I’ve always been very sexually aggressive, and have many a notch in my belt.
I (19M) decided to go to a house party of a friend. This was a weekly occurrence where everyone kind of just crashed at the party house and wholesomely made breakfast in the AM. On this occasion though the HomeOwner (HO) invited some friends over. 19F, 19F, 19F, and a 20F.
This of course unknown to me had been the plan all along as I had been joking all week that I was going to take the night off to drink and enjoy myself. I went to bed alone around 12:30, and the girls immediately went into action. Two of them fell asleep ( chickened out ) but the other three are the reason to this day I have a god complex and love to be worshipped.
I woke up to tits in my face, and a very warm sensation on my cock and balls. I wish smartphones were a thing back then, because I will never be able to properly describe what I woke up to.
HO – 19F dressed in panties and a crop top
Friend 1 – 19F dressed in her party skirt, and a bra.
Friend 2 – 20F dressed in only panties
I fucked all three of those beautiful women until the sun came up. Our tongues could barely move, our legs were so stiff, my cock and balls had nothing left, and we were so dehydrated that we absolutely forgot we weren’t the only ones in the house. The rest of the house guests work up to 4 very naked people cooking breakfast!
Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/wt5176/im_in_my_30s_now_but_i_hit_triple_digits_befffore
Giga chad alert. r/ihavesex