Meeting Daddy on vacation, Day 1&2 [F35/M40] [D/s]

**Day 1**

The suitcase on my bed is filling up fast. Looking forward to my vacation, a much needed break after my break up. Packing up my bikini and other clothes. I also bring some of my toys just in case I want to play with myself.
After putting my things in the car I get behind the wheel, turn up the music and get on my way.
After a few hours the surroundings become more forest-like and I see the entrance of the vacation park. I have booked myself a 7 day stay in a vip cottage. It has a sauna, bubble bath, rain shower and I get fresh bread delivered every morning! Love it! In the middle of the park there is the Dome with restaurants, a supermarket and tropical swimming pool.
After getting the keys to my cottage I drive there and unload my car. Then drive the car to the parking lot, I walk back and enjoy being away from home. The pine trees smell so nice.
I unpack the food and put it in the fridge. Hang up my clothes and look at a blue short dress, that is what I want to wear. I go to the bathroom and freshen myself up before slipping into the blue dress. On my way to the Dome I see a lot of families with children but also single men and women, probably have their significant other waiting in the cottage for them.
At the restaurant I ordered my food and a drink. There is so much to see around here, nature and a pond with fish, in the back I see part of a bowling area and other restaurants. People coming in and out to the swimming pool.
When I am enjoying my delicious meal the waitress comes over, “the man over there,” she points to the end of the bar “offers you this drink.” A tall brown haired man, nice looking body from what I can tell, wearing shorts and shirt, waves at me when he receives his food and walks away. I thank the waitress and don’t think much of it.
Back in the cottage I turn on the sauna, in the bedroom i underdres myself and put up my hair in a bun. I rinse myself off in the shower before getting in the sauna. The heat of the sauna feels so nice. I close my eyes and feel my body and mind relaxing. I lean my head backwards against the panel. Before I realize it my hand is stroking my body. In my neck, over breasts, pulling my nipples, it feels so good. My other hand is stroking my thighs on the inside. I spread my legs and my hand moves upwards, stroking my labia and slowly moving them apart to play with my clit. With slow circles I tease myself.
My cunt and fingers are wet, I feel so honry that I want to cum. I rub my clit faster until I feel my body tense up from my orgasm.
I get out of the sauna and take a long shower.
Slip into the bathrobe. I have a drink on the terras looking at the stars above me.
And then I go to bed, it’s been a long day.

**Day 2**

After breakfast I decide to go for a walk on the park. I walk past a playground and further ahead I see goats and sheeps. I stop at the fense and stay there for a while looking at the animals.
“Hello” I hear behind me and turn around, “Hello”.
That is the man from last night! What is he doing here, alone? I wonder.
“How is your vacation?” He asks. “I arrived yesterday and I am enjoying every minute of it. And you?” I ask him, curious to find out if he is alone. “I arrived yesterday as well. It’s a lovely park. I am in cottage 38, there in the back” he points towards where he came from, “I was hesitant to go on vacation alone but I am glad I did. I can use a break and rest.” He says.
While he talks I take a good look at him, brown short hair, hazel brown eyes, nice legs, small belly and good arms! “I came alone as well. Vacation is much needed to recharge.” I answer. “Are you on your way to the supermarket?” He asks. I have no need to go there, “Yes I am but I wanted to look around a bit as I go there.” I lied, “Want to walk with me?”
“Yes, that would be lovely.” he says.
Together we walk and make small talk towards the store. It feels like we have a good connection, laugh a lot and won’t stop talking.
As a real gentleman he opens the door for me as we go into the store. I get myself a bottle of wine and he buys some breakfast items.
“May I walk you to your cottage?” “Yes you may.”
When we get to my cottage we talk for a bit before I go inside. Not long after I got inside there was knocking at my door. “Sorry it’s me again” he says, “my name is John, I realized I never introduced myself.”
“Nice to meet you John, I am Rosa.” And I shake his hand. “May I ask you out to dinner Rosa?” He asks nervously. “I would love to go to dinner with you!” I say smiling. “Should I pick you up tonight at 7?”. “Yes, come pick me up at 7.”
The whole afternoon I kept thinking about our walk and how fun it was. The later it gets the more nervous I feel about going to dinner with him. But I am also excited.
Standing in front of the closest, wondering what I want to wear. I lay out matching lingerie on the bed. Then my eyes fall on a top where my breasts look good in. And match it with a pair of jeans.
Before I get dressed I take a shower.

Right at 7pm he knocks on my door.
“Hello” I say smiling when I open the door. “Hello, you look beautiful.” John says. “Thank you. So do you.” I answer. I close the door behind me, I feel a little nervous and excited. John is exactly the type of man that I like and hopefully I can get to know him better. Together we walk to the steak restaurant in the Dome. At the table John guides me to a chair and i takes place. He takes the chair across from me. There are some delicious meals on the menu, we both order what we want when the waitress comes over and enjoy our drinks while we wait. Near me is a burning candle and I keep watching the flame as I listen to John talk about his work. A few drops of candle wax fell on the table, I ran my fingers through the wax and play with it. “You like to play with wax?” asks John. My face turns red as I feel caught doing something I shouldn’t do. Honestly i say “Yes i like playing with wax. Have you tried it?” John swallows and says “Yes I have and enjoy it.” Nervously not knowing how to proceed the conversation I still play with the wax “What do you like to do?” John asks me. “I like to paint, play games or go out for a day” As i start to answer our dinner is being served. During dinner we talk more about what we like to do in our free time. For dessert we both ordered ice cream. John used his spoon and fed me some of his ice cream.
After a wonderful dinner we walk past the playground and I run to the swing and get on it. “Ohh, should I push you?” John asks, smiling. “Yes please!” I say. John comes up behind me and helps me swing. Subtle, I feel his hands touching my bum and I don’t mind at all. “Does my little girl enjoy herself?” He asks. “Yes i like the swing” not sure if i should have added daddy to it. “Do you also want to go off the slide?” He asks, “Yes, let’s do that.” I say enthusiastic. I jump off the swing and climb up the stairs for the slide. John is standing at the end and catches me when I slide down. With his arms around me I stand up, “Sorry for my childish moment” I stumble.
John looks at me and takes my head in his hands and kisses me. He is a good kisser!
“I don’t mind at all, little girl.” he says. He takes my hand and we walk to my cottage.
We swap phone numbers and kiss goodnight.

An hour later I am in the bathtub with a drink and my satisfyer. This man made me so horny!
A text comes in on my phone “Hey little girl! I had a wonderful evening, can’t stop thinking about you! xx John.” Reading his text and having the satisfyer on my clit makes me orgasm right away.
I sent him back “Hey Daddy, I had a great time with you! I am taking a bath now before going to bed. XXX” Cause of course i want to get his attention.
“I like it when you call me Daddy. Do you need Daddy’s help washing your body?”
“I think Daddy would do a great job with his big hands” I send back while rubbing my breast.
“I would rub the soap between my hands and massage your shoulders. Slowly working my way to your breast. Taking my time to soap them in, play with your nipples”
“Would Daddy like to come over and give me a hand?” Curious to see if he would want that.
“Are you sure little girl?”
“Yes Daddy, I am sure! I left the sliding door open, you can use that to come in.” I tease him more.
I don’t get a text back but after a few minutes the bathroom door opens and there is Daddy.
“Hello little girl, I hear you want some help.”
“Yes Daddy, I want your help” I say smiling.
Just like he texted me he rubs soap between his hands and massages my shoulders. I enjoy feeling his hands on me. I look up cus i want a kiss. “What do you want, little girl?”
“I want to kiss you Daddy” He leans to me and we kiss. His hands move down to my breast. With his big hands he massages my breast and play with my nipples. I turn on the satisfyer that I still have in the bathtub with me. Before I can put it on my clit Daddy’s hands grabs mine and says “No little girl, we play by my rules” he takes over the satisfyer and puts it gently on my clit. With big eyes I look at him. I did not expect that reaction but i like it! I squirm and moan from pleasure.
Daddy takes my hands and guides me to take off his clothes. First I take off his shirt, stroke his nipples and then slide my hand down to unbuckle his jeans. I can tell Daddy is as excited as I am.
I open his jeans and slide his jeans and his underwear down. His cock is looking right at me, I want to kiss it! I try to kiss his cock but Daddy moves his cock away from me.
“Move a bit forward little girl” says Daddy as he steps into the bathtub behind me. I can feel his hard cock on my back as Daddy leans me backwards on him. His hands massaging my breast feels so good! With one hand I try to grab his cock behind me but Daddy wont let me. “You want to feel Daddy’s cock?” He whispers in my ear. “Yes Daddy” I said softly. With both hands Daddy spread my legs a little and used 1 hand to rub my clit. I lay my head on his shoulder as I moan from pleasure. Daddy switches his hand for the satisfyer and pushes 2 fingers in my cunt. Daddy keeps fingering me with the satisfyer on my clit. I squirm and moan until I tense up from my orgasm and relax. “Little girls are supposed to thank Daddys for their orgasm” He whispers in my ear. “Thank you Daddy” I whisper.
As I lay there catching my breath, Daddy’s hands slide all over my body. “Time to get out of the bathtub little girl.” And we both get out. Daddy kisses me and tells me to place my hands on the edge of the bathtub. Daddy strokes my back and says “Still want to feel Daddy’s cock?”
“I do Daddy” I say. Daddy stands beside me with his hard cock, I am waiting to find out what he is going to do. Daddy gets up behind me and I feel his cock pushing against my wet cunt before sliding his cock all the way in my cunt. “That feels so good Daddy!” I moan. Daddy grabs my hair “Look at me as i fuck you little girl!”
I look at Daddy’s face as he fucks my little cunt. I can hear how wet I am, I am so honry. With each thrust I moan. Faster and faster Daddy fucks me. Daddys pulls out his cock and shoots his cum over ass. “Thank you Daddy” I say. Daddy slaps me on my ass and says “Lets go clean you up little girl”
After we dried ourselves off I ask Daddy, “Do you want a drink?” I ask and walk off to my bedroom to put on my fuzzy pants and top with clouds on it.
We snuggle up on the couch together. “There is just one thing, little girl,” Daddy says. “Oh what is it Daddy?” “Well in the bathtub you cum without asking Daddy if you were allowed to. That does mean Daddy gets to punish you so that next time you will ask for permission like a good little girl.” Daddy continues. “I am sorry Daddy, I want to be a good girl.” I say.
“Come over my knees” Daddy says. I bend over his knees, Daddy pulls down my pants and rubs his hand over my ass. “Little girl I will go easy on you this time but you do need to count for Daddy.” As the first slap hits my ass “1….” I count. “2….. 3….. 4….. 5….” Daddys hand rubs the place he just hit “Now you’re almost done little girl” and Daddy rubs the over ass cheek. “1….” I count again, “2…. 3….. 4….. 5….”. “Good little girl, come sit with me” Daddy says after spanking me.
I start yawning, it has been a long exciting day. “Does Daddy want to sleep here?” I ask.
“I would be pleased if you want that”.
And together we go to bed.

`Hope you like and enjoy it!`
`What else do you hope for?`
`Let me know`
`Do not pm me, react here…`


1 comment

  1. Sounds like every mans dream vacation! Well written. Couldn’t keep my hand off myself.

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