Seducing my friend into my Owner [FM] (23) Part 1

Sorry if this is really long and scattered – this post is sorta like my break up diary entry, self therapy I guess.

Anything you may wanna get off too is later in the story if you just wanna skip me as a person and read about my cunt.

Once again, really long

Now I’m no stranger to sex, I’m borderline addicted to being used and abused as sex and adrenaline are quite literally the only things that get me feeling alive. With that – we begin.

To start off with I’m a nursing student who hasn’t used her degree for anything more then bandaid duty for the girls. I’m 5’5 with somewhat light brown hair that hits right above my shoulder blades, but I typically rock a high pony. I’m fairly content with my 38C’s cause the perky bounce on em makes my nipples stand right at attention. I’ve gotten back into volleyball so I’m slowly but painfully regaining my trim and tight frame, but I am pretty small. I’m not gonna lie to you, I’m not modest about being attractive – I get a little hot n bothered every time I see myself, which is likely why I’ve been passed around like a bong for half my life.

Erection stoking & pussy wetting description aside, I’ve fully come into my life as a slutty whore. Without even telling a single story (other then to all you lovely ones) my reputation has been completely rewritten as a painfully easy good time among all my friend groups and peers alike. My repressed sexual side that I once tried to contain and hide from others has become my reputation, and it seems to proceed me wherever I go. I mainly noticed this transition when my male friends passing comments about me blowing them went from tentative jokes to blatant requests. But I am happy with every tiny bit in my life so fuck off with your judgement.

From that reputation comes my story. It begins with a conversation I had with a friend I’ve had for years. A good buddy through university who’s always been a nice guy – but as the saying goes, always finishes last. He was so fkn funny and is fairly attractive, but his confidence is probably the most pitiful excuse for manhood. A tall 6’3 with shortish brown hair and a constant responsibility about him. Let’s call him Dave, and Dave was always sorta ‘one of the girls’ and was never really on anyones radar.

So come summer and Dave’s moving into a new place, a single bedroom apartment that he plans to live alone in. It being summer I was realistically the only one around so I offered what tiny help I could provide for his move. He accepted my gracious offer to help him and hit me with the information. The day arrives and I’m wearing my normal tiny little jean shorts which bowl up my ass beautifully, and my tank top with the bra built in (get one if you don’t already have 10). Dave picked me up in his car and drove us to his old apartment. Dave exited the car and while I was on my phone he slipped around and got my door with a big smile. Not gonna lie this little service had me grinning as he offered me one hand out of the vehicle and pulled me into a hug. Dave said “thanks for helping, didn’t get one when picking you up so I’m collecting my hug now”. I wrapped my arms around him and nestled in slightly, and all I can say is wtf? What the actual fuck on earth happened to Dave in the past few months, his body was tight and toned outa nowhere and he had a weird confident charisma. He was never fat but he also wasn’t ever cut either, perfectly dad boded. Sculpting and confidence like that don’t just happen over 4-5 months without something pushing it. He let me go and turned to fetch his keys out his pocket, punched in the buzzer code while sorta spinning his key ring and cooly walking into his building with close to no regard of my existence. What the actual fuck was that? A series of completely unexpected things happened way too fast and left me sorta confused.. and the tiniest bit turned on.

We get up to his place and most things were already boxed up and stacked neatly. We chatted loosely a second about our plan. Dave mentioned he would do almost all the heavy lifting and I would be emotional support and clean up. The way he said it – intentional or otherwise was strangely alluring and almost flirty in my opinion. He knelt down and took two boxes at once, one box could’ve easily been able to stuff me inside of. He carried them downstairs without a second thought or struggle. I know it’s stupid or demeaning or what the fuck ever but idk what to say he was just different, and I was weirdly starting to feel desperate. I felt friend zoned and like I have all these rules about things I can do with him, but I also felt like he was a toy that I should be the only one who gets to play with! So without shame, I turned on my undertone, there wouldn’t be another sentence I spoke without the subtext of choke me against a wall and dominate my body being present.

I flirted… hard. Lots of laughing at jokes, long stares that he ‘caught’ me in, constant compliments about his improved figure and how good his chest looked which made him blush deeply. He was starting to be receptive to my efforts as we finished up the apartment, a little more touchy and physical with me – less thought before his responses. We hoped in the car and drove to his new place. During the drive we didn’t speak too much but it was clear he was fancying me. So I turned to him giving him the most vacant fuck me eyes I’ve ever thrown and asked him “I’ve got a question”.
Dave responded with “I’ve got an answer”, I looked away and forced a bit of blush into me and looked at him once again and said “was there ever a point in time where you liked me?”. The echoes of crisp silence filled the car for a second before he asked me to clarify. I responded with “did you ever like me, like wanna date – think I’m cute sorta thing”. He looked at me and hit me with an “Em, you’re gorgeous and awesome, if you weren’t amazing we wouldn’t be friends – but you’ve never treated me as anything other then a brother”. I looked at him with the slight annoyed glare of ‘try again’ that every girl has mastered before coming out the womb. I turned and said “fair enough, doesn’t really matter anyway”. With that the car was silent, not another word was spoken during the drive.

We got to his new place and we walked up and inside, placed some boxes down and he sighed. It was nice, a half island breakfast bar which nestled the kitchen nicely into a corner, one door leading to a corridor which assumedly held a bedroom and bathroom. Some empty shelves and an L couch in the middle of the room and corner pointing at a TV. I looked as he stood across the counter with a half defeated look on his face. He spoke up and said “look, we’ve been friends a while and it’s mostly only ever been friendship for me, but I still love you a ridiculous amount”. I looked at him cutely and said “me too, was pretty much a harmless question” to which he looked at me with a stupid amount of disbelief. I exclaimed loudly and rudely “what?!” to which he replied “nah it’s nothing”, i glared at him from the couch as he stood behind the half island bar table thing.

Part 1 end



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