Judge, Jury and Executrix, Part 5 [BDSM] [Femdom] [kidnap] [torture] [fantasy] [oc] [F40/M40]

He could taste the blood dripping down his face mixed with the saltiness of his tears. Up until a few minutes ago, he still thought that maybe this was all an intense scene that would end in the next day or so; but now it felt very real. He was in a complete state of shock. He told no one where he was headed yesterday, he simply picked up and left. To make it worse, he took everything that could have possibly led anyone to where he was along with him on the trip. If anyone went to his apartment, it would simply look like he’d skipped town, which would surprise absolutely no one who knew him. Since his break up a few months ago, he had pretty much removed himself from society, and gone into what would probably be described as a deep depression. It would be no surprise that he left town, or even worse.

He now felt that his situation was much worse, and to top things off, he even wet his pants while being violated from behind – he was a piss-soaked, bloody, disgusting mess. His senses were so heightened, he heard her footsteps coming down the steps. She had a plate with what looked like two pieces of fake meatloaf, and a bottle of Poland Spring water.

“This is called Nutraloaf, it contains things you need to survive,” she waited for him to try it as she stood in front of him. “It is the only thing you will eat from this point forward.”

Once he was able to be past the taste, the texture set in. To call it gross would be a complete disservice to anything else termed gross.

“I made it with separated poultry parts – all the stuff the butcher can’t sell, veggie scraps and last week’s breadcrumbs,” she smiled as she spoke. “I made enough for you to keep you fed for an entire month; I guess we’ll see if we even need that much.”

He completely cleared the hard plastic, orange plate – he was afraid not to. He could already feel it like a rock in his stomach.

“You should also know that the plumbing down here is very sensitive, and with that being said, you’re being put on a bathroom schedule,” she was speaking slowly and making sure he heard every word very clearly. “There will be two times per day when you can evacuate your bowels, and to make sure you obey, you’re going to be wearing this.”

She held up a large, plain, stainless steel plug, and came closer to him. She forced it into his mouth, being sure it rattled his teeth in a very uncomfortable way. She pulled it out and reached down the back of his pants and inside his orange panties, feeling around until it was swallowed up by his still gaping asshole.

“You are not permitted to remove that, only me. It will be removed twice per day, and you will have three minutes each time to do your business,” she spoke as he stared at her blankly. “You may have noticed that there is more than one cell down here, and there is a good chance that you will not be alone here very long.”

She left without explaining herself, and was gone for a very long time. When she finally returned, she was wearing her butcher’s apron, gloves and what looked to be a black leather executioner’s mask. She opened the cell door and entered without saying a word. She put a gag in his mouth and pulled the same hood over his head she used the other night. She led him from his cell to the middle of the room, pushing him up against the table in the middle. She placed her gloved hands around his throat, and then dragged a sharp metal object across as well – making sure it was with enough pressure so he could feel it.

“Ending you today would be too easy, but on the day I choose, you will make this same walk and die at my hands,” she spoke calmly but breathed deeply because she was so aroused. “In one hour, when you return to your cell, you will probably wish I had just finished you now.”

She stood him up erect and finished their walk to the cross on the far wall. She cuffed him in place and pulled the hood off of his head and removed the gag from his mouth. She them pulled out what looked like two leather squares, one bigger than the other. She pulled down his pants and lifted his shirt placing one leaving his ass exposed and the his entire back and both were secured in place.

“You will not count out loud, but you will keep track in your head,” she removed what looked like an authentic judicial cane from the wall and continued to speak. “If I ask you what number were on, and you don’t know, you will pay the price. Let’s begin today’s session.”

She pulled back and struck him flush across the back literally taking his breath away. She followed with a barrage of about a dozen more ripping some chunks of flesh from his back and already showing the signs of bruising. As she admired her work, she felt a change inside herself, and a wetness running down her inner thigh. She was turned on, and wanted nothing more than to severely hurt the inmate in front of her.

“How many,” she questioned as he meekly replied with the word twelve. “Fucking wrong inmate! Do better!”

She pulled back and a second barrage of blows to his back ensued. In that moment, she knew exactly why she had retired early and dedicated the last six months of her life to making this a reality.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/wl6eo3/judge_jury_and_executrix_part_5_bdsm_femdom