My Adventures with Fair Emma / Part 1: The Departure

(Gentle Femdom / Fantasy! / Exhibitionism / M22/F22)

I knew I was in trouble the moment the goldsmith asked me to escort his daughter Emma to the adventurer’s guild in Lumenwald.

It was a long trek, three whole days, through unforgiving wilderness. The goldsmith, a man of some wealth but little fortitude, asked for me in this quest, not so much out of trust of my ability than trust in my lack of ambition and striving. Unlike the great men of our town, I sought not greatness, pursued not women, and my heart carried little need to possess let alone steal. He trusted his daughter in my hands. I was the only fit young man capable of protecting her without threatening to overstep her boundaries.

She was young, and extraordinarily beautiful. Every single man who set eyes on her first became weak in the knees, and after failing to propose to her, needed a break in the bathroom for personal relief. The content of their lustful imagination surely revolving around her golden-brown hair, fair freckled skin, athletic, lithe frame, and possibly, just maybe, her enormous, firm, heavy, plump, heart-stopping, mind-numbingly delicious, impossibly plump, wobbling, jiggling, giant tits. Or at least that’s how we imagined them, since not a single man, despite trying, would be given a night to sleep with her. This fruit was made only more attractive by how forbidden it was, both due to her father’s wishes, and Emma’s own annoyance with the hordes of horny men around her. I was told the only person who saw them was Frederick. Allegedly he stumbled across her bathing nude in the river in the woods and couldn’t help but force himself upon her. Before he could do anything but get one squeeze of those breasts, her maid, who had been waiting nearby, apprehended, and punished him severely. I should note Frederick is now the town eunuch.

It was with these thoughts in my mind that I entered the goldsmith’s mansion the morning of our departure. The sun was pink and the air was raw. Entering his marble and vine abode I found not an aloof aristocrat and his forbidden seductress, but merely a father and daughter, groggy and disoriented in the early dawn, teary-eyed in their imminent separation.

“I’m so proud of you Emma” said the Goldsmith, “you’re going to do great things with the guild.”

Emma nodded, holding back more tears. “I know I’m ready, it’s just so new, leaving like this.”

“Ah – so here’s the lad now!” said the Goldsmith, reaching out and shaking my hand. “You have everything I said to bring?”

“Yes sir.” I said, adjusting the enormous bag hung over my back.

“Wonderful. We’ve got a few more things for you to carry.”

He gestured to two huge bags of Emma’s possessions behind him.

“And you better not drop anything!” Emma said vigorously, eyes still red but energy clearly restored.

“I promise I’ll be careful.”

“Look son” the Goldsmith said, pulling me aside as Emma left to finish gathering her things, “Emma might be a little tough on you at times, just understand this is all a little new for her, she’s getting used to it. You get it, I’m sure your first week at the warrior’s guild was frightful.”

It took some effort not to react to what he said, given I had never been to a warrior’s guild. As usual, it was not so much out of covert maneuvering than fear and trepidation that I did not object.

“Of course, sir.”

“And you received my payment, correct?”

“Yes, sir, very generous.”

“After I hear Emma’s arrived safely in Lumenwald you’ll receive the other half.”

“Yes, that’s what we agreed to, sir.”

“And of course,” he said, growing suddenly intense, “you’ll do anything to keep her out of harm’s way. Now I know everyone in this town and you’re the best I found – strong young man, reliable – so I have full faith in your ability. But I don’t need to remind you that if anything happens to Emma, we will have quite a long chat when you get back, won’t we?” He gestured through a passageway to the kitchen, where the maid was looming darkly over us, polishing an immense chef’s knife.

“Yes sir!” I snapped, “you have nothing to worry about!”

“Good!” he replied, almost knocking the air out of me with a slap to the back.

“If you don’t mind me asking…”, I said, and the Goldsmith with a wave permitted me, “why didn’t you send more bodyguards? I’m not concerned, of course, but I could ask some of my friends to come if you’d like.”
The Goldsmith breathed in deeply, eyes tracking some point above me, clearly bringing back some concern he’d thoroughly mulled over.

“Honestly my boy, Emma doesn’t need protection. She’s been tutored by swordsmen, mages, the rounds. Girl probably knows more spells than me, and I make enchanted jewelry! But my wife would kill me if she went alone, and frankly I wouldn’t leave her alone with someone she can’t overpower. If you get any funny ideas, well she can handle you boy, I’ll tell you that. Maybe not so much a pack of all your friends, though. So no, it’ll just be you.” He said, finishing with an earnest grin. There was nothing for me to say, so I nodded.

And with that, the little devil bounced down the stairs. She was finishing buttoning up a blue robe over her translucent white chemise undergarment, and had only gotten up to her navel, and while the robe covered most of her breasts (and God protect me her nipples), the unbuttoned flaps revealed for a moment deep jiggling cleavage. Her breasts were clearly unsupported, covered only by the thin silk of the chemise, and yet hung with ludicrous firmness, preposterously defying the protestations of gravity. I could see her athletic, toned belly, and then the soft, youthful curve of the bottom of her breasts rise and meet, where the two milky mounds squeezed against each other. And they were aggressively bouncing.

I averted my eyes to the floor.

“I’m ready daddy!” Emma exclaimed. She must have gathered her spirits while upstairs. But I could almost hear her entire mood drop when she asked, “Is this my guard?”

“Yes Emma.”

“He’s not going to try to fuck me, will he?” she said plainly, finishing fastening her buttons.

With that the Goldsmith grabbed Emma’s arm and whispered some stern words to her, before turning back.

“Forgive us, Emma has grown accustomed to a certain level of male attention, and merely wishes for peace on this journey, I’m sure you understand.”

“My deepest apologies.” grumbled Emma.

“I completely understand” I stammered, “no offense taken.”

“You and Emma” said the Goldsmith, trying to muster the duo, “are both interested in history. Isn’t that right? You two will have lots to talk about!”

“Yes!” I said, not trying to leave him hanging, “very interested in Imperial history.”

“Pre or post revolution?” snapped Emma.

“Pre, I suppose.”


“Well … I suppose everything after is a little too gauche for my taste.” I said, affecting an Imperial accent.

“So, they do have books out where you live?”, Emma asked. Her father cleared his throat, unsure how to move on.

“Oh yes, and no censors bother with us, so we probably even get some you haven’t seen.”

Emma’s eyes had by now narrowed to slits piercing at my soul.

“Okay!” exclaimed her father, vocally and physically moving between us. “Got everything you need, honey?”

“Yes, dad.”

“Wonderful” the Goldsmith said, rapidly ushering us to the door, “I think we’re all ready then.”

And with a final hug and kiss, Emma departed her father, under my protection, out through the Goldsmith’s garden, past the village edge, into those rolling fields of grape and grain, past the old oak, and into the immense darkness of the Blackforest.


Hi everyone. This is the first ~2,000 words of the approx 6,000 I’ve written so far. I’ll be following up the rest as I edit them. I’ve been having a lot of fun writing it. Its dumb as fuck and extremely silly at times, over the top, excessive, and yet somehow completely a tease. Be warned of purple prose and indulgent lines such as: “A single, vanguard pulse of ejaculate squirted onto the girl.” Its extremely horny but, again, a tease. So be warned.(However there will be actual sex unlike my last unfinished series here). Anyways hope you enjoy.



  1. Someone whipped out the thesaurus for this one, I genuinely enjoyed it and am looking forward to the next part so keep em coming

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