[M] 24 girlfriend cheating with personal trainer

Just wanted to share since this is on my mind and get someones perspective female or male who is open minded. I found some pics on her phone that Obviously made it seem like she was cheating. Me and my girlfriend has been dating for quite some time now. She recently cheated which I found embarrassing and hot but as I found out more and had more time I thought it was pretty hot. It happened a few months ago and I kind of indirectly helped. Obviously as more time goes on I’m more understanding to why she did it. This happened a while ago but it’s been extremely wild and honestly to be fair there were tons of red flags. I should have seen or had an idea it was happening. I do have mixed emotions about it if im being honest. Like I said overall complicated situation

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/whpfbr/m_24_girlfriend_cheating_with_personal_trainer