Concert time [mf]

My husband and I went to a concert 2 hours away. We prepped some joints, bought some edibles, and off we went. I drank half+ of my drink and we smoked on the way. It was the first time we were out on a date in a while after a stressful few months. The day was feeling good. We arrive and find parking near the venue. Time to consume more lemonade and off we go. It was a warm day and based on the amount of people milling about, obviously it would be a packed concert. We were a few minutes early so we wandered around the waterfront, smoked a joint, and people watched. 

It was less than an hour until showtime and time to head in. We found a lawn seat and spread the blanket. Time is killed, food bought, joints smoked, the show started all in some order. The edibles started kicking in around showtime and I continue to feel good. Funny thing about THC beverages and I….beyond the normal edible fuckedupness…my skin gets tingly and I get horny. At some point I let D know to which he got a mischievous grin. His original plan was for me to sit on his lap….but neither of us considered that everyone would be standing. Alas nobody wants to be the only sitters in a sea of drunken revelry.  

As the music wore on and the night grew dark, my husband and I stood together side by side swaying to the beat. The music pounded, swelled, grew, surged; the crowd with it. We drew closer as the crowd packed tighter; the evening darker. A perfect opportunity to stand in front of him as we continued swaying together front to back. His hand was on my waist holding gently, squeezing tightly, or caressing my side or bare skin on my arm. His touch on my skin along with the beat of the music was intoxicating. The slow stroke down my arm, his fingers barely touching me, left goosebumps in its wake. 

I moved my hand behind my back and found that I was correct in what I had felt. D was hard as a rock behind me. I was insanely wet at the thought. The music continued, beat by beat, the crowd moved, we danced, and I stroked; hard or light, fast or slow, palm or fingertip. He ground his hips into me and I shared a joint with the drunk guy next to me. I was returning the favor from earlier in the evening, while I stroked my husband. Drunk guy never stopped dancing, but was sure to tell me the joint was good. He left his things on our blanket and disappeared until the end of the concert, but I digress. 

The concert was almost over and we were beyond ready. The walk back to the car was quick and efficient. We moved before the end of the encore, hit the bathroom before the crowd, and were at the gate, by the time the crowd had exploded out. Back to the car, where I finished my drink and took a dab. Now is was D’s turn to tease me. He walked behind me and was so quick to reach his hand under my dress and push my panties to the side. He was also quick to point out how wet they were and what a naughty little slut I was as he stroked my folds before delving his fingers in and nibbled my neck. A few more pumps of his hand and it was time to go; I would.habe much preferred he continued. Still, the crowd had caught up, the parking lot guy started paying attention again, and we needed to beat the traffic. To say I was wet and horny was an understatement….also massively stoned. 

Fuck the highway, backroad takes 10 more minutes and is awesome. We’re on our way sharing a joint and talking about the concert, how good the band was, how hard he was, how turned on we are. I’m not sure what came next his hand on my pussy, mine on his cock, or my little vibrator on my clit. My skin felt electric, every touch sent shivers through my body. His cock was so hard through his jeans, my mouth watered at the thought of leaning over and undoing his pants. Instead he kept his fingers buried in my dripping pussy thrusting in and out as I wantonly rode his hand, running the vinrstor over my clit.  

We continued this for about 10 minutes even past police on the side of the road for some reason.  By this point, we both realized we’d never make it home and D looked for somewhere to pull off. Soon a dark driveway for a half finished building on the left appeared, a quick turn off and shut off of the lights followed. No one noticed.  We’re both out of the car and meet at the passenger side hood. He kisses me hard as he bends me back over the hood before pulling away and flipping me over and my panties to the side. Before I could catch my breath, he undid his pants and plunged into my dripping pussy. I moaned and pushed back against him desperate for more. He started pounding while I told him my pussy juice was dripping down my leg and how much I loved being his slut. He continued to tell me that I was his good girl and his perfect slut. I lifted my leg to give him better access and he gripped my thigh hard as he trusted hard and faster. I felt myself getting close and begged to come as I lay sprawled over the car with my dress over my ass while my husband fucks me in the dark. me permission just as my orgasm takes me. I cry out as my legs start shaking and my muscles tighten. As D feels me tighten around his cock he grips me harder and pumps long and deep as he comes with a guttural moan. As his finishes I keep riding his still hard cock through my next orgasm. As I tightened around him, again he had a mini orgasm.

After that we both collapsed on the car until we caught our breath and my legs stopped shaking. I stood up.and staggered back to my seat. At that point I fully took off my panties and shoes (important) to clean up. Between D and myself I had a very slippery pussy.  I cleaned up, panties back on and off we went. It was only 45 min later when we stopped for food I realized the shoes stayed in the half done building lot. Totally worth it, the sex was amazing, and I’m being fingers to the thought of it. 


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