Surprise handjob at the lake with my girlfriend and her sisters [FMF]

I have been with my wife Abby for a very long time, but before we got together I dated her younger sister Lexi. Me and Lexi had got together kinda by accident. She was like 3yrs younger than me. We were hot and heavy for a while, but we both knew it wasn’t going anywhere, we were just having fun. Lexi had two sisters, the younger named Zara, and Abby who was my age. We hung out at her house a lot, and I was close to all three of them.

One day her mom invited me to go on a day trip with them. We went to this lake surrounded by cedar trees, really nice swimming but the water was really dark and red. It would stain your swimsuit by the end of the day, but I didn’t mind because so much. That meant you couldn’t really see under the water that far, and afforded me and Lexi a little privacy. You see the mom didn’t know we were dating, so this way we could fool around in the water without her finding out.

We still couldn’t really sneak off alone, but it was ok because Lexi’s sisters knew about us, and they weren’t about to rat us out. The four of us spent most of the day in the water while her mom was reading a book on the shore.

Me and Lexi had been playing grabass for a while, and while the water kept her mom from seeing, her sisters could still see what was going on if they cared to look. But like I said we were all friends so they didn’t seem to mind. We had been all goofing off and having a good time together while all the flirting was going on. Dunking each other playing chicken, it we all were having a blast. At one point, Lexi grabbed Abby and pulled her to the side to talk about something. I hung out with Zara while they talked which was a little awkward. All the roughhousing with cute girls in swimsuits had left me pitching a not that subtle tent just under the water. They must have noticed, it has been bumping into them all afternoon, not that anyone said anything.

When Lexi and Abby came back they were both blushing and giggling a little. Lexi swam up behind me and put her arm around my waist, she reached down grabbed my dick through my shorts and gave a little “..oh wow.” She leaned in and whispered in my ear “Hey listen, mom seems pretty into her book. I asked my sisters to give us a little space… why don’t you. Close your eyes, I’ve got a little surprise for you”

Obviously I didn’t need to be told twice, so I close my eyes and put on a big smile. “Just keep em closed…ok” she swam up from up front and I put my arms around her and grabbed her butt again pulled her towards me so I could rub her mound into my dick. I was slipping my hands under her suit to feel her ass as she started giggling and pushed away. I asked her what’s wrong and all I got was a slow “shhhhhhh” then she grabbed the front of my shorts and pulled them down letting my dick pop out. She took me in her hands. It must have been all the buildup, or the whole naughty secret thing, but almost as soon as she grabbed me I came. Like a lot.

Then I heard it. Abby saying “Oh My God” and Lexi laughing. I opened my eyes and to my surprise it wasn’t Lexi holding me it was Abby. Recently me and Abby had been getting closer. Talking a lot more, flirting more, and Lexi had noticed. When the two of them were off talking alone, she asked Abby if she was into me. She admitted she was and Lexi said she had a great way to get us together that I couldn’t say no to.

When I open my eyes and Abby was looking at me, biting her lip in the cutest “I just did something bad” expression ever. She glanced down, she was still holding my dick as the last few squirts of white cum came out, clearly visible against the ruddy water. Apparently the water was shallow enough where we were standing that all three could had a pretty clear view. Abby looked genuinely shocked and Lexi was laughing hysterically. “Oh my God you were just gonna grab him not jerk him off haha” The sisters gave me and Abby time to talk. Me and Lexi ended it, on very good terms. “I am leaving you in very good hands…. Hahaha”

That was 26 years ago, and me and Abby are still together. But to this day, when we are down the beach and the surf is all foamy the sisters still joke about me cumming in the water.


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