My [F31] first sex party and gangbang [Group]

I want to write this out while it’s still fresh – I had my first sex party and gangbang yesterday and I am still riding the incredibly powerful high it gave me. I wanted to be fucked stupid, and I was. By like twenty men. This is long and slow burning but so fucking worth it.

It all started with me talking to a guy off an app who offered to introduce me to the underground sex party circuit in my new city. I was super nervous, tried to meet him twice but plans fell through until one evening I was drunk and horny and I somehow found the absurd courage to ask him to just invite me to an orgy. And he said, well there’s a party next Saturday. I said yes. And I spent every night that week wondering whether I would actually have the courage to go, battling my body insecurities, wondering whether to go hooded, basically as a sub. I also touched myself almost every night that week, thinking about it. Imagining it. Wondering what it would be like to be in a room with so many other people all having sex, the air thick with pheromones, the sounds of thighs slapping and women moaning. Whether I would like it or I’d feel awkward or too anxious to enjoy myself. Whether reality would actually live up to the fantasy or not.

Let me tell you, dear reader, it did. And how.

On the day, I didn’t know until the last minute whether I’d actually go, and I ended up being a little late to meeting the Guy, his girlfriend and their other female friend. So the very first time I met them, laid eyes on them, was when I knew we’d be fucking later. It was already hot, but just setting the stage for what was to come. We chatted, bought some drinks and then walked about ten minutes to the hotel. Up in the elevator (no-one got out at floor 3 because it’s the reception and they might want to check where we were going. Best of luck explaining that! :P) and out into the hallway and suddenly we were at the room. It was actually happening. This thing that I had fantasized about in my deepest most lustful dreams, touched myself to for years, disclosed only to the most intimate partners, at my most vulnerable. How much I wanted to be at the center of a group, surrounded by people who wanted nothing more than to fuck me. Surrounded by people who just could not get enough of my body. People for whom I was the fantasy. My big 34 DD breasts with large pink nipples, my soft tummy and wiggly bum, my big curly hair, even my slight cellulite and and light scars. And most of all, my wet pink cunt. I thrive off of admiration and praise, and nothing would tell me I’m wanted, deeply desperately desired, more than this.

And that’s exactly what happened. After the first stiff drink and a shower, the Guy I came with gently invited me on to the bed. And I, fortified with liquid courage and craving the experience of everything all at once, said yes. There was already a girl lying on the next bed over getting fucked and hearing her moan excited me, deep in my belly. But I had almost been averting my eyes out of respect for their privacy (??) so I wasn’t exactly sure what would happen. Though there were already about ten men there, many in their boxers already when we arrived, so really I should have guessed. When I went into the outside room to drop off my clothes after my shower, as I leaned over to put them in my bag, I got a few wolf whistles and appreciative calls, so I laughed and gave them a little wiggle. My adoring audience lapped it up and the cheers got louder. One of them looked at my breasts and said I should be in Playboy. I glowed.

And then I was on the bed and he was in between my legs, going down on me, getting things nice and wet and sloppy, lapping at me with his tongue, as I sank bank into the pillow gloriously, my hands above my head, my breasts spilling sideways, my hair laid out above me and out of the way. Four of the men were standing around the bed watching me appreciatively, I noticed just before I closed my eyes. And then, a nudge to my hand and there was a dick in it. A nudge to my other hand and there was another dick in it. I worked one with my hand, while putting the other in my mouth. Suddenly I felt another mouth on my nipple and one of the men leaned in to kiss me, and that was when I knew I was going to fucking love this experience. A dick in each hand, different mouths on my mouth and nipples, and a mouth on my cunt. I was in heaven.

The Guy I came with entered me, and I was so wet that he slipped right in, and he fucked me a little but soon, before I realised it, men were swapping in and out, rotating between my hands and my cunt. I think the order was that they’d be waiting, then they’d come to either hand, and I kept alternating between sucking off the one on my right and the one on my left. Every time there was a new dick put in my hand I just sucked and licked and kissed it for as long as I wanted and when I didn’t want that one anymore there would be a different one to turn to in my other hand. One of my favorite feelings is having a dick harden in mouth, and I got to experience that a countless number of times over the course of the next four hours. Small cocks growing larger and larger and harder and harder in my hand and in my mouth – it could never be hands plural because not for a moment was I able to use both hands on one person. There was always another cock demanding, or perhaps begging for, my attention. I sucked off every man until they were hard in my mouth, and then they would fuck me. Watching, hand, mouth, cunt. An assembly line with me at the centre, getting all the appreciation my thirsty little self could ever want.

Some fucked me well, some fucked me mediocrely. When I found a cock I liked I’d ask them to stay longer, or indicate my preference that I wanted this cock to fuck me next. They enjoyed me taking initiative too. They would fuck me till they were about to cum and then pull out and finish on my stomach. They’d politely wipe me off, thank me and then the next person would move from my hand and line up their cock to fuck my cunt. I have never experienced anything like it, I was a sex haze, my eyes rolling back into my skull, half opened and watching, and half closed. When someone fucked me really well, I’d open my eyes and look them in the eye as they came. They called me beautiful, sexy, and told me they felt so fucking good inside me. I laughed and bucked my hips to take them in deeper – I couldn’t grab their hips to push into, because my hands were full with two other cocks. I just kept getting railed, over and over again, cocks swapping out, faces unrecognizable, one after the other after the other. I could not believe my fucking luck. The centre of a gangbang – me.

There were moments of difference too, highlights in a permanent highlight reel. One man asked to turn me over and we fucked doggy style, a few dicks swapped out behind me before I was turned back over on to my stomach. At one point I was spitroasted, which in itself has been a major fantasy but here it just paled in comparison. It was a moment of glory, and felt good, but nothing compared to the whole gangbang experience. One man fed me his nipples and I ran my tongue all over them, flat broad and wet, as well as tight and quick – he yelped with pleasure and then asked me to ride him. We turned over and I lowered myself into his cock, to a round of appreciative sighs and gasps and encouragement from the audience. As I rode him, my fingers tweaking his nipples, my breasts rode high, bouncing up and down with the movement, my hips rocking back and forth and side to side. My audience enjoyed the view so much, some of them even tried to squeeze them as I rode, my head falling backwards as I writhed in pleasure. Soon he signalled to me that he was going to finish and I got off him, as he came on the sheets. The event organizer put down a dry protective covering after that, and then we continued.

Then, in the middle of the haze, the event organizer asked if I would be okay with toys and I said yes. And suddenly there was an incredibly intense super powerful vibrator on my pussy, being worked up and down and all around, stimulating me like crazy, edging me on and on and on in a situation of already super high stimulation. I could barely stand it but I had no idea what was happening around me, to any of the people I came with, to the girl in the next bed, to the people outside. I was aware of nothing but the intensity of these sensations, this vibrator being held to my pussy, with two men’s mouths on my nipples and another four or more watching me. Listening to me moan and gasp, and waiting for me to scream.

I can’t even remember to be honest if it was actually the vibrator or one of the men that made me cum for the first time. I think it was the vibrator, but that orgasm was like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. It wasnt a slow build or a gentle moment that I was desperately reaching for, with satisfied relief when I found it. It was like a fucking powerful wave knocking me off my feet (metaphorically of course – physically, I’d already been off my feet, lying in bed with my legs wide open for a while now). The wave crashed and I had no idea what was happening, where I was or what I was doing. In that moment you could’ve asked me my name and I wouldn’t have been able to tell you. Is this what ego death feels like? I came so hard I was screaming, gasping, crying out, hanging on to the sides of the bed for dear life, grabbing the sheets in a death grip, helpless against the sensations hijacking my body in wave after wave after wave, until I found myself curled up on my side with my eyes closed, still gasping for air, trying to catch my breath.

I was only vaguely aware of the whispers of awe and appreciation from the men around me, but even that vague awareness pleased me. Primarily though, I needed to be held. I opened my eyes and the Guy was there, and asking me whether I was okay, was that good, what did I need. And I said I need to be held. But he was waiting for the girl in the other bed, I could see, so I said nevermind you stay here and I fell off the bed, stumbled into the next room and found his girlfriend. She was naked and socialising but not directly playing with anyone. Please, I said, I just need to be hugged, please hug me. I heard him call out to her: someone needs aftercare. And she, bless her heart, her slim soft beautiful body, and everything else about her, she held me. We lay down on a makeshift cot in the outer room, our naked bodies pressed together, her body heat and heartbeat and skin to skin contact regulating me until I could regain my senses. We lay there for a little while, I don’t even know how long, maybe ten minutes, but time meant nothing to me at that point.

When I recovered, I sat up, had some water, someone handed me a drink, and I sat there sipping on it, ready to socialise, to chat, to take a bit of a break. I took a quick shower too. And then just sat there for a while, chatting and laughing until one of the men asked me – would you like to play? And thus began round 2. The whole evening consisted of four rounds for me. Four times I got to experience the same thing, over and over with different variations, never ever ever boring, always stimulating, always wonderful, and getting better and better each time. In round 3 and 4, one of the cocks that had fucked me so very well, my favorite, is what brought me to orgasm. It was not the largest perhaps but a thick one, belonging to a stocky man in his fifties with salt and pepper hair, but most importantly, it was one that hit all the right spots in me, and the man had the stamina to keep going. The vibrator had broken my cum barrier, and after the first glorious time, I was like a freight train. He fucked me and fucked me and fucked me and I came and came and came. When I came once, they didn’t even give me a break, they just kept going, kept fucking me, kept running the toys on me until I came again. Until I couldn’t hold myself up or even hold a dick in my hand, let alone concentrate on sucking it. Until my screams echoed around the room. I hope the other women enjoyed hearing me as much as I enjoyed hearing them.

One time, the other woman we came with joined me on the bed and we made out and she went down on me, but we were soon separated, in the interests of fairness of course to everyone involved, so that they could each enjoy our bodies separately. Fair is fair, after all. One does not come to a gangbang and not know how to share. One of the men who started round four was a beautiful lanky man with gorgeous tattoos all over his arms and back, that I traced with my fingers while we sat outside. He had dick implants, we were told, and I couldn’t wait to try it. Once on the bed, getting him hard, I realized there were bumps and knobs on his dick, ridges and planes that gave it texture. It wasn’t the best to blow, but holy hell did it feel good inside me. The textures and knobs successfully hit a bunch of spots in me at once and it was amazing. But not as amazing as that one salt and pepper guy, whose cock just fit me. He brought me to orgasm at least thrice, if I can remember correctly through the haze. I kissed him a lot to say thank you.

There were many showers, a few drinks, lots of water, and before I knew it five hours had passed, and it was dinner time. We got dressed, said our thank yous and goodbyes, were given thank yous and goodbyes and I also got a bunch of “you were amazing!” s and “see you next time!” s.

The appreciation (and orgasms) I got yesterday should be enough to last me for a long long long time. And at the same time, me? I just cannot WAIT to do this again. :D



  1. That is epic and wish I had been there! Thank you for sharing and hope there’s more for you in the future

  2. This is written so well! I am able to fully close my eyes and imagine it so vividly. Thank you so much for sharing this!

  3. Wow that was amazing to read and oh so fucking hot!! 😍😍😍 !updateme

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