Roscoe Forthright. Small Confessions

**Small Confessions**

In addition to my three main lovers, the young wives of other men, I enjoy kissing the mouths of minor porn stars. Heterosexual and bisexual females, under 35 years old, without mental health issues. If they have taken care of themselves, and run their short careers (15 years max) with some intelligence, they are doing OK, physically and mentally healthy with money in the bank.

I enjoy kissing them, because I have seen a few of their videos, and can easily imagine others, with their happy mouths full of cock, with massive semen spurts on their faces and on their outstretched tongues. I have seen big cocks, a wide variety of shapes and colors pumping my minor porn stars in the ass, and pounding their vaginae. Sometimes my girls take on two, three and four cocks at a time! A cumfest. I kiss the mouths of girls who made those boys come, and made all the voyeurs, all the viewers of their porn come and come and come. I kiss the mouths of minor porn stars with gratitude, intense pleasure and humility. The few smart ones are philosophical about sucking cock.

There are no accurate statistical methods to measure how many boys jack-off while watching the videos of the minor porn stars I kiss, and no way to measure how many lesbian or bisexual girls get off watching these videos. We can assume the number is large, at least 50% or higher. Which means for every 100,000 views– 50,000 boys shoot semen, and some percentage of girls also got off. (If we were truly kinky, we could estimate the quantity of semen shot in standard fluid ounces, or over a year or so, half-gallons.)

I think about the numbers and realize the amazing usefulness of the mouths I kiss. These mouths have a social role in our civilization, more pleasant and more useful than many lawyers, for example.

These mouths bring more sexual pleasure to more people than most Hollywood stars. Though the Hollywood stars are seen by millions more people, the lovely young porn stars cause far more daily, weekly, monthly and annual orgasms.

When I gently kiss their lovely lips, hold their breasts in my hands, suck on their nipples and lightly caress their vaginal folds… I am fully aware of the market value of porn, and the personal value of porn. If major porn production was run by progressive Buddhist monks and not run by assholes, the industry might gain some long-term respectability, and generate worthwhile, high-paying and pleasant jobs for tens of thousand of young women.

As things are, with assholes in charge, the industry will remain unimaginative and unattractive, and no place for most smart and attractive young women to earn money. I can say with certainty: My specific minor porn stars, the ones I kiss each month of each year, are the rare few; the few young women who make good money as independent operators, and completely side-step the assholes who run the porn industry.

Of course, there are assholes in most industries. So smart and attractive girls, who do not go into the porn business, will have more than one job during their lifetimes under the direct supervision and domination of assholes. And there exist no laws to stop assholes from being assholes. Like with stupid people…. there is no known cure for innately stupid people. And there is no known cure for innate assholes. Progressive laws about behavior in the workplace do nothing at all to slow the progress of innate assholes. In fact, in some lines of work, being an asshole is a job requirement. Good luck girls! Play it smart. Play it cool, like good jazz.


Other Roscoe Forthright posts on Reddit:

[Mouth of One Thousand Cocks](

[Three Poems](
