Me and my wife’s friend Part 7 [M30] [F30] [F30] <public> <sex club> <friend> <cheating> <seducing> <tease>

Chapter 6: Nicole

Nicole was the craziest friend Anya ever had. While everyone around her were slowly adapting to their bodies inching closer to 30s and slowly winding down their party scene, Nicole was holding on to her 20s for her life.

She was single and party was her life. She hated to stay back home after work. She wanted to plan something or the other for every evening. And on weekends, she was a day drinker. And she used to make sure when she got drunk, everyone else around her got drunk as well.

So naturally, when Anya planned a weekend trip for the both of us with Nicole, I was scared. My liver cannot handle that much alcohol anymore. Gone were the days of binge drinking and blackouts. I now drank responsibly and made sure I was in good health.

Friday after office, I drove to Anya’s work and picked her up. Our plan was to meet Nicole at the hotel lobby and checking-in and dropping our bags that evening. We drove for about and hour and a half to reach there, and another hour later, we met Nicole at the lobby.

The last time I met Nicole was almost 2 years back. She had gained weight since then. At 5-4, she had a wide body frame. She was chubby, with a round face. I think a decade of partying had left its mark on her body.

But she was cute, even beautiful in her own way. But the most attractive part of her was not her looks, it was her personality. She was a smart woman, confident in herself. I found that extremely attractive.

“So what’s the plan for tonight?” I asked her after we greeted and had caught up.

“There is a club here that i wanted to visit,” she said.

This meant binge drinking. If it was upto us, we wouldnt have planned for heavy drinking the first night itself. But Nicole always gets her way. We knew that from past experiences. So we didn’t even try to fight it. We agreed to go there.

That night, when we reached the hotel entrance where we planned to meet Nicole again, i was shocked to see what Nicole was wearing. She had on a skirt that showed bottom part of her ass, and a top that was translucent with no bra inside.

“This is our ticket to the club,” she said pointing at her outfit. “I know you guys won’t wear anything like this, but if I wear and if I am with you, they might just let you in with me as well.”

“Where exactly are we going to?” Anya asked suddenly a bit nervous.

“A sex club.” I knew it before she answered.

20 minutes later, we were outside the club, but we had to wait another one hour in line before we reached the entrance. We saw 2 bouncers sizing us up from top to bottom.

“You can go in,” one of them said looking at Nicole. “But they can’t.”

“They are with me,” she said. “I am not going in without them.”

“Then i am afraid you have to stay out too,” he said.

“What if I flash you?” she asked in a matter-of-fact way.

“You think you are the only girl who has made such an offer?” he asked laughing. “We get to see at least 20 such pair of boobs everyday.”

“But do any of them let you feel theirs?” Nicole asked.

I could sense that they were entering into  negotiation mode. I knew Nicole was willing to offer even more than that. And I knew the bouncer wanted more too.

“Some of them do,” he said.

“What else do they let you do with them?” she asked and went close to him. She placed her hand over his dick on his jeans, and gave it a squeeze.

“Some of them let me fuck them,” he said.

“Haha, nice try,” she said. “All you are going to get is a blowjob from me. But i guarantee you it’s the best blowjob you would have ever experienced.”

The guy turned to us and with his head indicated that we can go in. He then turned to his colleague and asked him to handle the door until he was back.

Nicole turned to us and said, “You guys go in. I will join you in a bit.” She then walked with the guy to a nearby room. As they entered the room, I saw that guy placing his hand under her skirt, on her ass.

When we entered the club, it was already very crowded. People were having sex everywhere: on the couch, on the floor, on the steps leading up to the upstairs lounge, on the bar stools, everywhere. In the middle of the room was an orgy, with atleast two dozen people sucking and banging each other. The sight was too much to handle.

I turned to Anya. She was equally terrified. I held her hand, and we went to the bar. We needed alcohol to loosen up. We knew that if we start drinking without Nicole, we would eventually end up drinking more. But we needed alcohol in our system. We ordered 2 cocktails, and decided to wait until Nicole turned up.




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