Wonderful Paintball with Goblins 1 (M40+F40+ Superheroine, goblin, non consent)

Wonderful Paintball with Goblins (1)

Diana Prince looked at the security camera images. The blur’s defeating the mundane security argued magic was involved. The scuttering/scurrying motion, the pack like motion of the shadows set up an instinctive fear in the amazing Amazon. Deep in her core, a horror awoke, a racial fear even her divine blood wasn’t immune to.

“Goblins!” She muttered.

The shadows swarmed over the police, ignoring their guns, the shots shown in silence on the video only feed blasted into the air around the blurs without any effect. The goblins cut into the half dozen police and blood sprayed.

Half the size of a human, faster than a wolf, more savage than a lion, hunting with intelligence and cruelty beyond that of any mere animal, the goblins cut through the police without slowing or stopping. What they did to men was mere butchery, what they did to women was far worse.

Turning to the IDAC officers, she gave what was unmistakably a command.

“Get all of our people off this. Get all the police to withdraw. Nothing human can stop them. They are faster and stronger than any human, and their magic makes technology almost useless against them. Electricity will not work around them, explosives will sometimes refuse to go off, sometimes go off on their own. They are chaos made evil flesh. What they do to men is unspeakable, but better than what they do to women. This is a job for Wonder Woman. I will contact her.”

While Diana usually informed and advised, when she chose instead to command, the question of her rank and authority oddly never came up. The senior staff simply accepted it as obvious that their field staff could not deal with this, and focused on keeping human law enforcement out of the way.

Diana took the time to finish her shift as if nothing was going on. In reality she was remembering her training. Training about the greatest enemies of the Amazons. The ancient Amazons were warrior women whose strength was beyond that of mortal men, whose skill was beyond that of mortal men, and whose beauty and pride were a challenge that no mortal men could help but dream of making submit and owning sexually.

There were worse things than men, and the magic that made the Amazons belonged to the goddesses Artemis and Hera. There were other powers as old as the gods, worlds that brushed against our own and sometimes allowed passage. The realms of fairy were one. The ancient elves were powerful, subtle and often cruel. They learned to avoid the Amazons for fear of their terrible reprisals. The beauty of the elves was the light of fairy, but where there was light, there was also shadow. As beautiful as the elves was the hideousness of the goblin, as noble and refined as the elves was the savagery and barbarism of the goblin. Where elves were gifted with eternal life, ethereal beauty, both men and women almost divine in their beauty, goblins were male only, able to breed with any female sentient, and filled with nothing but lust to possess and degrade the women of other, more beautiful, more civilized races.

The highest prize was an Amazon. The great warrior women, born to a society that used men only as breeding slaves, crippled at birth and kept as little better than field beasts, Amazon men were not only less than Amazons women, they were less than the free human men they were taken from. For an Amazon to be superior to males was simply a truth. To own men was no different than owning cattle. The male was inferior, easily conquered, and beneath notice. The goblins had no women of their own, because all women were their own. The Amazons were proud as goddesses, more beautiful than elves, more bountifully curved than humans, and they were strong. So strong they could survive the use and abuse of goblins long enough to endure decades or centuries of being reduced to nothing but a mindless sex slave, begging for the degradation of their goblin masters.

Magic is cruel, and nothing comes without cost. Goblins were given the sexual desire of Pan, the predatory desire of Aries, and addictive sperm. Women that had been exposed to goblin sperm became addicted to it. More powerful than any drug, more powerful than any spell, it ate the will and left behind nothing but desire for more, the need to accept, and insist on more and harder useage. This combined with the fertility of the goblin race meant that stolen humans birthed no more than a handful of babies before dying, elves no more than a dozen, but a captured Amazon could live for centuries.

Even the will of an Amazon had limits, no greater humiliation could an Amazon know than to have that will eroded by constant use of the Goblin cum, to have her entire nervous system rewired to know ever greater pleasure from Goblin use until she would gladly betray not just herself but her sisters for the chance to be used just one more time by her Goblin masters. To be an Amazon, reduced to slavery by a creature half the size of a man, broken not by sword or spear, not by whip or spell, but by foot long goblin cock, and the sperm that made the very power of her Amazon body into a weapon against her will.

No, Goblins were wiped out by the Amazons at any cost when encountered. Goblin nests were wiped out, and the women in them given a more merciful end than the Goblins would have left them. Amazons could not allow Goblin’s to exist in the world.


Blix was a goblin with a mission. The nuclear testing of the humans had weakened the barrier between the world of man and the world of fairy. The fairy realm became a blight where the human weapons had tainted the life of both worlds through their violation of the fundamental laws. The blight belonged to the goblins, for the noble elves dared not enter it to hunt them.

Blix found his way into the land of iron and poison, a land forbidden to his kind when humanity turned away from magic and made the worlds so much harder to cross. The human world, full of powerless women, huge breasts and no magic. It was a legend for goblins, and Blix found the way back!

The humans had some sort of magic wand that made thunder and tossed sling shots, like arrowheads without arrows. They punched deep but lacked iron or magic to kill, and they were used by warriors so slow and weak that they fell to goblin claws faster than deer.

Better, one of them had been a female! Taken back to the warehouse, the dozen goblins delighted in the screams, moans, the wetness and the yielding bouncy firmness. Titties, glorious human titties for goblin tongues and teeth!

The blonde policewoman was cooing in a corner, Flarf was sawing his goblin cock into her ass as Blix turned the new weapon in his hands. It was made of plastic, lighter than the iron that was poison to goblins, yet nearly as hard. The policewoman had taught Blix and the goblins how to use it after they had raped her into submission, then into addiction. Now the goblins were armed better than an elven Wild Hunt, better than and Amazon war party.

Gifted with the magic to blur their sight, they had the power to slip past any barrier, slip past any ward, and with their speed and strength they could tear a bear apart in less seconds than it took to roar its defiance, now they wielded the new “guns” of humanity, they were unbeatable!


Wonder Woman followed the scrapes and scratches in the walls. Goblin’s didn’t just run along the ground. Hunting packs took to the trees, to better ambush pursuers. In the city, the goblins took to the concrete walls like so many spiders. The police couldn’t read the signs, without technology they were almost useless, untrained compared to the Amazons of her island. Wonder Woman wasn’t just an Amazon, she was the best of them. A goddess birthed by the Amazons, a living weapon who was given to the world of man to become the Defender of All Women. She was hunting a predator that was a threat to all women.

She stood outside the warehouse, listening to the laughter of goblins and the screaming of a ravaged woman. Doubtless the missing body, the policewoman taken from the police blocking force, had not been lucky enough to die.

It would be easy to assume the gang rape was distracting the goblins, and to walk in the door, but goblins had survived for millennia by using anger and overconfidence to deliver their enemies to them. Wonder Woman smiled. She did not, after all, need a door.

Listening carefully, ignoring the sounds of sex, the taunting, the casual cruelty of male lust expressed in its lowest and most degrading form, she listened for the scrape of claw, the catch of breath, until she heard them. Watchers at the front and back doors in the rafters. Doubtless ready withs some trap for anyone going in through front or back door.

Silently snarling, Wonder Woman accelerated to full speed and hit the concrete wall at the far end from the ravaged woman. It would not do to kill her with concrete fragments when her magic lasso offered the only chance to restore her broken mind once rescued from the goblins.

She exploded through the wall like a tank cannon. Blix took a moment to appreciate the sight, the glorious sight that no goblin, that no male could possibly be prepared for.

A goddess. Golden eagles on a red corset framed the greatest tits in the known world, raven dark hair waved like a wing behind her, held in place by a gold tiara marking her as queen and goddess. Strong arms clad in heavy braciers marked her as a warrior, even as the star spangled blue pants stretched across the finest birthing hips and most spankable ass Blix had ever seen.

Long legs, such magnificent long legs, the finest steed a goblin could know, stretched between scarlet warrior boots and star spangled ass, this wasn’t just an Amazon, this was a walking temple of Fuck. This wasn’t a woman, this was The Woman.

The goddess spoke, her blue eyes blazing like lightning, her rich red cocksucking lips marked a face that shone with pride, with unconquerable defiance, with utter contempt for Blix and all his kind.

“I am Wonder Woman, and I will see your kind wiped out for crimes against women. In the name of all the Amazons, I will end you.”

Blix felt two things jerk. The Glock in his hand, and the cock in his pants. Bullets from a dozen goblins hammered into the Amazon, but although they had sufficed to kill the humans who could not hope to be fast enough to hit the goblins in return, the Amazon simply stood there and swatted the bullets aside with her bracers as if to demonstrate her superiority, her immunity to their attacks before making her own.

Striding forward, she proved to be able to bat bullets aside as she closed and shattered skulls with hands and feet as she met the goblins with the skill of one of the ancient Amazons, but the strength of Hercules.

Blix was a goblin, not a berserker. He and the roof goblins bolted for the door as the goblins on the ground got destroyed by the mightiest Amazon any goblin had ever known. When she turned to face him, Blix reloaded and pointed his pistol at the naked policewoman.

In a flash, the Amazon moved to protect the vulnerable fucked out human, and Blix fired as he fled, spending bullets to buy time to make it to the roof door and escape. She was not going to kill him, not until he fucked her. Oh how he wanted to fuck her. Never had his cock wanted anything so much as this Wonder Woman.

A goddess, a true goddess given the pride of all women. To break her, to fuck her into submission would be to subdue and degrade every woman, to have her begging for his cock would be to have a goddess on her knees before the lowest of goblins!

That it was impossible mattered not. A goblin who didn’t think with his cock was no goblin at all. Death was inevitable, but pussy belonged to the bold alone. Blix was bold. Wonder Woman would be his.

Running through the city, Blix looked for someplace green enough he could use his goblin magic to make a door home. There was a green space, a field called “Splatter Blaster Paintball”, and Blix lead his goblins to it. Among the green of life, Goblin magic could cover their tracks even from an Amazon.

As he ran, he felt the slap and splatter of something on his hide. A fat boy under a blanket net with fake leaves had hit him with a dozen shots from something like a gun. A short fat tube like a rifle, with a huge bottle on the back, and smaller bottle below.

Two of his goblins grabbed the boy, and one broke the gun in half in anger but Blix stopped them before they could gut the human. They caught a second boy in hiding, also with another of these odd, slow guns. Both boys were held to the ground, ready to be gutted.

Blix looked at the paint on his body, spattered like cum from a goblin’s cock, and stuck a claw under the boys chin and turned his face up to face Blix.

“What do you call these cum shooting things?” Blix asked the boy.

“Paintball guns, sir.” The terrified human said, peeing himself in fear.

“Where do I get these, paintball guns, little human?” Blix asked. “Help me get them, and you will live.”

The human answered in a panic. “Amazon sir. I order them on Amazon! You can get them delivered next day.”

Blix began laughing. Dragging the boy into the building that was used as a hide on this “paintball” field, Blix just had to laugh. He was going to use Amazon to get him the guns that would allow him to use an Amazon, indeed, the Amazon.

Truly, the gods loved him!

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/wodmx2/wonderful_paintball_with_goblins_1_m40f40