25 [F] Slut wife craving pussy

husband and I have been going to therapy to work on our sex life. we are both in our mid/late twenties, attractive, horny people but I’m sometimes shy and unable to vocalize my fantasies openly. husband is great at fucking me and into certain kinks but seems resistant to anything involving other people: threesomes, etc. anytime I’ve brought it up jokingly to gauge he laughs then changes the subject.

For awhile I’ve been craving a thick, sexy slutty girl with pretty titties, a big sloppy bouncy ass, and a juicy peachy pussy and asshole just like me. I’m five foot, 150 lbs, all ass and titties, dark hair tan skin

Dying to suck on her, lick her little clit, finger her sweet swollen pussy and asshole. would love to devour her pussy while I watch her bounce on my husbands perfect cock reverse cowgirl. 69 and switch turns taking my husbands cock while we suck on each other’s freshly fucked pussys. I want to watch my hot husband fuck a pretty pussy so bad then lap up his cream pie and all her juices when he’s had his fill

Need to make some slutty friends or find a babe that wants her pussy worshipped and fucked by a fun hot couple – hopefully my husband will be down

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/wd5qg9/25_f_slut_wife_craving_pussy


  1. That sounds like a glorious time. He’s a lucky man if he takes you up on that. That said, we’re guys ever in your rotation of desire or just the ladies?

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