A Study of Elves [F18/F20/M19, Fantasy, Voyeur, Oral] (Love ☆ Sex ☆ Magic : Ch1)

(Author’s note: New account because I can’t post ero on main 🙃 excited to share my stories!!)


Joshua ran a finger over the rows of dusty tomes in front of him and stopped at a volume bound in dark leather. The spine cracked as he gently opened it. He relished the moment; he loved old books. It was a collection of ancient elven myths and legends, copied by hand, including many luscious illustrations. A true labour of love. His feet wandered without taking his eyes off the elegant elven writing, taking him to his favourite book nook where he settled in to read.

The library was perfectly quiet. Josh loved it here, surrounded by the comforting scent of leather and wood. And so, when a soft noise disturbed the still peace he was enveloped in, his instinct was to pretend it didn’t happen. But the sound repeated, and Josh’s attention was slowly tugged from a beautiful illustration of Meavella the sorcerer princess towards what sounded like a moan – breathy and mellow.

Placing a finger on the page, Josh listened. In the silence a floorboard creaked and then, he heard it again: a woman moaning. Josh felt a tingle along his neck and a mixture of unease and excitement swirled in his chest. The last time he’d heard moaning in the library had been his unfortunate meeting with Lavinia, the troubled ghost of the east tower. Most ghosts at the college ignored the living people around them, but Lavinia had a thirst for possession that Josh had been unfortunate enough to satiate one rainy Sunday afternoon. Just being reminded of the experience sent a shiver down his spine. But this noise didn’t sound like Vaninia’s tortured lament. It sounded more akin to pleasurable sighs.

Ghost, spirit or student, it was best to put it out of his mind and get back to the elves of legend. He eased himself back into his nook and frowned at the armour-clad witch on the page. The moan came again, insistent on capturing his attention. A flicker of curiosity tickled inside him, but a fiery irritation welled up and pushed it away. A haughty expression tightened his soft features, and Josh’s eyes darted to a nearby brass plaque that read “Quiet Please.”

With resolution masking a deeper stirring sensation that Josh ignored, he closed his book, set it down, and began moving quietly past the shelves towards the sound.

The old-elvish section of the library was a cramped maze of dusty bookshelves, kept in perpetual dusk by a few enchanted lamps. Josh made his way through the gloom slowly, his body taught with furtive energy. Suddenly, he heard a giggle; muffled, but elated. Definitely not Lavinia, Josh thought, and a tingle of excitement shivered through his body. He stopped dead and tried to calm himself. His mind began to paint a picture of what he might find: A fellow student, probably. A pretty girl reading one of these great works and unable to contain her excitement, moaning and gasping and giggling as her eyes moved down the page. A half smile lifted the corner of his mouth as he imagined the scene, and moved onward, enticed by the thought. 

He stopped again when he heard a new moan more deep and intense than before. It sounded like the woman was now enraptured by her tale of thrills, completely captivated. He reached the end of a shelving unit and knew that just on the other side of it there was another reading nook – this was where he would find her. 

He found an empty space on the shelf opposite the reading nook, just wide enough to see through, but not so wide he would make his presence obvious. Like a cat in shadow, he moved carefully towards it. He would just take a little peek before he introduced himself, that’s all! Without realising it, he was holding his breath, and cautiously peeked through the gap. He saw a flash of bare skin, two bodies, fingers pressed into flesh – he jerked back in shock, averting his eyes at an instant. There were two people there! And they were — ! 

Josh couldn’t finish the thought. He let his breath out as quietly as he could, his chest shook with the effort of remaining still and silent. Had they seen him? Would they think he was spying on their private moment? He listened desperately for any signs that he had disturbed the pair, but all he heard was the woman’s breaths, becoming quicker – louder.

His heart raced, as his eyes darted around the narrow corridor looking for an escape. He knew he should leave. Report this to the librarian’s guild! Yet, his feet didn’t move. The stirring inside him that he ignored before grew more powerful than his nerves. He glanced guiltily towards the gap between the books. He knew that he shouldn’t stay, maybe even what he was doing was wrong, but still he did not leave. 

He swallowed and slowly leaned towards the small opening between books. 

Through the narrow window, the woman’s face was visible: twisted with suppressed pleasure, her eyes shut, her lips slightly open. He recognised her! Her name was Rayna – he didn’t know her last name. She was a Hightower, like him. She lived in the woman’s dorm, just across the hall from where he slept. Josh licked his lips, his throat now dry. But he did not look away. 

He watched her moan, the exhalation of pleasure sending a shiver down his spine. She lay on a desk, her left hand high, grasping at her neckline. She wore the same white novice’s robes as he, though hers were pulled up over her hips to reveal her tan thighs. Two pale-blue hands with pink-painted nails cupped Rayna’s thighs, long fingers eagerly digging into her supple skin. Rayna moaned in response, squirming at the touch. Josh couldn’t make out exactly what was happening, and carefully shifted to see more. A small gasp hitched in his throat. Rayna’s pale-blue partner was on their knees in front of the book’s bench, half-hidden behind the desk. They had their head buried between Rayna’s legs! Rayna’s fingers were grasping at the elf’s short purple hair, and Josh could hear a growling moan muffled by Rayna’s thighs. 

Josh’s eyes grew wide as he watched the lewd scene, and he licked his lips. His mouth was so dry! He could feel himself swell, the nature of stirring within him now clear; he was becoming more aroused with every moment he watched. He could feel the heavy fabric of his robes press against his member, sending ripples of pleasure through his body. Rayna’s sweet moans turned into gasps, and Josh watched her bite down on her fist to muffle a deep primal groan. The lovers were in constant motion; the elf’s hands eagerly grasping Rayna’s skin as she writhed, gripping the elf’s hair and pushing her crotch firmly against their face.

Josh craved to see more, to see everything! He slid one of the books from the shelf to widen his window and watched, unseen by the writhing pair. He was convinced they had no idea he was there, and that thought alone caused him to swell further. He was so engrossed that he was startled when suddenly, two languid pools of blue light shone at him: The eyes of the lilac-haired elf, looking straight into his. He had been spotted! 

Josh quickly ducked, his heart hammering in his throat. He listened, holding himself still as a statue, but the shriek he expected to hear never came. 

Instead, Josh heard Rayna speaking softly in-between shallow breaths. “Unf-, by god, don’t stop now!” He heard a second voice giggle teasingly, and Josh realised Rayna’s partner was a woman. He couldn’t resist another peek and he cautiously raised his head. 

He could see the elf had turned away from him, and was looking up at Rayna, her lips and chin glistening wetly. Rayna looked down upon her with clear adoration, her chest heaving with shallow breaths.

The elf flashed a cocky grin, and teased: “Ask me nicely.”
Rayna quipped back, rolling her eyes theatrically: “Oh please, Delidah, goddess of the moon, master of tongues and mistress of pleasure, will you please continue!” 

So her name was Delidah, Josh thought. He’d never heard it before. Her style of dress wasn’t familiar to him either; no coven he had heard of issued robes like that.

Delidah laughed, pleased by Rayna’s performance – but was quickly cut short when Rayna grabbed Delidah’s hair and sharply pulled her head back between her thighs. For a short moment, Josh could still see shocks of laughter go through the elf’s body but they quickly subsided, replaced by a lustful growl. 

Delidah moved the woman’s legs further apart and shifted to the side, affording Josh a better view – had she done that on purpose…? Josh could now see the elf’s lips hungrily engulf the woman’s labia, her tongue pressing against her flesh rhythmically. With every push Rayna moaned deeply, her breath quick and ragged. 

Josh could no longer restrain himself. His hand slipped under his robes and found his cock, even the lightest touch sending shivers of delight through his body. He began to stroke himself as he watched. His breath became stilted and irregular, and as his pleasure grew it became more difficult to stay quiet. Sliding his hand up and down his shaft, he tried to be slow and gentle, making sure his breath could keep up, but it was difficult to resist. When had he last been this turned on? He heard Rayna call out in a wail of pleasure – she was getting close to finishing. 

“Yes, Dee!” she growled through her teeth. “Oh yes!”. 

Josh watched in awe as Rayla’s back arched and her body trembled with pleasure. He could see Delidah’s muscles tense as she fought to stay between the woman’s legs to continue pleasuring her. A tidal wave of lust rushed through Josh’s body that he could not stop. It came from deep within and washed over him from his rapidly beating heart to his fingertips, over and over again, until his head became light and little dots of light darted across his vision; he felt his cock pump hot cum into his robes. As his body tensed, his knees gave away and he lost sight of the peeping window. At the same time, Rayna screamed in pleasure, climaxing at the hands of the elf out of Josh’s sight.

It took a few moments for Josh to snap back to reality. He held his breath for a moment, hastily adjusting his robes and his heart raced and he listened, assuming he’d finally be caught. 

All he could hear on the other side of the shelf was heavy breathing, soft voices speaking lovinging, and the occasional sigh or giggle; nothing directed at him. Josh suddenly became aware of the mess he’d made of his robes, the sticky wetness that was beginning to seep through the fabric and become visible on the outside. It was like a bucket of cold water had been thrown over him. Now, all he wanted to do was to get out of there, every fibre in his body screaming at him to leave. In his scramble to get up he clumsily hit the shelf, knocking some of the books to the floor. The sound was like an explosion in the hushed silence. Josh ran. Without looking back, he darted away as fast as he could. Bursts of rich laughter followed him; he couldn’t tell from whom. He rushed all the way back to his dorm, tensely hiding his mess behind his hands, ashamed but dazzled by what just happened.


That night, Josh lay awake in his bed. He could hear his roommates breathing deeply, each one sound asleep. He convinced himself that none of them knew what he had done. But someone knew. She knew. Delidah.

Each time he closed his eyes the scene he had observed replayed over and over again. He remembered Rayna’s alluring moans, rising in passion. Her hips moving against the Delidah’s eager mouth. But most of all he saw the moment Delidah locked eyes with him. He saw the elf’s face, her hypnotic eyes, her dashing smirk. Josh could feel himself swell again but had to resist satisfying the urge lest his roommates awaken. 

After an indeterminate time of simpering agony, Josh finally drifted off. He dreamt of Delidah.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/wfkh4v/a_study_of_elves_f18f20m19_fantasy_voyeur_oral