First time posting – Gym Training [M50/F30] [Consensual] [Build up] [Fucking]

Jordan saw him in the gym again. That guy that just came back every day, working so hard and tiring himself out. He was just doing it all wrong as well. She was sure that one of the other staff had approached him for training sessions, but he must have refused. Almost everything was wrong about his stance, how he pulled weight, everything. He’s going to injure himself soon, she thought.

But he was doing something right. He’d been coming here for weeks, and he was definitely committed. Every day at 6pm he turned up, changed and just got right at it. Spending about 2 hours going through the same cycle. Never a rest day which was another alarm for Jordan. She knew that he was getting close to damaging himself if he didn’t change his ways.

The gym shut at 8 and often he was the last guy to have to be told to go. Definitely wanting to change something in his life. She’d have to keep an eye on him, not least to make sure he stays safe but the more she saw him, the more she liked the look of him.

Over the next few days her training sessions with other pupils overlapped with his training. She would cringe sometimes at what he was doing and so wanted to step in to help. Wouldn’t have been polite though to her paying customer to step away though. Several times she saw her colleagues go over and they must have been offering advice or talking about training sessions they could walk him through. He appeared to be polite but nothing seemed to come of it. On this day as she was closing up and the staff were leaving she asked her friend who had just talked to him if he was up for training sessions.

“That guy?” she replied. “No way. He’s not from around here though. He’s got a funny accent. Just politely said no thanks and carried on”

Jordan was a little more worried as she walked to kick him out, yet again. It’s her gym and if he got injured there might be some fall-back on her. She had to decide now whether to let him carry on, enforce some training on him, or tell him to leave. The latter not being great for her gym as that would be a membership lost.

Jordan knew his name of course but everyone called him “that guy”. She hadn’t realised that he was foreign till she had a look at his notes. He’d signed up online so she wasn’t aware of his accent. “Jack” from England. Wonder why he’s here?

“C’mon Jack,” Jordan shouted across the gym. “Every night it’s always you that needs to be kicked out. Get your ass moving”

Jack looked up with a smile and nodded. In this respect he was good. He listened and immediately stopped and re-racked the weights. Funny, she thought, when I lock up he does it quickly but the others say it’s often a chore to get him out.

“5 minutes, Jack” Jordan called heading to the desk. “I know the others kick you out but that 5 minutes will let you have a shower. I’ve got some quick desk work to sort. Be ready to walk out though asap”

“Sure!” Jack walked off to the shower. He always wore baggy clothes, kind of old. But as with everyday – now soaked. It was a genuine thing she did to let him shower. It’s getting really cold now so walking out into that soaked with sweat wouldn’t be pleasant.

For a few minutes she finished some forms, tallied numbers and closed her laptop. Now the rounds to make sure everything was closed. As she walked to the back she felt a breeze from the changing room. Damn! That meant the back windows were open. Turning briskly she walked inside entering the changing cubicles. They were unisex – each person having their own room for privacy. She could see a locker open and Jack’s stuff packed in his bag. Good! He won’t wait around. The window was at the back of the shower block and she had to walk through. She was worried Jack would see here so walked quietly past him. The smoked glass door was shut and she could hear him showering and singing something. Smiling she locked the door and started walking back. She hadn’t noticed that the water had been turned off. Jack opened the door as she turned and she caught an eyeful. She had a second of shock as he stepped out, luckily facing out of the block. She stood still as he grabbed his towel and started to dry off.

She was right about him though. He was committed and she could see that it was paying off for him. Definitely defined and obvious he was getting benefits from his squats. She was blushing furiously and hoping he wouldn’t turn around. But she kind of wanted him to. Feeling a little excited about seeing what the other side looked like. Thankfully, and rather disappointed as well, he walked off, never noticing that she was there. Realising that she was behind him she used her keys to open the back door, locked it behind and walked around to the front to be there when he came out. A very interesting experience, she thought.

Within a few minutes Jack was dressed and walking out. Jordan was waiting and asked him to hold for a moment.

“Jack, you’ve been coming here for a while now and me and the team are worried about your safety while your exercising. There’s the right way to do stuff and you’re doing it all wrong. You’re lucky you haven’t really hurt yourself and I’ve got to insist you either get some training sessions with my team or you’ll have to stop coming here. I can’t risk you injuring yourself at my gym” She blurted it all out quickly. Still not wanting to lose a customer but, well, it had to be said.

“Oh,” he sighed. “I don’t want to lose my place here”. He smiled at her. Something in that smile made her feel warm and maybe a little excited. “I don’t suppose I could get my training sessions from you, Jordan? You are the most experienced here and if I’m such a bad case, then maybe the best help would come from you?”

Jordan had thought, after hearing her team had never been able to get him to take training, that she was going to lose his custom. Without thought she agreed. “Ok yes! I’ll contact you tomorrow and put a schedule together”.

“Thanks Jordan” Jack smiled and even more she felt a little heat rising on her skin. He was blushing as well. What’s going on here?

Next morning and Jordan was preparing her schedules for the week coming. Adding another in was such a pain. All her team were booked so she couldn’t pass any PT sessions to them. Damn. She’d have to add in some more training windows. A quick text to Jack read

“I’m booked to the max so only way of doing this is after we close at 8. Can you skip your normal training tomorrow and we have our first session then? I know it’s late but there’s no other PT or time to do this”.

Within a minute Jack accepted and all was set. He pinged back “Sure, and take the PT sessions from my account balance. Should be enough to cover it and I’ll add more in later”

Good to his word, the next day Jack skipped his normal training and arrived just before 8pm. He helped Jordan clean up and close for the night and started to get changed as she was locking the door. Jordan went to the fitness room and got it all prepped, working out where Jack needed the most attention so she could prioritise working it through with him. A few minutes later he walked in.

“Hi,” he smiled as he marched in. “Where do you need me?”.

Gone were the baggy clothes he used to wear. Jordan admired his form as he moved into the room. He walked confidently and so he should. In her mind she was impressed at the difference nice tight clothing presented of him. He was wearing biker shorts, just to his knee but lycra and tight. Funny she would focus on there first. His shirt was similarly tight and the she finally got to see his front. Definitely showing a lot of definition she would never have guessed from his usual clothing. Jack noticed her staring

“Is this OK?” he was blushing, really red and appeared flustered. “I normally wear anything but as you’re going to need to see HOW I’m doing this and if I’m doing it right I thought this would be appropriate”. As Jordan continued to stare he added. “Look, I thought this might be a little too tight, let me change into my other gear”. He started to walk off and Jordan stopped him. Just caught his shoulder with her hand.

“No – it’s ok Jack. Just surprised at how much work you have put in. Let’s start. First we’re going to sort out your deadlifts. God knows how your back survives that”.

First she showed him how to do it. Jack watched avidly. “Stand behind me and see how my legs and back work together”. She performed this several times as Jack watched. She was conscious that he own outfit – leggings and crop sports top – might also be too revealing but professionally worked on. “Now come here and do the same”. She stood directly behind Jack, her body brushing against his occasionally as he repeated the steps. She touched his lower back and legs “This is where you should be feeling it, Jack”. After several repeats and more close contact and her guiding hands touching him, she backed off to watch. “Let me watch you do it a few more times”.

As she said this Jack continued the lifts, slowly as instructed, as Jordan walked around from the back. She could see now that he was engaging the right muscles and lifting properly. She walked to the front and watched again. Jack lifted and she could see his form was getting much better. She could also see a little more of what she was tempted to look at in the shower the previous night. It was obvious that he was a little excited at the close contact. She moved to the side before he could notice her looking. But continued to focus her eyes there as he continued. Inside she was smiling. Such a nice compliment and a very obvious one. She didn’t want to embarrass him by pointing it out.

“OK, that’s that one sorted” Jordan and Jack put the bar and weights away. She noticed Jack kept his back to her and smiled openly. He also seemed to be adjusting his shorts and thought this might be getting uncomfortable for him. “We’ll work on incline bench press now” Jordan thought this was evil of her to suggest this as it would make things very obvious. But it was the next item she was worried about so ploughed on. “Light weights though Jack! I want to see your form in action, not injure you”. She was surprised at how he reacted. Blushing a deeper red but carrying on to the bench. He set it at 30 degrees and she lay down.

“OK, watch this carefully.” And knowing that he was ‘affected’ by her she made sure she lay with her legs reasonably apart and asked him to stand at her feet. She talked as she walked Jack through the areas of concern and made sure as she pressed upwards that she pushed her arms together. She was watching Jack through half closed eyes at that point and saw his eyes widen and his blushing increase as her tits were pushed up and together. She repeated this a few times and they swapped. Jordan stood behind at first to watch his shoulders and arms moving, lightly touching his arms to guide to the right form. Enjoying his discomfort a little. And now really wanting to see the impact on him. She moved forward to see over his head. She smiled appreciatively. Those shorts were not hiding anything at all. He had quite a bit packed in there. She walked around to the side, still guiding and touching him. Noticing at each touch that he twitched and bulged a little in his shorts.

Finally she walked to his feet. She could tell he was more embarrassed as now he KNEW she could see his reaction. But continued the routine. The professional in her identified an issue that could be corrected with a few words. The woman in her decided to further push him. She knelt at his waist next to him. “You need to feel this exercise here Jack” she touched his upper chest and moved her flat hands up to his shoulders and squeezed gently. He moaned as she moved her hands slowly down his chest. She left her right hand on his stomach as he carried on. His breathing was a little more harsh as this happened.

“Hang on Jack, let’s swap again. You need to see this again”. They switched and Jordan started slowly. “Kneel where I was Jack”. He repositioned himself and waited and watched. “Put your hands on my chest and feel what’s tensing up.” She could see his reluctance “Oh just do it Jack, it’s OK”. She continued the presses. His hands were warm on her exposed skin. He laid them above her tits on her upper chest. “That’s it Jack, just there. Now feel how my muscles move as I push upwards”. Jack apparently could feel and see. His eyes were focussed only on her breasts as they tensed and moved with Jordan’s movements. He intently watched her tits and she could see him noticing her nipples react to his touch. “Now move you hands to my stomach. Feel how my core is engaged”. She loved the feeling as he deliberately moved his hands down, maintaining contact over her breasts and then settle on her stomach. She didn’t ask but he put his hands flat on her stomach on her hips. She started to feel deliciously warm at this touch. “Feel that Jack?”

“Oh, what? Oh yes definitely. I can feel how you engage”. He was looking directly at her now, smiling and leaving his hands there. She smiled back as she felt his hands start to squeeze her waist a little. She was even happier as she felt his hands move a little further down before standing up. “OK, I think I have that Jordan, thanks. IS it ok to move onto the next one?” He stepped away as Jordan got up and it was obvious to her that he was frantically trying to adjust himself. Again she was very proud of the effect she had on him. She was getting more excited herself and the contact on her hips had an immediate effect on her as well.

“Right. The next one is your bench press Jack,” Jordan didn’t have this on her list at all. He was ok a bench pressing but she now wanted to tease him more. And show off a little more.

He setup the bench. Following the same principle so far didn’t put too many weights. Jordan lay down and asked Jack to spot. That put her head and his body right next to his waist. He lifted the weight for her and placed in her waiting hands. As she pressed she wasn’t looking at Jack, but rather his shorts. He was more excited than ever. She was getting more excited herself. Jack’s eyes were roaming up and down Jordan’s body, thoroughly enjoying this. Jordan demonstrated a few more times and suggested swapping over.

As Jack lay down she moved forwards. Due to the weight she was much closer to Jack than he was to her. Her thighs brushing against either side of his head, just touching. Jack took the weight and started to press. Jordan, though, didn’t move away. She was impressed at Jack for a few things. First, that he was still basically keeping his form. Second that he appeared to be staring through the top of his head at her waist. Third, that she believed he was at full excitement now and she liked what she saw. It was obvious that he liked what he was seeing as well.

“Jack, hold the bar up on your next press,” Jordan asked. She walked around and stepped over him and the bench and stood straddled above him. “Let me see that again. I’m going to support the bar as well as I want to see this slowly please”.

As Jack lowered the bar Jordan lowered herself in a squat with the bar movement. At the bottom of the press, Jordan was fully pressed against Jack. Feeling the nice hard pressure of that cock against her. She stood up and pulled the bar up. “Again, please”. She wanted to feel it harder, so pushed the bar down faster meaning that she landed almost with a slap on his hips. Jack groaned at this, so Jordan stood up and helped him bench the bar. “Are you OK Jack?” Jordan asked all so innocently. “Did that hurt somewhere?” She sat back on his hips and started to touch his arms, feigning to feel where the pain might be. “Did you hurt your arms or your chest?” Her hands moved across his chest, nice muscles there and his nipples were hard and pushing through the tight material. She eased herself down his body, sliding over his cock and feeling is press against her lips, delighting her as she felt its heat. She stopped at his thighs. “Is it your core?” Her hands pressing carefully on his stomach and sides. Thumbs gently pushing in at his hips. All the while Jack’s head is up and watching her. Flushed, but not embarrassed anymore. Breathing heavily.

“No Jordan, it’s not my core, my arms, or my chest” Jack replied. Jordan’s hand had continue to move ever so slowly down. Jack looking directly in her eyes as her first contact with his cock. His eyes widened and she saw this and smiled, her hands moving to lay firmly on his whole cock.

“Oh! You do appear to have some tension here? That needs to be released or it’ll ache for the longest time” Jordan’s hand was now stroking up and down. For her side she was now sliding herself up and down Jack’s thigh. Enjoying the sensation as she applied more pressure against herself. Feeling her warmth react and matching Jack’s body heat. Knowing she was getting excited as she could feel herself throbbing. “We need to have a really good look at that, Jack. As I said before – I don’t want my gym being accountable for any injuries. Let’s have a look then”

Jordan pulled his shorts down in a quick efficient movement and laughed as his cock bounced up, like a puppy demanding attention. “Well it’s not strained that I can see”. She carefully wrapped her hand around and pulled up and down. “Oh good. There’s no evidence of any tearing either”. Leaning over she kissed the head and licked all around before sucking it softly. Jack growled at this which brought Jordan’s head back up. “Ooh! It is a little sensitive then. Maybe we need to think about rubbing something over it to take away that discomfort”.

At this Jordan stood up and removed her shorts and top. Watching Jack stare, stunned, as he absorbed her form. Watching his eyes move around her body. Damn, she could almost feel his gaze as heat moving around. Looking as he focussed on her waist. She was standing with legs apart and knew he could see her intimately. She tensed inside and felt, as expected, her lips feel wet as the start of moisture started to ease out.

Reaching down she lightly touched her pussy, just a quick rub but her fingers were quickly soaked. “This might do.” She stroked it over Jack’s cock as he moaned, still silent. Still dumbfounded at this goddess before him. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. She was so amazing – so attractive, her blonde hair framing her pretty face; fit and had such an amazing body. Her breasts were firm and he wanted so much to touch them; her body strong, lithe, slim; amazing curves on her hips and legs that he ached to touch. He adored her legs and had from the first moment he’d met her. And the heavenly treasure of her pussy now visible and sweetly dripping before him. Now his whole focus was based around her hands, her touch, the silky lubrication and the amazing sensations she was creating within him. And an urge to use them

Jordan moved to pull of Jack’s shirt. He did look as good from the front as she had hoped. He had a hairy chest, lightly covered and soft. She ached to touch it and moved her hands over his torso, enjoying the feeling against her hands.

As if sensing that Jordan was about to lead again, Jack stood and pulled Jordan towards him. Holding her face gently he pulled her into a soft, very light kiss. It didn’t stay like that long. Rapidly building as their tongues emerged and mouths opened; both revelling in the passion each felt from the other. Jack pulling Jordan against him, feeling her nipples against his chest as she felt his cock, hot and pressed against her stomach. After a minute they separated, Jack panting now and Jordan’s passion building. Jack the first to act and lifted Jordan and placed her on all fours on the bench. He moved behind and his hands explored her back, hips, thighs and ass. Jordan beginning to sigh and moan the more he explored. Tenderly touching her ass gave a loud gasp as Jack moved downwards to play with her pussy. Jordan purred as his fingers teased her open and slipped inside. A long humming moan driven out of her by lust. As he pushed slowly inside she pushed back. Wanting deeper and faster.

Recognising a need, Jack adjusted himself and teased her with his cock. Playing with her lips with the tip and pushing slowly inwards. Jordan pushing back but Jack pulling away, wanting to control how deep and how hard. Both Jack and Jordan moaning as their pleasure centres reacting to each other and feeling each other in physical contact. Finally Jack pushed and kept pushing. Jordan leaning back until they were deep and connected.

“How’s my form now Jordan?” Jack laughed, starting to move in and out. Slowly though. Enjoying the exquisite feel of Jordan and wanting to prolong this.

“Fucking perfect, Jack! Keep going!” Jordan loved the feeling of new cock. Such a turn on. She could feel herself squirming inside already; butterflies in her pussy twitching as his cock moved in and out.

Jack leaned forward and lifted Jordan’s arms off the bench and moved them to the bar. Jordan now much further upright and Jack used that to wrap his arms around, under her arms, touching and holding her breasts. Squeezing lightly at first, then rougher and pinching the nipples as his speed increased. He was fucking her now. Hard, demanding, feeling his long cock all the way in and out of her pussy. Jordan, and especially her pussy, loved it. Each thrust making her grunt. Feeling it deep within her. The angle from behind as she was upright pushing against her g-spot as well.

Jack wrapped his arms further around, holding so much more tightly and pulled Jordan upright. Their torsos now against each other, his hips still ramming his cock in and out. Enjoying, both of them, the slap and bouncing against each other. The wet noises evidence of what Jordan already felt – her thighs were soaked already; she’d got so hot so quickly for this secret passion. New cock and risky fuck – exactly what she wanted just now and loving it.

Jack risked a slap, hard, on her ass. Jordan shrieked as the sudden shock and pain then moaned “Oh fuck, yes!” as the surprise and sting faded and that warm spot on her ass multiplied her pleasure inside. Jesus, she was gonna cum so hard and so damn fast. Seeing the reaction, and feeling how Jordan tensed and clenched inside, Jack slapped the other cheek as hard. This time no shout but her moans increased in volume. Again and again as Jack was fucking as hard as he could he added the slap. Inside his cock was clenched and driving him on to fuck harder.

Jack had to hold onto Jordan’s shoulders now. He was fucking her so hard that it was pushing her away up the bench. Holding her allowed him to lean back and really ground himself inside her. And watch as his cock slipped out, soaked and dripping, back inside and he ass bounce forward with the force. Knowing he was close he reached down, playing with Jordan’s pussy. Hoping she would cum before he did

“Noooo,” Jordan groaned. “Just keep going!” She held his hand away from her pussy. Jack’s cock was hitting her g-spot and making her feel sensational. She knew she would cum if he played with her clit, but getting this g-spot orgasm would last longer and she ached to get it. Needed it. “Oh fuck, just a little more. Fuck me really hard a little more”

Jack held on tightly and moved hands to Jordan” hips to pull her back as he rammed his cock inside. He used long strokes, almost coming out at the extreme, but loving the long stroke inside. He was in heaven and Jordan was closer on each thrust. Her groans had turned into little gasps that Jack hoped meant she was close.

“Oh fuck!. Now, now, now! Just fuck fast now!!!!!” Jordan screamed this into the room. Her body starting to shake, her pussy achingly close and quivering inside. The feeling of joy spreading. That cock adding each thrust and then it was too much. Her pussy spasmed, quivering joy across her stomach and spreading that agonising warmth, radiating outwards, making her shudder, her legs shake.

“I’m cumming Jordan!” Jack almost growled. He’d held on for a long as he could. His cock started to spurt. No it was gushing. He could feel his largest cum ever. Oh god this was astounding. He’d never felt such pleasure. Her pussy was crushing his cock, squeezing as they were both shouting incoherently as they came. He continued to fuck and watched his cum dribble outside her flushed and swollen lips. Still cumming, both of them, but slowing now. Pulling Jordan up to hold her close, her legs starting to shake and quiver. Feeling her body still twitching as her pleasure flowed and rebounded inside.

They slowed down, still connected, still moving, Jack still wrapped around her body. He pulled out as they stopped shaking, Jordan feeling pressure easing inside her and definitely felt his cum flow out over the bench. Kissing her neck and back as they regained their composure.

Jordan moved first. Grabbing her clothes and walking away. “Shower, now!” she ordered. “And don’t forget Gym etiquette and wipe down the equipment” She marched off, leaving Jack admiring her ass swaying as she moved away. He looked down and realised it was a bigger cleaning job than he thought. Kind of proud of himself he grabbed paper towels and spray and went to work.

A few minutes later he went to the showers. Jordan saw him walk past her cubicle and shouted with a smile. “Get in here! We’re not finished”. She leaned out and grabbed him by the cock and pulled. “We’ve got to make sure ALL the tension is released at the end of a training session – that includes mine and it’s not gone yet!”



  1. Thanks to the mods on this topic for approving it for publishing. Hope you (all) enjoy this fantasy of mine. Chat me if you want. Love any feedback

  2. I enjoyed the ending but a little too much in the beginning for me personally.

  3. Great writing, really gets the reader into the story. Hair color is different than my gym crush, but otherwise perfect!

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