“An Unexpected Night of Fun” [F20/F27/M29, threesome, bi-sexual, double creampie]

It was 12:00 pm on a Saturday in May in Southern California and the weather was perfect that day. My fiancé, Jasmine (F27, 5ft 3in) who is a naturally gorgeous, curvy and busty Latina decided to let me know that we were going over to a birthday party at 6:00pm for her best friend Lana’s little sister who was turning 10. This was annoying to me because she had found out earlier in the week and had forgotten about the party until the day of. I had planned on relaxing at home because I had a long week at work, but when you’re in a relationship sacrifices need to be made.

My beautiful fiancé was rummaging through our closet and pulled out her favorite sundress, which looks great on her. When she put on this sundress it fit her curves perfectly in addition it displayed her perfectly shaped 34DDD breasts. This dress was both cute and sexy at the same time, but not inappropriate for the occasion.

I (M29, 6ft 3in) decided to put on a pair of pants and a button-up shirt and slicked my hair. My fiancé pointed out that she could slightly see my bulge, but there isn’t much I can do about it even with the boxer briefs I was wearing. My cock isn’t huge by any means, but I’ve been told it’s of a good size (7 in long / 5.5 in girth) and has a beautiful appearance. Jasmine loves to point out my bulge whatever chance she gets, but there isn’t much I can do about it and I honestly like that she loves it, but she doesn’t need to know that.

It was now 4:30pm, so I grabbed an 18-pack of beer from the fridge and her best friend’s sister’s birthday gift. Once we made sure we had everything we got into my car and headed a few miles across the city to the party.

Chapter 1234…:

It was now 5:45pm when we arrived to the party which was hosted at Lana’s parents house. Her parents house was exceptionally beautiful and had plenty of room to host at least 20 guests comfortably. The house had a large driveway with multiple cars parked on it, a 3 car garage (first thing I notice, since I love working on cars), 5 bedrooms, 2 1/2 bathrooms, and a beautiful backyard with a pool.

Once we got out of the car we were surprised to be greeted not only by Lana, but her other close friend Samuel, who had flown in from out of state. Luckily for me, Samuel and I were good friends too and would now be able to have a drinking buddy. We gave both of them a hug and headed through the house and to the backyard. The backyard was setup for the party with all of the birthday decor, tables, and a large stack of birthday gifts. There was an Island bbq/bar area where Lana’s dad was BBQing hamburgers and Carne Asada. The backyard was filled with at least 18 people, mainly Lana’s family members, whom I had never met before, but Jasmine knew most of them and introduced me to everyone. Jasmine and I went over to Lana’s dad at the BBQ to say hello, when Lana’s mom stepped out and shouted our names out with joy and embraced us with big hug. Her mom was especially excited because she hadn’t seen us since we became engaged and was astounded by the beautiful ring that I had put on Jasmine’s finger. She congratulated us both and went back to prepare for the party.

Jasmine stated that she was going to go catch up with Lana and Samuel while I went to go put my 18-pack of beer in one of the coolers. I grabbed one of my beers and cracked it open and took a drink. I couldn’t help, but notice that one of Lana’s cousins whom I had never met was staring at me with a smile from across the way. I made eye contact, nodded my head and smiled back before heading over to the table were Jasmine, Lana and Samuel were socializing. Lana’s little sister made her way over to our table and Jasmine and I both said, “Happy Birthday Vicky!” as we handed her the wrapped gift. Vicky smiled and started to shake the gift to try to guess what was inside, but was unable to guess what it was. Vicky said, “Thank you!” and ran off as soon as she saw one of her friends walk through the door into the backyard.

Finally, the food was ready and Jasmine grabbed me a plate of carne asada tacos and I went to grab everyone their requested “adult beverage”. While over at the cooler Lana’s cousin who had been staring at me earlier was also grabbing a drink, we locked eyes and introduced ourselves. She said, “My name is Carmen, nice to meet you. You must be a friend of Lana’s” and I replied, “Yes, I’m Bruce, Lana’s best friend’s fiancé”. Carmen then said, “it’s very nice to meet you” and then proceeded to walk over to her table. While walking back to her table, she turned her head back and smiled at me once more. I wasn’t sure if she was hitting on me or if she was just genuinely nice, after all she had to be at least 19 years old. She was very pretty and had a beautiful smile, which was something I had noticed when I initially caught her staring at me from afar.

I walked back over to our table with the drinks and we began to catch up while eating and drinking. After we had finished eating, we continued socialize about our recent life experiences and shared a few laughs before Lana’s mom brought out the birthday cake. Vicky sat down in front of the cake with her friends at her side and we all proceeded to sing “Happy Birthday” in both English and Spanish. Vicky blew out the candles and began to open her presents. Once Vicky got to our gift she smiled, looked over at us with excitement and opened the small box that Jasmine had meticulously wrapped. Vicky pulled out a small Polaroid camera and a couple packs of Polaroid film that she had been wanting for awhile. Vicky ran over to our table, thanked Jasmine and I, gave us each a quick side hug before returning back to open the rest of her gifts.

Once Vicky was finished opening her gifts, we each grabbed a slice of birthday cake and broke out a bottle of Tequila. Jasmine, Lana, Samuel and I took a few shots over the next hour while we continued to share stories. I decided to get up and grab Samuel and I another beer from the cooler. As soon as I got up I could feel Lana’s cousin Carmen staring at me again, but this time I didn’t make eye contact because I was relatively sure that she wanted me at this point. I opened up the cooler and scrounged around the ice for the last of my beers when someone’s ass had accidentally bumped into mine, or so I thought. I turned around and to my surprise it was Carmen going through the other cooler. She turned around and said “I’m so sorry” with a smiling grin. I replied, “it’s all good” and walked back with mine and Samuel’s beer. We continued to socialize at our table for a couple of hours and the majority of Lana’s family and Vicky’s friends had left because it was now 10:00pm.
Of course Lana’s cousin Carmen was staying the night too because she hadnt seen Lana and Vicky in a few months, so she wanted to make it a time well spent. Lana’s parents had offered us to stay the night since we had been drinking and so that we could hang out longer because after all it had been 1 year since we had all been together. Every time Jasmine, Samuel or myself stayed the night her parents always saved a room for us because we were a second family. Jasmine and I had taken her parents up on their always generous offer and thanked them before they went off to bed. It was now 11:00  and we were slightly drunk, but not too drunk since we had “paced ourselves”.

Jasmine gets particularly horny once she has a few drinks in her system. Luckily she can control it when I’m not around, after all that’s one of the many reasons why she is my fiancé. Jasmine and I were sitting on one side of the table and Lana and Samuel were sitting on the other side. Jasmine had put her hand under the table and began to rub my bulge until I began grow in my pants. Lana and Samuel had no idea because we were still both talking and laughing while she was teasing me under the table. During this episode of “fun”, Carmen had come out of nowhere and decided to join our table. Jasmine had subtly took her hand off of my now insanely obvious bulge and held my hand instead. I’m pretty sure that Carmen had caught a glimpse of what had happened, but I wasn’t sure and kept on acting like nothing had happened. Lana had offered Carmen a margarita, but Carmen said that she was only 20 years old, as she held up her soda. Lana said, “fuck that, you’re family and you turn 21 in a few months. You’re going to have a margarita!”. Lana got up and went over to the island/bar to make her a margarita. Carmen noticed Jasmine’s engagement ring and said, “Oh my God, that is a beautiful ring!”. Jasmine replied, “Thank you so much”, turned over to me and said, “He did such a great job, we got engaged 2 months ago”. Carmen then congratulated us on our engagement and began to ask us how we met.

Lana came back with a strawberry margarita for Carmen and said, “here is your margarita, little one” before sliding it over to her. Carmen smiled and began to sip on her margarita while we all continued to converse. After about 10 minutes we had all noticed Carmen had downed her strawberry margarita and Lana commented, “Wow! look at you” and we each chuckled. Lana asked if she wanted another margarita and Carmen replied, “I would love another one, thank you cousin!”. Lana smiled while looking at Carmen and said, “Come with me, I’ll show you how to make one”. Carmen got up and walked over to the bar/island with Lana. Samuel had excused himself because he had to use the restroom, which left Jasmine and I alone for a few minutes. Jasmine grabbed my hand and put it under her dress and over her wet pussy. I could feel that her wetness had soaked through her panties. I inserted my finger inside of her slit and began to finger her subtly at the table whilst keeping my eye out for Samuel, Lana and Carmen. After about 4 minutes had gone by, I spotted Samuel walking towards the door to the backyard, I pulled my hand out of Jasmine’s dress and picked up my cold beer with the same hand. Samuel sat down and so did Lana and Carmen shortly after. I noticed that Carmen’s margarita had a orange hue to it and said, “Changing up the flavor, huh?” and she replied, “Yes, I went with mango this time and I made it myself” and I responded saying, “Nice!”. Carmen had been sitting at the end of the table between the four of us and was seated closest to Lana and I.

After a few more minutes of talking, Lana abruptly jumped up out of her chair accidentally knocking Carmen’s half empty mango margarita all over my lap and screamed, “Fuck, there’s a spider on my leg!”. Samuel got up and helped her swat away the harmless little spider. Lana noticed that she had accidentally spilled the margarita all over my lap and said, “I’m so sorry Bruce, I’m gonna go grab some towels from the kitchen, I’ll be right back”. Samuel decided to go with Lana to the kitchen to help her. Carmen had a couple of napkins in front of her and immediately began to help clean up the mess off of my lap. Jasmine followed suit with her napkin too. They had both cleaned a large majority of the mess off and attempted to pat my lap dry. I could feel Carmen trying to focus on my now fairly large bulge, which was now made more obvious because of Jasmine’s previous efforts. I felt her put her hand on my bulge as she caressed my cock briefly, as she went in for one last pat with her napkin. I wasn’t sure if Jasmine caught a glimpse of Carmen trying to touch my cock, but I didn’t want to find out. After about a minute, Lana and Samuel had returned with multiple towels and handed them to me. I covered my bulge with them before anyone else could see it and did my best to dry myself even more.

After the mango margarita incident, we had all continued to talk for another hour or so, before we decided to call it a night. My pants were almost dry and my cock was now flaccid, so I didn’t have to worry about the outline of my cock to be on display for the world to see. We all stood up from the table and wished each other a goodnight before going into the house and to our rooms. Once we were inside of the house, Samuel walked over to the long couch in the living room and went out like a light.  Lana and Carmen had went to their rooms which were across from our room.

Before going to our room I grabbed my “emergency sleepover bag”, which is always conveniently in my car incase we decide to stay the night at a friend’s or for an unexpected event. I grabbed the bag and couldn’t help but notice Carmen in her underwear getting ready for bed through the window at the front of the house. She had an amazing figure, a beautiful ass and her breasts were at least a C-cup. I caught myself staring and snapped out of it and continued to bring the “emergency sleepover bag” into our room. Jasmine and I grabbed our toiletries and had joined each other in the bathroom to brush our teeth and get ready for bed.

Jasmine and I went into our room and got undressed,so that we could put on our pajamas. As soon as Jasmine took her bra off I dropped to my knees, grabbed her gorgeous big tits and began to suck on her beautifully pierced nipples for a minute, until she began to lightly moan. She made me stand up and shoved me to the edge of the bed and pulled my pants and boxers off before revealing my engorged cock. She wrapped her lips around my thick cock and began to slowly suck and and lick the tip. Suddenly, out of nowhere our door swung open and Jasmine quickly covered herself up, but in doing so left my cock completely exposed for whomever stood in the doorway.

It was Carmen! and of course it had to be her, but this time it was an accident, she was slightly tipsy from her margaritas. Carmen, stood in the doorway frozen with just a long t-shirt on and underwear. You could tell that she wasn’t wearing a bra because her nipples were peeking through her shirt and as soon as she realized this, she attempted to cover them up. Only a few seconds had gone by, but it felt like a lifetime, especially since my cock was completely exposed and pretty much staring her straight in the face. Jasmine exclaimed, “Oh shit”! and Carmen still stood in the doorway frozen and continued staring at my fully engorged cock. Jasmine quickly threw me a pillow and I covered myself. Carmen, then looked down and said, “Oh fuck! I’m so sorry, I thought this was the bathroom door, it was dark in the hallway and I ….”. Before Carmen could finish her sentence, Jasmine quickly got up pulled Carmen in the room and closed the door before anyone heard what was going on.

Unbeknownst to my beautiful fiancé, when she had stood up to close the door, her sundress that she had used to cover herself fell to the floor. She now stood right next to Carmen completely naked. Jasmine looked at Carmen and said, “You don’t need to worry, it was just an accident” and Carmen replied, “It really was, I’m so sorry to catch you like this. I feel so bad”. I replied, “Shit happens, we are embarrassed too, we should have locked the door”. We all had a faint embarrassed giggle. Jasmine, now realizing that she was completely naked, quickly ran over to grab her dress to cover up again and said, “I didn’t realize I was naked, I’m so sorry that you had to see that”. Carmen replied, “It’s honestly okay, I was actually admiring your boobs, I love your nipple piercings!”. Jasmine thanked her with a smile. I awkwardly sat at the edge of the bed with my now semi-hard cock covered by a pillow and cleared my throat to get their attention. Carmen and Jasmine realized that this was still an awkward moment and Carmen apologized once more before turning around and walking to the door. Carmen put her hand on the door knob and Jasmine, quietly and quickly said, “Wait!”. Carmen let go of the doorknob and turned around and looked at Jasmine. Jasmine uncovered herself once more and exposed her beautiful big tits, as Carmen and I looked at each other with surprise. Jasmine then said, “I saw how you intentionally touched his big cock when trying to pat him dry and I also couldn’t help but noticed that you were drooling over his cock just now”. Carmen became even more stunned and so did I.

Carmen looked at me as if she was asking me to help her. Jasmine had lightly grabbed Carmen’s chin and turned her head so that they were face to face. Carmen still had no idea what to say. “Hell!, I wouldn’t know what to say either if I were in her position”, I thought to myself. She got closer to Carmen’s face and asked, “Well, am I right? “. Carmen began to cry and replied, “I’m really sorry, I couldn’t help myself, I didn’t want to disrespect what you guys have, I just found him to be so sexy”. Jasmine wiped away Carmen’s tears away and calmly said, “I forgive you, thanks for being honest”. Carmen stopped crying and had a confused look on her face. Jasmine reached out her hand for Carmen to grab it. Carmen then grabbed Jasmine’s hand and they both walked over to me. Jasmine sat Carmen down next to me, ripped the pillow off of my lap and exposed my cock which was still semi-hard. I was in shock and was starting to get ideas, which quickly made my cock rock hard once again. Jasmine looked at Carmen and asked, “Since we’re being honest and now that we have trust, do you still want his cock?”. I quickly looked at Jasmine with wide eyes and said, “Wait, what? Are you …” before she put her hand over my mouth and told me to “shut up”. She turned back over to Carmen, with her hand still over my mouth, as she waited for her response. Carmen sighed, looked at the ground and said, “Yes, I still want his cock. I saw you rubbing his cock at the table when I walked up and it made me want him so bad”. Jasmine replied saying, “Oh really? is that so?”. Carmen then looked at me, slowly moved her eyes to my erect cock before looking back at Jasmine. Carmen looked at Jasmine with puppy dog eyes as she bit her bottom lip.

Jasmine looked at me and nodded saying, “Can I share your cock tonight?”, she paused for a second and thought about what she was saying and then said, “Sorry, I meant share my cock tonight”. Stunned, I looked at Carmen who was still biting her bottom lip and then to Jasmine, who was beginning to take off Carmen’s t-shirt. I replied with a smile, “You’re the boss babe, it’s your cock, like you said”. As soon as Jasmine took off Carmen’s shirt, my cock quivered and became harder than I thought possible. The sight of both of them next to each other was like something out of a dream. They both had very similar body types, but Carmen’s breasts were slightly smaller and slightly perkier and they both had an incredible ass. They were both goddesses in my eyes. Carmen looked at Jasmine and asked, “Can I suck on your amazing tits, you’re nipples look irresistible? ” Jasmine then looked at me and asked, “Well, can she?”. I looked at Carmen and replied, “You can do as you please”. Without hesitation, Carmen grabbed Jasmine’s glorious tits and began to gently suck on her pierced nipples, just like I had before she walked into the room. I couldn’t help, but think how hot this was to me and I watched in awe as Jasmine started to lightly moan again.

Jasmine prompted me to come over to the both of them with her index finger, so I did. Jasmine grabbed my head and shoved her other nipple into my mouth. Carmen and I were now face to face sucking on my fiancé’s hard nipples. Carmen then reached for my hard cock and Jasmine slapped her hand away and, said “Not yet, that’s still my cock!”. Jasmine told me to lay on the bed as Carmen continued to suck Jasmine’s nipples. I got up, dimmed the lights and made sure to lock the door this time. I then made my way over to the bed which was California King, surprisingly. I laid down on my back with my cock pointed at the ceiling.Thankfully, when the bedroom doors are closed you can barely hear anything. It also helped that most everyone was in a deep sleep and because our room was furthest away from the other rooms. Carmen’s room was right across from ours and she had left the TV on which helped dampen the sound more. Both Jasmine and Carmen joined me on the bed.

Carmen looked at my throbbing hard cock, bit her lip again and turned to Jasmine. Jasmine nodded at Carmen and said, “Show me how bad you want it”. Carmen dragged her tongue slowly up my left thigh, over my balls, up my shaft and slid my cock into her mouth. She then began to suck my cock slowly as she teased the tip of me with her tongue simultaneously. With my cock still in her mouth she locked eyes with me, smiled to the best of her ability and began to put my thick cock deeper into her mouth. Jasmine looked at me, smiled and sat her deliciously wet pussy on my face. I began to lick her tasty pussy and grabbed her hips so that I could bury her pussy and ass deeper into my face. Jasmine began to moan lightly and said, “You’re tongue feels so good baby”. Carmen continued to suck my cock as I was licking my fiancé. I could feel her saliva dripping down my balls and into my ass. This went on for a couple of minutes before Jasmine decided to show Carmen who the boss of my cock was.

Jasmine pulled her wet pussy from my mouth and laid across from Carmen on the other side of my legs. She looked at Carmen and said, “My turn, let’s trade”. Jasmine grabbed my cock and wrapped her beautiful lips around it and put me deep into her throat as she began to suck me sloppily. Carmen, who was still lying at the edge of the bed, hesitated for a few seconds. Jasmine pointed at Carmen and then at my face before Carmen decided to move over to my head. Carmen looked at me and said, “I hope you’re hungry for more” before she threw her legs over my face and slowly sat down. Her pussy was so wet, I’d go as far as saying that it was soaked and it tasted surprisingly sweet. I decided to put my tongue deep in her pussy as I grabbed her ass and thrusted my tongue deep into her and she let out a sudden moan. As I was tongueing her pussy, she became so wet that it began to drip down my face, but I did my best to lick it all up.

Jasmine salivated all over my cock and began to deepthroat all of me. “Fuck!, she sucks on me so fuckin good, I’m so damn lucky”, I thought to myself as my cock went into her throat. She was actually getting me pretty close to cumming, but I beared down and focused to prevent spewing a huge load. After a few minutes of pleasure, Jasmine asked Carmen if she was ready to sit on me? I thought to myself, “Dammit, I don’t have a condom and before I could say anything, Jasmine asked Carmen if she had a condom. Carmen, replied with a slightly sad tone saying, “No, but I’ve been taking birth control for over a year because my now ex-boyfriend and I wanted to be safe when we were together, I never stopped taking it just incase”. Jasmine looked at me and I looked at her and we both nodded at each other once again. Carmen saw us nod at each other and smiled from ear to ear knowing what it meant. Jasmine, then moved Carmen to the center of the bed and made her get into the downward dog position. She then grabbed my cock and moved me right up to Carmen’s beautiful little pussy. Jasmine began to tease Carmen’s soaked pussy with the tip of my cock, rubbing it up and down along her soft lips.

I looked over at Jasmine’s thighs and noticed that her juices were dripping down to her ankles. She was just as wet, if not wetter than Carmen. I looked at Jasmine and said, “You look really excited baby” as I hinted at her wet thighs. “I’m very excited”, replied Jasmine. I then grabbed Jasmine and made her lay on her back underneath Carmen. Jasmine began to suck on Carmen’s perky tits and started to play with her own clit. I grabbed my cock and began to slowly stick it in Carmen’s tight little pussy slowly, as to not hurt her. Carmen let out a moan once my cock was about halfway in, she looked in my eyes and said, “Give me all of you, please!”. I then slowly thrusted the other half of my cock inside of her and gently fucked her. Her pussy wrapped around me tightly and my cock slid in and out with ease. “Fuck!, you feel so good!”, said Carmen as she was moaning in between each thrust. After multiple thrusts, I pulled my wet cock out of Carmen and she immediately began to quiver and collapsed on top of Jasmine.

Carmen and Jasmine then began to kiss each other, which was a sight to behold. I then put my cock inside of Jasmine’s beautiful pussy and began to fuck her hard and fast. You could hear my cum-filled balls slapping her ass as I went in and out of her with speed. Jasmine tried her best to moan as quietly as possible by kissing her harder and by shoving her tongue deeper into Carmen’s mouth. Jasmine grabbed a handful of the bed sheets and began to gasp as I fucked her harder and faster in front of our horny new friend. Carmen then decided to turn around and lick Jasmine’s clit to the best of her ability. “I love fucking Jasmine on while she’s on her back because I get to see her amazing tits bounce up and down”, I thought to myself. After a few minutes of jack-hammering Jasmine’s pussy, I could see her grip the sheets even more as Carmen continued pleasing her with her tongue. Jasmine let out a loud moan and her curvy body began to shake intensely while she was having an incredibly awesome orgasm. I could feel Jasmine’s pussy squeeze my cock tighter with each moan, which felt even more amazing for me. I turned Jasmine’s head around and began to kiss her as she was still winding down from her orgasm.

I pulled my beyond erect cock out of Jasmine and her whole body began to involuntarily shake even more, especially since Carmen began sucking on her now extremely sensitive nipples. After a minute, Jasmine came back to Earth, looked at Carmen and asked if she wanted to be fucked hard too. With amazement Carmen looked at me and said, “I’ve never been fucked like that before, but I’ll try it”. Jasmine looked at me and said, “Show her what it’s all about baby”. I replied, “Yes, ma’am” An proceeded to pick up Carmen, threw her on her back, grabbed her hips and thrusted all 7 inches of my thick cock in her tight little pussy. She gasped and said, “Fuck me hard daddy!”. Jasmine grabbed a pillow for Carmen, to help suppress her loud moaning as I began to fuck her like she’s never been fucked before. She kept finding something to hold onto and finally grabbed the bed sheets like Jasmine had done. She was moaning uncontrollably, thankfully most of her moans were muffled by the pillow that Jasmine had handed her. After a few minutes of intense pleasure, I felt the urge to cum. Jasmine could hear my tone and pace change as I felt urge increase. Jasmine winked at me and asked Carmen if it was okay if I came. Carmen immediately took the pillow off of her face, looked me in the eyes with intensity and said, “Cum inside me right now, give me all of it daddy!” Jasmine moved and put her head on top of Carmen’s stomach right next to her cock-filled pussy.

I gave Carmen at least 5 more hard thrusts, ensuring that she got every inch of me before I exclaimed, “I’m gonna cum!”. I buried my cock deep inside of Carmen and began to fill her up with what seemed like one of the largest loads of my life. My cock kept pulsating as I filled her with my thick warm cum. Jasmine watched with amazement and began to lick Carmen’s clit as I continued to fuck Carmen’s tight cum-filled pussy.

I could feel my cock starting to get smaller, but as I continued to thrust more and more, I became hard again. Jasmine looked over at Carmen and said, “Are you ready to cum?” and Carmen replied, “Yes, please!”. Jasmine began to lick Carmen’s clit with passion and it looked like she had done it before. “Has she done this before?”, I thought to myself. Carmen started to moan and her body began to lightly quiver between each slow and deep thrust of my cum covered cock. In addition with each pass of Jasmine’s tongue on her clit, I could tell that Carmen was going to explode with pleasure any minute. I could feel my cum start to thicken and begin to develop the consistency of whipped cream as I went in and out of her tight pussy. After at least 2 minutes of this, Carmen said, I’m gonna….” and before she could finish her sentence, I grabbed the pillow and put it over her mouth to muffle what would have been extremely loud moans. Jasmine pulled her head away from Carmen and let her have a wild orgasm as I slowly fucked her through it.

After Carmen finished her out of body orgasm, I pulled my cock out of her. I then picked up Jasmine off of the bed and pinned her beautiful body against the wall, that way she was facing Carmen. I began to kiss her with intense passion, as I slid her pussy on my cum covered cock. I fucked her slowly, holding her from the ass, as I kept her pinned against the wall. Jasmine said, “I love you so fuckin much!”. “I love you too”, I replied. I began to kiss her neck as she continued to make eye-contact with Carmen, who was now watching us from the bed. “It felt so good having my creamy cum covered cock slide in and out of her”, I thought to myself. After about 5 more minutes, I felt the urge to cum again, but I held it back once more. I started to fuck her harder and went a little deeper with each thrust. The urge to cum started to return and I whispered in Jasmine’s ear, “I’m going to fill you up baby, are your ready?” and she replied, “Yes, baby”. My cock pulsated again as I filled my beautiful fiancé up with another big load of my thick cum. She began to grind on my cock as I pumped my load deep inside of her, which intensified my orgasm. I could hardly hold her up by the time I was done cumming because of the intensity of my orgasm, so I quickly moved her to the bed with my cock still inside her before dropping her.

I put her right next to Carmen and slowly went in and out of her pussy before pulling out. As soon as I pulled out, a large amount of thick cum spilled out of her pussy and onto the sheets. Carmen hurried over to lick it up before it soaked into the bed sheets. Carmen took a minute to lick every last drop of my thick cum as it slowly stopped pouring out of Jasmine. Once Carmen was finished, she looked over at Jasmine and I, opened her mouth to show that it was filled with cum and then swallowed. Carmen smiled at us and said, “Yum!” before letting out faint giggle. I started to giggle to and said, “Well, that was fun!” as I smirked at both Jasmine and Carmen whilst covered in sweat from our extracurricular activities. Carmen replied, “It was fuckin amazing!, thank you for this”. “No, thank you!, I’m glad you enjoyed it”, Jasmine responded. Carmen replied, “I loved it so much!, thank you for sharing”.

I looked over at the clock on the wall and saw that it read 3:45am. I said, “Oh shit, It’s late, we need to get cleaned up and go to sleep”. We all grabbed our clothes and took a quick shower together and began to giggle about what had just happened. I looked down between their legs and saw the remainder of my cum dripping out of their cream-filled pussies. We showered as quickly as possible to not raise suspicion. We then helped dry each other off, put our pajamas back on, wished each other a good night and went back to our own rooms quietly.

The next morning (Sunday) came around and the alarm on my phone had gone off at 9:30am, waking both Jasmine and I. We both got ready and made sure the room was clean before walking out. Jasmine and I made our way to the kitchen to find Lana, Samuel, Carmen with the rest of Lana’s family sitting at the table eating breakfast. Lana’s mom stated, “We made french toast for breakfast, grab a plate and help yourselves”. Jasmine and I plated the remainder of the french toast, eggs and sausage and joined everyone at the table. Nobody except Jasmine, Carmen and I had known what had transpired last night and we kept it our secret. We stayed for lunch and continued to socialize with everyone until the early afternoon. Carmen had made sure to keep her distance, in order to make everything seem normal.

3:00pm rolled around, Jasmine and I had announced to everyone that we had to leave for home soon in order to get ready for work on Monday. We said our goodbyes, hugged everyone and thanked Lana’s parents for being generous as always. Carmen and Samuel had decided to leave around the same time as us, so we walked out to our cars together. After Samuel had left, Carmen ran over to my car. Jasmine rolled down her window and handed Jasmine her a small piece of paper with her phone number on it and said, “It was a pleasure meeting you both, let’s hang out again sometime”, before walking back to her car. Jasmine and I looked at each other with a smile and at the same time said, “It was definitely a pleasure! “. I then put the car in drive and headed home.


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/wve92j/an_unexpected_night_of_fun_f20f27m29_threesome