[MFM] The ugly duckling explores herself by getting face fucked by frat boys

I’ve been gone for a long time but I was feeling the story telling itch again lately! So this story is a little scandalous and shameful even by my standards.

For me, college was a time of two faces. One was the face that was trying to get good grades and a scholarship and all that stuff nerdy girls tend to do. I had nerdy friends and my professors liked me lots because I asked good questions like the suck-up I am. The other was the ugly duckling who had left her college town and was now out and about in the world exploring who she wanted to be. And by that, I mostly mean I was having a lot of kinky sex, and sometimes with strangers. But those two sides didn’t always match up. For one thing some of my nerdy friends were kind of sex negative (mostly because they weren’t getting any!) and they would have judged me if they knew about my extracurriculars. I was also just trying to balance doing well in school and getting done well everywhere else.

That meant I didn’t spend a ton of time at frat parties. They didn’t fit the double life I was living where most of my sexual partners were floormates or friends of friends (or, once, a professor… but that’s a VERY different story!). Occasionally, I would go to a frat party. I’d like to say I behaved but I didn’t! I contain multitudes, and my body has contained multi-dudes. This is one of those stories.

A friend dragged me to a frat party. In the past I’ve given names of my friends usually when I later had a sexual encounter with them or somehow related to them, but this friend stayed solidly platonic, so I won’t bother. She was friends with some frat boys because she was in one of the nerdier sororities so she had a tangential connection to the Greek life on campus. But then she disappears from the story, so let’s not worry about it!

Loser that I am I gravitate right away to the old GameCube sitting in the corner of the room. A few of the guys are playing Smash Bros on it. I’m not bad at Smash Bros and I’m a lot better at Mario Kart, but it seems like a better time than drinking and talking to the boring boys my friend was in love with. After somebody gets tilted and throws a controller I get my turn to play. The next few rounds I got my butt kicked six ways to Sunday by two of the guys and trounced the third guy every round. HE was getting heated, so he left too.

Before I go on I should mention that this wasn’t just for funsies Smash. We were getting Smashed. For each stock you lost you had to take a drink. Since I was losing all the time I’d had a lot of drinks and I was a lightweight anyway. I wasn’t wasted or anything, but I was, how to put it… suggestible. And with me that usually means that I’m just more willing to do the things I really want to anyway. But I was having fun and the boys were being nice about the fact that I was losing. At least they weren’t making fun of me too much. But when their third friend left they turned to me.

“Still down for more?” one said. His name was Jacob.

“You’re lucky we aren’t playing Mario Kart. Then I’d be on top!”

“I think Nate has an N64. Don’t you?”

Nate was the other guy. “Damn right I do. And I have Kart too.”

Mostly I was interested in redeeming myself after losing match after match in Smash. I liked these guys, though. They dressed and talked like frat boys but they weren’t AS douchey and they were being nice to me. I’m as much a sucker for someone being nice to me as I am for someone being mean to me. In other words I agree to go check out Natey’s N64 and put my driving skills to the test.

I notice that Nate closes the bedroom door behind him. Drunk though I may be, this accomplished skank knows a sign when she sees one. I don’t want to be too eager though so I sit on the edge of the bed as the boys put together the console. We dutifully play a few rounds and I do better for myself, thankfully! With the new game the winner doesn’t drink and the losers drink once for second and twice for third place. I get my fair share of second places but only one third! Redemption.

You didn’t come here to hear about how I’m pretty good at a driving game, though. You came here to hear about how the boys were sitting closer and closer to me after every round. Until they were touching my legs with theirs. And my legs were bare, because I was wearing my favorite skank shorts. Since we’re friends I can be honest with you. I was soaked, almost through my shorts. Right then I wasn’t sure if I knew what these boys wanted or if my porn-addict ass was reading too much into things. When it comes to college boys, though, always bet on red. And red is the color of horny ass bitches.

“Yo, I’m tired of drinking. How about strip Kart?” Jacob says.

“Yeah!” I say. Definitely too fast. Do you blame me though?

We start up the next round and I know what I must do. Pride be damned I throw the game, coming in third place. Rules are rules, and according to our rules coming in third place gets you two penalties. For just one teensy moment I play coy and start by taking off my socks to the chagrin of my boon companions. I might be a slut, but I can be a playful slut too. Jacob came in second, so he takes only one sock off. I was hoping to see him shirtless but I guess that was greedy of me.

Round two. I lose again. Here comes the moment of truth where I throw caution to the wind. Like a good Christian girl I’m wearing both a bra AND a t shirt. Bra and a t-shirt makes two items. You can do the math. So there am I, wearing just my shorts and no socks at all, tits out to the wind, in front of two frat boys I’ve never seen before in my life before tonight. Suffice to say the controllers were left where they lay after that.

“Fucking hell, look at those!” Jacob said. I’m always self conscious about my boobs so I was basically glowing. He grabs my boob without even asking. If I wasn’t drenched from the sexual tension already I would have been then. Love a handsy guy! He’s got me salivating.

“Bet you knew you were going to whip those out when you came up here,” Nate said. There’s that frat boy talk I should have expected. If I hadn’t spent the last hour bonding and developing a craving for cock, I would have told him off. He was right though. I had gotten topless for them on purpose.

“Mhm,” I say as Nate grabs me and pulls me off the side of the bed. Like a good girl I’m on my knees in a flash. He’s standing beside me pulling his pants off.

“You bet,” I say while I’m breathless. Like I keep telling you folks, I’m a grade A nerdlinger. It was all I could say. The alternative would have been cramming my hand down my shorts and masturbating in front of them. Soooooo lady like!

“I fucking knew it,” Nate said. He grabs me by the hair and slams my face against his dick. “Nerd bitches like you are always thirsty for it, I fucking knew it.”

“God I wanted it so bad,” I say, grabbing his dick and starting to please him just like he wants it. I live to please.

Jacob grabs my hand and starts whacking himself off with it. It doesn’t take long for me to take over. I know what boys like. “Fucking slut,” he says too. How did they know? Except, I know how they know. They’re frat boys! We’re all sluts to them. I was just happy to oblige for the evening.

Both of them were greedy with my mouth. They didn’t like seeing the other one get to take advantage of my warm, wet hole for very long. So rude! I tried to be generous with my hands but it became clear that nothing but my mouth would do. I understand. My blowjobs get rave reviews. They kept taking my head away from each other and fucking my mouth for a few seconds each. How long did it last? I don’t know, honestly. I don’t think anyone really has a good idea how long things last when they’re in fuckbrain-mode.



“Look at this fucking bitch, look at her.”

Some of my favorite words. It’s like they saw my horny journal and were playing a role, just like I was playing for them.

“Look at her tits bouncing.”

Nate came deep in my throat. I wasn’t surprised, he was the eager one. He couldn’t handle it. Jacob kept a tighter grip on his load. After he had me all to himself for a bit (my mouth extra lubricated by a thick blast of cum) I brought him to the edge. Then he grabbed my by my hair and forced my head back. I was reaching for his dick when his cum shot out all over my dainty white chest.

I sat there in shock for a second. “Could somebody get me a rag, or like a towel or something?” I was basically dreaming at this point. Might as well have been blind. Because, of course, I didn’t notice that Nate was gone and Jacob wasn’t paying much attention to me. I had to walk around with my shirt and bra in hand until I found a bathroom. On my way there you won’t be surprised to hear that I bumped into a third frat brother who gave me a nice look. When I got downstairs Nate and Jacob were back with their pals cleaning up the mess. I won’t lie to you. I was feeling pretty low and just wanted to slip out unseen. Fate wasn’t smiling on me though. Or maybe she was.

“Bye bye, wet mouth!” Nate yelled as I slid out the door. That brought my spirits right back up again!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/wl6hhk/mfm_the_ugly_duckling_explores_herself_by_getting


  1. Great writing! Had me smiling with some of your word choices. Looking forward to reading more!

  2. Great story!

    Just a cutious question about your (FF)story on here. Was Melanie bisexual like you and discovered it in college or was she lesbian?

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