I [F] 19 had a post on here go far more viral than I expected, and it has led me into some interesting situations.

Despite my previous posts, I did not find myself to be overly sexual. perhaps someone who is more so than the average girl but certainly not well out of the ordinary. However, because of my previous post that got significant attention I have found myself flooded with dm’s, many of which I responded to, many which I did not. Among a select few of those I did respond to I found myself having discussions about things that I would never have imagined myself having with anyone, especially not strangers on the internet. I found myself sending some of them pictures of myself, even nudes to one person. I never would have believed I would do something like that, but here I am, and I am actually sort of enjoying it. Not to mention all of the new fetishes I have been introduced to that I had no clue existed two days ago. Not saying that I am necessarily into them, but I have been enlightened, nonetheless.

I just wanted to post that and sort of explain the quite bizarre situation I find myself in currently, not knowing if I should head deeper into it, or turn back around.

P.S. This is not an invitation to dm me and ask me for nudes or selfies or anything. Very unlikely anything like that transpires.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/wi6wyx/i_f_19_had_a_post_on_here_go_far_more_viral_than


  1. I love that you’re actively turned on by noticing yourself become kinkier. You can tell by the way you write, you pay active attention to yourself in all these situations, and you’re enjoying what you’re seeing.

    For the fear that you should bail: what’s the worst that you think will *honestly* happen? Do you not trust yourself to stop if things get too far? If you’re watching yourself this closely, is that *actually* a concern? I can’t imagine you losing yourself in the moment and doing something you’d actually end up regretting.

    What’s more likely is that your private life gets a bit more exciting, and you learn more about what *really* gets you off. Hard to see that as a bad thing.

  2. There is something about the anonymity that allows us to indulge in behaviors that we would have never before considered. Be careful, protect yourself but also explore and enjoy.

  3. I’ve read your work and I love jt. And interesting things usually happen out of ordinary situations.

  4. I say fuck it, go all the way in. No use in turning around. Explore and get lost.

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