[M] My Aunt Wanted My Thick Cock

I didnt know what to think when my aunt Sarah invited me over. She rarely ever called me at all, now at 10:30 in the evening, she calls me and tells me she needs help with something. She was one of my favorite aunts and, it makes me ashamed to admit this, she is the only family member I’ve ever had a sexual dream and attraction towards.

She was almost 25 years older than me but her body to me was much more a turn on then most the women I see of my age. He full figure that shaped nicely around her hips always caught my eye. He large, round, thick breasts that, I can only imagine seeing I’ve never touched them, couldnt all fit in my hand always made me catch myself to keep from looking at them when I did see her. Her blonde, naturally flowing hair as clean as her tanned pale skin always made me smile in my mind because I’m an absolute sucker for blondes.

When I arrived at her house, I instantly noticed her husbands car wasnt home which was coming during the week, as he worked night shift at his job. Seeing his car gone made me think that me being the closest male she knows family wise makes alot of sense now why she would call me so late. Thought nothing of it and went up to the door and knocked. After the 3rd knock, she opened the door and good god, did my mind race like lightning when I saw her open in just her closed bathroom robe. He legs smooth silk white even in the dim lighting of the house had me forcing myself to keep eye contact with her and not let myself get a poorly timed and awkward boner.

She greeted me and I went inside. I asked her why she called.
“I am having some issues upstairs with my tv, it wont turn the volume up.” she said. Me, being the tech wiz to almost everyone in my family, didnt take any more of it cuz it hadnt been the first time she asked for my help with something technological like this. So I smiled and said not a problem. I darted up to her room before her, she slowly following behind me. I was such a frequent at her house, I knew where her room was, where the tv was, even where they liked to keep the remote in their bedroom so for me to be eager to go and fix the issue to return home and try and finish my cyber sexting with my girlfriend, Alysa, was a very common thing for me. Plus, seeing how I had been rock hard almost an hour ago with Alysa still had all that horny energy running through my body so I took full advantage to use it towards solving the issue at had for my Aunt.

When I walked in, I noticed she had her side table light on which was normal. I then noticed her tv wasnt even on, which I didnt think much of cuz I know if something electrical is bugging me or being difficult to work, I’d prob just turn it off as well. So I went to grab the remote on the other side of the bed by her husbands bed side table. I reached for it but, me being clumsy and hate to say trying to rush, accidentally dropped it as I grabbed it. It fell to the floor and being some what dark down by the bed, I couldnt really see it so knelt down to feel it with my hand.

As I did I heard the door shut and assumed it was Sarah, since no one else besides her and her husband lived at their house. I said to her “Dont worry, dropped the remote and getting it now. We will have the tv right in a…” and that’s when a moment I will always remember happened that shocked me beyond words. It was Sarah in the room with me and Sarah was always a very proud and conservative woman, barely ever wearing a skirt that was shorter than her knee caps and heels that always covered her toes. But, in that moment in front of my eyes, my aunt of my fathers side from his brother marrying, was standing in front of me with her robe now open and she had on the sexiest pair of pink bra and panties I had ever seen. Her breast barely were covered by the bra, leaving almost bout 85% of her breats still out for viewing and the thong pink panties she was wearing was so thin, I felt like if I snapped my fingers I could snap the strings of them. The room may have had only one light but when I saw her there, felt like the room turned up the lighting to 1000%.

I wasnt sure how to respond and I knew since she was standing there with her robe open and her hands on her hips and smiling, it wasnt an accidental opening so apologizing wouldnt have made much since to do. So I said the only thing I could think at the time which was “Ummmm are…are those new?” Trying not to let my mind wonder and be obvious where it was.

She smiled even bigger as she walked over and said “No, not new”. in a soft gentle voice I had never heard from her that was so arrousing, I knew hiding my boner now was gonna be impossible. She came close to me and said “You see I’ve seen you staring at me before and you are more than age now to know what to do with a woman. And see it we are all alone, you dont have work tomorrow and I owe you for so many times you’ve helped me in the past, I figure what better way to repay you then by letting you fuck this milf pussy till your balls have emptied all over my face.”

Hearing her in the voice, saying words I didnt even think she knew nor would ever say, had my cock sore from being so hard and constricted by my pants. I started to ask of her husband and what about my mom and what about our relstionship…but truth be told, horny got the best of me and all I could mutter out were the two words “damn…ok…”

Hey everyone! if like what you read so far, hit like and private message if you want the next chapter of this 4 chapter short story been working on. Thanks in advance if you read this far!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/wxih7p/m_my_aunt_wanted_my_thick_cock


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