(32)[F] – (22)[M] Intern at work – Meeting in the Ladies Room

Sorry! Still very behind on the updates. These are the events that happened on Friday 3 weeks ago.

This picks up from where the previous part left off. You can read Part 9 [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/wmkyyb/32f_22m_intern_at_work_the_first_three_way/)

**Part 10 is below**

I reached my desk without any further mishap. The remainder of the afternoon I tried to focus on work as best as I could. Eric’s lustful description of my body kept echoing through my mind and kept constantly distracting me. I looked over my photos from the gym and wasted time for a while on doing research on better poses for next time. I kept going back to Eric’s photo hoping somehow every time I saw it I could see more. He really did have a super hot body and I imagined running my hands over his big muscular chest and abs. Almost absent mindedly I ended up touching myself a couple of times, luckily on both occasions I immediately stopped when I realized what I was doing. Thank god for an empty office and semi privacy of my individual cabin.

Between work and other distractions by the time I looked at my watch it was nearly 5:30 PM. I checked and did not see any emails or messages regarding Happy Hour. The person who had initiated it last week had probably not come into the office today, so I decided to send out one. The response to my belated email suggesting the Happy Hour at one of the neighborhood pubs was pretty muted as most people had already left for the day. Only a couple of teammates and Eric indicated they were interested. Our small group went to the nearby Irish pub and ordered a round of drinks. The conversation was fairly light and after a couple of rounds of beers the other teammates left, leaving just Eric and myself to each other which was exactly like last week and I for one was not complaining.

I had another drink followed by another beer. Maybe too many drinks a little too quickly. A few minutes later, when I got up to go to the ladies room the whole room felt like it was spinning and I stumbled and nearly fell. Eric was quick enough to catch me. He appeared concerned as he held my face and looked closed at my eyes. Even in my very drunk state, my heart skipped a beat seeing his face so close to mine.

*Eric – “Are you feeling ok, boss?”*

*Me (Slurring on the words) – “Yeah. Guess I should not have had that last beer as it is hitting me quite strongly now.” (Pointing to the back where restrooms are usually located) – “I desperately need to pee. Can you help walk me to the ladies room?”*

*Eric – “Sure thing, boss.”*

He slowly walked me to the back of the restaurant through a longish corridor till we reached a door. My memory is still a little flaky about the next few things that happened, but as time has passed I kind of remember most of it now.

*Eric – (Announcing) – “We are in front of the ladies room.”*

I tried to focus my eyes on the door. It was indeed the ladies restroom as I could see a symbol of a woman on the door and “Women” written under it.

*Me – (Still slurring and in an unnaturally loud voice) – “Thank you, love.”*

From past experiences based on what my hubby and other friends have told me I am the [Nutty Professor](https://www.gatewayfoundation.org/addiction-blog/types-of-drunks/) kind of drunk. I tend to talk a lot, very loudly (as though people are deaf), be overly friendly and tend to lose a filter for my mouth along with most inhibitions – basically a female version of Dan, but 10 times worse. Thankfully I am not a mean kind of drunk.
He knocked on the door and when there was no answer, he slowly opened it. It was a fairly large one person restroom with the toilet seat at the other end of the room.

*Eric – “It is empty. You can go in, boss. I will be waiting outside.”*

As soon as he let go of me, I tried to take one step and almost immediately I started swaying. Eric again steadied me and by now my bladder after three beers was at the point of bursting. I was afraid if I waited any longer I would soil myself.

*Me – “I do not think I can do this on my own. Can you come inside with me?”*

Eric hesitated for a few seconds, but the alternative of leaving me alone in my inebriated condition and in those high heels was a tad risky. He indicated to a passing by waiter that he is also going inside to help me.
He walked inside with me and closed the door behind him. He made me lean against a wall near the toilet seat. He then cleaned the toilet seat with a tissue, which was really nice of him.

*Eric – (With a deep breath and obviously a little uncomfortable) “Ok, boss. How are we doing this?”*

*Me – (Still in a loud voice and slurring) – “Just make me sit on the bowl. I think I can manage after that. You can go to the other side and turn away while I do it.”*
So Eric helped me to sit down on the toilet bowl and made me hold one of the walls for support. He noticed that the toilet paper roll was a little far away and so he thoughtfully got a few pieces of toilet paper from the roll and left it on top of the tank. He pointed those out to me, telling me not to bend over and try to reach the roll as I may again fall. He then walked towards the other end of the restroom and turned away to face the wall.
In my drunk state it took me a bit of time to find the zipper of the skirt. I tried to pull it down, but it was stuck and it would not come down.

*Me – (Sheepishly but still loudly) – “Eric, the zipper of my skirt is stuck. Can you please help?”*

Eric walked back towards me, helped me off the seat and I clung to him. He told me to hold the skirt up while he quickly unzipped the skirt and then put me back down.

*Eric – (Smiling) – “Ok you are good now. Just lift your butt off a little and you can pull the skirt down, boss.”*

He again walked to the other end and turned away to face the wall. I loudly said *”You mean my* ***’awesome tight’*** *butt”* (his words from afternoon) probably making him red, I started giggling uncontrollably. By now I had managed to push my skirt down to my ankles. I then kept trying several times to push my non-existent thongs down to my ankles. I did not realize I was not wearing any and my giggle turned into a state of panic when I could not remove it and the giggling had made the urge to go so much more.

*Me – (Panicked voice and very loudly) – “Eric!! Help me! I am not able to remove my panties.”*

*Eric – (Walks a little closer and takes a look) – “It would appear you are not wearing any underwear, boss.”*

*Me – (In a loud voice) – “Oh!! Now I remember. (Giggling again) – I left my underwear in the jacket pocket. You remember, it had become soaked with my pussyjuice in the morning.”*

*Eric – (Muted and probably embarrassed) – “Yes..boss. Maybe try talking a little softer.”*

I started to pee noisily and it was so loud in that enclosed space it felt like a fire hydrant going off. I immediately felt super conscious and tried to squeeze my muscles to stop. It was able to stop for a few seconds, but my bladder was way past the point of no return. So I just let go and I started to pee again even more noisily and forcefully and for such a long time it felt like it would never stop. It felt so good that I remember going *”Aaaaaaaah”* and saying pretty loudly *”Oh my god.!! That feels so good”* and ended up having [pee-gasm](https://www.healthline.com/health-news/pee-gasms-happen-and-its-natural#Is-a-pee-gasm-safe?).

*Me – (Finally) – “I am done”*

*Eric – (Walking over) – “Wow that was a lot of pee. Now I can understand your urgency. Did you wipe?”*

*Me – (Sheepishly) – “I am not sure.”*

Eric handed me a bunch of tissues and I again started giggling and threw all the paper on the floor.

*Me – (Still giggling) – “You forgot to say the word boss. As your boss, I command you to wipe me and I am not getting up till you do.”*

Eric realized I was a lost case and quickly grabbed a bunch of paper and reached down between my legs and softly wiped my pussy. He lifted me up and quickly pulled the skirt up from around my ankles and tried not to stare as he quickly zipped me up. He cleaned the toilet seat and all the paper I had thrown on the floor.

He helped me over to the sink and washed and dried my hands. He then proceeded to wash his hands as I was checking myself out in the mirror.

*Me – “Hey my skirt is too high. Let me show you how I shorten my skirt.”*

I haphazardly folded my skirt till it was uneven and obscenely short. Half my butt was out in the open and probably my pussy was almost visible.

*Eric – “No, boss.. It is ok. I figured it out. You do not have to show me.”*

He reached over and smoothed the skirt down. I started behaving like a petulant child whose favorite toy was taken away and demanded the skirt to be folded. Finally he gave in and grabbed me by the hips and adjusted the skirt to a shorter, but less obscene length.

Once I was happy with the look, we walked back to our table. I was still pretty buzzed , but I was already feeling better and the room was not spinning anymore. Eric made me keep drinking water.

*Me – (Still quite loud) – “Thank you for helping me. Without you I would have peed all over myself. Sorry, I have been a giant pain in the neck for you.”*

*Eric – (Sshing..) – “A little softer, boss. This whole place probably can hear you. No worries. It happens.”*

*Me – (Still loud) – “Do you think they could hear me from the restroom?”*

*Eric – “Maybe. I am not sure.”*

*Me – (Loud) – “Sorry again. I am the older one and should have been more responsible. Next time out you can get drunk and I will help you go to the restroom. I will even hold your cock as you pee.”*

*Eric – (Going super red) – “Sssh.. boss. Drink some more water. I was thinking it is probably a good idea to call your husband to take you home today and skip Uber.”*

Sitting at the table, I slowly took out the phone from my bag and called my hubby.

*Hubby (on the phone) – “Hey I was just about to call you. Where are you at? Still at the happy hour?”*

*Me – (A little loudly as Eric was indicating to keep my voice down) – “Yeah still at the pub.”*

*Hubby – “Do not get too drunk. I am still expecting that awesome blowjob like the one you gave last Friday.”*

*Me – (Giggling, a little softer, but Eric could clearly hear) – “Sure you can get your awesome blowjob..(Pausing)… If I come home tonight.”*

*Hubby – “Ooooh. Naughty….That would definitely be going beyond a* ***’little more fun’****.”*

*Me – “I was just kidding about that. Also too late for your warning about* ***’Do not get too drunk’****.”*

*Hubby – “Oh! How many did you have?”*

*Me – “Three beers and a drink I think. I am very drunk and Eric took me peeing.”*

*Hubby – “What? I do not understand what that means.”*

I just repeated the same thing again and then a couple of more times, much to the bewilderment of my hubby.

*Hubby – (Anxiety in his voice) – “Is there anybody with you now?”*

*Me – “Yes, I am with Eric. He took me peeing (repeated again)”*

*Hubby – “Can you please give the phone to Eric.”*

I handed over the phone to Eric and indicated my hubby wanted to talk to him. Eric hesitantly took the phone. I could not hear what my hubby said, but I could hear Eric’s side of the conversation.

*Eric – “Hi.. This is Eric. I am her intern….(Listening)…She is a little drunk, but she is fine otherwise….(Listening)….It would be best if you can come and get her….(Listening)….We are here at this pub…(gives address)…(Listening)….No, just the two of us…(Listening)…Yeah, sure I can wait till you are here…(Listening)… Oh I just helped her to go to the restroom….(Listening)…It is better you hear from her about it once she is sober….(Listening)…No problem, you are welcome….(Listening)…See you soon.*

Eric handed the phone to me.

*Hubby – (Still a little tense) – Honey, I am coming to get you. It will roughly take me an hour to get there with the Friday night traffic. Stay put at the pub with Eric.”*

To be continued….

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/wpdbr9/32f_22m_intern_at_work_meeting_in_the_ladies_room


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