[M] Medical Exam Accident? M(31)

Recently I had to go to the hospital for an ultrasound because I was experiencing some pain and swelling in my groin. So just like every time in the hospital I had to strip down to my underwear and put on a gown, but I was hyper attentive to the idea of not getting hard so as not to be put in an awkward situation or make anyone else uncomfortable.

I was succeeding at not getting hard through multiple examinations and thought that I was going to make it and have everything go fine. Then I got wheeled back to get the actual ultrasound and I realized this was probably going to be the hardest exam to keep my composure through.

I get wheeled into the exam room and the tech asked me to go ahead and take my boxers off and cover up with a towel while she prepped the equipment. My tech’s name was Erica and she was probably in her mid 20’s, fit and definitely not unattractive, but not really my type so I thought I’d probably make it through the exam without any embarrassing moments.

Erica starts spreading the gel on the wand and then moves the towel and begins the exam. The gel was really warm and actually felt quite pleasant on my undercarriage but I was focused and managed to control any impulses by staring off into the corner of the room. Erica continued to slide the wand around my balls and up to the base of my shaft and I don’t know if she was conscientious of the tension or that I was focusing on keeping my composure, but she made a little side comment, “At least the gel is warm, so I bet that feels good,” and I completely cracked.

She was completely correct, at this point it had begun to feel incredibly good and the smirk she gave me along with the chuckle I let out at her comment utterly destroyed my composure. My cock started to rise and I was getting hard really fast. The towel started to stand up but Erica kept going with the exam as if she didn’t notice.

I was acutely aware of what was happening and I was trying to regain my focus. It wasn’t Erica’s fault, she was just doing her job and I didn’t want to put her into this situation and I was getting really embarrassed. Erica proceeded with the exam, trying to stay professional I would assume, and she slid the wand under my balls and brought it up right to the base of my hard cock. Then out of nowhere, despite my attempts to control myself, I felt an orgasm plunging towards me and all I could say was sorry as I grabbed the towel and held it over my throbbing cock spewing cum.

Erica obviously pulled back and then announced that she would go get the other senior tech as she slid out of the room. I was completely embarrassed and in utter astonishment that I got hard and came during my exam. At that moment I was really concerned that I had done something inappropriate and I felt terrible for Erica that that had happened. I still largely feel that way, but I’m also starting to have some slight creeping feelings of it turning me on because I’m into exhibitionism, but I would never have done this on purpose because I wouldn’t want to violate another person’s space or person.

The rest of the exam went on as normal and I didn’t do or say anything to draw attention to what had just happened and neither Erica nor the other tech brought it up either, but I still felt bad and really embarrassed about it.

TLDR: I had an ultrasound on my groin; during the exam I got hard and came; now I have conflicting feelings about the situation

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ww605u/m_medical_exam_accident_m31


  1. Since your younger it’s only natural when a woman is down around this area especially around your bits and pieces. I luckily have an older GP and when I go in for my yearly physical the boys stay in check. And I’m twice your age. LOL.

  2. I’m older and it happened to me once. I took a viagra the night before and the wife went at it.
    Well that shut was still working the next morning because the minute that warm jelly started being rubbed around my sack I got hard as a diamond. And yes, busted a nut too. 🤷‍♂️. Definitely wasn’t intentional.

  3. I recently had to have my nut sack ultrasounded also… But while I’m still verile at 61… The tech was a lady in about her 50s and not attractive… And the room was really chilly… So Willy stayed small and didn’t cause any drama. Still would have appreciated a prettier tech though… But not to the point of squirting during the procedure.

    Sorry you had such a negative experience!

  4. I went in for a hernia exam. At the clinic I got a nice young doctor in her early thirties. She asked me to wait a minute while she went and got someone else because they needed a witness in the room. She returned with a cute young nurse in her mid twenties. Now you can drop your pants. Oh, well that makes everything better. You girls got any other friends you’d like invite in here.

  5. Don’t worry man I also got a erected for ultrasound but it was for my balls but manage to control my self, but I didn’t ejection. I’m sure the nurses understand no need to worry

  6. It happens. My first orgasm was during a testicular exam at 12. Very embarrassing.

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