[F] I lost my virginity within 8 hours of entering the USA for my university.

Hello I am from Malaysia. My parents are very strict and I have been a virgin until now. I was always closely policed and my home country is very conservative. But this weekend I finally make it to the USA. I have been researching sex and hookups and I have been touching myself for weeks thinking about sex.

Well the time came and I landed in Chicago this weekend on Sunday. I took uber to my apartment near my university and my roommates were already all unpacked and settled. Just then one of my roommates boyfriend came over with his friends, I was kind of surprised how quickly we had a bunch of men in our apartment but I went along. She was in an interracial relationship (asian female black man) so just by happen most of the men were black and we all started hanging out.

I was quiet, still culture shocked from landing and I spoke English worse than them so it was hard. But suddenly one of then, a tall black man named Trey sat next to me and he started to speak with me about stuff. I can’t remember the conversation but all the sudden I notice his hand is around my shoulder, then his hand moves to my knee and my center starts to get hot and wet ;).

I realize he likes me and although I am awkward, while we are watching the movie I start to lean into him. He takes this as a sign and grabs my hand and places it on his pants. My whole body started shaking just because I was nervous but his embrace made me feel okay. We sat like that just lightly touching eachother for an hour under a blanket until it was time to settle for the night.

The boys started to leave but when Trey try to leave I just grabbed his arm instinctively, it was late and I say “You can sleep here”. All of my roommates look at me like I was crazy. We talked online before meeting, we are all from asian countries and met to find housing online so we have somewhat similar culture except they are filipino. They thought I was crazy and they had a conversation with the one roommates boyfriend saying how “she just got her don’t mess with her yet” etc etc. But I knew what I wanted.

I said he will sleep in my room, I don’t know why I wasn’t ashamed, I just really wanted ti finally have sex. Eventually they let it go and just tell me to not do anything I do t want to.

I lead Trey to my room and I just stand there awkwardly looking at him. I don’t know how to start this, so I just didnt move. Suddenly he threw off his shirt and said bluntly “can I hit then?”. I didn’t understand him and stupidly responded “no don’t hit me”. But soon he made me understand that it was a euphemism for sex haha.

He undressed me quickly and then we were naked together, he could tell I was clueless so he moved slow at first. But then after some kissing and touching he threw me down on my back and before I knew it his mouth was on my Vagina. I never had this before and I was nervous thinking he wouldn’t like the smell or taste but soon my pleasure took over and my eyes shut and my legs shaking.

I cried out in my own language and he started laughing and told me to do it more so I did. Then his mouth pulled away from me and he put on a condom, I was thankful for this but then I realized it was about to happen and my body clenched up again. But he just pushed my legs aside and asked “this is your first time right?” I responded by just nodding yes and then I felt it.

His penis was rubbing against my center and against my clitoris and it made my body take over. I moved my hips until his penis was ready to enter and I was wet enough for him to slide it. I felt a sharp rip the first time he entered me and it was painful but I was also super turned on. I guess I moan loud haha because my roommate made a comment about it. I don’t k ow how long it lasted but it wasn’t too long and he finished with cum on my stomach. I loved the whole experience, but I found out Trey has a girlfriend later and he cheated with me…

When I take a shower that night the water burned my vagina because of the tear but I am so happy it worked out well.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/wkiuvc/f_i_lost_my_virginity_within_8_hours_of_entering


  1. Damn. Yo ass got taken advantage off. Good thing he pulled out or you’re a single mom!! Lol

  2. Hi, I just wanted to sent the fanmail. Thank you for the story, I really enjoyed it!

  3. It sucks he cheated. That’s a hell of a story for you to tell. Welcome to sex club! Be safe and know your options in case “shit goes sideways!”

    Don’t let anyone fan your flame, we are glad you are being unapologetically you!!!!

  4. Reading the headline had me like “Well sounds like you left home without it” ……

  5. Congrats on the sex! It is a great way to meet new people and learn about a different culture, hehe. Have fun!

  6. Sex culture there be wild af spontaneously doing infidelity like there’s no tomorrow

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