[MF] Seduced By A Nerd From Work – Home and Hungry (Part 4 and Final)

Thanks everyone for all of the Karma and the great comments.

Before you read this, you may want to know what happened earlier that night (if you don’t already):

Part 1: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/w8rsld/mf_seduced_by_a_nerd_at_work_it_went_offtherails/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/w8rsld/mf_seduced_by_a_nerd_at_work_it_went_offtherails/)

Part 2: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/w9jynp/ffm_seduced_by_a_nerd_from_work_offtherails_part_2/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/w9jynp/ffm_seduced_by_a_nerd_from_work_offtherails_part_2/)

Part 3: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/wejvai/mf_seduced_by_a_nerd_at_work_the_ride_home/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/wejvai/mf_seduced_by_a_nerd_at_work_the_ride_home/)

By the time I got back to my flat it was after midnight and I was famished. All of the lights were off and Kate’s door was closed so I assumed that she woke up on the couch and went downstairs to bed.

I went to the kitchen, flipped on the light and rummaged through the fridge for some leftovers. Maybe a chunk of cheese and a pepperoni to snack on.

I also remembered that I had to pack to fly out for a few days of meetings in some regional offices the next day. I resolved to pack in the morning and go right to the airport from the flat.

Found some half-eaten perogies that seemed “good enough” once nuked.

As I turned around to stick said perogies into the microwave I almost dropped the entire container on the floor. Leaning with her shoulder to the wall at the entrance to the kitchen was Kate. She was still naked. Still beautiful.

“You scared the shit out of me!”

She smiled weakly. Her eyes were red and a little puffy. Kate had obviously been crying.


I started nuking the perogies.

“Uuhh…wow that was fun, huh?” I was referring to the incredible orgasms that Tina had skillfully extracted from us only a couple hours earlier. “My ride home was just as entertaining…” Kate interrupted me.

“Andrew was here.”

“What?! When??” This could only be bad.

“He just left a few minutes ago. He woke me up on the couch a while ago. I thought it was you. I started crying when it was him.”

My mind was racing. They broke up. Why did he still have a key? Was he coming for a booty call? HOLY SHIT! I felt heat emanating from somewhere in my chest to my face and arms and my heart raced with panic. My shorts were laying on the floor right next to her.

“He started freaking out at me. Called me all kinds of names. Slut. Bitch. Ya know, the gamut.”

He definitely found my shorts. Fuck. I started looking around the kitchen for things I could use as weapons if he came back pissed.

“You don’t need to arm yourself, silly. I took his key.”

I did not hide my panic very well. *DING* Perogies were done.

“I thought he was gonna hit me. He was raging so much. We screamed at each other for a while. For what? Nothing! I already broke up with him. And that asshole still made me cry…oh…and he thinks its some random teacher.”

Something about that revelation just…it is hard to explain now…it was like an elephant had been taking up all of the space in the room for a couple minutes and was just freed. Anyway, we both started giggling which soon evolved into hard-to-breathe laughter which faded into silence.

Kate was naked. I almost forgot until she closed in on me and reached for my hand, holding a pinky.

“Thank you.”

She pulled herself into me and kissed me. At that point in my life, I had been “in love” a couple of times and was beginning to think I could recognize it. It is different than the fervent passion of the one-night stand, or the steady one-month hookup. There is a familiarity, a sympatico that comes with “in love”. Kate’s kiss was familiar. It was her. It was all the goofiness, and loudness, and awkward honesty in that kiss. It was way different than Tina’s molten kiss earlier that started the whole night. I was lost in Kate’s tenderness and it was definitely love, or, at least on the edge of love.

Kate was wrapped in me. I held her close around her waist and I cupped her bum. After an eternity, at least in my memory, she broke from me and pulled me by my pinky down the hall.

“You don’t need these.” She pulled my t-shirt over my head and dropped my shorts and tossed them through my bedroom doorway as she led me into her room.

My dick was really sore.

It had been hard nearly constantly throughout the night, been ridden, been sucked, been deep massaged by Tina’s orgasms, and nearly every last sperm that I had been able to produce had been spewed in and on Tina, and even down Kate’s throat. I was operating on fumes but there was no way that I was going to pass this moment up. Especially since we were clearly in the process of falling in love.

My dick did not let me down, and by the time I had crossed the threshold of her room I was fully erect again. Well of course, it was Kate. Entirely naked, with her pert ass, perfectly toned tummy, beautiful face, and in love with me.

She sat me on the edge of her bed and closed the door. It was nearly pitch black, and looking around, I noticed that the only faint source of light was the battery charge indicator of her laptop. I couldn’t really see Kate, maybe a faint silouette, but I felt her heat as she closed in on me. I could feel her hair brush across my face as she climbed on top of me. One of her hard little nipples rubbed across my cheek as she lowered herself onto me. Kate hooked an arm around my neck and kissed me while I felt her molten velvet engulf the head of my cock. We moaned into each other’s mouths. She stayed there for a while adjusting to my size and then she sank slowly until I bottomed out against her cervix and I could feel her fluids on my pelvis. Kate broke our kiss and gasped hard as she held her forehead to mine. Her legs were kind of wrapped around my hips and both of her arms were hooked around my neck.

“Fuck.” She gasped again as I tweaked one of her little nipples. With my other hand I cupped and kneaded one of the cheeks of her ass.

“Mmmmmm.” She used this as a cue to begin to alternate between grinding her hips into my groin, and riding me. Sometimes she would lift her hips until the head of my cock was nearly out, and then drive herself down until she bottomed out. Every time she would take all of me she would hold her forehead to me and groan deeply.

I could feel heat building in her vagina and her juices were schlickting loudly against my cock. In the darkness I was imagining the cute red splotching running from her chest and up and over her neck to her beautiful face. I could feel the urgency in her hips as she accelerated towards her peak.

“Unggh…oh….I’m cumming….Omigod…fuckfuckfuck….Oh god…uuhhnn…” and Kate stiffened hard against me. No breath. She was absolutely still.

But I knew she was orgasming because her vagina was milking my cock with huge silky spasms along the entire length of my cock.

This was way too much stimulus, even for my deeply abused dick.

“oh…fuck…Kate” I groaned moments later and it felt like every once of my energy was sucked out of me from my ears, from my toes, right through my groin and into Kate. Maybe it was dehydration, and my nerve endings were compensating for a lack of semen, or it was the sensory deprivation of the pitch black, but it was a wildly unique out-of-body sensation for a few moments.

As my empty cock started pulsing inside her, it triggered a second more kinetic orgasm by Kate.

“OHHHHHHHH!” Kate started grinding her hips down on me again and was now pulling my head by my hair to her chest as she alternatively growled and squealed and shuddered through her second orgasm.

It was over. We were heaving together for several seconds as we gathered ourselves, and then Kate collapsed off of me and onto her bed. I followed her down and spooned her, holding her close to me, brushing her hair from her face lovingly.

Just as I was dozing off she whispered.

“647Stealth, thank you for the best night of my life.”

“No probs!” I was trying not to confess my love at this moment.

“Tina is so beautiful.”

I was thinking that maybe she should look in a mirror but let it slide. We snuggled in the quiet for a bit longer, maybe five minutes, and I could feel her starting to move her hips with her beautiful ass subtly rubbing against me. I was hoping my cock would keep it together for another round with Kate because it felt like it was heading that way.

“You need to leave.”

This was a command. It was a schoolteacher tone. It was clearly articulated and unequivocable.


“GET OUT.” She pushed me away and almost off of her bed.

“Oh..OK.. yeah, sure. I’ll see ya.” I was instantly her roommate again and scrambling to find the door knob to get out of her room.

Back in my room I was exhausted. Confused. Heartbroken. I set my alarm to pack and fly out the next morning.

Upon my return from my business trip Kate was gone. Her stuff was still there but she had moved in with a schoolteacher friend. I didn’t know if I had somehow hurt her feelings or if she was overwhelmed by the night or what actually happened. It was just…empty. Her last words to me were “GET OUT.”

We gave notice on the lease, and by the end of the month, we all moved out and to our separate ways, our separate lives.

Looking back, I guess I confused her simple gratitude with love that night. Despite my arrogance, I still didn’t know what “in love” was yet. It would take a few more tries.

On a high note, there were still a few Tina adventures to come.

As an epilogue, Kate and I did see each other again a few years later at Tom and his CA girlfriends wedding reception. If possible, she had grown more beautiful (Genie Nation should be hopeful!). We were both in relationships at the time, and we caught up like old friends. Near the end of the night, after quite a few drinks we were alone together at a table.

“What was that girl’s name again?” Devilish grin. She knew.


“She was really hot!”

I just rolled my eyes and forced myself to laugh. Kate didn’t mention the end of that night, but we toasted to Tina. Just as I was about to seek closure between us, her boyfriend swooped in to take her back to their hotel. That was the last time we ever spoke.

Kate is not on social media, and she has never attempted to reach out. Neither have I. This was hard to write. Left off the No Regrets flair.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/wr7y5z/mf_seduced_by_a_nerd_from_work_home_and_hungry


  1. Another Genie B. reference! YES!!

    Great job my friend! I hope you’re eventually able to find what you’re looking for.

  2. Thank you for sharing this incredible story with us. I’m sure you must have a lot of conflicting feelings about that night and everything regarding it, but life is full of good and bad things, and you are fortunate enough to have lived both sides of it, the good and the bad. Looking forward to more of your stories!

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