I became a woman’s penis?! Part 1 [Rape/Non-con] [Transformation] [Piss]

[Features: Non-con, rape, transformation into a penis, female masturbation, piss/peeing, mouth stuff.]

Alright. I’ll admit it. I can be a little… mean sometimes. Not on purpose, not really, but….

“Go fuck yourself!”

Anger issues aren’t exactly uncommon. I was just playing some game, some team based game, and was getting absolutely stomped by the other team. It wasn’t like it had been going on for just a few minutes or anything! They had been stomping us for what had to be the better part of an hour. The stupid matchmaking kept putting us together and I had finally just, blown my top.

“Ha. Skill issue.” I heard over the mic. A woman on the other team.

“Oh go make a sandwich you bitch.” I wasn’t really sexist but you say all sorts of shit when you’re angry.

“Makes sense, your skills and insults are from the 50’s.”

Gotta admit, she had me there. That was weak as fuck. Of course, that only stoked my absolute rage at the moment.

“Cunt ass bitch. Couldn’t find a man to fuck you so spend all your time playing games?”

“Dude, that insult doesn’t even make sense. Unless you’re saying I’m too busy to have sex with guys? So, congrats then? Cuz you sure don’t seem to be.”

My anger boiled over at that and I just kinda… devolved into yelling profanities for a while. I don’t even remember what I really said, just generic stuff probably. Not great but it’s not like it was *abnormal.* Some people just get a bad case of rage sometimes. The last exchange however, I do remember.

“Dude, why are you such a dick? Calm down already.”

“At least I got one.”

“Yes. Because I totally want one.” She said with extreme sarcasm. I could practically feel the eye roll.

I decided to stop playing after that. It was pretty late and I was angry as hell. I eventually calmed down and would have cringed if I had bothered to remember afterward but there’s a reason people quickly move past their rages as if they had never happened. Never the best look on anyone.

So, after a shower and some dinner, I went to bed, having almost completely forgotten about the whole thing.




I woke up, the same as always, but something was definitely… different. My sleepy mind was trying to figure out what it was, as I opened my eyes. I was laying on something pretty soft and was on my back, but something was starting to tell me that things were very, very wrong.

I tried to push myself up, and that failed entirely. I turned my head to look at my arm and it wasn’t there. I blinked and in a daze, looked at my other arm. It also, wasn’t there. I tried to move them. They were gone. I was armless.

I tried to shoot up and surprisingly succeeded but that felt even weirder than the fact that I currently had *no arms.* Everything was, huge and unfamiliar. I was definitely *not* in my own room anymore. I looked down and my eyes nearly shot out of my head. I had, I had no legs. My torso just kinda, extended longer than it should and vanished into, whatever I was on. No, whatever I was… a part of? I tried to twist around and found I couldn’t. Not really. I could bend, but a 90 degree turn was out of the question.

At this point, the shock of being fused to something and missing *arms* was overtaking me. I couldn’t turn, I could barely bend, what the fuck was going on?!

Then, movement. I felt my body practically fly backward as whatever I was attached to shifted entirely. I ended up laying on my back against the surface, but now that left me vertical instead of horizontal. I looked up… and up and up and past what looked like flesh colored hills, I saw a giant woman’s face peering down at me.

“What. The… fuck?”

She started screaming and scrambling, knocking me all around and I started screaming, not having any idea what was going on. I think I was hit a few times by her hand but honestly, it was all a blur of pure panic for the both of us.

Eventually it settled down and she stared right at me, out of breath.

“What the fuck are you?! Why are you on me?!”

“I don’t know!”

“Get off me!”


At that, she stood up and I finally got to really see myself, as she had a full length mirror in her room. I was leaned up against her stomach and honestly…. I kinda looked like….

“Are you a penis?”

“NO! I’m a person!”

“You….you really look like a…. A Penis.”

Despite the, everything, I had to admit she was right. I looked remarkably like a penis, if you replaced the tip with a person’s shoulder and head.

I was so busy staring at myself, I didn’t even notice the woman’s hand reaching for me before it was around me.


This was a new form of terrifying, to go with everything else. Her hand was as big as my entire body and it was wrapped around me. I could feel her coiled around my body, squeezing me lightly, as she pulled on me. Maybe trying to get me off of her, but that probably wouldn’t work.

As she did so, I felt my whole body get a little more… stiff?

“Eee!” The woman let out a screech and quickly removed her hand.

“That, that felt kinda….” She mumbled to herself.

I felt a twitch, from nearly my entire body, and moved a little. And then again.

“I think, I think you really *are* a penis. I can, feel you. And kinda, twitch you? I don’t know.”

My mind was slowly being pulled into the depths. An ocean of insane confusion. Like I was in the world’s weirdest fever dream, as it was taking me away. I was, I had become a woman’s penis? I became a woman’s penis?! What?! What. What? What type of doujin fueled insanity had I ended up as? My mind couldn’t even grasp what the fuck was happening right now. Had I died and gone to hell?

The woman reached down and grabbed me again but my mind was elsewhere. Losing my arms and legs and being fused to another person is *a lot* already, but being someone’s actual penis? There isn’t a way for the human mind to grapple with that instantly, that’s for sure. No matter who you are.

She lightly squeezed me and started running her hand up and down me. I could feel it, like a giant, well, like exactly what it was touching my entire body. Staring into the mirror, watching that, really started to highlight the reality of the situation. Then I felt something new.

My lower body, where it met hers, was starting to feel really weird. And I felt even stiffer, like I could move even less than before. I felt like I was stuck ‘standing’ ramrod straight now.

“Oh my god. This feels so good.” I heard above me. My mind snapped to attention.

“Hey! HEY! STOP!”

She pulled her hand away and that weird bubbly feeling in my… torso? Stomach? Started to go away. I was still stuck standing up straight though, my back to her stomach.

“Sorry! It just, that actually feels really good. Holy shit.”

It felt good…?

“D-don’t do that! Don’t you dare!”

She moved and sat down on the bed, a thoroughly disorienting feeling for me.

“I have a talking magical penis, with a head and shoulders…. What the absolute fuck. What even is going on…”

“Hey! How do you think I feel?! I was a normal guy yesterday and now I’m randomly stuck to some person! This makes no sense!”

We laid there for a time, each lost in our own thoughts. After I digested this reality, the big questions started coming. How did this happen? How do I undo this? Am I stuck like this? What is going on? Really, how did I become like this?

No answers came of course, but I ran my mind through them anyway. The last thing I really remembered was last night but nothing really special happened then. I just played some games, got a little angry and that was that. Was it something I ate…. Maybe? I had some tacos I guess. So what, there are magically poisonous tacos now that turn you into a woman’s penis? Honestly, going by the insanity that was going on right now, it could be possible. What even is impossible anymore? Is anything?


The woman above was talking to me, snapping me out of my focus. I tilted my head up and looked at her.

“You know… you sound kinda familiar.”

“I do? Do you know me somehow?”

That’d be pretty weird. But if I really tried to think about it, I guess I could’ve heard her voice before. Maybe they actually knew each other somehow?

“Yeah… wait a minute! Curse, right now.”

“Uh? Okay? Fuck?”

“Oh my God.”

She stood up and I had to put in effort not to fall or flop around. What’s going on now?!

“It’s you. You’re that guy from yesterday!”

“What do you mean? Did we meet yesterday or something?”

“Yeah, while we were playing Haylow!”

My mind stuttered as it all came back to me!

“You’re the girl from the game that kept beating me!”

We both just stared in shock at each other. How on earth did this happen?!

“Did you do this to me?!”

“What?! Why on earth would *I* do this?!”

“I don’t know! I don’t know how any of this is happening!”

Exhausting, this whole thing was utterly exhausting. And horrifying and terrifying and a million other adjectives.

She sat back down and laid down, bringing me down with her of course.

“I can’t believe you’re that asshole from the game.”


“Nah dude, you really deserve that.”

Okay, maybe that’s fair, but I really don’t deserve *this!* If everyone who talks trash had to turn into a penis, I’m pretty sure half the world would be one by now.

We both just sighed. So what on earth do we do now?

As we laid there, I saw her hand above me, blocking out some of the light, as it moved towards me and she start stroking my whole body again.


“Sorry! Jesus, I didn’t even notice I was doing it. How do guys deal with this?”

“Deal with what?”

“This… it feels like I constantly want to masturbate. And it feels really good when I do.”

I had to resist gulping at that and then ignore a strong thought process of “how was I even breathing” that I’m sure I didn’t want to try and untangle.

“Uhh, years of experience I guess? I mean, we only kinda feel that way when puberty starts and it goes away… kinda… eventually. Till we only do it like once a day.”

“Once a day?!”

“Uh yeah? What, do you masturbate less than that?”

I suddenly realized that this entire conversation was about masturbation and I was currently a dick.

“Not that you should! In fact, masturbating at all is way overrated. I recommend never doing it, at all, ever.”

She looks down at me. I look up at her.

And She looks down at me. And I look up at her.

And she looks at me! And I look at her!

“You know… you said some pretty horrible shit to me.”

This time I do gulp.

“M-Maybe but that was that and this is this. I definitely don’t deserve, *this*, for that.”

“It’s kinda weird though, right? That you’d appear on me, the person you said a bunch of shit too, the day after. Right?”

“Coincidence! or maybe it was just, the last person I talked to!”

“Yeah, maybe. Or maybe… this is more than that. Maybe this is your punishment. Maybe if I *do* masturbate, you’ll get turned back.”

My heartbeat sped up and if I *had* palms, they’d be sweating.

“Oh please god no.”

But that seemed the end of the conversation as I felt her hand fully wrap around me and squeeze tightly. As I felt her going up and down my whole body. That bubbly feeling in my stomach and torso began to rise again. I felt myself going back to being stiff.


“I don’t want you stuck on me forever! Maybe this will turn you back!”

“nO! iT won’t! StOp!”

Talking was getting harder for some reason. I felt something rising, pushing past my stomach and chest, feeling it slide through me, as it forced its way through and out my throat. I felt a clear, nearly tasteless liquid start to fill my whole mouth and be pushed out, dripping down onto my chin and body.

Pre-cum, pre-cum had just been forced through me. I could still breathe, somehow, but only through my nose as it kept gushing out of me. The taste was thankfully near nonexistent but the feeling of a liquid filling up your whole body, rising out of you, and pushing through your throat and mouth was *not* a pleasant one.

I felt like I was choking, even though I could breathe.

I felt myself getting wet, physically, as the liquid poured onto myself and her hand, and her hand would coat the rest of me. At least my front. Her hand was a whole sensation itself. It was wrapped around me, squeezing me even tighter now. I almost felt like I was being crushed and the sliding sensation across me was just, weird. Like being crushed by a slip and side at a water park.

The whole thing probably only went on for a few minutes but the near feeling of drowning and the pressure made me feel like it went on much longer. Eventually, a new, stronger feeling started to bubble inside of me and I tried to say something, to tell her to stop, as I had been trying to do since the start. But it was no more use now than it was before. All that came out was more liquid, no sound at all.

The pressure grew and grew, but it didn’t rise and push to the top like the last one did. It only continued to grow stronger, like a bomb.

And then, with one final stroke down, that bomb exploded out of me. It rose so fast I didn’t even notice, just the aftereffects as liquid launched out of my face at a speed I’d have thought impossible.

But that was only the beginning as it kept coming, spurting out, as if it was aftershocks. When it finally, finally slowed down, that was when everything hit me. My mouth was full of it still, like a bucket worth of cum was left over, filling every inch of my mouth, down to my deepest layers. The smell was *stupid*. Forget strong, it was enough to nearly knock me out on its own. Nothing but cum, cum, cum, cum, a smell that seemed like it was being etched into me. Into my very being. I felt sticky and bloated and like all I could breathe, smell and taste was *cum*. And the taste! One hundred men couldn’t have filled my mouth as much as this did. I was *breathing it*. Salty and bitter were the flavors. It wasn’t the taste itself, although that was horrible, it was the complete totalness of it. Orange juice tastes good but not when you’re *drowning in it*. I wanted to try yelling at her but my mouth almost felt stuck together the instant I closed it. Somehow, cum had gotten all over my face and hair and across my front. It was, in a word, mortifying.

My tormentor laid back down, bringing me with, as I laid down with her. I had managed to squeeze my mouth open and the cum was pouring out of it, with my head on the side. There were porn actors that would never have had this much cum in them.

“That was, amazing.”

I didn’t even have the energy to glare at her. On top of literally every other horrible feeling, I was also incredibly exhausted as if I had just run a marathon. Being a dick sucked.

I could practically feel her eyes on me but I didn’t bother meeting them as I just tried my hardest to get all the cum out of me, if nothing else. Sadly, that just put it on me, but it was at least a little better.

“Hey, you alright down there?”

Now I did manage to look up and glare at her, spitting at her. It just made more cum fall onto my face and bubble out. I apparently couldn’t drown but there was no air left and no space for it to escape.

“Oh shit, we should clean you up. But damn, this is kinda, I feel really tired. Wow. This is, this was awesome. Guys can feel like this all the time? That’s amazing.”

I was also tired and it was most certainly not awesome or amazing. Cum was my entire world right now and I felt like I had gone for a swim in an ocean of it with my mouth wide open.

She reached down towards me and sluggishly used the blanket to wipe me up and down. It cleaned most of my front, at least. It still took me a few more minutes to get most of the cum *out* of me, because it most certainly did not want to go back down. Not that I was exactly keen on swallowing it anyway.

“I…” My first words in a long, long while it felt. Air had finally made it back into my ‘lungs’.

“I fucking hate you.”

“Now now, I’m sure you deserved that and who knows! It could have been the key to turning you back.”

“It wasn’t. And. I hate you.” My words came out stilted, tired as I was. We laid there, my tormentor above me still annoyingly chippingly happy as I tried to mentally process the last horrible few hours I had. I didn’t know if having a bucket full of a woman’s cum explode out of you was gay but it was a thought that started to seep in. That was a lot of cum in me for a lot of time after all. It was an incredibly annoying thought.

After that, it was almost peaceful by comparison. Part of me was strongly hoping she would just go to sleep so I could have some more time. Time to do what, I didn’t know. Maybe decompress the atrocity that had just happened to me and my whole situation where I had now become fucking genitalia. I was mostly clean and besides feeling some more cum (*ughhh*) in my body, I was almost back to normal. Well “normal.” So I was incredibly pissed when she stood up again.

I looked up at her and saw her looking back.

“What?” I said, with venom in my voice. I was not in the god damn mood. I was still tired. I barely had the energy to curse her out. I *was* going to do that later but now works too I guess.

“Uh, uh look. This, I’m, I’m really sorry.”

Oh. Well, that was kinda nice but I wasn’t just going to forgive her for putting me through *that-*

“I’m really sorry for what I’m about to do, I mean, I can’t control it.”

I blinked. What?

We were walking, decently fast, and it was straight to-


“I can’t control it! I’m sorry!”

We were in the bathroom! I felt her grab me and tried to tear away from her grip but that was useless. No no no no, this couldn’t be happening! She isn’t really going to do what I think she’s going to do right?!

“I’m so sorry!”

She pointed me towards the toilet and horror like the cold blanket of death rolled over me. I could feel a different kind of pressure building up through me, forcing itself out of me.

“Oh god n-”

With a burst, nothing like the explosion from before, a stream poured out of me. It helped in clearing out the last bit of cum inside me but that was the only good thing as a massive amount of piss was forced through my mouth.

The smell was strangely, the first thing to hit me. That weird, nutty smell of piss but amplified to truly *horrifying* levels. I’d have gagged if I could and I would have puked after the taste finally registered.

It was, everywhere. There wasn’t a single ounce of air left in my entire mouth, again. It was all just a constant projectile of piss. A river in my own mouth. I could have had ten people piss in my mouth and it wouldn’t have been as so total as it was now. I tried to squirm or do something, to end this disgusting torment, but her grip on me was solid and it went on for what felt like hours. I couldn’t even turn my head. The horrible explosion from before was barely seconds, while this lasted for at least a minute. I could feel it, coming from below my stomach, through my torso, forced through my throat and out my mouth, the entire time. I felt dizzy from the sensation mixing with my utter exhaustion from before. The taste and smell didn’t help that a single bit. Eventually, blessedly, it came to an end and a few spurts and then drops were all that was left before it stopped.

The moment it did, I retched and spit and spat like I had gone crazy but the taste wasn’t leaving me at all. Gods, I needed water, badly.

“I’m so sorry!”

“I-” *spew* “fucking hate you.”

“I couldn’t control it! At all!”

I was way too tired to argue that she could have at least controlled her masturbating. I needed to sleep more than anything else. I couldn’t stay awake. I was way, way too tired. Cumming *as a fucking penis*, took way too much out of me. I felt myself slowly falling asleep, unable to stay awake.

She walked slowly back to her bed, bringing me along of course, and apologizing all the way, when she got a text.

Her final words as I passed out nearly shook me awake.

“Oh god, how am I going to explain this to my girlfriend?”

[Read more at /r/WarixViviana]

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/wd8ttf/i_became_a_womans_penis_part_1_rapenoncon


  1. Oh my god, I loved this! The “she looked at me! And I looked at her!” part absolutely killed my😂

  2. Got to say, this is the most original thing I’ve read in some time, and I loved it!


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