A Brief Interlude (Pt 1 of 9) (F27/F29)

It was nearly 1 AM when her train finally pulled into the station, and Samantha was feeling exhausted and guilty. She was supposed to have been here six hours ago, and Amy had been waiting for her all day. It had been- what?- a decade since they’d met up? And Sam had been so excited to finally see Amy again that the 16 hour trip had seemed like a mere skip and a jump to be there. The bags under her eyes told a different story though. Still, the only thing she’d regretted from taking such a last minute journey was saying goodbye to her dogs at home and that some moron had thought it would be a good idea to vandalize the track. She was also dearly regretting not getting a sleeper car by the 20th hour, she had to admit, and by the time they had finally pulled in at the 22 hour mark, she was dead on her feet. Zombie-like she stood, the thrill of having finally arrived only just rousing her enough to shamble around and mechanically grab her bags. Still, a tinge of excitement had begun to pull at the corners of her mouth as she exited the train.

And there was Amy – hell, she hadn’t aged a day since college! Just past shoulder-length, bouncy blonde hair, trim, athletic cheerleader body, and brimming even now with youthful energy and sparkling blue eyes. Sam’s eyes were drawn to her magnetically, spotting her the instant she was free by some hidden instinct. Amy was sitting on a bench across from the train several cars up; her legs dangling to and fro beneath her, her hands eagerly gripping her seat as she leaned forward and scanned the disembarking passengers. Sam felt a momentary surge of fear at seeing her still so youthful and fit, knowing she had put on a bit more than the “freshman 15” since they’d graduated. She set the bag in her right hand down and flicked her two-foot-long brunette ponytail over her shoulder to worry at it with her free hand – her biggest nervous tell. She didn’t have long to collect herself before Amy’s darting eyes finally settled on her and she jumped – literally jumped! – out of her seat and started running over.

“Saaaammmmyyy!!” Amy shouted as she ran full force into Sam, her outstretched arms wrapping around her in a hug. Amy was significantly shorter than Sam, and her head rested solidly between her ample bosom, a sensation that took Sam by surprise, feeling much more arousing than she’d expected. Sam hoped Amy wouldn’t notice how hard her nipples had gotten and prayed that she wouldn’t leak on her, silently cursing herself for not wearing a bra under her travel hoodie. Samantha had never considered herself tall, maybe just above average at 5’8”, but Amy was always the perfectly cute kind of short. Amy swore she was 5 feet even and would fight anyone who questioned her elfin stature. Sam recovered from the surprise in an instant and returned the embrace, hugging her tight and lifting her slightly off the ground. Amy giggled in glee and, after being set back down, tried in vain to tame the wild strands of hair that had been pulled away by the static in Sam’s hoodie.

“I’m so so sorry, Ames,” Sam apologized, “someone tore up some of the tracks, and we had to wait until they got someone out to lay a new line. It was awful.” Sam explained away, blowing her words out with a defeated sigh. “I hope you haven’t been too bored waiting?” she inquired. “No! No, it was totally fine. I had my phone, you know, while the battery lasted, and I amused myself by thinking of all the great times we had and all the new things I want to show you!” Amy responded, her voice just as perky as her demeanor.

“Ahh, shit, I’m sorry Ames. I’d hoped they would have told you, and you’d have a chance to go back home for a few hours.” Sam returned.

Amy scoffed and waved her hand, silencing Sam’s apologies. “It was fiiine, Sammy. You don’t have to worry about me- I’ve got this! But it’s so good to see you! How have you been? Are you hungry?”

“Starving,” was the first thing that popped out of Sam’s mouth, without her permission or consent, making her momentarily recall her own full figure and feeling a twinge of guilt about wanting to eat.

“Great!” said Amy with a smile, not picking up, or not acknowledging Sam’s self doubt, “I’ve got everything I need to make your favorite. Let’s go!”

Amy led Sam to the parking lot and helped her stow her two bags in the trunk of her Mini. *Was everything about her so tiny and cute?* Sam mused mentally to herself, and the two friends settled in. Amy was chatting up a storm, filling Sam in on every little detail of her life with a happy, manic energy. Sam was content to let her fill the space, as her brain had been sneakily replaced with a lukewarm bowl of tapioca pudding by her train ride. She offered the occasional “Wow” or “Oof” or “For real?” as she absorbed all of her bubbly friend’s news.

*What the hell was with that hug?* Sam found herself wondering in her head, somewhere between how Dana- or was it Dave?- had dumped her when she, or he, had found out she had cats and how she managed to get such a small, cute studio apartment in the city. *I’ve never thought of girls- women- that way. And Amy? She’s like a sister. A really attractive, bubbly, affectionate, delicate… sister. Right? Isn’t that how I’m supposed to feel? I mean, I’m straight… right?* She felt her cheeks get warm and realized she was blushing. Sam forced her mind to return to the conversation and found it at a slight lull. “I can’t wait to see your place!” she interjected enthusiastically.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/wdowym/a_brief_interlude_pt_1_of_9_f27f29