yes sir” as he pushed my head into the table and asked if I understood that I belonged to him. He also may or may not have gone off about how he was my real boss and he was going to fuck me until I learned how to behave. He might have said other things I will not be repeating that made the feminist in me cringe.

*Shit got weird sometimes when he talked during sex.*

I screamed as he bit my breast and then slammed a hand on the table beside me.

“You understand this is what you’re good for?”

“Yes,” I moaned.

“Then you can come.”

I wrapped my legs tighter and pulled him closer as I did. I moaned into his ear as I climaxed and shook as he finished right after me.

He sewed my buttons back on afterward.

*End scene.*

My point is that, this was not a onetime occurrence. Not just with him, but men generally. There is something about men when I’m in a suit that gets weird.

My next example comes to us at a time when I was fucking my boss. We had gone on vacation together where we had nearly destroyed each other with all of our fighting, but we found harmony for a brief window upon our return.

The first morning we were back at work I walked out and found him reading the paper at his table.

“Which one of us is going to be late?” I asked.

He looked up and seemed distracted as his eyes swept over me. “Huh?”

“We can’t walk in together and I have to start walking to make it to work on time. Do you mind waiting ten minutes and being late?”

“Can we both be late?” He asked as he gawked at me. “You look really hot.”

I was literally just in a very plain black dress and blazer. “You’ve seen me in this a million times,” I laughed.

“Yes but it’s been a week. I forgot what you looked like in work clothes. Let’s just fuck really fast.”

*Maybe my natural state is a total slob… idk.*

“Dude… We just both took the same week off and now we’re going to be late on the same day?”

“Your boss will understand,” he said as he stared blankly at my chest.

“And other folks in the office?”

“I don’t care.” He ran toward me, grabbed my hand, and pulled me into his bedroom and bent me over his bed so fast I didn’t even have time to react.

He pulled my dress up, threw my underwear to the side, and was inside me me so fast I screamed at the first thrust. We were usually slow and passionate, but he threw himself at me over and over until my face was in the comforter and I was grabbing the sheets.

I tried to take my blazer off, but he stopped me and instead held the collar as he fucked me. We both came like that and took a moment on his bed to collect ourselves.

He pulled out his phone and typed out an email. “I just sent you on an errand and told you I was running late.”

“Huh?” I moaned with my eyes closed.

“In an email I sent. I just told you I was running late and asked you to stop by court to check on a document before work. I cc’d the team. We have another hour.”

“This seems unethical.”

“It’d be unethical for me not to fuck you again.”

*Ehhhh, it probably would have been. We had really good sex that morning.*

So modern day Viola is far more stable and married. However, I also just started a job as the CEO of a company. After two years of working in sweatpants during the pandemic, I got out my old suits and my husband has officially gone insane.

The first day I got back from work, he immediately pushed me back on our couch and ate me out before I could change. I thought he was just being nice because he knew I needed to blow off steam, but then he kept going off about how my ass looked in my pencil skirt.

The next morning I wore a form-fitting work dress and when he went to hug me he held on a little too long and I felt movement in his pants.

“Are you hard right now?” I asked as I pushed him back.

“Sorry. I forgot what you looked like in work clothes.”

We fucked that night on the kitchen counter.

Last week I had a brief meeting on a Saturday and when I came home he glanced at me and got *that* look.

“Now?” I asked. “Don’t you have to go slay a dragon or something?”

*He had to go play D&D with his nerdy friends and was on the verge of being late.*

“It can wait.”

I got on my knees and sucked him off for a while, but he finally grabbed the back of my head with a fist full of my hair and pulled me up to meet him. He tore my blazer off, pulled my dress and bra down to my waist, and then told me to put my blazer back on before pushing me back onto the bed.

He straight up pushed my breasts together and fucked them while I had my blazer on. Then he fucking came on it.

So yeah… whatever qualms I have with my line of profession, at least the benefits are good.



  1. It’s a whole thing. I’ve never really had to dress up for my job, and I work from home now, so I mostly wear athletic shorts and t-shirts. But I put together a little Kim Wexler (Better Call Saul) cosplay for my husband’s enjoyment with a button up shirt, pencil skirt, and heels. When I tried everything on for the first time, he lost his damn mind. I mean I said, “How do I look?” and next thing I know I’m on my back. I ended up in a daze with my shirt half undone, my skirt pushed up, and my heels dangling from my feet. 10/10, would recommend.

  2. All this talk of blazers, pencil skirts and heels is making me way too riled up on my vacation without an outlet.

    I showed this story to my best friend and it looks like I’m gonna be breaking out the old corporate drone outfit as well as getting some new free clothes lol. Thanks for that V

  3. there’s that saying about how everything in life is about sex, except sex, which is about power. i imagine the way you wear your professional attire rapidly rewires the brain of your partners; the power you project in them just unlocks a different way they perceive you as a sexual creature.

    it’s tough to articulate, but an attractive woman in a uniform, scrubs, a suit, a jumpsuit, maybe even a target polo and khakis, definitely elevates me in a way i can’t describe much better right now.

  4. Sorry, V. In this case, you’re not special. It’s not just you. There is something to be said about the “lady in the street and freak in the bed” and the suit definitely sells the lady part of it…

    There’s also the fantasy of the “put together” and “proper” women who dress conservatively and “let loose” behind closed doors.

    And there’s just the imagination part of it. It’s nice to see what women look like in a bikini or leggings that leave little to the imagination, but there’s the mystery of what’s under the blouse and pencil skirt. In a lot of ways, it feeds the same things that reading a story gives that watching porn takes away.

  5. Ladies in “men’s” clothing is always good.

    Suits? Yes please.
    Big hoodies? Take them as you wish.
    Boxers? *Drooling*

  6. I haven’t watched the new episode of She-Hulk yet.

    Now I gotta watch it in the basement because it’s gonna get weird, there is no avoiding it now.

    In other news, I have a hole in my underwear now and have to throw them out. Correlation, not causation. TMI? You’re welcome!

  7. Welp someone has to do it right?

    *cracks fingers and inhales*

    > The first time I came out in a pencil skirt and button down shirt, he lost his shit.

    “Clean shirt”

    > I fought him on my way to make coffee and told him to fuck off as I put on heels and grabbed my bag to leave.

    “New shoes”

    > This was fun and all, but I genuinely had to get to work.

    “And I don’t know where I am goin’ to”

    > “I want my cum on this skirt,” he said as he pushed my head into the counter.

    “Silk suit”

    > “Ok well I have to wear this skirt into a meeting with my boss.”

    “Black tie (black tie)”

    > “Fuck Viola!” He huffed as he fell back and leaned against the wall. “Ok. You just look so hot.”

    “I don’t need a reason why”

    > and pushed this creepy dude aside so I could get off and run the rest of the way in my heels.

    “They come runnin’ just as fast as they can”

    > He gave me a guilty look. “I honestly don’t know.”

    “Cause every girl crazy ’bout a sharp-dressed man”

    > “Which one of us is going to be late?” I asked.

    “Gold watch, diamond ring”

    > He looked up and seemed distracted as his eyes swept over me. “Huh?”

    “I ain’t missin’ not a single thing”

    > I was literally just in a very plain black dress and blazer. “You’ve seen me in this a million times,” I laughed.

    “Cufflinks, stick pin”

    > “Yes but it’s been a week. I forgot what you looked like in work clothes. Let’s just fuck really fast.”

    “When I step out I’m gonna do you in”

    > He pulled my dress up, threw my underwear to the side, and was inside me me so fast I screamed at the first thrust.

    “They come runnin’ just as fast as they can”

    > “It’d be unethical for me not to fuck you again.”

    “Cause every girl crazy ’bout a sharp-dressed man”

    > So modern day Viola is far more stable and married. However, I also just started a job as the CEO of a company.

    “Top coat, top hat. And I don’t worry cause my wallet’s fat”

    > The next morning I wore a form-fitting work dress and when he went to hug me he held on a little too long and I felt movement in his pants.

    “Black shades, white gloves”

    > Last week I had a brief meeting on a Saturday and when I came home he glanced at me and got that look.

    “Looking sharp, looking for love”

    > He had to go play D&D with his nerdy friends and was on the verge of being late.

    *Interlude* Well he certainly played with your “D&D” *zing*

    > “It can wait.”

    “They come runnin’ just as fast as they can”

    > He straight up pushed my breasts together and fucked them while I had my blazer on. Then he fucking came on it.

    “‘Cause every girl crazy ’bout a sharp-dressed man”

    and *exhale*

    Isn’t there like a show about lawyers called “Suits” maybe there’s something there heh.

    Well it’s definitely better this way at least you always have a card up your corporate sleeve in case you wanna seduce your husband.

    Keep on slaying life! Cheers to you Ms. V!

  8. I think one should keep a balanced diet of fucking pencil skirts and sundresses. Nice story :)

  9. I don’t event want to see you naked now. Just a suit. Seems unfair to not share.

  10. I have this happen to me except the genders are reversed. I wear cargo shorts and nerdy novelty t-shirts most of the time, then when I put on a suit i have to escape quickly or my wife will make me late for a client meeting.

  11. Dude. All of this. All of it. I love being casual. But when casual people dress up. I’d lose my MIND. And all of this dom/sub stuff going along with it. Man. And cumming on the blazer. Please. I want to do all of this please.

    Maybe after you get dommed, you can peg me and make me beg for you.

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