Getting Laid Off Isn’t Always So Bad – The Night Is Still Early [M32/F33] [First-Time] [Coworkers] [Hotel]

[Hi all. This is a continuation of my last story. Feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you think. I also love hearing suggestions and ideas. DMs and Chats are always welcome.

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My hand wrap tighter around the silk scarf as I brace for my body to tighten up again. Tara has once again brought me to the edge of another intense orgasm and this time it was a really close call. I had to do everything in my power to hold back from showering her hand with everything I had in me.

“Oh god, I’m close again!” I blurt out to the dark void, getting Tara to quickly release me. The blindfold on my face makes it a little hard to know which direction Tara is sitting on the bed, but I can feel the bed move as she pulls back hoping to have once again prevented another close call. Riding the feeling of being so close and yet not cumming has become a ritual for the past two hours. After our wild time in the shower, Tara needed a little break from being filled. I’d love to take credit for her need for a respite, but, even with Tara implying that it was me in the shower making it hard for her to stand and kneel, I feel like this might also be the symptom of diving right into a wild day and night of crazy sexual adventure. Going 0 to 100MPH so fast tends to cause a little whiplash. We weren’t in our 20s anymore.

Since Tara needed the rest, it was her idea to lightly tie me to the bed (my wrists in two silk scarfs tied to the bedpost) and let her edge me for a few hours. I couldn’t argue that a short “break” (mostly for her) would help with our stamina to last well into the night. Being in this state for two hours definitely has my skin on high alert. As if the A/C will kick in and a gentle breeze will cross my body. If that were the case, I’ll be re-enacting Mt. Vesuvius all over this bed. The last two times were very close calls and I can tell that I had built up a lot of tension.

Back before this wild adventure began, when we were still texting, Tara had always been good about getting me excited for hours at night. The way she constructed a story and filled your head with scenes always led to closing out the night with the most incredible orgasms of my life. She’s say that these stories were her master-pieces. She took great pride in constructing these elaborate scenes, picking the right outfits, the right players, and the right moments. She’d knew how to build sexual tension. The kind that set your mind wild with thoughts and fantasies you didn’t know you had. And when she was ready to pull that trigger, she’d drop the greatest climax to the story on you, and you’d find yourself moments later searching your room for where the cum just went.

Being her sounding board and muse for these stories was a great benefit, but I had always wished she were there whispering them into my ears. Text messaging worked fine, but it isn’t always the best medium for hot romantic story telling. Many nights I’d imagine she was in the room with me. Reading the stories directly to me. Imagining her acting them out when appropriate.

And that’s how our last two hours have been spent. Tara had been telling me her hottest wildest stories. Sometimes whispering in my ear as her hands oiled my skin. Other times she’d give me a line in between kissing up and down my body. I nearly lost it when her story started to get wilder. The climax of the story was building all while she gently massaged and kissed up and down my lower body. Knowing that I’d be so focused on her story I’d be surprised when she started to take me into her mouth.

It drove me wild. She let the scene sit in my head as her lips teased every inch of me. She knew how to tease. Giving little bits of information like “And then he’d let out a big moan as her tongue touched him.” in between her sliding her tongue up and down. She was a mastermind, bringing her two hour epic together into a re-enactment on the bed. My skin was beginning to feel very warm.

She now sat next to me. The blindfold off my eyes as I tried to slow my breathing and work my way down from getting close again. Tara was having fun. The evil look on her face let me know she was enjoying this. It was in one of these in-between moments that Tara had decided to order us some more drinks. It had been a while since the cocktail bar and we expected this night. My hands were freed as the drinks were on their way up under the condition that I stay where I was and no funny business when she wasn’t looking.

That’s when there was a knock on the door. Tara walks to the door in her skimpy nightie. The one she’s been wearing the whole time. It’s a little messy from some of our wilder activities, but her body fills it out perfectly. The special part about it is that it only hangs and inch below her private parts, so while it does cover her up at the door, it’s definitely a bit revealing. I can’t help but smile as she answers the door in it.

From my point on the bed I can barely see the top half of person delivering the room service by looking at a mirror on the wall near the door. It looks to be a girl, but her face only comes into view for short moments.

“Good evening, ma’am. I have the two drinks that you ordered. Do you want me to set them down inside?” She asks. I wonder how hard she’s trying to maintain herself. I’m sure she sees this a lot more than we’d think.

“Oh, no. I’ll take them. I’ll just set them over her.” She turns and places them down on a small end-table just below the mirror. I see Tara give me side eyes and smirk. She must know that I’m loving this little tease. It’s one thing to be edged for so long. It’s another to be teased like this right now.

“The bill is on the tray. I just need you to sign at the bottom.”

Tara opens the envelope and signs her name. I couldn’t tell from the mirror if room service is peeking at her slightly exposed butt now that she’s leaning over a bit to sign her name. Putting the receipt back in turns to hand it back to room service. They both exchange pleasant good nights and Tara closes the door.

“She was cute.”

I laugh. I know she was trying to drive me wild and she succeeded. I honestly had been so focused on the night with Tara I completely ignored everyone around me at times. The thought of her little butt exposed for room service to see got me excited and Tara felt the same.

“I thought you were going to invited her in.” I half-joked. I knew she wouldn’t. That was me mostly psyching myself up to the thought.

“Oh no. I’d much rather her go back downstairs. I’d rather her sit there and think about whether she should have came in or not. Maybe she decides to check for drink orders the rest of the night in hopes of seeing our room again. Or maybe she tells a coworker about some horny couple putting on a show upstairs. All I know is that our next drink should be interesting.”

My body shivers. This woman is very cunning. She knows exactly how to plant wild thoughts in my head and water them. Nurture them until it drives me crazy.

Tara starts to tie my hands back to the post.

“Hey, what about my drink?”

She holds the glass to my lips and I take a sip. She then places her finger into the glass and then lets the alcohol drip off her fingers onto my body. Dripping down my chest and leading a trail down with a splash going all over my cock and balls. Refreshing.

“Do you mind if try a taste of your drink?” she coos into my ear as she pulls down the blindfold again and starts to lick up my spilt drink. “That little event at the door has me feeling extra thirsty. I think I’m in the mood of a shot now. I’ll see if I can find anything refreshing down here.”

Her lips explore my skin and I can feel like this will be in. I can’t hold myself together any longer. I feel her lips tease their way down my body cleaning up the drops of alcohol she was using as an excuse to drive me wild. These were slow sensual kisses. I could tell she knew I needed to release or my eyes will bulge, but she was going to take her time an enjoy it. Each kiss left a little shock on my skin that was amplified by the fact that all I could do was feel her kiss and hear the sounds of her lips. The blindfold helped me focus on the sensations, but even with it, I could still picture her in that nightie.

When she finally did reach my cock, now throbbing, aching for any type of stimulation to help set it off, she knew how close I was. Using the tip of her tongue she teased each sensitive spot on my. Making sure to pull away when it looked like it was too much. The tip of her tongue was the perfect tool to excite my nerves without sending too much of a shock. All the while speaking to me in her sensual voice.

“It looks like you’re more excited than I am. Did my naughty show get someone extra excited?”

“Mmm.” I moan as her tongue hits a very sensitive spot and the feeling of pins and needles travel over my body. “Very.”

“Yes. It really got me excited as well. Now maybe we can take care of this and explore our other wild fantasies.” She reaches up to undo my blindfold. Realizing she didn’t want me to miss the best part. She hungrily licks the full length of my shaft and this sets off multiple jolts. The volcano is no longer dormant. She continues to tease the tip of her tongue around the head as the warm, hot, “magma” spews out. A large fountain for the first few jolts, and then a river flows down and over her tongue.

“Oh, god!” I shout. I know the next room over had to hear that, but I can’t help it. Two hours of frustration and teasing was now erupting out of my body and Tara hurriedly tries to coax more and more cum to be drained. I can see it dripping off her tongue and has a grin knowing that the stream of “Oh, god!” and other expletives coming out of my mouth were all because of her.

The long tease had warmed my skin up so unbelievably and the feeling of Tara’s tongue works to cool down my body. It feels good to lay there and soak in the moment as my body starts to relax. After she finishes cleaning up her work, she looks up at me. “I think it’s time for another drink.”



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