Getting Better Acquainted with Melissa [18 M/F Virgins, First Love, Conflict, Breastgasm]

**Part** **1** [here](

As one could expect, it was… a little tense the next day at school. The rush of brain chemicals had long ceased and their effects notably absent. I had so many lingering thoughts and questions distracting me from the normal monotony of school life. What exactly were we? Friends with benefits? Boyfriend/girlfriend? My mind was racing with the possibilities… ultimately though, it really came down to one matter: how far could this go? It was the first time I had ever gotten this close to another human being physically, sexually, emotionally- I didn’t want to screw it up! If I played my cards right, we could go all the way…

We caught each other’s gaze in the earlier class. I must’ve been looking at her as though I had been struck with cupid’s arrow because she grinned and pursed her lips as if she was stifling a bigger grin. I was quickly overcome with the need to compose myself and straightened my posture a little bit. I patiently waited to approach her after Spanish class again, just like I had done the previous day. She seemed to anticipate this attempt to approach her as she had adjusted her pace accordingly to allow me to catch up.

“Hiya, Melissa! Am I riding with you again, today!?”

“What are you talking about? she replied flatly.

“Wh- what do you mean? To help you *study*, of course…” I was still practically brimming with confidence.

She calmly opened her locker and began to load her backpack with the necessary books. “I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”

At this point, the wind had started leaving my sails and feelings of apprehension and confusion had begun to well up inside me”

Huh?” I replied.

“If I needed your help studying, I’d ask you to meet me in the library in a few. As it just so happens, I will need help with tonight’s homework. Can you do that, mister tutor?”

“Uhh… y-yeah, sure. Just let me head to my locker and I’ll be right back. I’ll also let my mom know I’m staying late to finish some work.”

“Great, I’ll see you there! This chapter’s verb conjugations look like they’re going to be a real pain in the ass. I appreciate it.”

She closed her locker swiftly and made her way to the library with the same pace to her walk. I watched her for a moment before a sinking sensation in my chest snapped me out of it, prompting me to turn around and head to my locker. What…… just happened right there? I glanced back momentarily to see her round a corner. And I thought I had a lot on my mind earlier in the day… I shuffled down the hall and made it to my locker, shell-shocked. Had I done something wrong? Did I insult her? Did she not have a good time? For a moment, I considered bailing right then and there, but I had a feeling that the answers awaited me at the library that afternoon.


I looked around and didn’t see her immediately, so I made my way towards the bookshelves and started peering around; she was sitting at a solitary table at the edge of the wall. The seclusion seemed to indicate that my intuition was correct. I sat next to her and opened my book and notes to the day’s lesson.

“*Ahem*. Shall… we.. begin?”

She smiled shyly. “Whenever you’re ready, teacher.”

At this point, I put my concerns on the back burner. After all, I was obligated to help her actually improve her Spanish. My normal frame of mind resurfaced, and I proceeded to tutor her with the same indifference as an unpaid volunteer- except without the sexual tension. By the time she understood today’s lesson, I had resigned myself to the fact that she had changed her mind about meeting again when, without warning, her face was suddenly inches from mine.

“You know, it was cute how mopey you were when you walked away from my locker.”

My head rotated slowly.

“Don’t be so tense!” she whispered. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Then, wh-”

“You can’t be so obvious about it! What do you think would happen if all the guys found out I was just inviting you over for ‘tutoring’!? You think nobody else would catch the subtext?”

“You’re totally right!” I whispered excitedly, though I quickly hushed my voice. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think about that. I’m fine with keeping things on the downlow. But, when will we get to meet again?

“My parents are leaving for a business conference they were both coincidentally invited to next weekend. Do you think you can wait until then, lover boy?”

I smiled and placed my hand on her leg. “I think I can make it.”

Her eyes darted around the library before sneaking in a kiss. “That will have to hold us over for n-”

“I think you mean *you* over…”

“You’re such a jerk!” she whispered with a smile. “I’ll see you later.”

She walked away as casually as possible, with a grace that surely belied her intentions. I couldn’t help but fawn over her somewhat as I watched her walk away, before realizing the time and gathering my belongings. As I walked home, I only had one thought in my mind at the end of the day.

“This is going to be the longest week of my life”


The day of reckoning was upon me. Homework done, excuse for the parents, and friends ditched. As far as my teenage brain was concerned, this could be the most important sleepover of my life. I could practically skip to the rendezvous point at the nearby corner I was so elated! A short car ride and one casual conversation later, we arrived at the house. I was about ready to burst out of the car when she unexpectedly placed her hand on mine.

“Thanks for coming again,” she said softly.

“S-sure, no problem.”

Her grave disposition unnerved me slightly. I wondered what was on her mind. I stared into her eyes for a moment, searching for an answer.

Before I could ask, she spoke again in her usual tone: “You know, you can get out of the car now.”

“What? Oh yeah, I remember how to do this!”

“I’m soooo grateful that your lame-ness covers for mine,” she retorted.

“Just unlock the door already…”

The lock clicked and the door made a slight tearing noise as it peeled away from the frame.

“The hell? Why is it so dark and quiet? Is this the part where someone sneaks up behind me and hits me in the back of the head?”

She seemed to ease up, and finally let out a chuckle. “Let’s not forget who’s inviting whom into her house. Give me a little credit; I haven’t actually been home yet today- that’s why the lights are off”

“Alright, alright, fair enough.”

We dropped our belongings, and she began the process of turning on the lights. I saw Louise dart downstairs from the hallway leading to the rooms.

“Do you mind if I wait in your room?”

“Sure, I’ll be right there!” she responded cheerfully.

This time, I really did skip to my destination and promptly plopped onto the bed spread, face first.

“Ahhhh… fresh laundry smell.”

I snapped back up, realizing that I had no game plan whatsoever. Shoot! What do I do? I straightened out the cover and laid across the bed, striking a pose to greet Melissa. I waited for some time, before she finally beckoned me into another part of the house. I entered the family room, surprised by the apparent change in plans. She was nestled up under a bulky quilt on the couch, across from the sizeable flat screen TV.

“We’re… hanging out in here tonight?” I asked.

“We have the whole place to ourselves this weekend. You don’t mind watching a movie together, right?

ou know… like it’s actually *our* place?”

“You know what? I like that idea.”

I sat down on the couch opposite of her and scooted my way towards her. I stopped short of the edge of the blanket and moved away from her a little bit in jest.

“Will you just come over already!?”

I smiled sheepishly and finally nestled my way under the blankets.

“Will you let me cuddle?” Her voice was noticeably higher at this time.

“Sure! Why not?” I answered excitedly.

Considering the amount of time she had spent preparing the movie, I suspected she had gotten undressed, and was expecting to finally get a “better look” than I did last time. She smiled and blushed before closing the gap between us. As she brought her body to rest against mine, I braced myself for the feeling of bare skin as I wrapped my arm around the side of her body. To my surprise (and disappointment), it seemed as though she was still in the clothes she had on when we walked in. I turned my head and glanced down at her for a moment, wondering what was happening. She must’ve sensed my change in position, because her eyes darted back up at me.

“Is something wrong?”

“No, nothing! I just… no, never mind. We can talk later, let’s just enjoy the movie.”

It’s okay if you need me to grab a little snack or something,” she offered kindly.

“It’s fine, really,” I responded cheerfully, masking the doubts in my mind. “I’ll let you know if I need anything.”

Our faces parted with a soft look, and we quickly settled our focus back on the movie. My face relaxed, but a slight frown formed as I contemplated my next move. As long as it had taken to get to this point, the movie seemed to go on for hours. When it was finally over, an awkward silence filled the room as the main menu reappeared on the screen.

“Ahhhh,” she exhaled after yawning. “Such a good movie; never gets old. Wouldn’t you agree? Nate? Nate??”

“Oh- yeah, sure…”

“Are you okay? You’ve been acting a little icy towards me. What’s the matter?”

“Are we going to do it?” I blurted out. Her expression changed, and I instantly regretted the words that came out of my mouth. I tried backpedaling: “Sorry, I didn’t mean like, right this second; maybe eventuallyyy… but are we boyfriend/girlfriend?

“No, silly! What are you talking about?”

the pace of my words began to pick up.

“Bu- Wh- I don’t understand. You’re not attracted to me?”

“No, that’s not it, I-”

“Then why did you invite me here?”

“Well, I wanted to just spend some time with you, an-”

“So, I’m not going to see you naked!? I’m so confused! Why are we just doing all of this dumb, mushy stuff!?”


i physically recoiled in response to her assertion. In the process of our conversation, I was unaware that I had been looming over her body on the couch, like an adult talking down to a child. I re-established myself one couch cushion away and braced myself for what she had to say.

“How fucking *stupid* are you, HUH? I invited you over my house…. I offered you food…. I gave you cuddles…. I let you see a side of me that no one else has seen….” Her voice started breaking. ” I thought… you weren’t like the other guys- sticking their dicks everywhere, breaking girls’ hearts the minute they get their rocks off, saving face by slut-shaming the girls *they* let down!”

She couldn’t hold back the tears any longer, and they streamed continuously down her cheeks.

“I thought you would be di- fer- eh- eennnt!!! WEHHHH, HEH, HEH, HEH, HEHHH!!!!” She began sobbing uncontrollably, but only for a moment. The sobs continued, and I hung my head down.

“You know what!? Here! Is this what you want!?”

She tugged her shirt up haphazardly, just above her breasts. She pulled down her bra to allow them to spill out as much as they could. I didn’t look up but could tell by her voice that she had moved closer.

“Is this what you want? Huh!? You like that!! Go ahead, oggle my tits like the dog you are!” she managed to blurt out before continuing to sob. The sobs became lower, though, interspersed with bouts of sniffling.

In a voice barely audible, I spoke up as soon as I didn’t have to yell over the volume of her cries.

“I ruined it.”

“Wh-huh- what?” she managed in between sobs.

“I ruined it. I’m sorry,” I continued, head still bowed in shame. “I don’t deserve your hospitality. Your vulnerability.”

She sniffled a little, but her crying had finally ceased.

“I must’ve seemed really desperate and pathetic before… I literally don’t have words to express my remorse in this moment.”

At this point, tears had begun to well up in my eyes as well.

“I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed, but I’ve never really had any female acquaintances. As kids, of course, but… once puberty hit, it’s like girls became a totally different species from me. I was too intimidated to approach them. Too odd for them to approach me. I never really felt like I understood them, and vice versa.”

Melissa continued to listen, breasts still sticking out carelessly from under her shirt. I finally looked back up, directly into her eyes. My expression was calm, but the tears flowed freely out of my eyes.

“And then you happened, Melissa.” I paused, waiting for her expression to change, but it didn’t, so I continued: “All of my cares, all of my worries… they were replaced by excitement, anticipation, uncertainty, lust… things I’ve never felt before. I was soooo eager to jump into this experience, that I got ahead of myself. I… didn’t mean to be so demanding, I just… I wanted to know- I wanted to be *certain* that *this*… whatever-you-call-it was actually happening. Like a guarantee, I guess…

There was a long, heavy silence. The lighting in the room waxed and waned as the main menu sequence danced across the screen.

“I should probably go, now.”

I rolled my legs off the couch, but as I stood up, I felt a tug on my arm.

“You idiot,” she said calmly, without derision. “C’mon, sit down. We should talk.”

“No, no, I blew it. I lost. I know when to fold-”

“I forgive you! Please, let’s not end this over a misunderstanding. Let’s try to sort this out.”

“Okay,” I replied somberly. I let out a loud sigh as I sat back down on the couch and gathered myself once more. “You are an amazingly understanding person.”

“Look, I’ve had a boyfriend before for a very short time and let’s just say it didn’t go so well.”

“O- oh… my apologies.”

“There’s no need. The only thing that was hurt was my self-esteem… I actually feel a little bit bad right now. I didn’t realize how limited your interactions with girls have been- I must have seemed like a tad bit of a tease.”

I looked at her, a little bit shocked. Before I could come up with a way to take responsibility as well, she continued.

“Look, there isn’t always a rhyme or reason to attraction. I would’ve laid out some ground rules for the nature of our relationship if I had known you’ve never had one before, but I was really caught up in the moment, and-”

“And I should’ve communicated my thoughts and feelings more openly before unloading all my baggage all at once, huh?” I interrupted.

She sighed in the same manner one would expect right before a person delivers bad news. A feeling began to grow on me.

“I think I’m starting to understand. We don’t need labels, do we? It’s all about the… “vibe”, right? The excitement? The unpredictability!? Yes! I see it now!” My voice elevated as I grew closer to my epitome. “There is no rhyme or reason to chemistry. There are no sequential instructions! Ha! Haha!”

“Whoaaa… settle down, dude. Don’t go all ‘mad scientist’ on me,” she giggled.

“Don’t interrupt my epiphany!” I replied mockingly. “You don’t get to see a genuine braingasm in the wild like this every day.”

I rose up and raised my arms triumphantly.

“Are you done yet?” she laughed.

“Hang onnn… almost there aaannnd… DONE! Epitome complete.”

She began laughing harder: “You’re so freaking goofy! Seriously, though, would you come down? We’re not finished yet.”

“Oh? Sure, what’s up?”

“Look, we don’t have to have labels, but we should still set ground rules. By the way, if it helps, you can say we’re dating, alright?”

The levity disappeared from my voice. “Alright, that makes sense. What do you mean by ground rules, though?”

“You know, like… limits? Boundaries?”

“Oh yeah, I’ve heard that before. For the record, I want no limits! Just shove my balls promptly up my ass, please and thank you.”

She chuckled but stifled herself. “No, dumbass! I’m serious. What do you *not* want to do?”

“Hmmm…” I pondered for a moment. “Okay, okay. Honestly, I’m not sure. I don’t want to box myself in. BUT. I’m not sure if I want to have sex yet. You know, like actual sex?”

“You mean penetration?”

“It sounds so dirty when you say it like that! But yes”

“I was going to ask the same of you, to be honest. Done; easy. Here’s a limit for me: Let’s try to be judgment-free? No more talking about things being ‘dirty’ or ‘gross’, okay?”

“You’re right. Totally agree. I’ll do my best to catch myself.”

“And another thing: I don’t like to be ‘seen…'” she finally broke eye contact and looked down. “I- I just can’t right now. The last time I did, I got rejected and… well, it’s going to take a while.”

“Awww, maannn!” I whined. Her head snapped back up with a stern look. “I mean… <*sigh*> I can’t say that I’m not disappointed, but I understand. I can wait. But umm… is it a problem if I can still see your titties?”

She let out a sharp gasp and crossed her arms.

“You mean, you didn’t even…? Oh, my god. I don’t want to offend you, but you have to admit, that’s pretty funny.” I smiled and let out a laugh.

Her face was still red, but she relaxed her arms and shoulders, albeit slightly.

“Besides, I thought your breasts were great! Way better than mine, haha. In fact…” I reached behind my back and pulled my shirt up from the bottom. My arms flailed around as I worked my shirt up and over them.

“There, now we’re even, right? Okay, not even, even, but see? Check out my ‘moobs’!” I shifted my chest provocatively.

She smiled and finally let down her arms once more. To my surprise, she took her shirt off the rest of the way and mimicked my previous chest wiggle.

“So, do you like?” she looked at me expectantly.

I finally took this opportunity to carefully examine her cleavage. Her breasts were just big enough to make it over the edge of the yellow bra she had pulled down earlier- B cup, maybe? I couldn’t tell; didn’t matter to me. Her nipples were noticeably erect, and their deep brown color contrasted with the olive complexion of her skin.

“Are you getting a good view?”

I hadn’t realized how close I had been leaning towards her. I moved back abruptly.

“Sorry, sorry! I’m such a creep” I buried my face in my hands.

“It’s okay, I wanted you to see them this time. So…? What do you think?”


“I never really liked how far apart they looked. My bra changes where they point a little bit, but they’re what people consider ‘side set’. I think they’re just lazy nipples…”

I cut her off: “IIII like ’em!”

“You do?” she responded, almost incredulously.

“Of course! Why wouldn’t I!? They look so tender and soft and…” she moved closer towards me.

“Go onnn…” she replied seductively.

I realized that I was finally “in the moment”. My heart was beating faster, and my erection was suddenly trying to wear a hole straight through the fly of my pants. This was it- my opportunity.

“Can I touch them?”

A seductive grin crossed her face, and she puffed her chest out towards me.

Can I take your bra off, too?

She suddenly looked concerned, but a bashful smile grew on her face. She nodded.

“From here on out, let’s just say out loud when we want the other person to stop,” I said excitedly.


I gently un-looped her bra straps and unhooked the back. I tossed it to the side playfully and pulled her close. I carefully positioned my chest so that it just barely rubbed against her nipples; she let out a soft gasp before looking into each other’s eyes.

“Oo-hoohoo,” she whispered and shivered. “I guess they’re more sensitive than I realized…”

I interrupted her with a deep, lip-smacking kiss.

“Hm-hm, Oh yeah? I’d like to find out *how* sensitive…

I retreated slightly, but only far enough to get a better view. I cupped my hands around the sides her chest and began massaging her nipples with my thumbs. In response, they stiffened, and I watched as a wave of goosebumps radiated across her breasts. She moaned again.

“Wow, you really are sensitive! Makes me want to play with them even more…”

I put my palms squarely on her breasts and kneaded them gently for a moment. I moved them down and spaced my fingers apart and running them gently over the tips of her breasts.

“Ahh hahah,” she gasped pleasantly closing her eyes. “That feels good…”

I planted my left hand on the couch and moved in to taste her lips again. I repositioned my right hand and, using the tips of my fingers, I continued to rub the edges of her tender, yet firm nipple as I we kissed. I pulled away abruptly, though, and my lips came to rest over the areola of her other breast. Almost instinctively, I began tracing it with my tongue. Her body lurched suddenly.

“I don’t know what you’re up to but keep going!”

The pace of my tongue increased, and I began sucking her nipple in earnest, careful not to scrape it with my teeth. At the same time, I caressed the tiny little nub on her other breast and pulled it with just enough force to jiggle her chest. Her body rocked gently back and forth.

“Uh-huh, keep going. This feels weird, but I like it…”

I did my best to maintain the pace of the stimulation over the next few minutes. Eventually, her hips started pulsing gently against my body until they began to move in a steady rhythm. I was skeptical that this would work, but it appeared to be doing so.

“Ahh! Uhh! Mmmm…” Little moans and cries started sneaking out of her mouth. “Aha-ha-hah, oooooo… Don’t. FucKING. STOP.”

Perhaps it was her use of an expletive directed at me, but I was suddenly overcome with the need to pry an orgasm out of her at any cost. Every single one of my movements became amplified ten-fold: my tough flicked furiously at the center of her left areola; I desperately rubbed and tugged on the right one!

“Hah, hah, hah, hah, HAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!”

With one, final lurch, her body tensed under the weight of mine. Her whole body heaved with each gasping shriek! I continued assailing her nipples until she began uttering between breaths.

“Oh- oh- okay, you can stop! Ahhhhhhhhhh!” she began hyperventilating.

“Sorry, I got a little carried away there.”

As soon as she caught her breath, she began to speak, though still somewhat exasperated.

“I- It’s fine.” She paused. “Je- sus! That felt really good. I didn’t know I could cum like that! Where’d you learn that from?”

I hesitated. “I, uhhh… believe it or not, I read it in some woman magazine or whatever in the library.”

“HA! That’s so random.”

“I know, right?”

“Take them off.”

My eyes opened up wide and I froze with a shocked look on my face.


“You heard me. The pants, lose ’em. Don’t you remember the deal we made last time? Needless to say, you’ve done your part. Now, I get to return the favor.”

She began crawling towards me as reclined backwards; I was nervous, but eager. My cock had been itching to be set free.

*To be continued*…


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