His West Coast Domina, Part 1 [femdom] [bdsm] [oc] [new] [humiliation] [f30/m43]

As he waited in line at the TSA checkpoint in Newark, he replayed in his head how he got to this point. He started to use his writing as a way to mentally escape, and somehow he now found himself in the middle of one in real life. Nearly two full months ago he willing gave up control of his orgasm to someone who commented positively on one of his stories, and in the weeks that followed, he gave up so much more. So much in fact, he was now ready to board a cross country flight with a bag filled with only what she told him to pack, and no set return date. At 43 years old, there was a part of him that couldn’t believe this was his reality.

She had specifically told him to fly into John Wayne Airport as opposed to LAX. She said it would make the pick up process much easier – he had only one small, black leather carry-on bag, so he was just happy to not have to check any bags. As he sat at the airport awaiting the call to board, he started to think about the fact that aside from what kinks drove them both wild sexually, he knew very little about the person he’d be meeting in just six hours.

On the other side of the country, she was lying in bed. She woke up early than usual, and hadn’t been able to keep her hands off herself. She looked at her phone and saw the time, and panicked. She had forgot to set herself an alarm as a reminder, and she had a message she had to get to him before his plane took off. ‘Hey slut. Hope you have a safe flight. Before you leave, send me a picture of your credit card – front and back. I need to send a car to pick you up at the airport.’ She hit send, and hoped it would get to him in time; she really wanted to edge as many times as possible over the next few hours, and didn’t feel like making alternative plans.

He saw the message just as he was boarding, and snapped some pics of his credit card as soon as he sat in his seat. He was happy he had used his reward points to upgrade to first class, it was a long flight and every seat seemed to be filled. He also wasn’t disappointed with the 20-something woman sitting next to him dressed provocatively in a short black leather dress. His phone vibrated and he picked it up quickly, just in case there was a problem. The message simply said “TY.” As he was about to put it into airplane mode, it vibrated again, “As soon as you’re in the air, I want you to go into the bathroom and edge yourself; and don’t tuck it away, walk back to your seat with it on full display – in your pants, of course.”

He swallowed hard as he thought about the task and if he’d actually do it. ‘I expect a video from the bathroom, and a photo as proof when you get back to your seat,’ that text message meant he definitely would be completing it. The last thing he wanted to do was to disappoint someone with who he was headed to visit.

As they finished taxiing to the runway, he finally put his phone in airplane mode and placed it face down on the shared space in between the seats. He looked out the window as he waited to reach a cruising altitude, and the fasten seatbelt sign to turn off.

“We’re twins,” said the woman sitting next to him, cutting through the silence and startling him a bit. “Our phones, they’re exactly the same. Have to be careful, you never know what you’ll see when you pick up someone else’s phone.”

He laughed and made nervously tried to respond with a witty reply, also not trying to look like weirdo turned on by her choice of clothing. He was always scared of being inadvertently outted as he tried hard to let only those he truly knew and trusted about his kinky desires. Just then, he heard the ‘ding’ of the seatbelt alert, and he grabbed his phone, stood up and excused himself. As he squeezed past, he couldn’t help himself, he inhaled her intoxicating scent as he was at his closest point – she simply smiled to herself and scooted back to let him pass.

He went into the bathroom, turned on his camera and set his phone on the sink. He pulled down his pants and pulled out his cock; he spit into his hand and started to stroke. The fact that his leather kink was in full effect, it didn’t take him much time at all for his cock to be fully hard. As he slid his phone into his pocket, he now new exactly why she demanded he wear gray sweatpants for the trip – everything was clearly on display. He took a deep breath and opened the door walking through the first class section with his hard cock pointing the way. He had felt like he was in the clear when he arrived at his row and asked his neighbor politely to let him past. She picked up her head from looking at her phone and was nearly poked in the eye.

“Oh my, I assume you want to go that way,” she quipped, clearly looking at his erection. “No problem. I just might have to get up and check out what’s going on in there anyway.”

He was mortified. She was laughing and joking, but he couldn’t believe how bold she was to call that out. He sat down in his seat, hands on his head wishing he could just crawl under the seat. He took deep breaths with his eyes closed, trying to calm down as she went back to scrolling on her phone.

“Oh, I’m so sorry sir, can I get you a towel,” the voice of a male flight attendant cut through the white noise. “It looks like you might have spilled something on your lap.”

He was was again without words as he looked at his crotch, his hard cock had started leaking and it was clear as day what was really going on.

“Maybe just a blanket,” he said meekly. “And the instructions on how to purchase wi-fi.”

The flight attendant returned with a dark blue fleece blanket, and his beautiful neighbor began to show him how to get online. He put the blanket on his lap, and took back his phone.

“I might have been a little rough on you before, I don’t even know you,” she said as she put down her phone. “Let me get us a drink.”

She asked the flight attendant for two glasses of tequila, and handed one to her seat mate when he returned with them. He put his phone face down and took the glass.

“To new friends with, um, interesting meeting stories,” she said as she raised her glass. “Cheers!”

Just then a phone vibrated and she instinctively reached for it and picked it up. She looked at the Locke screen and read the iMessage notification: ‘Mommy Domme: Where’s my video slut? Tick tick!’

She quickly put it back down and said, “I’m so sorry, it was yours.”

He picked it up and looked at the message. His face dropped.

“Better get Mommy Domme that video, slut,” she said in a very sarcastic voice.

He was again at a loss for words. This was going to be a very interesting flight.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/wonmy9/his_west_coast_domina_part_1_femdom_bdsm_oc_new