How and why my girlfriend’s bestfriend set her up to cheat on me [MF]

For context about the whole drama, you can check my profile. I told about my girlfriend’s past, the proof I saw her cheating on me, contents of videos her BFF sent me, and some other videos that contained a mutual friend.

For the first time after all the drama, Eve (my girlfriend’s BFF) and I had a face-to-face chat last month. Eve came to the city for a few days and stayed with Kate and me. I was not too eager to host Eve, but Kate said she is still her best friend and our friend and talked me into it. I still had doubts in my mind. After all; I knew that Eve (for some weird reason) kept an archive of Kate’s sexual encounters in college, Eve knew that I saw her whole archive, and all three of us knew that Eve set Kate up to cheat on me. Maybe it could be less awkward if we hung out in another place with other people present, but just the three of us seemed awkward. I even wondered how Kate could be OK with the three of us living in the same house, but I guess she wanted things to return back to normal.

Eve came on a Wednesday and planned to leave on Sunday. The days went past and I didn’t spend too much time with Eve. All three of us had some stuff to work on and we didn’t have an extended time to spend together. Then, on Friday, Kate asked if all three of us can spend some time together just like back in college. I, despite being a bit nervous about it, said OK but I had to take care of a few things at work to save some time for the weekend. I arrived home a bit late that day around 9 pm. When I arrived, both Kate and Eve were tipsy but not drunk. We sat on the balcony and spent an hour together, and both Kate and Eve started to move from tipsy to slightly drunk. While we were chatting about some memories from college, Kate got a call from her sister. Kate went inside the house and took the call in her room, and Eve and I had a good 30 minutes to chat. I did not intend to talk about what happened so far and initially tried to buy some time with small talk before Kate came back. But after a small moment of silence, Eve laid her hand on top of her beer, and while slowly moving down her hand to the middle of the glass, she quietly said “So… Is there anything you would like to ask?”. I looked at her face, and I saw her devilish grin of hers but this time mixed with anxiousness. I think she was as nervous as me but she was trying to hide it.

At that moment, I understood that there was no way to avoid this talk with Eve. I was a bit tipsy myself as well and on my mind, I said “fuck it, whatever happens, happens”. I said to Eve “Now that you mentioned, I have questions.”. She said OK, and then I followed up with a direct “what the fuck is your game?”. I then followed up by asking her what her goal is and why she is messing up with me and her best friend. Eve was shocked a bit – I guess she wasn’t expecting me to get so hard into the topic – and immediately got defensive. She said she did not have any malicious intent in mind. The thing between Kate and her ex was something that bothered her (Eve) for some time and decided to tell me what happened when she got the courage. This didn’t make sense to me because Kate said that Eve was the one who set the whole thing up. I asked Eve how could she be concerned about the whole thing when she is the one who set it up. Eve then said she agrees that she wanted to hook Kate up with her ex, but she thought Kate would break up with me after fucking her ex. She apologized and said it might not sound well for her, but she thought Kate loved her ex and I was a rebound. Kate said that even though it sounds hard to believe, she had both Kate’s and my best interest in mind when she arranged the whole thing with Kate’s ex. I didn’t know this before, but Kate’s ex contacted Eve even before he contacted Kate. Eve said that the ex contacted her and said he wants to get back together with Kate and asked Eve if Kate feels the same. Eve told me that Kate was signaling (to Eve) that she missed her ex, and decided to hatch a plan to get them together. However, the whole plan collapsed when Kate failed to break up with me.

Then I told her what she did (setting Kate up by getting her drunk while in the same house with her ex) was not OK, and how could she do it to her best friend. Eve admitted that it was not her best behavior to get Kate drunk and conspire behind her back, but she believed she did it for a good cause. Then I asked how could she be sure that something between Kate and her ex happened if Kate gets tipsy/drunk. Then, Eve smirked at me, and asked “don’t the videos I sent tell you enough?” I then told her that the videos are a completely different topic (which we talked about later), but I don’t know why she sent me those. I knew that Kate had a fairly “adventurous” lifestyle before we started dating, and seeing her in action does not tell anything about her potential to be unfaithful.

This is one of the moments that I remember very clearly. As soon as I finished my sentence, Eve chuckled, approached her glass, grasped it, moved it closer to her mouth, raised her eyebrows, took a sip, and left the glass. Then she asked why I think she sent me those videos. I stopped a bit and then said “to show the person Kate is”. Eve nodded her head and said it is a good start, but asked me to be more specific. I then asked what she meant by more specific. She then said

“Dude, you are my friend, but if you are asking me what I mean, you are not as smart as I think you are. I love Kate, I really do. She is my best friend and I will be there for her no matter what. I know that I have a reputation for being the slut in our group, But whatever I am, multiply it with two and you have Kate. She seems innocent because she is less outspoken, but Katte is worse then me. I hoped you at least suspected it so far, but it seems like you did not.”

Eve was more casual before but now she seemed far more serious. At this point, I recognized that whatever nervousness Eve had was gone and she was feeling in control. I didn’t say anything but had a questioned look on my face. Then, Eve sighed and continued.

“I am not sure if you noticed but all those videos are from Kate’s brief relationships with fairly well-endowed men. You know what, fuck it, she is a size queen. Of course, she is not jumping on anyone who says they have a huge cock. But if she is initially interested in someone and that someone happens to have a huge cock, then you saw what happens. There are all these people who you saw with Kate in these videos, right? Multiply that with ten or twenty, and you get the number of people Kate initially was interested, in but did not pursue after checking their package. And there are also tons of people you didn’t see who were not comfortable with being recorded. You can do the math. If you really really want, I can show you tons of text messages between Kate and I about people who you do not see in the videos. As I said, I love Kate and you both, but I believed she could only be happy with someone who could really satisfy her needs. I knew she was happy with her ex, and I think you know that as well (Eve had a grin on her face). I was confident that if Kate loosened up, she would remember what her ex gave to her. That’s why I did what I did and why I was sure Kate would jump onto her ex with a little some encouragement.”

I was stunned. Everything she said about Kate was things that I previously inferred. But hearing these out loud from someone close to her like Eve was hard to recover from. I tried to keep my composure and keep it cool, and then said “OK just put everything aside, why the fuck do you have a video archive of Kate? Who does that?”

Eve smiled again and said she wondered why it took me so long to ask. She then said:

“It is something Kate and I started doing after some time we started hanging out. We were talking about the guys we met and got close with. At some point we both started to ask the other to show the photo of the guys’ faces, then their bodies, and then their cocks. Then, the whole thing turned into keeping a history of each others’ encounters. And it’s not something that I do alone. Kate also kept a fair amount of photos and videos of me. If you watched those videos, you know that Kate is no angel and she also liked recording stuff. I didn’t record or keep anything to blackmail my best friend or do something else, it was something we both did. I am fairly sure that Kate has an archive of me just like the one I have of hers somewhere.”

At that point, I didn’t know what to say. I just laid back, raised my eyebrows a little, took a deep breath, and said “OK”. Then, something happened I didn’t expect. Eve leaned towards me and said:

“Look. Kate might be my best friend, but you are my friend too and we are close. Well, at least I hope we are close. I don’t want you to be in a spot where you don’t want to be. You can believe me or not, but Kate will cheat on you the moment she can. Fuck, she might as well have done it already. I know that you find it hard to believe me, but believe me, it is what it is. I will provide you proof but I don’t think Kate will open up to me as in college. I think she already slept with a couple of people after the whole thing with her ex, but I don’t have hard proof of it. I can show you the texts she sent me if you want, but you will see what you want to see. Anyway, just listen. You will go on a holiday with your family, right? Before you go, just count the number of condoms you have at house. Also, take photos of your shampoo and hair conditioner to see exactly how much you have left. Believe me, you will have fewer condoms and less shampoo when you came back. Kate will bring at least one person over when you are gone and will make him fuck her brains out. I would tell you to install a camera in your home, which you still can do, but I understand if you don’t want to go that way… Whatever, I will send you any hard evidence I have, but if I don’t have any evidence, you can check this stuff.”

We talked a little bit more, but Kate joined shortly after when she finished her talk. For the rest of her stay, Eve behaved as if nothing happened. She left two days after. Three days after she left, she texted me “Trust me, you deserve better.” I read her message but did not respond.

Right now there is nothing extraordinary happening between me and Kate. We are both working and living a standard life. She will be leaving for a vacation in two weeks, and I will be leaving after a month, right after she returns back to the city. In the meantime, I will write about the discussion Kate and I had about our relationship and how we will proceed from now on.

If you have any questions about the whole situation or about the contents of the videos Eve sent (for instance, if there are videos of specific content, or with other people we knew, etc.), you can let me know. I will write about them when I have time.
