realizing ive accidently Pavloved mysel[f]

I (23) worked from home (no interaction with people) and it got really boring so i threw on a vibe in my underwear for a treat after wards….
Did that for over a year and now i get REALLY horny whenever im working without meaning to.
I start college on the sixth and… heres hoping it doesn’t cross over into class, studying, or virtual classes …..



  1. I mean.. if you’re excited about your job… 😉 But I get it – I hate being ridiculously frustrated with a task I can’t complete for whatever reason. The more I’m frustrated, the more I’m aroused. It’s a vicious cycle.

  2. So since realizing this have you stopped using the vibrator or? Wondering how you plan to move forward or if you’re just worried about when school starts

  3. You could give the remote to the instructor or classmate to help you pay attention in class.

  4. My ex wife used to put on a black screen on the TV with thunderstorm and rain sounds when we had sex and now I get aroused during storms. So I feel you.

  5. College vibes. Haha. No really. I thought a close friend was sick… Turns out she was vibin. No lie we still friends but that’s how I learned about it.

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