” Take on the Heavens. ” Chapter 3 [F 4billion, M 4billion, Monstergirl, Masturbation, Wholesome]

If you find any spelling or gramatical errors I’d appreciate if you told me about them. Also, if you have any ideas on how you think I should continue this, that would also be appreciated. :)

Links to the earlier Chapters:

[Chapter 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/vcaoqa/take_on_the_heavens_first_version_fm_monstergirl/)

[Chapter 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/wa9as8/take_on_the_heavens_chapter_2_f4billion_m25/)

xx The Third Chapter. xx

In the dead of night Luci awoke. She didn’t know why, but knew that someone was waiting for her. It wasn’t the priest, it wasn’t the young man, it was someone else. Something else. They were at a city nearby so Luci took flight. In a few minutes she was there. A church was calling to her and she knew the “someone” she was seeking was there. She thus didn’t heed her inner warning and distaste for god. The city below was quiet. A few lights were on, but mostly on street corners and such. The church towered over the rest of the city. White colored, made from clay. The cross adorning it did not stop her, for her power had become too great. And soon it would increase even more. As she made her way inside she saw him. On the loft standing with his arms crossed on the banister. The church was empty except for him, and her. She flew up to him and stood beside him.

What happened to you? he said looking down in the same stance in which he was before.

I, I don’t know, she sighed as she leaned against his shoulder.

You know that I will always love you right, sis?

I know Michael. I know you will.

A moment of silence fell. Luci grabbed his hand in hers. Michael looked up and said:

I agree with you, you know. The beliefs that got you booted out of heaven.

Yeah, but I’ll get back at him, she snarled.

Michael looked her in the eyes with a smile.

Don’t let him win, sis.

Will you help me, brother? she asked.

You know I can’t, Luci. I can’t oppose him, he’ll have me banished and depowered. Like you.

I know, Luci sighed.

But maybe Christ could help you.

Christ? Who?

Michael looked to the sky and closed his eyes to find a way to form his thoughts into words.

They call her the lamb. They say she’s a daughter of god. When the sun comes up tomorrow she will ride a donkey to town. She will help you. I also expect you to take a liking to her, in the way you usually do, Michael said finally.

So I will do, Luci said.

Luci was about to leave when she noticed something. She may have been consciously led here by Michael, but there was something more. Her brother’s hand she’d been clutching was innocent in its truest form. No “X” dirtied his hand. When she realized this her nethers began to tremble again. Sexual attraction to a fellow angel, her father’s son, her brother in a sense. What was wrong with her? She didn’t want this, right?

Yes. Yes she did. She clutched his hand in hers.

Michael? she asked.

Yes, Luci?

Can you help me with something?

Anything, he said.

Luci jumped up and sat on the banister next to him.

I have this problem, she explained.

She spread her legs and labia, showing her brother how moist she’d become.

I can’t help it, she cried. I’m sorry Michael.

Michael looked her in the eyes. He took her hands in his and whispered in her ear.

I will do anything you want me to, he whispered.

Then he leaned in to kiss her, a long sensual kiss, he lightly rubbed at her entrance. She embraced him. Hugged him deeply. As the kiss went on Luci could feel a pressure at her clitoris. Then Luci felt another pressure. This time on her mound.

I’m going to teach you something, Luci.

She nodded, eyes partially closed.

It may be of use when you… fuck the lamb, he said.

He proceeded to draw Luci closer. Her crimson red skin felt like it was boiling, or at least it soon would. She stiffened up in anticipation. Slowly and softly the archangel’s finger made its way past Luci’s soaked lips. When she thought he would stop and go out again he didn’t. He had another plan. He turned his palm up, and rubbed the roof of her insides.

At that exact moment Luci thought she would explode. Waves of pleasure usually only achieved by getting filled with cum were hitting her like thunderbolts. She was shaking like a crazy person, but to her it wasn’t crazy. Nothing was, because nothing existed. Nothing but the overwhelming hit of orgasm after orgasm. Juices ran down her legs, and covered her belly.

I will give you something that She will know. Then you will give it to her, he whispered.

In the state Luci was in she had no way to answer. As she came one final time Michael pushed upwards bringing her to an all time high. Purple and pink rays of light suddenly shot throughout the church. Most likely cascading through windows in all directions. Michael pulled out his finger and drew a sign on her stomach. With a hazy mind Luci supported herself on the banister to see. The lines he drew with her juices had manifested. An artistic representation of her fertility adorned her belly. A tribal tattoo in the shape of her womb. Purple and pink lines. Luci looked at it, smiled and then leaned back off the banister again reveling in post-orgasmic bliss.

Michael took farewell soon after, leaving her in the empty church. She was dreanced. Fluid ran from her nethers down her legs. Light from the large chandelier cascaded off the droplets. She felt warm inside, mushy. Even after the other archangel had left she still had a bit of that bliss clouding her inner eye. She was unsure of what to do next. At first she thought of going back to the priest, but then she remembered that after the first time he can no longer bring the same excitement. As a matter of fact no one she knew could ever bring the same excitement to the table ever again…

It was really a sobering thought. Never twice with the same person? It was a hard pill to swallow. Maybe, just maybe it was another one of God’s rules. If it was though there would only be one way to undo it and she was anyway. In order to undo it, she would have to get her revenge. Until then however a new partner every night would have to suffice and Michael had just given her information about someone.

She was going after Christ. The believed messiah. He who was to restore balance to the force and all that. She knew who, but not how. Where was she? Luci searched far and wide. She flew from town to town until she found someone who knew something. It was an old man who for some reason wore no clothes. He was an intellectual of sorts, that much she gathered. What was also obvious to her was his apparent bravery, or something like that. At the very least he wasn’t afraid of Luci, much opposed to the other people at the market who ran like the wind as soon as Luci showed her blood red face.

Another thing she gathered was that he didn’t seem to own anything. Luci found this somewhat peculiar since all the people around him had gathered houses and money and as much material wealth as possible. He was no such man. No house, no spouse, nothing but a great mood, a smile, and a philosophy. Actually no. He also had information. Apperentelly Christ had been there a few weeks ago, and had told him where she was going. He quickly spilled the beans to Luci, and after a quick thanks she was on her way. As he waved goodbye to her she saw the “X”. A sad smile adorned her lips, but she was also happy for the man. He deserved some fun too, she thought.

She flew from the town as the sun started to set once again. She was surprised that her sexual urges had not consumed her yet. Had mihael rid her of it? Had he merely dampened it for now? Or had her mission maybe just taken up all the time she had to think about such dirty things?

As she poked her smoldering campfire she thought back to her life’s experiences. Heaven was beautiful but beautiful it may be she didn’t see it as a loss when it was taken from her. Rather it was a gift. Freedom, she thought. Then she thought of all the things she’d done after heaven. She knew none of the names of men she’d taken, but she knew the feel of them. Each one a unique and new sensation of pleasure. Each one was different, but right in all the best ways. As the thoughts passed Luci’s mind she felt again the pleasures of times passed. Her senses were focused.

Luci remembered what Michael had taught her. Should she try it? she thought. She laid back slightly, feeling the fine sand massage her underside. Warmed by her own heat it now gave back what had been given. Luci brushed her black hair back and stared into the fire. The angelic tattoo given to her was starting to glow once again, turning brighter in color. She felt the wetness between her legs with her hand. It was as if the whole universe went quiet when the demon girl started to push inside her pussy, like she’d been taught. Her clit throbbed vying for attention, but receiving none. Luci felt up her insides searching for that place that brought her so much joy. The moment she found it her whole body jerked in pleasure. As moments passed she rubbed it more. Luci was almost shivering. Pushing off the ground with her legs as her back arched. She needed this, she thought. Suddenly one arm was groping her breast, squeezing tight as she approached her edge. As the yellow flames cast shadows of her on the rocky wall behind her she rode straight off the edge. Her pleasure sounds drew in birds from the nearby forest to sit atop an overhead rock and oversee the show.

Luci continued administering self-care by putting her thumb on her clit, finally giving it the attention it so badly wanted. She now stood on her knees leaning towards the fire. Her hand drenched in love juices, her tattoo glowing bright pink. Her hair was hanging over her face obscuring everything around her. Luci pushed her finger deeper and harder into her soaking cunt, hoping to quickly reach orgasm again. With birds chirping, flames coming ever closer so did she. Her breathing once again got heavier, and pearls of sweat were forming on her skin. As the daughter of god approached climax once again she fell forward spasming wildly. Her body was beyond control for just a moment making her slump over into the raging flames.

She faintly heard the sissling of her fuck juices evaporating. She opened her eyes to see the starry sky above her. She then saw how the fire raged on either side of her. It tickled her slightly. It was warm. It was like a sauna. She wasn’t catching aflame. As a matter of fact it brought her great pleasure. Her sides were caressed, her skin was kept warm. It was like a silk fabric bed in the summer months. Luci felt her hand wander to her Labia again. Nevermind the flames her vulva was still slick with sap. She smiled to herself. Tomorrow she was going to find the messiah. Now she was going to get a good night’s rest.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/wp9ury/take_on_the_heavens_chapter_3_f_4billion_m