A Brief Interlude (Pt 7 of 9) (F27/F29) (Lactation, Shibari, Waxplay)

Read Part 1 [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/wh15pr/a_brief_interlude_pt_1_of_9_f27f29_lactation/).

Sam awoke suddenly and unexpectedly, and her body stumbled over itself, reporting to her brain exactly why. It was still pitch black, but her lips – she was locked in a kiss! Her eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness, and she found Amy’s face filling almost the entirety of her field of view, her eyes closed. Sam lay still, trying to suss out if this was a dream or not for a few moments, until she realized, *Holy shit, Amy is still asleep!* She savored the feel of her luscious lips pressed against hers for just a moment longer. As she was about to tap Amy on the shoulder, Amy’s eyes popped open and found hers. They stared at each other for a moment, their lips still locked in a simple embrace. Sam’s own hazel eyes reflected ever so faintly in Amy’s ice blues. Somehow, this stare felt even more intimate than anything else that day, leaving not their bodies naked but their souls. Amy finally pulled back, stammering apologies, “Sammy, I’m, I, I’m so sorry! I didn’t, I mean, I was asleep-”

“Shh,” comforted Sam. “It’s ok, Ames. I want this. I want you.”

Amy’s eyes welled with tears. “Do you mean it, Sam? You really want me?” she asked, seemingly uncertain that she was, in fact, awake. “Oh, Sammy, I’ve wanted you for so long, too. Ever since we moved apart after college, I knew that I would never be happy without you. I thought it was impossible because I thought you were always just into guys. I have been too afraid to hope.” Her tears finally broke free of their bonds and left two glistening rivers down the gentle curve of her cheeks.

Sam moved her right hand to Amy’s head, brushing away the tears and cupping her ear between her thumb on one side and her fingers, nestled in her hair, on the other. She looked into her friend’s teary eyes for a moment longer before she stated with unshakeable confidence, “Yes, Amy. I want this more than I can say. Can I show you?” she asked, then pulled her in for another kiss at Amy’s slight nod.

Amy met Sam’s lips with enthusiasm and glee. She broke the part of Sam’s lips with her tongue and set to work caressing Sam’s tongue against her own, intertwining and parting, looping and pulling, savoring every molecule of Sam that she could experience. Her focus was so intense that she didn’t notice when Sam’s left arm wrapped around her butt and grabbed her opposite hip. A moment later, Sam pulled Amy on top of her, careful to maintain their kiss. Amy’s hands petted Sam’s hair for a moment, before wandering lower, her right caressing and wrapping around Sam’s neck, while the other continued down to Sam’s left breast, rubbing and squeezing it through her shirt. Sam took her cue from Amy’s hungry groping and released both hands to, first, grab Amy around the waist, savoring her taught core and the ease with which she could shift her weight. From there, she drew both her hands up, delighting in the softness of her curves juxtaposed with the hardness of her abdominal muscles through the sheer fabric of Amy’s negligee before reaching her chest, then pulling both her hands inward to fondle each of her firm, perky breasts. She felt the sheer fabric slide slightly and catch on Amy’s erect nipples as she moved her hands, and she was soon groping and massaging them in the palms of both of her hands. Amy moaned in pleasure into Sam’s mouth, which Sam returned with equal gusto.

The two spent several glorious minutes playing with each other through their clothes before Sam started to pull Amy’s negligee over her head. Amy broke their kiss and pushed Sam’s hands down and made a sensual striptease of disrobing, slowly pulling the fabric up and baring more porcelain skin, while sinuously weaving her body side to side in a seductive fashion. When she finally reached her breasts, she pulled all the fabric she had lifted so far into a rope beneath them, bouncing them atop a few times before pulling it quickly across them, keeping the fabric tight to her skin so that her breasts dropped and bounced firmly. Sam bit her lip and moaned in pleasure and delight at the show. Amy finally crossed her arms behind her head and pulled the negligee off completely, leaving her still writhing, now nude, form atop her lover. Sam knew she would never be able to match Amy’s skill and form, and instead, settled for speed and efficiency as she grabbed her own shirt with both hands and roughly pulled it off before pitching it into the corner of the room. She reached down to grab her pants but was blocked by Amy grabbing her hands and putting them on her chest, one over each of her breasts. Amy brought her own hands down to untie the drawstring on Sam’s puppy sweats, then traced her fingers around her waist before hooking them in and sliding her pants down. As she slowly pulled them lower, Amy drew herself down the bed to follow them, at last stopping her descent when she exposed Sam’s petals. She kissed Sam’s mound and traced a line of kisses up one thigh and down the other, while she pulled the pants the rest of the way off and left them to drop to the floor. She smoothly pulled her arms back up and under Sam’s thighs, lifting them up with her shoulders as her hands continued on and caressed her skin, not quite able to reach Amy’s breasts due to the difference in their height, but instead traced intricate patterns around her navel and waist. The sensation of Amy’s soft and delicate hands on her stomach simultaneously tickled and inflamed Sam, drawing heat in waves down to her relentlessly wet and needy center. As Amy’s hair fell and brushed along her thighs, Sam’s skin erupted in goosebumps.

Sam let out an involuntary gasp as Amy probed her depths with her tongue. She squirmed and moaned as Amy explored her temple with her mouth and hands. She felt pleasure radiating out from her core and electricity gathering to spark throughout her. Amy lapped along the sides of Sam’s lips, gently easing her into her tender ministrations while savoring the wetness she had provided. She brought her hands across from Sam’s navel and gripped both sides of her waist before gently running her tongue over Sam’s hood. Sam froze, then jerked in pleasure. The intensity spiked. Her body’s instinct was to fight, to flee, but Amy held her in place firmly, with a surprisingly strong grip. Sam brought her hands down to Amy’s head and ran her fingers through her hair, parting it away from her face, until she found her piercing blues staring up at her, slightly lidded in a smile. As she stared into her friend’s eyes, she felt overcome with emotion, her own eyes beginning to well with tears before Amy circled and flicked her clit with her tongue again, pulling her down instantly back into the present. Sam’s hips lifted off the bed, jerking her pussy up further into Amy’s mouth, desperate for more. Amy responded by gripping Sam’s clit between her lips and gently sucking, causing Sam to thrash her body around. Amy redoubled her efforts by flicking the tip of Sam’s clit with her tongue, still suctioned between her lips. Amy could feel Sam’s heartbeat strongly and clearly, and with each pump of her tongue, pleasure crashed through Sam in waves. Sam knew she was at her precipice and gripped Amy’s hair tightly in both hands, ready to force her head back down to her should she try to stop to tease her. Amy continued to suck at Sam’s clit and began to rub the flat of her tongue across its head, knowing that the textured sensation of her taste buds would drive Sam insane. She released her grip on Sam’s waist with her right hand and pulled it down under her chin before plunging her first two fingers into Sam’s swollen cunt. Sam panted as Amy crooked the fingers up and found her g-spot, firmly rubbing one finger across it, then the other, alternating and building in speed, until both fingers were bicycling in time with her suction. Amy returned to flicking the tip of Sam’s clit with her tongue, timing it to hit at the same time each of her fingers rubbed at her core. Sam went silent, holding her breath and tensing every muscle in her body, as she fell off of her cliff, fire and electricity blooming out of her core in waves. A moment later she found her voice and let out a long growling moan. Amy struggled to keep in position as Sam’s thighs viced her head, but she kept the same rhythm, rocking Sam’s body with each lick and suck, until she finally felt Sam release her stranglehold and heard her inhale a deep, shuddering breath. She released her suction, causing Sam to shudder, and withdrew her fingers. She left one final kiss on Sam’s nether lips, directly above her clit, before returning to her position curled up beside Sam, watching lovingly, as she recovered.

The nude pair lay, looking into each other’s eyes, while Amy sucked her fingers clean, until Sam could speak. “Holy shit, Ames” Sam said through half-lidded eyes. “I don’t know how I can get you back for that. I’ve, uh, never really done anything like that before,” she said, breaking their soul stare and looking at her hands. “I’ve only ever been with men, and none have been able to treat me like you just did. I didn’t even know I wanted to do something like this until…”

“Well, there is one thing you can do,” Amy interrupted, pulling the fingers from her mouth and dropping them between her legs, “but I’m kind of embarrassed to ask. I’m not sure if you’ve ever done anything like it before.”

“Name it,” Sam returned, confident that whatever Amy requested she would gladly fulfill it to the best of her abilities.

“I want you to fuck my throat,” Amy said finally, looking back up into Sam’s eyes.

Sam was lost for a moment, but still eager to please. “I would love to, Ames, but how would I even…?”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/wk87dd/a_brief_interlude_pt_7_of_9_f27f29_lactation