Desire of the Day – Day 2 Part 1 [MF30+][Coworker][Public][Story][Reverse Dom]

[Day 1 Part 7 (Previous Chapter)](

Day 2 –

Morning glory after the day I had yesterday is divine. Its like stretching your back after a long hard day’s work. It stands erect and proud, basking in its glory. Then I see the time. Back to routine.

Quick shower and teeth brushed, I go to get dressed and decide on a shirt. A little confident, leaning into the horny vibe I’ve woken up to, I go commando. Minutes later I’m jumping on the bike and away to work.

An uneventful 20 minutes later I stop at the shop and buy some cigs and chewing gum. The cashier looks familiar but I can’t quite pin it. She finishes scanning and looks at me with the same querying look.

She then says “have we met? are you the guy I nearly hit yesterday?”

I laugh in relief and explain my own confusion identifying her and we banter a little over the situation before she says,

“you shouldn’t smoke they’ll kill you” She says.

Not missing a beat I retort “not with your driving they won’t”.

She laughs and smiles at me. Did I see a glint in her eye?

I pay for my goods and give her a genuine “hope I see you soon”, but I miss her response with my helmet on as I’m walking away.

Arriving at work I look around for your car and see you’ve already arrived but I can’t see you. Disappointed I stand in the smoking shelter and smoke. A few people arrive and we pass pleasantries before I head inside.

Heading to my desk and getting started, I wonder what you’re thinking. I’m worried I was too forceful yesterday. What if you didn’t like the choking or bum stuff? What if I hurt you? I’m panicking and scared now.

The morning drags on and eventually I gather the courage to go see you. Hands shaking and my head whirling with what I’ll say if you’re upset I get to your room and can’t see you. I relax a little knowing I don’t need to face the music yet.

I spot someone to talk to and so spend a few minutes chin wagging. Then you walk in, chatting with someone and glance around. You double take as you see me and your expression hardens. A heat begins rising up my neck and I’m terrified.

I’m basically ignoring what’s being said to me, my attention completely on you but you seem to be ignoring me, perhaps letting me simmer. Eventually you finish your conversation and sit at your desk without looking. I turn back to my conversation and manage to pick it up without too much suspicion that I’d ignored them.

Making my exit, when I can, I head in your direction glancing awkwardly towards you as I do but getting no response. As I get close I debate whether to say anything or keep walking. I simply manage a brief,

“Mornin'” and you look at me your expression hard again.

“Everything OK?” I ask.

“No”. Short, sharp. You’re fuming I guess.

“Why not?” I ask.

“Couldn’t sleep last night.” you say, turning away from me and working again.
“I need your help with something later, I’ll come up after lunch” you say, your voice neutral.

“Yeah no worries, or come out at lunch and let me know?” I ask sheepishly.

“We’ll see” is your response.

I leave your desk even more nervous than I was before. Lunch can’t come soon enough.

Close to breaking point I bolt downstairs and light a cig. Everytime I hear the doors open I rush to check who it is and sulk back each time. Eventually I hear your voice and sheepishly step forward into view of the reception area. You walk over with your manager in tow discussing something.

You both approach the shelter and your conversation keeps going, ignoring me. Eventually I hear my name and glance up, your manager is looking at me, you at her,

“will you have a look at it today? it’s urgent” she says to me.

You look over awaiting a response.

“Errr sure, look at what? That thing from yesterday?” I say.

“Yes” and you proceed to explain the problem.

Eventually your manager leaves and we’re both left alone.

“So, what was that all about?” you say.

“What?” I respond, honestly unsure exactly what ‘that’ is but knowing it probably isn’t work related.

“You got a bit forceful” you say.

“I’m sorry, I got carried away, I thought you were enjoying it. I’d have stopped right away if you’d said” at this I finally see you smile.

“I did like it” you say taking a step toward me, “I liked it so much I had another go when I got home and all I could think about was what you said”.

Nervously excited I stutter “w-w-w-what bit?”.

At this you stand right in my face, my body blocking you from view of any prying eyes from the office and you quickly and roughly grab my crotch through my pants and hiss,

“I” you squeeze hard.
“Told”, you squeeze again.
“You”, said with a bit more force and your nails dig deep and a painful moan escapes my mouth.
“To….” this time no squeeze but your face raises towards mine your lips inches away, “cum” you practically whisper and you squeeze again but gently this time, then rub your hand slowly up and down on my crotch as it begins to harden.

My cock is burning from the pressure and a noticeable bulge forms in my pants. Your lips inch towards mine but stop just short. My eyes half closed expecting the kiss I dont get.

“But not here” you finish. Stepping away and releasing me from your spell.

“You’re evil” I say smiling and a little light headed from the pain.

“You don’t know the half of it” you say as you walk away your beautiful booty looking amazing in the tight short black skirt you have on. For a moment I stare and try to work out what underwear you’re wearing but can’t see an outline. I remember my own choice of underwear avoidance and excitedly imagine you’ve done the same.


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