Finally got one of those broken arm blowjobs I’ve been hearing so much about [F20s/M20s] [handjob] [blowjob] [just met] [beach]

I don’t know much, but one thing I know is, going to the beach fucking sucks when you’ve got a broken arm. I would’ve stayed home entirely, but I’ve been cooped up in my house so much lately, I’m craving any sort of activity, even an activity that sucks, given the circumstances.

My buddy George is here, swimming, the asshole, and this guy he knows, Paul, is with him. Paul’s girlfriend is out on the waves, boogie-boarding, and her friends, who I don’t know at all, are off doing whatever, while I sit here holding down this blanket we’ve set out in front of the tent with all our food in it.

It’s a nice fucking day with beautiful fucking weather and a pleasant fucking seabreeze and I’m just sitting here, watching people fly kites and throw frisbees and bury each other in the sand, nobody to keep me company but a bag of chips.

I’m trying to stay positive — really, I am — and not feel sorry for myself, but it’s difficult. I’ve put my swimsuit on, just out of camaraderie, but my cast hangs heavy on my arm.

“You’re George’s friend, right?”

I blink, look around to see who’s talking.

She continues, “What was your name again?”

I find the speaker — she’s silhouetted by the sun. “I’m Scott,” I say, squinting despite my sunglasses, holding my hand to my forehead to try to see her better. “Farah, right?”

She steps out of the sun and into the tent, leaning over the cooler. “Yeah,” she says, turning her head over her shoulder to look at me, “Want a drink?”

My voice catches in my throat. I’m not normally so shy, but I’m taken aback — she’s beautiful. Cute, trim, bronze skin smooth and perfect, she’s wearing a wicker hat and oversized sunglasses, but it’s her white bikini and the way she so perfectly fills it out that has me mesmerized.

“Um, uh,” I stammer, “Yeah, I’ll take a water.”

“Great,” she grins easily, then sits down next to me, holding out the cold bottle.

“Thanks,” I mutter, still reeling.

“Broken arm?” she nods at my cast, “Nevermind. Stupid question.”

“It’s ok,” I say, “Yes, it’s broken. Four more weeks until I get this dang thing off.”

“What happened?” She’s wrapped her arms around her knees, leaning on them, sipping from a can. Her hair is long, dark brown with lighter streaks, and pulled into a tight pony tail.

“Well,” I start, “There was this bear…”

She gives me a look.

“Sorry,” I chuckle nervously, “Nothing so exciting. I got knocked off my bike.”

“By what?”

“By, um, a car.”

“Oh my gosh,” she says, “Did they stop?”

“Well, there was nobody in the car.”

“What? Why not?”

“Because it was parked at the time.”

She turns her head, looks at me. “You biked into a parked car.” It’s not a question.


“You’re weird, Scott,” she says, “It’s good for you that you’re also cute.” She eyes my chest, my shoulders, my arm that’s not in a cast. The bike keeps me fit, or at least, it did before the accident.

“It’s just embarrassing. Having to tell the story over and over, about how I’m an idiot and wasn’t looking where I was going.”

“I didn’t think about it that way. I’m sorry.” And she sounds genuinely sorry, too.

I feel bad. “No, I shouldn’t have been an asshole about it. I’m just having a hard time staying positive when I’m stuck here, on the blanket.”

“Does it itch?”

“Eh, you have to not think about it.”

“Are you thinking about it itching right now?”

“I– uh–” Now it is my turn to give her a look.

She bursts into a fit of giggles.

“Ha ha,” I say dryly, “You don’t have to keep my pity party going, you know, I’m fine by myself.”

“You want me to leave you alone?”

She lifts her glasses and we make eye contact. Her eyes, they’re beautiful and brown.


She grins. “I had a boyfriend once who broke his arm. A few years ago. So I know how much it sucks.”


“It made sex tricky,” she says, “But we figured it out.”

For lack of words, I say nothing.

She grins at me, “Have you figured it out yet?”

“Uh… no, I uh–” I stammer, “I haven’t, err, had the chance, no.”

Her grin spreads. “I see.” Her lips part, her smile is eager and mocking. “Want some tips?”

I’m awkward, but I’m not an idiot. “What do you have in mind?”

“Do you like breasts?”

I raise an eyebrow. “I do.”

“Do you like my breasts?” She leans back and looks down at her own chest, her round tits fighting against the bikini top which covers them. There’s a gold hoop between the cups, the fabric straining as she poses.

“They’re fantastic,” I say.

“Thanks,” she says, “But if you wanted to see them, naked I mean, you’d have to untie my top, which would be difficult for you to do with your arm in the cast.”

“Yes,” I allow.

She rolls on her side, facing me. “And what else do you like?”

I’m transfixed by the swell running from her narrow waist, over her butt, down her thighs. “Your hips,” I say.

“Oooh, my hips,” she cheers, running a hand down her body, “Great answer. How would you hold onto them with only one hand? You could not do it.”


“What else?”

I get bold. “Your pussy.”

She laughs. “Well, my pussy you could probably figure out even if you have no hands, so long as you have a penis, which I presume you do?” She reaches out, grabs the crotch of my swim trunks, and squeezes. “Ooh, you do!”

I gasp as her hand wraps the fabric around my shaft. She strokes me, yanking my cock. I begin growing stiff.

She continues, “Yes, this must be very frustrating indeed, a thick, hard penis, and nowhere to put it. No wonder you are so grumpy. Maybe this is something I can help with.”

I look around, seeing if anyone’s nearby, watching us.

“Relax,” she says, “They’re all busy. Pay attention to me. To my breasts, my hips, my pussy.” She pulls up my waistband, slides her hand down my abs, my pelvis, and onto my shaft.

I suck in a breath.

“Scott,” she exclaims, “You have a very hard penis, you know? Very full balls. It’s a pity.”

“What is?” I groan.

“That we do not have a condom,” she says, “Or else I would give you the full relief you need.”

“You– what?!” Am I hearing this correctly?

“Instead, you will have to make do with oral.”

My eyes are wide. “Or… al?”

Farah rolls her eyes. “A blowjob.” She scoots down on the blanket, rolling over, positioning herself between my legs.

I scan the beach, surely someone is going to see us, is going to walk up and … I don’t know, arrest us? But somehow, I do not know how, we are ignored.

“No,” she says, pulling my waistband, popping my cock free, “You should watch me, it will be better.” And then, just like that, she takes my dick in her mouth, pumping her lips and and down my shaft.

“Fuck,” I groan as she cups my balls. And her brown eyes are fixed on mine, staring at me as she sucks, and its a powerful aphrodisiac.

She pops my dick free, thumbs my glans, then rubs my cock against her lips, before taking it back down her mouth. There are times for long, drawn out blowjobs, but this is not one of them. She works me hard, with determination and skill, and as my cock fills the mouth of this girl I barely know, I feel myself nearing the edge.

“I’m gonna cum,” I whisper, still afraid someone will hear, even though nobody’s around.

But my warning doesn’t stop her. If anything, she grows even more resolute, her fingers joining her lips in massaging my shaft, her other hand tickling my balls.

She winks, and that’s it, that’s all I can take. I fall back, groaning soft as I can, as Farah holds her mouth open over my dick and milks me dry with her fist. She shows me my load coating her tongue, then she swallows and shows me it clean. All I can do is whimper.

She puts my dick away, then returns to the spot next to me, sipping her drink as casual as if nothing happened. “There,” she says, “They said you were feeling down. And I said you were too cute for that, and that I would cheer you up. Did it work? Are you feeling better now?”

I’m stunned, but then I laugh. “Yes. That was great. I still don’t quite understand, but you were amazing.”

“You boys are silly,” she says, “You should see your face, it’s like I just handed you a million dollars. It was just a blowjob, it was nothing.”

“Nothing, huh? Nothing’s all I got on my schedule tonight.”

She shrugs. “Sure.”



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