The midnight pool [M/F 30s-40s][oral] [consensual] [romantic][vacation]

That delightful balmy summer evening… We sat drinking chilled white wine on the terrace after our day in the sun, chatting and getting seriously relaxed as the wine’s effects coursed through us. Looking up through the grapevines overhead, the clear sky above was decorated with a million stars and the brightest of moons. Our conversation warm, slow and loving, interrupted by pauses as we soaked in the atmosphere, our silences filled by the sounds of nature around us. No traffic or streetlights to disturb the peace here, only the chirruping of a hundred unseen cicadas, each calling so frantically for a mate that their staccato sawing filled the air…

‘I want to swim’

You stood up and stretched up tall, then, still carrying your glass, made your way over to the steps down to the garden.

I watched from the terrace, sipping my wine as you descended, then made your way, albeit a little unsteadily, along the path through the olive trees. Midway along, you paused, and in the bright moonlight I watched you reach back and undo the zip of your colourful sundress. It fell to the ground in a pool of shadows around your ankles, revealing your long lovely back and a brief pair of panties that barely hid the rich curves of your butt. You bent forwards and, delighted, I watched you slide them over your hips and down, stumbling slightly as you stepped out of them, while still balancing your glass in one hand. So lovely to watch the round moons of your butt and their dark central divide swirling and rolling so richly, as you continued on your way through the trees, the soft olive leaves and twigs gently brushing your bared skin as you passed.

Hypnotized, I was drawn to follow you, my bare feet slapping on the rough slabs of the path as I moved to catch you up. I stopped to pick up the flimsy dress where it laid, and then the panties, delighted to feel on my fingertips the warm imprint of your heat that remained in the soft cotton. I quickly shed my shorts, briefs and t-shirt in turn, to walk naked through the trees, my growing excitement swelling and rising, waggling to point the way along the path.

As I grew closer, the peace of the night was disturbed by the splash of your entering the pool and reaching the pool patio I could see your shadowy form moving effortlessly along through the water, leaving a trail of bubbles behind you as your arms and legs carved their way through the water…

Dropping the clothes on the sunbed, I stood for a while and watched your delightful gentle passage through the water, your movements as fluid as the water itself. When you reached the far end, overlooking the valley, you stopped by the end wall and turned to face me. Seeing me there you stood up, your delicious breasts breaking free of the surface. From where I stood their tips looking like big dark blobs on their delicious rounded curves. With a white flash of smile, you raised your hand and silently beckoned me in…

I stepped down into the warm water, looking inky-black in the darkness and felt its warm balm enveloping me as my body was welcomed into its embrace. I swam slowly towards you, relishing the unaccustomed caress of the water lapping around my cock and balls as they swung so heavily in its flow, the water seeming as thick as treacle in the dark.

As I reached you, you swam teasingly away, leaving me to chase you across the pool.

I caught up with you in the corner and, laughing, we pulled each other in so close.

So sweet to feel your soft, yet firm, smooth limbs wrapping around me, drawing me in as our warm bodies slid together and found their natural fit. Your arms around my neck, our faces moved close in together, and our lips met in such a long, lovely soft kiss. On and on, we couldn’t get enough as our mouths eagerly devoured each other, our tongues now frantically exploring together and inspiring such sweet sensations throughout our bodies.

My hand reached up instinctively to cup and caress a soft warm breast, feeling the pricking excitement of its tip grow stiff and long between my fingers, as you gasped with such a sweet surfeit of pleasure. Your hand in turn reached down through the water and seized and grasped my thick shaft as it stood so hard between us. Mmm such pleasure as you pulled so sweetly on its length, your hand encircling me and moving slowly up and down as we stood so close together, connected by our lips and through all of our senses.

I needed more of you and, reaching my hand down, slipped it in between your thighs in turn. My fingers encountered the sweetly delightful folds of your pussy as it nestled there, as my fingers gently opened you its sweet flow mixed with the water to make such a delightfully slippery entrance, as my fingers slid between those soft puffy lips and then so teasingly inside. I felt the little bump of your clit growing so hard against my fingertips as they slowly circled its smooth head…

Our kisses became more intense, our bodies wrapped so tightly together, skin rubbing so deliciously against skin, soft friction lubricated by the water washing over and between us.

Smiling, you turned and heaved yourself out of the water… Sitting back on the pool edge, with your thighs pulled right up, you presented me with me the most delightful view and such open access to all the treasures between your parted legs. I moved in close and began to lick…

At first, the flavour of chlorinated water was all I tasted, but licking on, this was quickly supplanted by more and more of your sweet secret essence. Your creamy juices flowing so freely now, as I lapped and lapped at your sweet pussy, those puffy lips now so swollen and gaping open as my tongue probed your inner darkness and its delicious wet heat. You leant back on your arms and gave yourself over to the complete pleasure of being licked and explored so completely and thoroughly, your thighs wide and your wet head hung back in ecstasy as you opened yourself to all the pleasures of my lapping tongue and teasing fingers. I felt you beginning to tense and then suddenly let go, quivering and twitching, your thighs suddenly clenching together as if to squash my head, holding me tight in to you and screaming out in pleasure, an animal call that split the night as you came in wave after wave, covering my face in your delicious spurting cum…

At last your spasms subsided and your relaxed down… but I could tell you wanted more…

Slowly you slid back into the pool and kissed my glistening face, tasting you on me and savouring the exotic essence that had flowed so copiously from you.

Turning now, you propped your arms and rested your boobs on the pool edge and gazed out over the twinkling lights of the valley laid out below, your breathing slowly subsiding, but your butt sticking out so invitingly…

I needed no second invitation…

Moving round behind you, I hugged you close from behind, my still-rampant length sticking out hot and hard up between your thighs as you slowly rocked yourself against it… Oh such delight, feeling my hood being pulled gently back and forwards by your hot wet groove, my tip coming to rest right between those swollen lips. This was too much for both of us – reaching down, you positioned me against that delightful entrance and pushed gently back, swallowing the head inside and then opening to draw in my whole length.

What a delight, to slowly move together in a deliciously synchronized delight, and feeling every hot thick centimetre going in and out in an eternal rhythm. You laughed in joy at being entered so deliciously in full view of the entire valley, yet with no one to see or know…

Your body made weightless in the water, it required so little effort from either of us to settle into the sweetest of rhythms, each feeling the rushing in and out, no longer knowing where one body stopped and the other started, each time my length buried inside your hot depths to its fullest extent, my balls floating up to bounce against your clit, bringing such delight to each, while looking down I could see the dark open divide of your butt, with each stroke becoming filled by the slap of my belly against you.

Such pleasure… Such pleasure was eternal…

Yet also, as our movements became faster and harder, as our excitement grew, and our sexes grew more and more swollen and locked together, we both began to long for sweet release. You found your release first, thrashing hard against me and creating big sloshing waves in the pool as you let yourself go so completely and gave yourself over to such pure total pleasure…

I knew I wouldn’t be far behind you, I was so big and hard inside you as your insides milked me so richly up and down … but you had other ideas. Pulling away at the last moment, you turned to face me and before I knew what was happening, took a deep breath and duck-dived down in front of me…

Oh what a joy to find your hot mouth sucking me in so deeply, as you knelt there under the water, a stream of bubbles emerging as you slowly let out your breath. The delicious pulling suction of your cheeks and tongue was all too much for my already massively excited state and I felt the release rising from deep in my balls. You felt it too, as my cum came squirting out in huge great gushes to flood your mouth and at the last moment pulled your head away, my spurting semen immediately becoming thick white puffs of cloud in the warm dark water, as you laughed in triumph at your handiwork and I let the spurts come and come from my crazily twitching cock…

At last we stopped for breath, and laying on our backs in the water, floated gently together, fingers entwined, breathing slowed into total relaxation, lost in the peace of the night, gazing up at the immensity of the skies and wondering at the myriad stars above us…


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