[C] Becoming A Sissy Bitch For A Four Armed Futa Alien. [Part 1] [M/Futa] [M 20’s, F 20’s] [futa] [feminization] [Gentle Femdom] [Submission]

[Features: Alien, feminization, futa, blowjob, handjob, volunteer mind alteration, crossdressing, femboy, gentle femdom, and anal]

The universe is a vast place. Most people haven’t really traveled it. Me? I work as a privateer. Word use has changed quite a bit from what it used to mean. Personally, I’d prefer ‘temporary colonizer’ but I don’t make the words. I show up to a new world, help start the farms, make sure the wildlife isn’t gonna murder the first people going to settle down, make sure the *people* aren’t going to murder each other, and work as a general handyman before I’m given leave. Which is a fancy way of saying they dump me in the nearest Star city or space station or anywhere else that is specifically *not* where I just spent months of my life setting up. Me a bunch of others. It’s profitable work and you get to see all sorts of new places and new species but it can leave you in a lurch.

Currently, I found myself whittling away the ‘detox’ time (damn unions) on “Simulacrum 8”. Don’t ask me why they named a whole Star City like that. Makes no sense to me either. Could have at least made the eight, well, eight instead of the number. Just seems unprofessional for a place where millions live but I guess that’s how things just go in the galaxy sometimes. Good people though, exotic. Farther out than I ever really go. More than a few species of aliens I’ve never even heard of before. Dangerous thing, that. Lack of knowledge can be a killer but I’ll probably be fine. Privateers don’t exactly do light work after all. I could probably take most of them in a fight. Still, no need to start trouble if trouble doesn’t want to start with me.

I went to a nice little dive bar called “The Scope Goat!”. Don’t understand the name but whatever. It was a nice place I had found. Not too many people but not so lacking it was dead. Not a place for the more criminal types either. Not that that’s an issue but sometimes a man just wants a gin and tonic or a beer without worrying he’ll have to be shanking someone or choking someone out before the end of the night. I walked through the doors and nearly stopped dead.

That’s when I saw her.

A Krystállina.

It wasn’t a race I knew a *lot* about, only some rumors. But those rumors said a lot. Before any of that though, just looking at her? Well, she was impressive. God damn.

She was tall as hell, light purple, with four arms, only four fingers on each but that didn’t seem like any hindrance. And when I say light purple, I mean it. Her skin, her hair, her eyes, her nails, all a light purple, just with slightly different tones to them. She had horns that seemed pale blue or maybe a steel-like color? Long and curving only near the top, outwards. And what she was wearing was… revealing to say the least. It was hard to describe but it was a fancy, almost religious seeming garb, of white and gold. It showed her legs, her arms, and her breasts without being too indecent. The only reason her legs were covered at all though was because she was wearing thigh highs that went, well, to just the thighs. As if any higher would have been an insult. And damn, the breasts. God, they were huge. Solid C’s or D’s but the height was messing with my measurement.

All of that, and her pure athletic physique, was impressive. But the rumors I had heard were what had made me stop dead.

See, Krystállina? They only mate with their own race, I think? But what they can do is take another race and change em. Makes them really submissive, turning them into kind of ‘drones’ or something. That kinda mental change ain’t common, even among all the different species. At least not like that. I can’t even imagine it. Willingly letting yourself just completely, change like that? Becoming totally submissive, willing to do what another person says and tells ya to do? What on earth would that be like?

My mind conjured up some examples, trying to connect the idea to something. To working under someone or even certain toxic relationships I had had but, none of those were where I *wanted* to be doing any of that. That internal change, I just couldn’t imagine it. I don’t think I could even *act* submissive if I tried. I had always been a bit of a, bullhead. Hot-headed, domineering, an asshole, these were words others had called me before. That last one plenty of times. So maybe the fascination of being my opposite was what drew me in, maybe it was how damn hot she was, but I knew I had to talk to her. I approached her, deciding to go in cocky. If ya gotta make an entrance, it might as well be one worth talking about.

“Hey beautiful, couldn’t help but noticed you’d stolen my heart from across the bar. Pretty impressive.”

She looked at me and seemed to smirk at that. She let out a little laugh even.

“And who might you be, the one without a heart?”

“You can call me Jaxter. Jax for short.”

“And I am Kione. Tell me, Jax for short, what has attracted you to me on this fine night?”

“You mean besides your good looks? Well, I won’t lie, I’ve heard a few rumors about your race.”

That seemed to cause her light and playful mood to change. I couldn’t exactly tell the look on what her face meant though.


“Something about how you make people submissive? Turn them into drones or something?”

Her face seemed to lighten and she smiled.

“And were you interested in becoming submissive Jax? I have to say, it is odd to get those sort of requests.”

“What? Oh, no. Sorry honey but that ain’t me. I’m not the submissive type. But it’s pretty fascinating still. You can really do that? Turn someone totally submissive like that?”

She laughed.

“The process is a bit more involved than that, but yes. It is an innate racial ability all Krystállina possess. I would forewarn however, before any nasty rumors spread, that it only works on the totally willing. We are a hierarchical race, not a slaver race.”

I felt a shudder pass through me. No wonder she had mixed feelings earlier when I said I heard rumors. Must be pretty nasty if all you heard was that a race had the powers of mind control. No one would forget the Vixen any time soon, after all.

“Yeah, no, I get that. Still pretty cool, even if I don’t want to lose my mind any time soon.”

“Oh but it’s merely a shifting of perspective. I can say with confidence none of the drones I have met have been unhappy with *that* part of their existence. Life still abounds and displeasure’s still come and go, but overall, a drone has a much easier time of being happy my dear Jax.”

“Ha! Well maybe, but still, I can’t say it’s for me. And besides, I’m much more interested in what else you can do. Those hands certainly seem, versatile.”

She smiled and we flirted and drank the night away. It wasn’t a surprise for either of us when she offered to have us go back to her place. Though it did sting my pride a little but my place was, ah, well I needed to do some cleaning. Still, as I walked back to Kione’s apartment with her, I couldn’t help but find myself smiling, or maybe it was a smirk. Just thinking about what that body could do, woo. And she was so damn tall. I didn’t think of myself as short but I may have to rethink that for tonight at least.

When we finally got in, I saw that whatever Kione did, it certainly made more money than I did. It was an apartment only in name. It was not a small space and looking around, I saw she had a few interests. There was the latest VR headset, as well as more old-fashioned consoles. I even saw a copy of Final Fantasy LXIX. The fact that she had the physical copy itself was telling. There was also some anime-related stuff like posters or items. No android helper but wasn’t surprised. Those were *expensive* on space stations.

But there was more than that. Hanging in her living room was an honest to god Sword. It looked like a rapier. It looked ornamental but I was starting to get the feeling that what looked ornamental with the Krystállina was *not.*

It had the same light purple tone as Kione’s hair, but only about halfway before it went to a more normal steel coloring. There was a gold inlay all throughout in two lines before meeting near the tip, forming what looked like an outline of a sword with a sword. There was a symbol diamond in the middle and the hilt was so fancy it almost hurt to look at. Black, gold, purple, complex lines. It wasn’t a mess but it was certainly fancy to a T.

“What’s that?”

I couldn’t help but ask about it.

“Ah. Well, let’s just say that many species know war and leave it at that.”

Yeah. Definitely *not* ornamental. A sword might seem a silly weapon in the current era but I’d seen them work where bullets failed. So try not to piss off the potential warrior lady or get stabbed. Got it.

It wasn’t long before we made it to her bedroom and honestly, besides noting that the bed was *big*, I was far too excited to really worry about the rest of the room.

I looked over at Kione and her smile was very *hungry*. Oh, yeah. I’d never tried lifting a woman taller than me before but I damn well was going to try tonight.

I needed no instruction, this wasn’t my first rodeo after all. The second I saw that look I had begun removing my clothes and Kione just watched. I winked at her while she enjoyed the show.

By the time I was done, Kione was just beginning to remove her thigh highs. I had a certain worry that removing the thing she was wearing would be difficult but honestly, with how little it was, I doubted it.

“Get on the bed, Jax.”

Was a bit mixed on that. I definitely didn’t want to be the bottom but the night was just beginning. No need to be a wet blanket.

I laid down and damn, the full glory of Kione was before me. She was tall but now she felt like a giant. She was standing there, looking down on me, when she snapped a few things on her clothes I couldn’t see and-

“What the fuck is that?!”

Kione blinked but I was having *none* of that! Kione was ripped, her breasts were huge, her thighs could’ve crushed my head, she looked beautiful…. Except for the massive erect cock she had! What on earth?! Had she been a guy this whole time?!

Kione was looking more than a little confused before she blinked and smiled.

“You didn’t know? That’s usually the first thing others hear about my species.”

“Hear what?!”

“All Krystállina are hermaphrodites. We’re a hermaphroditic race, crystalline, with the power to make the willing into submissive drones. These are what I assumed you meant when you said you heard the rumours about me. It seems I was mistaken though.”

Jesus Christ, *all* of them have a dick? I feel like an asshole and an idiot. Kione must’ve thought I was gay this whole time!

“Yeah, sorry about, about this. Gods. I had no idea you had a-”

Kione had reached out with one hand was rubbing my leg, while another was reaching for my cock.

“I-I’m not gay.”

“Hmm and you can remain not gay. But surely you wouldn’t say no to a little fun?”

Kione grabbed my dick and I suddenly felt, very not in control.

“Just lay there and relax. Let me take care of you.”

One of her hands was stroking my dick, while another had moved towards fondling my balls. The other two grabbed my legs and pulled me closer. I was now, *very*, uncomfortably close to her dick. But, a, a handjob was fine right?

As if to mirror my thoughts, Kione spoke up.

“Relax. Relaxxx. We won’t do anything you aren’t comfortable with. Just let me pleasure you for a bit. Don’t worry about anything else. Just listen to the sound of my voice and focus on my hands.”

And oh god those hands. I’d never been with someone with four arms before and clearly, I had been missing out. One continued to stroke me, slowly, up and down, while another massaged my balls, constantly rubbing them gentle. The other two were each on the sides of my legs, seemingly giving them a massage, lightly touching them, roaming my body. I felt the tension practically drain out of me as the pleasure started to seep in. Yeah, yeah a handjob was *completely* fine. Kione made me feel like she was a masseuse. Hell, maybe she was.

I really wasn’t submissive, there was a fierce part of me that wanted to get up, bend Kione backwards, ignore the dick and balls, and just ram her. But, as she gripped a little tighter and kept massaging my body, my interest in submission returned. If I didn’t have that part of me… how much more enjoyable would this be? What would it be like to be totally submissive even for a second?

It felt like I was drifting, it was a lot more peaceful and relaxing than I imagined tonight going. I imagined things a lot more, intense. No, more than that, I wanted it to be a lot more intense. It was so, unusual to be so at peace and so frustrated because of it.

The feeling of Kione’s hands are what I focused on. She was going faster yet still being gentle, like a wave of water. The hand on my balls was constantly moving back and forth or side to side, rolling them around, her fingers brushing against them like they were marbles. The one on my dick had a loose grip was going faster and faster, up and down. The only lube was my own pre-cum but it was more than enough. It didn’t quite feel light as a feather but it was definitely a feather touch. The hands on my legs were strangely the most firm, focusing on muscles and rubbing and stretching them, making my legs feel like jelly. I knew there was probably some sounds coming from me but my eyes were closed, just taking it all in, feeling the build up of heat and lust in me, before-

I came, all over Kione’s hands. I even felt her stroke and grip, making sure as much came out as possible. When I was finally done shuddering and twitching from cumming, Kione was already at my side, standing but crouching, smiling at me. One of her hands on my leg, one not covered in cum, was rubbing my head.

“Did you feel good?”


It, it was strange. It was really strange. She was rubbing my head and smiling at me while I was in an afterglow. It felt, wrong in a way. I felt like my pride as a man was hurting quite a bit. Especially since, in that moment of clarity, I realized with a grimace that I hadn’t pleasured Kione at all. That just wasn’t right. Dick or no dick, you don’t just do a one night stand, get a handjob, and that’s *it*. I felt like a fucking heel.

“S-sorry.” It felt awkward, super awkward, to be apologizing for sex but I wouldn’t have led her on if I had known she had a dick! This whole situation was fucked in my opinion.

“Now now Jax, don’t worry about such things. I had a wonderful time and you got to enjoy yourself.”

“I didn’t pleasure you at all though.”

She smirked at that and rose an eyebrow.

“Unless you’ve suddenly gained a desire to suck dick, I can’t say that is at all surprising.”

“Ha. Almost makes me wish I was one of your drones for a bit. Not so I could suck dick or anything like that but being submissive even for a bit would probably have made this whole situation a little easier to swallow.”

“Ah, well yes, you did seem interested. Jax, would you like to make that change temporarily if you’re so curious?”



“Yes, I have a crystal that imparts part of the process. Not a full conversion of course, merely a changing of the mind. And make no mistake, it’s a change of the mind, not mind control. You’ll be submissive. The full details of that means you’ll be, inherently, more subservient, more willing to take orders, more willing to let others decide your actions for you. But it is not a totality. It’s almost entirely centered on me and if someone were to, say, ask for your wallet, besides innate fear, nothing is stopping you from telling them no. The change will last for only a few days and still requires complete acceptance. Would that be something you’d be willing to try?”

I thought about it. It had been something I’d been curious about even back at the bar and it’d been something on my mind constantly when I had been laying down and *not* fucking the hell out of Kione. It’d be interesting, to be so totally different from myself. How often can others say they’ve done that? To get a whole new experience like that? And I’ll still be myself, I ain’t a bitch. I’ll just resist the effects if its get to be too much during those few days.

“How many days?”

The rest didn’t take long. Me and Kione cleaned ourselves up and she brought out the crystal. I tried to use it and-

“Uh, I don’t think it’s working.”

Usually, kione looked gentle or was smirking, the type of woman to laugh a lot. Now was the first time she seemed entirely done and actually rolled her eyes at me.

“Jax, full acceptance. Total and complete. You can’t not want it. That goes against how it works at a fundamental level. There’s a reason I don’t try to convince people of anything regarding the process. It would be useless. You either want to try or you do not.”

She was right. I was, was I fucked scared? I cringed at myself. Nothing wrong with fear but I was afraid of, what, not being myself? Nonsense. No crystal was going to turn me into not me if I didn’t want it. I could take it.

I reached out to the crystal again and… it worked? I guess?

But I didn’t feel any different. That was kinda, weird. Maybe it didn’t work?

“How are you feeling?”

“I feel… the same.”

“Exactly. You are still you. Go home now Jax, rest and relax. I’ve put my number in your omni-trex, so feel free to get ahold of me.”

“Oh uh, sure.”

Nice! I wasn’t expecting to actually get her number. Wow, this had gone amazingly well. From a one night stand to an ongoing thing hopefully. I couldn’t wait to be in her bed again.

I said my goodbyes to Kione, but not before a kiss that made me feel flustered. Would I have felt flustered before? Was that part of it? I was trying to see what was different but everything honestly just felt the same.

I got home and found myself lying awake. I tried to go to sleep but I just couldn’t stop myself from thinking about Kione. God, I wanted to fuck her.

Sleep came eventually, but it was hard, thinking about Kione.

The next day, I woke up and felt… fine. But all throughout the day, relaxing, eating, watching some movies, Kione was on my mind. It got so bad I eventually just called her.

“Jax, is everything alright?”

“Uh, yeah but, does that crystal make me obsessed with you?”

“I did warn you, it will have me be your focus. Drones are used in a mostly sexual capacity. Your inate interest combined with the mindset of the crystal will make me constantly be on your mind during these few days. That is part of the changes.”

That was, fine? I’d probably be thinking of her anyway, even without the crystal. She spoke up again and I felt my heart rate speed up at her words.

“If you’d like to, have a more enjoyable evening, I am available tonight Jax.”


In a way, I almost wish she *hadn’t* said that because all throughout the day. It was *all* I could think about. I wanted, I wanted her so bad it nearly hurt. It wasn’t in a creepy way, not really. It wasn’t overpowering. But god I wanted to fuck.

I wasn’t noticing any *submissive* effects. Just a kione and wanting to fuck effect so far.

The night rolled closer and closer and *finally* it was time. I showed up, maybe a bit, too early.

She smiled at me.

“Jax” She said sweetly.


“We were going to meet up tonight at 9 standard right?”


“It’s 7, my dear Jax.”

“I uh, got the time wrong?”

She just laughed and I felt myself feel a bit heated. Ok, fine, I was really horny.

She let me in and I immediatly wanted to head the bedroom. I felt like, I felt bad. Sex shouldn’t be everything I wanted out of Kione, she seemed like an amazing woman, but the crystal was messing with me too much.

“Well, someone is excited.”

“It’s that stupid crystal. I didn’t know it would make me *obsessed* with you.”

“Not obsessed. Most of it is coming from you Jax. It seems I was more, impactful, than you imagined.”

I felt a bit embarrassed at that and turned away. It was easy to blame the crystal but she wasn’t wrong. This whole thing, it was just so, fascinating. It beat the months just sitting around doing nothing, waiting for my next assignment, that was for damn sure. A super hot alien woman, from a race I’d barely heard of, with mind changing crystal affects. It was night and day compared to my usual life. So much more exciting and without any risks like exploring a new planet comes with.

I felt four arms around me and looked up… and up. Kione was above me, looking down. My head was between her ample breasts.

I felt something hard pressed against me but I tried to ignore that. It wasn’t very difficult.

“I see no reason to wait Jax. Let’s head to the bedroom.”

She let go and gently pushed me forward. I gulped, feeling nervous for some reason.

Once in the bedroom, I wasted no time getting undressed but it felt, different this time for some reason. Once I was naked, I was expecting to be told to get on the bed again, for the same thing to happen, but once I was naked, Kione went to her closet and pulled something out.

“Jax, go ahead and put this on.”

I looked at it and my jaw dropped. It was a maid costume, emphasis on ‘costume’. It was frilly, with a skirt, but where the crotch was, there was a large hole, clearly meant for something. It was, also, incredibly pink. It was the single most sterotypically girly thing I think I had ever seen.

“What?! No way!”

“Come on now Jax. Wear it.”

“I, I won’t even look good in that!”

I heard her mumble something below her breath that sounded like “not yet” before she just looked at me and smiled warmly.

And waited.

N-no, I wouldn’t do it.

She just smiling, full of warmth, waiting.


She radiated acceptance and love. But it also felt like she was a wall of steel at that moment. Impossible to refuse. Domineering but not tyrannical. She wouldn’t *force* me, to do anything, but it also felt like I’d end up doing whatever she said anyway…


It was only a few minutes later before I felt myself trying to cringe into myself and die. I was wearing the maid costume. My dick was poking out the whole in the front and I looked, horrible to be honest. Just, horrible. Bright pink and white and fluffy and, just, terrible.

“You look cute.”

My heart sped up a little at that.

“N-no I don’t. I look horrible.”

Kione reached out with one hand and began rubbing my head. I felt myself leaning slightly into it. It felt good.

“You look cute.”

I felt myself cringing and blushing. I didn’t want to look cute! …Did I? I, I guess that was okay, right? It was better than looking ugly as hell.

Before my thoughts could go further, I felt Kione reach down and pick me up!

She was carrying me, in a bridal type position!

“P-put me down!”

She just smirked and one of her two hands *not* carrying me, reached over and began stroking me. I heard myself let out a moan while her other hand started rubbing my head again.


“I-I’m not- *Ahh*”

She hadn’t stopped stroking me, hadn’t stopped carrying me, hadn’t stopped gently stroking my head. I felt so, so…

So turned on.

I wanted to do more and more. I didn’t know what, but I wanted more.

Kione kept pleasuring me, smiling down at me. Staring directly into her eyes as she carried me and get me off was just, I felt small. What was strange was how much I enjoyed that feeling.

It wasn’t long before I ended up cumming all over the maid costume, the white cum mixing with the pink and white of it.

Kione put me down on the ground gently. I was on my knees and right in front of me was her cock. I wasn’t gay. But Kione wasn’t really a guy, right? And, and it was there right in front of me and I was *horny* still. It, it wasn’t right that I wasn’t pleasuring her, right? My mind tried to think but it just, I didn’t, I-

I started sucking it.

Before I even understood what I was doing, one of Kione’s hands came down and started holding my again, but it felt very very different now.

“Good boy.”

That sent a shiver up my body, a pleasure that felt amazing. I was Kione’s good boy. And her cock, it was so, so awesome. It was big and hot and it filled my entire my mouth. I hadn’t noticed how long and thick it was before.

I looked up at her, her dick still in my mouth, and saw her eyes peering down at me. My mind felt fuzzy, lost in lust. It was so hot, it was so good.

“Such a good boy you are Jax. Keep sucking. You’re doing so well.”

I kept doing so, it wasn’t a conscious thought or decision, I was just doing what felt good and god it felt *so good*. All those adjectives people use was right. Long, thick, hot, warm, hard, it was all of that. But they don’t describe how I felt. I felt it filling me up, dominated, at her mercy. There was nothing stopping me from ramming her meat down my throat and throat fucking me and that thought brought so much pleasure that I ended up moaning with her cock in my mouth. But no, she was gentle. Gentle and beautiful and amazing.

I sucked and sucked until-

“I’m gonna cum Jax. Swallow it.”

Her voice was panting, breathy, heavy. I felt like I was gonna cum again just from hearing it. My mind barely registered her words. I was lot and gone and enjoying every moment of it.

Then warmth, liquid warmth, filled me and I felt like coughing. It poured down my throat, salty and thick and sticky. I swallowed it down and felt it coat my entire mouth before hitting my stomach.

Kione moaned above me, sounding far more, animalistic than before.

But one of her hands never left my head, gently running through my hair.

“Good boy.”

I felt tired. That was, hot. Physically hot. I was sweaty and tired and it was all so overwhelming.

I was also basking in the afterglow of it all.

I felt more than understood that Kione was picking me up again, but this time she must’ve been very dextreous because it wasn’t long before I felt the air on my skin and realized I was naked. She had taken my maid costume off.

She brought me over to the bed and it wasn’t long before we both fell asleep, her holding from behind with all of her arms. It felt nice to be the little spoon and be held.




I woke up slowly and felt better than I had in, god, years. Then the event of last nights hit me like a sledgehammer and, well, I still felt pretty good but also very, very confused. I, did all of that, really happen? I did that? Part of my mind was now experiencing gay panic, another part was worrying about mind control effects from a crystal, and another was scared at how much I enjoyed the whole thing.

That last part was winning, cuz it was all coupled with the fact of *how much* I enjoyed all of that, which was a galactic ton. It had all felt so, so great. So unbelievably great. Remembering her stroking me, me sucking dick, her stroking my head the whole time, being called a Good Boy. It all brought so much, joy. Which was also scary and very confusing. Focusing on her stroking my head seemed innocent enough at least. That was a, warm, soft joy. Just pure, happiness. And there’s the fear about mind control again. I’m gonna need some time to think about all of this.

“Good morning Jax.”

I heard a soft whisper next to my ear and jolted a little. I had somehow forgotten who was holding me, or that I was being held.

“How are you feeling?”

I really, really considered lying and maybe it was the crystals effects on me but I eventually just told the truth.

“Scared a little bit to be honest.”

She hugged me tighter.

“Scared about what you did last night and if it was the crystal affecting you?”


“It was. I told you, it makes you more submissive. That means you wish to serve. You wish to pleasure others. You wish to be ordered and told what to do. And you are more willing to go along with what others say. Particularly me. You felt pleasured, you felt happy, you felt good, and you wanted me to feel so as well. You wanted to serve me, to be dominated. So you did.”

“…That’s what its like to be a drone?”

“Yes. To let all your worries seep away as someone else takes control. To feel pure pleasure from pleasuring another. To feel happiness merely by serving another and even more by being acknowledged. There are more specific effects but they all stem from the same basic concept.”

“You know thats uh, kinda scary right?”

“Don’t be afraid. The effects of the crystal are already starting to wear off. In a few days time, they’ll be gone entirely. The innate pleasure and desire from submission will leave you, as well as the other effects.”

“What on earth are these other effects?”

Somehow, even from behind me, I could tell she was smirking.

“Did you like feeling cute last night Jax?”

“That! That was, that was, I wasn’t cute!”

She laughed and breathily whispered in my ear.

“You looked so pretty.”

I squirmed at that. Okay, so the drone mindset also makes me, uh, like being girly?

Soon, Kione let me go and we both got on with our day. I went back home and did… nothing. She was right, my thoughts were no longer nearly as obsessed with her. It was, it was boring. Dull and grey. It wasn’t even just the lack of near obsession. Trying to think about doing what I did again just, didn’t carry the same joy.

Alright, sure, sucking cock again, yeah, makes sense I wouldn’t be in love with that idea.

But even just her holding me like she did or being called a ‘Good boy’ or being carried or wearing something ‘girly’, none of those things seemed appealing anymore.

Soon, my thoughts went back to how I’d normally feel and well, those just felt, normal.

I didn’t meet Kione the next day, we were both busy and our lives didn’t *revolve* around one another.

As the effects started to wear off more, I found myself… sad. Empty almost.

Maybe it should have been hard to see why, but that part was easy. I enjoyed something and now I couldn’t enjoy it anymore. And I’d lived all my life feeling how I normally feel, the return of feeling like I’d enjoy bending a nice woman over and fucking the hell out of them just didn’t carry the same joy as what was in my memories.

That part did take some thought. I can’t say I’m the *most* introspective but when you’re messing around with your own mind, not thinking things through and trying to understand them is just stupid.

And it eventually came to me.

I was submissive all my life and I hated it.

Not in a personality way but in actions. Parents tell you what to do, how to do it, set rules and regulations. Teachers are the same, and no one really likes it. And then, you’re free and can do whatever you want… except not really. Now you’re just directionless, total freedom of your life means you don’t know what to do. Some people take like that to a fish to a water but me? I just, I just drifted. It’s not like I’m in love with being a privateer, it just got me to go to new places, which was nice. See the universe.

But not only are you now mostly free and directionless, the world still craps on you on a good day and you still have plenty of rules and laws to follow. Your company or job, the governments, your community, little and big things. Always under *someone’s* thumb. And most people hate it, swallow it, ignore it, and go on with life.

The idea of suddenly waking up and *loving* to follow the governments orders or will made me shiver in horror. Even if I’d love it, I sure as fuck wouldn’t be me, right?

But that’s not how it was with Kione. I was 100% me, just a me that loved being doted on and controlled… by 1 person. If she suddenly pulled a knife or that scary sword, I wouldn’t just be okay with it, I wasn’t insane. If she told me to do something I *truly* didn’t want to do, I wouldn’t do it.

Honestly, the whole mindset was mostly geared towards sex. And that was *more* than fine by me. Because god, a life of submissive sex sounded better than whatever the hell I was doing now. Not that I wanted to be that permanently but, a little while was fine.

I went over to the crystal. Kione had given me it. I grabbed it and felt the fading effects be reinforced. Suddenly, what we had done before didn’t just seem nice, doing them *again* seemed like an amazing idea. I found my thoughts *filled* with Kione, of sucking her dick, of having her cum over me, of dressing up and twirling for her in that maid costume.

It was jarring, yes. It was arguably unnatural, sure.

But god, I was already so much happier.

And frustrated. I was already cursing myself for not contacting Kione and seeing if we could meet up *before* using the crystal. If I had to wait a day or hell, *multiple* days before seeing her, I feel like I’d go crazy.

Luckily, after calling her, she said she was free tonight.

I tried, I really, really tried not to show two damn hours early. I even succeded.

I showed up one hour early. Progress.

Kione took one look at me and her trade mark smile made an appearance.

“You used the crystal again Jax?”

“Yeah. I just, I felt better this way.”

She didn’t say anything to that but her smile did grow wider. Before long we were back in her bedroom.

“I feel like all we do is have sex.”

“Oh? If you want to go watch a movie instead right now, I am more than willing.”

“I didn’t mean right now!”

She chuckled.

“Don’t worry Jax, I have a feeling that soon, we’ll have much more time to spend together. But before that,”

She walked over to her closet and brought out an outfit. I had mentally prepared to wind up in that maid outfit again.

I was not at all prepared for a latex crop top, a black speedo and, is that a collar?!

“What on earth is that stuff?!”

“Just a few fun items. Go on. Put them on.”

“No way!”

I was absolutely not going to-

She was giving me that look again.

I folded like a deck of cards.

It wasn’t long before I was wearing the speedo, which was also latex surprise surprise, and the latex crop top. I looked like some kinda bdsm kink person.


“How is this cute?!”

“I think it’s cute.”

I felt myself practically blushing. Am, am I really cute… like this? No way!

I took a double look at Kione. She was already naked and seemed… hornier than usual. There was just a certain, fire, in her eyes.

“Now the collar.”

The collar was a simple black band. Unmistakably a collar but not anything crazy. The idea of wearing one was weird but, it was fine, right?

She closed it around my neck and it was, tight. I don’t think I could’ve slipped a finger under it.

Then Kione grabbed at the front, slightly below the collar, pulled and-

“What is that?!”

Kione blinked.

“A leash of course.”

“This collar has a leash?!”

It was true. I hadn’t even noticed it but the collar came with a damn leash. Kione gave it a light tug and I felt my head being pulled forward a little. Oh boy.

Kione looked at me. She was fully naked, her four arms at her sides besides the one holding the collar, light purple skin glistening in the light, cock hard and erect, her horns seeming to give her another foot. She seemed, like a lot of woman.

“Get on your knees.”

[Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/WarixViviana/comments/ww644n/c_becoming_a_sissy_bitch_for_a_four_armed_futa/)

[Read more at /r/WarixViviana. Commissions open.]

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ww67xn/c_becoming_a_sissy_bitch_for_a_four_armed_futa