The Final Subjugation of a Defeated Princess (Commission) (Fantasy) (BDSM) (Piercing) (Defeated Heroine) (All characters 20+)

Darc was the envoy for the Empire of Cargaga. Prized for his loyalty, his intelligence and his absolute devotion to the crown and to the king who wore it. This was why out of all of the men who served the king, he alone had been sent to the land of Narvek, the so-called Empire of Tears.

The man in charge was called Kroven. Not born to royalty, Kroven had taken it with the edge of his sword. He’d forged a dozen tribes into a single faction and led them out to set fire to the world. They were not currently anywhere close to the borders of Cargaga, but that might change in as little time as a decade. Darc was tasked to find out their intentions.

He was currently being escorted towards a private room where Kroven waited for him. The two guards were tough and intimidating but Darc felt no fear.

Outside of the room, one held out a hand for his weapon.

“Your sword.”

“I have none,” Darc said.. The massive man gave him a look, as if despairing at the stupidity of foreigners who did not even know to travel armed.

Then the door swung open.

The room was small. It was a side chamber reserved for when guests did not want to be greeted publicly or when political reality prevented them from being so. The walls were draped with pelts and furs, a fire crackled in the grate. A chair was set near it, and before that a table.

Upon the great chair, Kroven sat. Darc had never seen him before, but recognised him at once. He was a tall, proud man with wide shoulders and muscular arms. His hair was black, and his face was fierce and scarred.

Darc felt wary. Kroven was one of the biggest rising powers on the continent, and any disrespect – real or perceived – would be met instantly and painfully.

Darc had prepared. He knew what to do, what to say. He knew how to give offence in Narvek and how to avoid it.

He had not expected Kroven to be naked, though. His body was corded with thick muscles, a powerful frame and no hint of embarrassment about his nudity. His eyes were sharp like a hawk, and between his legs, there knelt a slave.

Her face was bowed in defeat and shame. She had dark hair, smooth skin and a slender build. A tight collar locked around her throat and a nasal ring had been put through her nose.

She was naked and shaved bare below the head. Even her womanhood was uncovered. Her eyes were downcast and beaten, and her breasts had been pierced. Iron rings had been put through her nipples, through which someone had strung golden chains that trailed down her body, connecting to shackles around her ankles. A second set of shackles had been closed around her wrists, and these terminated between her legs. Her pussy had been pierced, the lips sealed closed with a series of rings and her clitoris was red and engorged, pierced once to act as an anchor for the shackles which held her arms.

The shackles were linked with chains that had almost enough give in them for her to move normally, but if she stretched too far or moved too fast, they’d tug painfully on her clit or nipples. She turned her head, looking at Darc mournfully for a split second only.

Kroven reached out and slapped her, not even bothering to look as she flinched and bent down to resume sucking him off. With her back to him, Darc realised she had an anal plug as well. The slave’s head moved up and down, and the sound of her mouth and her tongue filled the room. Kroven grunted in approval, but still did not look at her. His eyes bored into Darc’s face.

“Greetings, Emperor Kroven,” Darc said carefully, falling to one knee. “I am Darc from Cargaga. I am sure you were told that I was coming?”

“Indeed I was,” Kroven said. The slave’s head bobbed back and forth along his shaft, the motion almost hypnotic. One of his hands tugged on the piercing of her nipple, enjoying the way her body quaked each time he pulled too hard.

“Tell me,” Darc of Cargaga, are we enemies?”

It was a blunt question but Darc had been prepared.

“That remains to be seen, my lord,” Darc said. “You do have many of them.”

“A man must have enemies!” Kroven said. “It shows that he is strong! You have seen them fall to my armies, not a single one of them is a true threat to Narvek.”

“That is true,” Darc admitted. “But Cargagga is. We are not a small kingdom, and we have a history of victory in war. Between your people and mine, Lord Kroven, no one can oppose you for long. But once you get to us…”

“Ah, a veiled threat! I like that! It shows you have some spirit in you! Not like those yapping dogs who come to lecture me on rules of war and conquest, and then flee with their tails tucked between their legs when I threaten their people! Do you wish to know if I want what is yours?”

“That would be pleasant, my lord,” Darc said dryly.

“I like you,” Kroven said. “You are bold and to the point. For now, I have no designs on Cargaga. Your land is your own.”

“That is good…” Darc said slowly. “It would have been better if you had not said ‘’for now.’’”

“Ah, but what man truly knows the future? I do not currently have plans against Cargaga, but if things change then I might. Would you rather I lie to you?”

“My understanding was that politics was little else but lies,” Darc said. “It is merely the lies that people want to hear.”

“Hah! Yes, indeed. So what now?”

“Now, I am authorised to discuss trade rights with you,” Darc said. “Even potentially an alliance. I assume that is something you would be interested in?”

“Trade rights are always good,” Kroven said. “We have much to trade. And as for the alliance… Well, we shall see where the night takes us.”

Darc’s wandering eyes caught sight of the naked woman again. Kroven was gripping the chain of her collar idly in one hand. Now and then, he would yank it hard.

“A former noble, I would assume?” Darc asked, “I have heard that you collect them.”

Kroven chuckled, his fingers played across the slave’s body, squeezing her ass and toying with the plug that fit between her cheeks.

“You are correct, Darc,” He said. “Is my method so obvious?”

“You have become somewhat notorious for it,” Darc told him. “Whenever you conquer new land, you enslave the nobles there and the royal family if any remain. Those who helped you remain in power. Those who opposed you are made into slaves.”

“She is quite a looker, isn’t she?” Kroven said. “She was a princess, you know. A rare catch indeed.”

“Is that so?” Darc ran an eye over the crouched figure. She was branded, pierced, her ass filled with a metal plug that she had to feel every time she moved. There was no trace of dignity or modesty left to her. A strange thrill swept through his body.

“It is so,” Kroven agreed. He jerked the chain which bound her throat, and the former princess looked up at him. Her expression was defeated, waiting for her orders. He didn’t even bother to look at her.

“Display yourself, slut.”

She turned reluctantly, standing up with the jingling of many chains. Darc’s eyes feasted on her body. Her face was red, her eyes were downcast. The chains which looped around her legs and arms served only to accentuate her helplessness and her sensuality Both of her breasts had been branded with a coiling, serpentine symbol which wound its way from the base to the nipple. The symbol of Narvek had been burned into her right thigh.

Kroven slapped her ass, laughing as her body shook from the impact. The former princess stumbled forward. Darc found her nudity intoxicating.

“I can see that you like her,” Kroven said. “Good taste! Before she was my whore, she was Akira.”


“Yes, she was the princess of a people I defeated some years ago. The only royal to survive. She ran to the forests and formed an army of her own. She wanted to take back her land, to see me dead.”

Kroven ordered her to kneel, and she did. He barked at her to spread her legs, and she did so as well. Without hesitation, without a moment of doubt or conflict, Darc could see that beyond the piercings, her pussy was both wet and red. Highly aroused and in desperate need.

“She obeys my orders without hesitation. Where is that stubborn woman who once vowed to kill me? That bold rebel leader who fought me for years? She’s gone. Gone and never coming back.”

He yanked on the chain, dragging the slave backwards. His hand roamed across her body, teasing her breasts and nipples, tugging on the piercings and making her gasp in lust and despair. Even while he did it.

His other hand fell down her back, pressing the metal plug that was pushed into her ass. She bucked, feeling it digging deeper inside of her. A look of discomfort flashed across her face, paired with an expression of humiliation.

“Do you see the golden chains? The piercings sealing her cunt?”

“I do, my lord.”

“They were once her crown and the sword she used to defend her people. When we caught her, we melted them down. Since it was not proper for even a defeated princess to go without her crowd, we adjusted it to be more befitting her new station.”

He brought her to her knees again with a sharp smack to her behind. Her legs folded, and his arms reached across her chest while he nudged the anal plug with a foot. Pressing it deeper made her whimper, but it was that sound which seemed to fire his blood.

“She’s not as fun now as when first was, though,” Kroven said. “When we first caught her, she was spirited and rebellious. It took time to drive that out of her. Now she’ll do anything I say but before, she was just waiting for a chance to escape and kill me. Do you want to know how it happened?”

Darc leaned forward, his eyes glinting with desire and interest.

“Indeed I do.”

“There was a great battle,” Kroven leaned back against his throne. “I could tell you about the tactics, the strategy, the near misses and the close calls. However, that’s not important to this story. The important thing is that I won. It was a hard fight, but I won. And in the aftermath of the battle, I waited outside of my tent as the enemy leader was brought before me.

“Akira had been a thorn in my side for some time, and I was ready to kill her there and then. But as I saw her, I realised that I wanted to possess her more. To make her my thing. My toy. To degrade and break her, turning her from princess to slut in the eyes of her people and herself. That would be my ultimate victory.”


Akira struggled as she was forced towards the tent. The people around her jeered. Her arms were bound behind her back by shackles. Her dark hair was wild and flew as she turned from side to side. There was a chain around her neck and the enemy were dragging her forward with it.

After years of fighting Kroven was finally face to face with her. She was staring at the man who had taken her kingdom and enslaved her people.

“You are as ugly as I thought you would be,” She spat.

He slapped her, she glared through the pain.

“You will not destroy us.”

“I have already destroyed your people, princess,” Kroven spoke for the first time. “With this victory, I have crushed their hope to ever rise again. But I will not destroy you. You will serve me as a slave from now until the day you die. This night marks your final crushing defeat.”

She was dragged back by the chain around her throat. The sound of the crowd grew louder. Her heart hammered madly. Someone hit her in the back of the leg, and she collapsed to one knee. She tried to spring up, but hands grabbed at her. The crowd surged. She was trapped.

Akira felt the sharp prick of a knife pressed against her skin. She thought she was going to die but it was drawn suddenly upwards, slicing through her jerkin and the wraps of linen with which she’d bound her breasts. Cold air brushed against her chest.

Akira was pulled to the ground, hands gripped her arms and legs as she struggled, and she felt that same knife pressed against her inner thigh. Cold sweat beaded her forehead.

The crowd went mad. Kroven watched, the sound of the princess’ desperate cries was like music to his ears. Slice by slice, she was stripped naked, pawed and groped by the soldiers that she had defied.

And it was only getting started.


In the present, the slave who had been Akira knelt on the floor as Kroven’s hand closed around her chest. He teased her nipples, twisting and pulling them until she flinched or trembled. Humiliation and shame burned on her face.

Darc watched hungrily. Her naked body, though branded and pierced, still aroused him greatly and Kroven seemed to sense that. The barbarian emperor slapped her on the ass and told her to dance for them.

Face red, eyes downcast, she did it. Her body swayed to inaudible music. She must have practised it, for it was a smooth and easy dance. One which showed off her hips and her ass. It drew attention to the plug which was still wedged between her cheeks, her long legs and her breasts which jiggled with motion as she went.

It was a particularly humiliating experience for the woman, forcing her to show off each of her assets in turn. Her legs, her pussy, her ass and her chest all had their moment. Her hips moved back and forth, her hands trailed across her naked skin.

Darc liked the sense of power and dominance that came with tormenting her. His cock grew hard in his pants, and Kroven asked if he wanted her to take care of that as well.

“I thought she was your slave, lord? Would that not be improper?”

“You people of Cargaga always caring about what is proper! Her pussy is pierced and sealed shut, it belongs to me alone. The rest of her can be used to reward guests. You may take her mouth or her ass, the choice is yours.” Darc almost could not believe what was being said.

“As you decide,” Kroven said. “Would you like me to continue with the story?”

He nodded.

Despite her resistance, they pinned her to the ground. Four metal stakes were driven hard into the earth with heavy hammers. Chains were tied about them and then secured around her wrists and ankles. The cruel soldiers pulled them tight, forcing her arms and legs to open. Akira struggled, fighting and hissing but it was flesh against steel and soon she was exposed.

Kroven glared down at her.

“I like you better this way,” He decided. “Much more fitting to your station. But you’re not perfect yet. You still have some hair on that pussy of yours. We’ll have to fix it.”

He gestured and someone stepped forward with a long, curved knife and a bucket of warm water. To Akira’s surprise, it was not one of the enemy, but someone she had known from her previous life! Carial! A woman who had been her friend before the war. She was naked, a chain around her neck. Her breasts had been pierced and a weight had been strung from her clit, swaying with each step she took.

Kroven forced her down, between Akira’s legs. The rebel leader threw her head back and closed her eyes, but she still felt the warm touch of the water against her sex. The kiss of the knife, cold and sharp, as it cut through the hair of her womanhood. She wanted to speak, but what could she say? Beg for mercy? Both she and Carial knew that she would get none.

When it was over, and she was fully bare, Carial was bent over and fucked in front of her. Her friend moaned and gasped, the soldiers taking turns to toy with her. Fucking her from behind, grabbing her breasts. Making her squirm and beg for release.

Akira watched it all with cold fury, but somewhere deep inside, she felt a shameful heat.

Darc felt the same sort of heat pulsing through him now. Desire and arousal swamped his mind.

“Have you decided how you want her?” Kroven asked.

He nodded.

“Usually, taking part in something like this would be bad form for an envoy of Cargaga,” He said. “But in this case, since it was offered by someone as important as you, it would be rude to turn it down.”

“Indeed it would. So mouth or ass?”

“Mouth,” He decided. “I want her to taste me as I use her.”

“Good choice, my friend,” Kroven laughed. “Very good choice. Slave, you know what to do.”

She said nothing, but crawled into position, kneeling before him with her hands crossed behind the small of her back. The position forced her chest forward and brought her mouth up towards his erect shaft. Darc’s hands fumbled with his trousers, discarding them with no thought for modesty at all. His shaft sprung forward, and he took hold of the slave’s head and forced her to swallow it.

Her lips closed around his cock, her tongue stroked the tip of its head, sending heated passion flashing through his spine. He gasped but quickly set to work. Her lips and tongue worked on him as he moved back and forth, her head bobbed as it had done for Kroven, and the feeling of her sucking and nibbling on his shaft was divine. The friction as he thrust his hips made his legs feel weak. She was moaning, her breasts jiggled as he slapped them, the sharp pain made her quiver, and the metal chains and piercings jingled pleasingly.

“Now,” Kroven said. “As you enjoy my hospitality, allow me to continue the story.”

After they shaved her, it was time to pierce her. Akira lay sprawled on the ground as Kroven had his men prepare. The first came forward with a large bottle of clear liquid. She thought he was going to try and make her drink it, but it was not for her mouth.

He took out the cork and knelt between her legs. Akira felt the cool glass pressed up against her slit, her skin tingled and her pulse raced. Once the tip was inside of her, the bottle was angled so that the liquid started to flow downwards, into her body. Akira felt her skin start to heat up, a blooming heat spread between her legs, and sweat began to bead her forehead.

Her clit was aching. Pulsing with a desperate need that resonated through her body.

“I think she is ready for the piercings,” Kroven said. “Let the medic do his work.”

Another man came forward then. . Someone had set a fire nearby, and the heat of it washed over her. Made the whole scene like a dream. A nightmare.

Her senses were burning now. Even the grass under her tickled her naked skin in a way which now seemed unbearably erotic.

The man that Kroven had called a medic knelt between her legs. His eyes were cold and hard, and his hands rough as they moved to her chest. The very contact made fireworks go off in her mind. Akira shuddered, trying not to moan as her senses flared. The potion made her sensitive and she could barely restrain herself.

He felt her breasts, running a hand along the curved body of her chest. Her nipples were achingly stiff, and when his fingers stroked them it was like a bolt of lightning flashing through her. She choked, a moan half escaped her lips as Kroven grinned.

The man felt her nipples, running his fingers up and down them several times until she wanted to scream. Heat boiled between her legs, and her chest rose and fell faster and faster. She’d never felt like this in all of her life!

The man took a tool out of the case. A wood and metal clamp which made her blood run cold. He placed the teeth against her right nipple and closed it slowly. Akira kicked out as the rough edges gripped her nipple. Once it was secure, the man turned a different part of the clamp and it started to extend. The head remained closed, gripping and pulling her nipple taut. Helpless and humiliated, Akira could only wait with a pounding heart.

Once he was happy, the man reached for another clamp and repeated the process with her right nipple, gradually stretching that one out too. Her skin burned, the pain flowed through her chest to mix with the pleasure that the potion was forcing her to feel.

When he was content, he reached for his next tool. Cold sweat broke out across her back as she felt the sharp point of the needle. A tiny little prick against the skin of her sensitive breast. Chills spread through her body, and for a moment was almost tempted to beg. But her very soul rebelled and she said nothing.

The needle bit into her, digging into her nipple with a puncturing, rippling pain which flowed across her chest. That part, she expected. The pleasure that followed she did not. Akira threw her head back, her nerves caught fire as the pain burned across her, a horrible pleasure followed in its wake.

It was the aphrodisiac! That potion conflated pleasure and pain so that to her beleaguered body, they became the same. The greater the pain, the stronger the pleasure that flowed after it. Her legs were shaking, and there was a shameful wetness between them that she desperately tried to ignore.

The needle moved back and forth, the man carefully at work. Her pussy throbbed. Her clitoris felt tight and hot. Her own body was turning against her, and it felt better than any lover.

The man finished with her first breast, leaving a length of twined metal looped through the flesh to set the piercing. She felt him turn his attention to her other one. Her body braced, she knew what to expect now but the bite of the needle made her skin crawl. Was she no better than this? He was marking her as a slave! As a thing! But she was so wet, she could feel the liquid running between her thighs.

The needle stung her, sending waves of pleasure reverberating through her shaking body. This time, it was even stronger, the pain even sharper. They pulsed through her mind like starbursts.

“This is how we make our slaves,” Kroven gloated over her. “The aphrodisiac starts strong and gets stronger. Over a period of twenty-four hours, it magnifies itself. As it grows, your will becomes less.

“Oh, you will still be yourself. You will still know that giving up is bad. You will feel shame, humiliation and mortification. But it won’t matter. Your body will be screaming at you, demanding pleasure at any cost. Even servicing us on your knees.”

“N-never,” She said, her throat was dry and her voice was raspy.

“Oh, I shall enjoy using you once you have learned your place. There is one other effect that I should warn you about. The potion makes you hot and wet, But it will not let you cum. Your pleasure will grow and grow, but you will not find release. Not until you are given permission.”

His words sent a bolt of shock running through her and she started to struggle, but the chains were tight and strong, holding her arms and legs apart. The man moved lower, taking his tools and setting them to the side of her thighs. Akira desperately flicked her eyes towards his face, but there was no mercy there.

She groaned as his fingers found her mound, still freshly shaven. His palm glided over her vulva, fingers stroked the lips of her pussy, making her shiver and writhe. Anger and fury rose within her, but they masked a desperate need. An aching desire which was becoming stronger and stronger.

The man turned towards Kroven.

“My lord, do you wish a single piercing such as an anchor for a chain or a weight? Shall I pierce her clitoris for you? Or do you wish many piercings such that she feels their presence at all times?”

“Let’s see,” Kroven said. “What do you think, slave? Would you rather have one piercing or many?”

Akira’s body churned. Heat and pleasure flowed through her and she could see what Kroven wanted. He wanted her to beg for a lesser punishment. The idea made her sick but at the same time, she remembered how intense the pleasure had been when she had been pierced before. Her pussy was much more sensitive.

“Never mind,” Kroven said before she could answer. “I have decided for her. Pierce her many times, my friend. Pay attention to her clitoris in particular. I do not wish her new status to be lost on her.”

Akira wanted to scream in frustration as the man got back to his work. His fingers pried and teased her pussy, stroking her and making her tremble. Fire burned in her belly, and the first time she felt the needle press close to her body, she shook. Was it fear or anticipation? The two were mixed and murky now, flowing into the same thing.

The needle bit her, and she moaned. The sharp pain was intense and livid, stabbing through her womanhood but followed by a trail of cloudy pleasure which swamped her mind. Akira quivered, and before she could recover, he did it again. The needle lanced out, piercing her three or four times, and each one was the same. A puncturing, stabbing pain followed by an expanding trail of pleasure. Akira tried not to get off on her enslavement, but her body was by now totally out of her control. Her nerves screamed, stimulation – good or bad – was achingly required.

At some point as the man worked, Akira came, climaxing in front of Kroven and the men working on her. Her face burned with shame but the main event of the whole thing soon became clear when the medic reached her clitoris.

By now, she was trembling and soaked. Her body felt numb, and her pussy was throbbing. The control of the drug was still getting stronger, desire roared through her like a beast she could not silence. Even though they were her enemies, she was desperate to be fucked and used. Wild fantasies of being bent over, taken here and now crashed through her mind.

“So you show your true colours at last,” Kroven laughed.

The clamp came out again. This time its harsh metal teeth closed between her legs, gripping her clitoris and stretching it out. Akira quivered, her breath coming faster and faster. The tip of the needle hovered close, teasing her with a moment of glacial slowness.

Then she felt the bite, More intense than anything yet. Her eyes opened wide, and her breath was stolen. The rushing feeling surged through her being, and she climaxed as her freedom was stolen.

Kroven watched it all, his eyes eager and his face keen. As she lay heaving on the ground, her body pulsing with need and want, he turned to the man who had set up the fire.

“Brand her.”

A hot piece of metal was pressed against her inner thigh and there was a sharp hiss. Akira tried not to scream, the cursed potion inside of her twisted the pain into the most overpowering sense of pleasure she had ever felt but the humiliation was still the same. She was being branded like cattle, and getting off on it as well!

When it was over, Akira lay shaking. Staked to the earth, her new piercings throbbed and the brand on her thigh was red and livid.

“We will let you rest for now,” Kroven told her. “Enjoy your final free climaxes. Once the potion properly takes hold, you will not be able to cum on your own. The things we will make you do to secure your release…”

In the present, Darc felt his desire surge. With Akira’s tongue around her cock, and her mouth shifting back and forth along his shaft, the tale of her humiliation was extremely erotic and arousing. With each word that Kroven had spent describing her torment, his desire for her had increased.

Her nipples were hard. His fingers twisted the golden chains which connected to her piercings, tugging them to make her gasp and cry. Meanwhile, though he could not access her pussy itself, he could still pull on the chain which was connected to her clit. Somehow, the idea that he could torment her with that without her having even a chance of release made him extra cruel, and he found himself twisting it back and forth. Edging her and making her squirm. The desire to climax was on her face, but it was equally obvious that she could not. No matter how her body trembled or how her nerves screamed, she had not been given permission.

Her mouth felt good. Warm and wet, her tongue and lips were well trained. The look in her eyes was defeated and downcast, which turned him on even more.

This was a princess. A princess on her knees, her hands behind her back and she was choking on his cock, unable to even cum without being ordered to.

He felt more powerful than he ever had before. Her humiliation and degradation were so complete and so perfect that he could not help but want to possess and use her.

A bolt of pleasure flashed through him as he reached climax. His cock shivered, and his seed exploded from his tip. Akira drank it up. He could see in her eyes that she hated it. That it just further drove on how humiliated and defeated she was that she had to do it without even being told.

“Did you enjoy her?” Kroven asked.

“Very much so,” Darc admitted. “You have trained her well.”

“It took a lot of time,” Kroven said. “Do you wish to keep her for a while? Slaves can be loaned out to allies in good standing.”

“That is very tempting,” Darc realised he was telling the truth. “What would be the terms and conditions?”

“Obviously, we want her back alive and mostly unharmed. Other than that, the only real rule is that her pussy cannot be used. That is for me alone. Her mouth and ass, however? They are yours to do as you wish. If we reach an agreement.”

“A very strong motivation to find one then,” Darc said. “Was that your plan all along, my lord?”

“No,” Kroven chuckled. “But I am glad to see that you are a man who has an understanding and a joy for such things. I will be glad to share my slaves with a kindred spirit such as you.”

Those words sparked something in him, and Darc leaned forward.

“Can you tell me more about her training?”

“Why? Are you interested in recreating it yourself?”

“Perhaps I am,” He admitted. “I think I could do with a slave like this at home…”

“It comes down to the aphrodisiac,” Kroven said. “It’s very potent stuff. Specially made. With each application, the effect becomes stronger. The slave’s senses become sharper and more attuned, and pleasure and pain become mixed signals to her. It does not affect her mind – not directly. She still is herself, has her own free will and otherwise loses no self-determination. This preserves her identity, allowing her to experience even greater shame and humiliation as the desires of her body – amplified by the drug – gradually overwhelm her ability to resist.

“The ultimate tool that the potion provides for this is her inability to climax. Even though it increases her pleasure and makes her more sensitive, so long as she is not given an order by her master she cannot cum. Therefore, the feelings build up within her, making her more and more desperate the longer she goes without permission. Would you like to know the most evil part?”

Darc felt his heart beat faster, he nodded.

“In order to climax, she must be given permission by a master. But for that to work, she must truly accept that master as having control over her. If she is rebellious, even a command given in good faith will not allow her to cum.”

Darc took a step back.

“You mean the potion itself prevents her from lying? Even if she calls you master, so long as she doesn’t believe it, the command won’t work?”

“Brilliant, isn’t it? Eventually, they get so desperate that they honestly accept that you are their master just to get a release.”

“How long did it take Akira to break?”

“It took her a few days,” Kroven said. “We applied the potion every morning, and teased her body with various forms of stimulation. It was glorious, her face was red and there were tears in her eyes! She was shaking and trembling, feeling more pleasure than she ever had in her life! But so long as she did not give up, she got no release. We tormented her for two or three days before she finally broke down and surrendered. We made her beg to be our slave.”

A wicked smile twisted his lips.

“I remember that day fondly. She was pinned out on the ground again. Her new piercings were shiny and fresh. She couldn’t bear to look me in the eyes as she finally begged us to fuck her.”

He gestured and the slave crawled over to him, her body shuddered as his finger hooked around the piercing set into her left nipple. Kroven played with it as he spoke.

“After begging for release, she finally was able to cum so some part of her did indeed bow to us that day. But she was not fully broken yet.”

Akira looked down, her face on the floor. Darc could not read her expression, but her body language spoke of shame.


They put a hood on her. There was also a gag, which tasted of leather and was forced into her mouth. Akira was not allowed to speak or show her face.

After this, she was sent to one of the slave camps. It was full of female slaves dressed like herself. No one was allowed to show their face, but you could tell individuals apart by piercings and body type. The camp was patrolled by soldiers, protected by wooden walls.

Akira was one of several new slaves who walked naked into the entrance that day. She felt the eyes of the other prisoners upon her, none of them knew she was their princess. She was led to the courtyard where she was – along with the other new girls – bound to a wooden frame which looked out over the crowd.

Then a new set of slaves came forth. These were male and were not chained like she was.

That was the first day she was fucked in the ass. Chained to the wooden frame, looking out over the sea of people she had sworn to defend, Akira felt the stiff cock pressed against her back entrance. A feeling of alarm swelled within her, but the toxic touch of the aphrodisiac made her pussy run wet.

She tried not to cry out as he penetrated her, his cock sinking into her ass, fucking the princess of his kingdom without even knowing it. Shame bloomed inside of her, her breasts were thrust forward by the impact of his body, the piercings glittered and caught the light of the sun.

Before long, Akira was grunting and moaning through the gag. The man fucked her, enjoying the feeling of her warm, tight body. The rest of the slaves were made to watch, and Akira felt heat growing between her legs. The desire spiked suddenly, rising into what should have been a climax. But she had not been given permission, and frustration welled up inside of her as it hit an invisible wall. A cry of dismay was torn from her lips, emerging around the gag as a wordless, keening note. Her pussy burned for release, the climax screamed and raged inside of her. She shivered, her legs shook. Her nerves felt as if they’d been set aflame. Her soul screamed for release, but there was none.

When one man was done, another used her. Then another. Akira’s cries grew ragged, and by the end of the day, she was slumped over and exhausted. Only once the last of the traitors had been rewarded was she cut down with the others.

That was her first day in the slave camp, but it was far from her last. She was used again and again, in many different ways. All to try and break her will and teach her the best way to pleasure her conquers. She learned how to use her body, how to entice and enrapture, how to move such that the very motion was pleasing to the male gaze.

While she was in the camp, Akira’s identity remained hidden and she was not allowed to cum even once. The days were agonising for her, each lesson and each punishment only made her more and more needy and wet. By the time Kroven came to collect her, she was almost glad to see him. He told her that if she ever rebelled or refused a command, he would send her back – hooded and masked – and give the order that she should not be allowed to climax for the rest of her life.

Once she was fully trained, Kroven led a parade through the capital, and Akira was at the centre of it. She was led, her hands bound behind her back, a golden collar around her throat. Her clit throbbed, a chan connected it to the collar so that when the man in front of her tugged, she was forced to hurry forward. Her pussy was hot and wet, and her breasts were hard and pierced. Everyone in the kingdom saw her and saw what she had been reduced to.

At the end of the parade, as her humiliation and arousal grew to incredible levels, Kroven ordered her to climax in front of her people and she did. The feeling that washed over her was so potent that there was none present who could deny that the defeated princess had just orgasmed in front of her conquerors.

Darc realised he was feeling aroused again. Kroven’s description of the parade and training Akira had awoken something in him.

“Do you want her mouth again?” The barbarian king asked, he nodded and Kroven smacked Akira on the ass, forcing her to crawl forward.

Darc’s cock was hard. Akira’s mouth was warm and wet, and she was no less skilled than before. Her tongue worked along his shaft, and her breasts dangled in front of him, glinting with their piercings. He ran his hand across her chest, marvelling at the smoothness of the skin and how she responded to his smallest touch.

Her nipples were warm and stiff, her eyes half closed as he rubbed them between his fingers. His throat felt dry, his cock was in heaven. Akira forced herself to pleasure him with her tongue and her lips.

He looked at her face, the nose ring, the chains and the brands which marked her flesh. This was a princess brought low. She wore her humiliation like a weight, like a cloak she could not get rid of. Part of her hated it and part of it her loved it.

And Darc realised that he loved it too. Heat flowed down his spine, and his cock grew harder yet, he thrust into her mouth, enjoying the gagging sounds she made. The way her body shook, the feeling of her skin against his hands.

Kroven had had enough watching. He rose from his throne, his shaft was hard and stiff, standing ready as he grasped at Akira’s behind.

They started to fuck her together, moving back and forth, thrusting and moaning in delight. Akira was warm and responsive, she gasped and shuddered, rocking with the momentum of their thrusts.

At some point, Kroven reached down for the chain connecting to her clit and yanked it, making her whole body shiver with pleasure and desperate need. Her breasts were swayed. Darc was moving faster and faster, and a primal desire had taken hold of him. His cock was hard, and his breathing came quickly. Akira spluttered and gasped.

She gasped and choked as the waves of pleasure shuddered through her. But neither of them stopped. They fucked her until they both came. Darc’s seed filled her mouth and splashed across her face while Astrix’ dripped from her ass. Only once she had been totally humiliated did Kroven reach over and slap her ass.

“You can cum now, slut.”

Akira gave a long, drawn out moan. A sort of strangled queak as her body quaked, and all of the pleasure which the potion had been holding back was released at once. The sounds she made as she sunk to the ground were more like those of an animal than a person. Her very body shuddered and shook, Darc watched, fascinated as she lost all control. Her breathing became faster and faster, and her legs kicked out. She must have known she was putting on quite the show, but it didn’t seem like she had much of a choice. The surging pleasure inside of her had taken over and the rest of the former princess was simply along for the ride.

She climaxed in front of them, cumming hard with a deep, ragged moan that spoke of denial and release. Her face was red, and she sunk to the floor where she lay gasping. Her chest rose and fell in a pleasing manner.

“Now,” Kroven said with a total disregard for the state of his slave. “I believe we were about to speak of important matters?”

“Yes,” Darc said. “Yes, of course.”

And the two men went back to the negotiation without even a look at the heaving form of the gasping woman.


1 comment

  1. Apologies to the moderators, I posted this before but derped on including the age tag. My bad. Should be fixed now.

    As before, this story was commissioned by u/pleasureslave10715

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