Fucking a long time friend


Lydia was walking quickly. She was nervous. Nothing she tried on at home had looked right. In the end, she convinced herself it didn’t matter because they were just friends.

To be fair, weird friendship. They had helped one another through some really bad times. Hell, he helped her through times he wasn’t even aware of. She was so cautious in the beginning. Not trusting anyone, because you know, internet. People lie. Lydia lies. Often and well. Blonde. Red head. Older. Experienced. She liked the anonymity of it. Be someone’s perfect someone. Even if only for a time and from behind a screen. Ryder was different. He even used his real name from the beginning. Never felt like she had to lie to him. He just accepted her for whatever. She always thought he had to be fake…. But with the advancement of age, so too came the advancement of technology. Gone were the days of cheaply printed photos and postcards. Now there was facebook, and surprise surprise. He was real and real hot. Lydia was really glad in this moment she hadn’t made up a life built on lies to Ryder…but it also made her even more nervous. Its easy to be rejected from someone when you lied to them….harder to be rejected when you show your true self.

She paused to adjust her bra and clothes. She wanted to look good, despite the fact they were only friends. He was in a relationship, and she…..was always the friend. At least that’s how it had always been growing up. Pretty much every guy she crushes on ends up becoming a close friend. Since her first real crush Taylor…who became her best friend…who later started avoiding her because his girlfriend didn’t like him being such close friends with a girl. Same issue with Justin…and Chris…Lydia was not going to make that mistake again. Her current close guy friend was more of a friends with benefits situation…but that was kind of what their friendship started with and she wasn’t worried about it going wrong. They paused it whenever he had a girlfriend and so far had been honest with each one…basically told them it was their problem and he wasn’t ending a friendship over it. There were other guys…and that one night with Marcus and Annie…but nothing even remotely relationship like to worry about.

Tonight, Lydia would make sure that Ryder’s girlfriend had nothing to worry about. She was meeting up with him in a pub with a bunch of his Navy buddies. She dressed cute, but covered. Any photos would be tame, plus at least one of his friends had to be single. She bit her lip….she had such a thing for a man of service. Army…Navy…firemen…yep. She had preferences.

Lydia glanced at her watch and started walking faster, she was going to be late.

As she turned the corner, her breath caught in her throat. There were six of the best looking men she had ever seen. The lot of them were tall and broad. Strong, confident men. Oh this could be trouble. A brief flash of many men giving her all sorts of fun attention came to mind…and then disappeared when she saw him. Standing on the left, with an easy smile on his face was Ryder. He looked just like every photo he had ever sent….only better. Swallowing slowly, Lydia drank him in. Adonis made flesh. She paused and just enjoyed. The cut of his clothing couldn’t hide his obvious build. He stood tall with lovely posture, chatting casually with his friends. His hair was short, but a hint of color was still visible and oh gods it was the perfect shade of red. Great. He had to be hot. Friends. Friends. Friends.

Lydia tripped slightly as she walked forward and sighed. Hopefully one of his single pals likes clumsy girls. She approached the group and every one of them was at least a foot taller than she was. Ryder turned to her and smiled warmly, “Lydia?”

She nodded and waved awkwardly. “Ryder?” She responded shyly with a small smile.

Ryder smiled again and reached out to her pulling her closer. “Guys, this is Lydia, and old friend.” They all smiled and offered various greetings. He turned to Lydia and continued, “these are some of my shipmates…” Ryder rattled off some names but Lydia missed all of them. His voice was amazing and it wasn’t until he was giving her a hug and guiding her inside that she focused on his words. “I am glad you came! Its nice to finally put a person to a screen”. He smiled.

Trouble. Lydia was in trouble.

They gathered around a table and ordered drinks. As she sat down, Lydia shifted slightly. She could feel the wetness growing between her legs, a direct result of that voice and slight physical contact…her body demanding to be in charge over her brain. She breathed deeply ignoring her hardening nipples to focus on the table. The gents were all chatting about random things…work…hobbies…joy at being off of the ship. One mentioned finding a gal to bed so he could enjoy a bit of privacy and a larger bed for the night. Lydia found her voice, “privacy?”. The guy, Josh? Toby? Whoever…answered her with a smirk, “tough to be alone in a room with three other guys”. Lydia smiled, “I would be searching for the same thing were I in your position!”. She sipped her drink and listened to the conversations. Ryder poked her arm and she turned to him.

“Sooooo, is this weird?” He asked.

Lydia thought before answering, “actually, no. I expected it to be…but I feel like I have known you forever…well I mean I guess I have…but I was worried it wouldn’t translate well to…well this. Everything feels….absolutely normal…at least on my end.” She finished quickly. Ryder smiled again. “Not weird here! Should it be weird that its not weird?” He laughed.

The night went on and Lydia rather enjoyed herself. Everyone was relaxed and got on well. The guys were great and despite her efforts to try and flirt with two of them, they just treated her like one of the guys. On the other end of her brain, every time Ryder brushed against her or got close her heart would pump faster and her underwear got a little wetter. On the surface, everything was normal. There was witty banter, stories about recent life events, on sea adventures, family, friends…life. Inside Lydia was writhing with need. Ryder smelled so very good…a manly musk with a slight sweet note to it coupled with whatever smelling thing he had uses that day was driving her almost to a breaking point. She was seriously concern one of the guys would be able to smell her need soon, and was considering excusing herself to the bathroom for a little relief when two things happened. One, Ryder ordered another round for the table. Two, he put his hand on her thigh.

Lydia coughed on her drink a bit and Ryder reached over to grab her drink and pass her a napkin. “Ok there?” He asked with friendly concern. His hand had not moved from her thigh.

“Thats right! The computer does not do a great job at portraying just how much of an absolute klutz I am. I am glad you missed me tripping on the walk to the pub”, I replied easily. His hand moved slightly higher.

As the night rolled on, most of the gents had indeed found lodging for the night, unsurprisingly. Keeping things compartmentalized, I turned to Ryder, “as it turns out, you aren’t a creep and have done nothing to make me think you are anything but who I have known for years”, his hand started rubbing the top of my thigh slowly, circling closer to my core. I parted my legs slightly on instinct, willing his hand to move closer….it didn’t. He kept on with the torturously slow, sensual circles. I struggled slightly to focus, “soooo, if you don’t want to go back to the ship, you are welcome to crash at my place. I mean it is very likely to be smaller than your room on the ship….but its just me. You could even shower in privacy if you fancy.”

“What if I think you are a creep?” He replied smiling.

I laughed, “like you didn’t realize I was a creep online after all these years. I am not an ass though, you can have the privacy of my room. Ill crash on Marcus’s bed. Ill even get you clean sheets.”

Ryder ran his hand closer to my core…then skipped it to slide lazily down my inner thigh. It took every ounce of concentration I could muster not to moan right there. “I am sure we can have a perfectly civil sleepover without kicking you out of your room hun”, he replied.

“I don’t want you to feel like I am trying to screw anything up with Amy is all.” I blurted quickly, not wanting him to think I was intent on trying to mess up his relationship.

He smiled kindly, removing his hand from my thigh, “I would never think that of you.” Ryder got up from the table and headed to the bathroom.

Mixed messages? Maybe. Perhaps just friendly banter. Lydias heart was pounding so hard she swore the next table could hear it. She was trying to calm down. “He was just being friendly. Physical contact can be friendly.” She thought. She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply trying to Zen herself out. Her next deep breath came in spiked with his scent making her squirm slightly. Lydia opened her eyes and found Ryder standing before her, looking down with mild amusement. “Ok hun?”

“Yes! Um, yea just getting tired I guess.”

Ryder reached his hand out, “common, Ill take you home.” Lydia and Ryder said their good byes to the guys and started walking towards Lydias apartment. The conversation was like every other conversation…nothing out of the ordinary…but there was just this feeling…a feeling of HUGE sexual tension lurking just below the surface of every word and action. To be fair, this happened online…but online flirting is one thing. This was just…intense.

They got to the apartment in good time…and it was empty, which was strange since Lydia had six roommates. She showed Ryder around…which didn’t take long. “And this is my room”, she said opening the door to the tiny office room. Inside, was a single mattress on the floor, a mirror, and a clothing bar where everything she had was stacked. Lydia looked nervously to Ryder, wondering what he would think of her limited accommodations. He smiled that easy smile, lay down on the bed and said, “perfect!”.

Lydia smiled and lay down beside him. They kept chatting, talking had always been easy between them, and no topic was off limits. Lydias body relaxed a bit. Nothing seemed to be tense or out of the ordinary now….until Ryder adjusted his position and his arm now touched hers. She looked down to see where their bodies were touching and her breath caught in her throat. His erection was ENORMOUS. It was pressing firmly against his jeans as he kept talking like nothing was different. Ryder seemed to notice Lydia had stopped paying attention and asked, “What’s wrong hun?”

“Dude! Is that you or are you smuggling firearms?”

He laughed, “all me”.

“I guess even the remote possibility of privacy needs to be taken advantage of when you live with three other guys huh.” Lydia replied. “Look, Ryder, we have known each other forever….we talk about EVERYTHING, it is fully ok with me if you would like some time to jerk off in my room. Ill go hang out in Marcus’s and you take your time, enjoy your privacy!”.

Ryder rolled over onto his side and put his hand lazily onto Lydias thigh, “I would rather you stay actually”.

Lydia stared dumbfounded for a moment, and could feel all the blood in her body rushing to her core. She grew bold, “I can stay, but since we can’t touch each other, I’m going to go to sleep.”

Lydia smiled at Ryder, hugged him, turned off the light, and took off her jeans so she could settle in to sleep.

She tried. She really did. Every move he made made her heart pound. The sound of Ryder pleasuring himself was enough to almost bring her to come herself. She tried to keep her breathing steady and level as she strained to hear or feel anything. The fact that Ryder was inches away from her, stroking his massive staff made turned her on to the point she couldn’t move her legs, afraid the friction would cause her to lose control. She felt something warm on the back of her leg. “Did you just cum on my leg?” Lydia asked breathily.

Ryder leaned his head down to hers so his lips were almost touching her ear, “yes,” he replied silkily.

Trouble. Trouble. Trouble.

Lydia sighed, told him to feel free to do it all night if he wanted, and fell into a peaceful dream state where she kept her friendship in tact, and didn’t become the person who encouraged friends to cheat on their girlfriends.

The end.

Ok, not really.

That is what she should have done. That is what she wanted to do. Instead, Lydia reached down, ran her finger through the cooling cum, and brought it up to her lips. She ran her tongue over her lips and parted them slightly…sliding her finger in slowly and sucking loudly. “Tastes good,” she said softly.

Ryder moaned and pulled her against his body so her back was flush with his impressive chest. He pulled off her shirt and started ravaging her neck with his lips and tongue as his hand played with her rock hard nipples through her bra. Lydias breathing became more rapid as she let her body take control. Her senses were screaming for Ryder to touch her everywhere, to own her body as he saw fit. Ryder ran his fingers over her body and continued to kiss at her neck, nipping, and kissing and licking his way down to her collarbone and shoulder. Lydia rolled her head back and moaned loudly. The sound caused Ryder to thrust his hips forward. Lydia could feel his need pressing into her back…already growing stiff again. “This is stupid” she mumbled and sat up and pulled her bra off. She lay back down onto her back and pulled Ryder on top, directing his mouth to her erect nipples. She gasped when he rolled his tongue over one and then the other. His left hand holding his massive body up so he wasn’t crushing her, and his right began caressing her body lightly. Lydia ran her hands down Ryders back trying hard not to scratch him as she found the bottom of his shirt and began to tug it off. Ryder responded by sitting up on top of her to pull off his shirt slowly. Lydia bit her lip and slowly started gyrating her hips. Ryders chest was art. Toned and strong…the perfect placement of muscles. She longed to run her nails down his front. Ryder smiled down taking in her full round breasts, with perky pink nipples. She was staring up at him with a look of raw need on her face. Her hips rotating and thrusting her pussy towards him was driving him mad. He wanted nothing more that to rip off the rest of his clothes and just thrust his raging cock into her warm embrace as fast as possible. He didn’t. He knew this was a one off thing and he was going to enjoy every. Single. Moment.

Lydia was making small mewing noises now, willing Ryder to lose the pants….and he did…. He leaned down and slowly eased them off his body as his mouth returned to her neck. Lydia moaned softly. Ryder responded by grabbing her by the hair and pulling her head back to look him in the eyes, “do you want me to stop” he questioned.

Lydia was shivering with need. All she could manage to say was “if you do I will bite your dick while you are sleeping.” Ryder leaned closer to her, running his tongue along her jawline to her ear, “promise”, he whispered as he let go of her hair and slipped his hand into her panties.

“Is this mess for me hun?” He asked as he ran his finger along her swollen slit.

Lydia was breathing heavily and was unable to form words to respond. All she could do was grab his head with both hands and pull him in for a kiss. The moment their lips touched, Ryder plunged a finger into her soaking depths, bringing a deep moan to her lips as they kissed.

“I seem to recall you mentioning that you really enjoy being fingered”, he said against her lips. Lydia began to nod, but he stopped her by thrusting his finger in hard and deep.

“Use your words Lydia. Tell me what you want.”

Lydia swallowed, “yes. Please. Fuck.” she shook her head trying to regain control, “Yes you ass I love being fingered, as you well know. Are you going to do it or shall I do it myself?” Ryder pulled his finger out and Lydia moaned her displeasure at the loss of him. “Tease” she bit out before grabbing for his engorged dick. Fuck it was huge. She couldn’t reach her hand all the way around. She started stroking it firmly with her hand anyway and thrust her other hand into her panties to play with her clit.

Ryder was momentarily stunned by her actions. He was only going to tease her a moment, not actually expecting her to start pleasing herself. He watched her dainty hand working his cock and her other rubbing in deliberate circles. He almost came all over again. Instead, he pulled her hand off his cock, and the other out of her panties he pulled her drenched panties off and tossed them aside. He gathered both of her hands into one of his and held her arms above her head. He stared down at her and ran his fingers along her soaked lips again, this time bringing them to his mouth after to suck her juices off of them. Ryder smiled down at her devilishly and licked his lips, “you taste pretty damn good kitten” Lydia wriggled against his hold, but he held her hands tight. Ryder began running his hands down the front of her body again, and took his time getting to her slit. He dipped a finger into her to get it lubed up and started rubbing her clit in firm circles.

Lydia bucked her hips against his hand, mewing and moaning as he increased his speed. She tried moving her arms to grab onto him and found she was still being pinned down. That turned her on even more. “Ryder…” she started to tell him to put his fingers in her damn pussy but before she could even finish the though, he had stopped touching her clit and slammed two fingers into her deeply and swiftly.

Lydia lost it and came all over his hand, moaning and bucking against his hold.

Ryder held her down and pushed his fingers in and out riding out her orgasm until he could no longer feel her walls milking his fingers. He pulled them out and sucked them clean.

Lydias eyes came back into focus and she looked up at the satisfied smirk on Ryders face.

When she had come down from her high enough to talk, she said “thanks friend. I needed that.” She patted his head and rolled onto her side pretending to get comfortable to sleep.

Ryder was dumbstruck. This is not how he expected things to end. He was hoping for more….but glad for what he got. He lay down beside Lydia and sighed palming his cock in his hands. It was so hard it was starting to curve as he started working it on his own.

Lydia smiled to herself as she heard him touching himself again.

After a few moments she couldn’t take it anymore and gave up the ruse. She sat up, “really dude? That’s it?”

Ryder fumbled a bit and Lydia used that moment to reach her hand down and started lightly running her hand along his lower stomach. “I don’t want to be done” she said huskily, She placed her hand firmly around the base of his cock as far as she could reach and brought her hand up the length of his shaft, pushing his own aside. “I want more of this”, she continued. “I want it to gag me”. She squeezed a bit and some precum beaded on the tip. “I want it thrust deep….deep inside of me. “ She gently rubbed her thumb over the end of Ryders penis spreading the fluid. “I want to be covered in your fucking cum and so sore tomorrow that walking is difficult.” With that Lydia squeezed a bit harder bringing a moan to Ryders lips before lowering her head to kiss his penis.

Ryder was stunned. He always knew they had chemistry…and that they had talked extensively about their sex lives….but this…this was something else…he never could have imagined how hot this could be.

He placed his hand onto her head and pushed down slightly. Lydia moaned and took more of his cock into her mouth. Ryder knew she had a strong gag reflex and she couldn’t take much more….but he wanted to push her limits….because he also knew how much she enjoyed that.

Ryder reached his other hand to tease Lydias nipples and the moan she let out made his cock vibrate and twitch. He pushed her head down further and could feel resistance and her head jerked slightly. He knew she was suppressing a gag. The fact that she was still trying turned him on even more. She barely had half of his length in her mouth but damn she was determined.

Lydia worked her hands along Ryders length and used her tongue on the veins she felt. Switching between light pressure and deep pressure…swirling and attempting to make up for the fact that she couldn’t take more length. Lydia pushed her head down further and felt him hit the back of her throat triggering her gag reflex. Either the sound or the feeling drew a long low moan out of Ryder as he gripped her hair harder. Lydia kept pushing down taking more in and out while making sure she didn’t let her gag go too deep because losing control of that in this moment..ugh that would not work.

Ryder could feel his orgasm building…jumping in intensity every time he felt his head hit the back of her throat.

Lydia reached down and started playing with his balls….which was enough to put him over the edge. Ryder groaned and started cumming hard into her mouth. Lydia sucked every drop out of his dick and swallowed promptly and placing a kiss on the tip of his penis before sitting up and smiling.

Ryder took a moment to catch his breath and think about his next move.

Lydia sat up against the wall watching him with a soft smile and teasing her nipples.

“Are you still wet?”. He finally asked.

“I’m not sure”, she said demurely looking down and moving so she sat in front of him. Eyes down she arched her legs and spread them wide, exposing herself to his gaze.

Ryder could not take his eyes off of her as she brought her eyes up to his and asked, “could you check.”

Ryder growled and pulled her legs apart farther, intent on shoving his tongue deep into her pussy.

Instead, he started biting at her ankle and making his way up the inside of her leg. Lydia placed her hand on his head, and her other on her clit. Ryder removed her hand from her clit and placed it back onto her breast. He paused and looked up at her, “That is mine to play with kitten.” He looked at her as he ran his tongue up the rest of her inner thigh and over her clit and she shivered. “Mine tonight.” He swirled in circles nipping slightly, drawing a gasp from Lydias lips. “I am going to make you cum so many times you lose count.”

Ryder started sucking and licking her clit and then shoved two fingers into her weeping hole. Lydia was grinding herself into Ryders face and was close to orgasm. He let saliva run down his tongue onto her engorged nub and added a third finger pushing her over the edge.

Lydia shattered cumming hard and fast, screaming her joy around her fist as she tried to stay quiet by biting her hand.

“Fuck, Ryder.” she moaned.

“Soon….soon”, he teased as he stroked her hair through her shivers.

When Lydia came down, she reached out for Ryder but he was out of reach, watching her and stroking himself. He was growing hard again in his own hand. He looked at her and beckoned her forward with his finger.

Lydia crawled towards him until he placed his hand out and stopped her. She cocked her head in question and sat back on her heels. Ryder rotated his finger indicating he wanted her to turn around. Lydia turned and felt Ryder moving behind her. He pushed her head down and pulled her hips up.

Ryder rubbed his hardening cock against her entrance. The feeling of his cock on her pussy, and his hand on her back brought her to a dripping state quickly. When he was fully erect he slowly pushed the head of his shaft into her warm cunt. Lydia practically melted around him. She moaned long and low, rolling her torso slightly sideways so she could watch him behind her. Lydia was enjoying the attention but slightly apprehensive about getting him into her…he was bigger than anyone she had ever taken before.

Ryder kept thrusting shallowly, in and out with just the tip….driving Lydia and himself towards another orgasm. Ryder could feel Lydia relaxing and she started pushing towards him….Ryder smiled to himself and reached his hand down to rub her clit.

Lydias legs gave out slightly from the sensation and Ryder took that opportunity to slowly and firmly push himself into her warmth to the hilt. Lydia cried out and stopped moving. They both stopped moving for a moment as they adjusted to the new situation. Lydia finally put her hands down and pushed her torso up so she was on her hands and knees. Ryder put his hands on her hips and drew his length out slowly, before ramming it in to the base again. Lydias moan was high pitched and desperate as he started thrusting in and out, holding her hips tightly for leverage.

Lydia reached her hand out and pressed it against the wall to help keep still so Ryder could pound harder.

“Don’t fucking stop” Lydia managed to say, as the sounds of flesh slapping together filled the room.

Ryder was groaning and holding onto her hips so hard he was bruising her. Just as Ryder was about to cum, he pulled out and came all over her back. Lydia groaned with pleasure at the feeling of his cum all over her back and collapsed forward with her ass in the air. Ryder held onto her until his cock stopped jerking.

Lydia let her legs out and lay on her stomach on the mattress. She looked back to Ryder and while pleased he came, she was still clenching with need.

He smiled with soft eyes and flipped her over onto her back. Ryder grabbed Lydia’s hair and pulled her hair to the side so he could access her neck. Ryder ran his tongue along her collarbone before biting her hard on the side of the neck. Lydia whimpered with need from the intensity of the bite. He started sucking and biting hard all along the side of her neck, holding tightly onto her hair with one hand, and playing with her nipples with the other. He moved to the front of her throat and bit again, albeit a bit softer. Lydia writhed under him, responding to his roughness in kind.

Rider moved down to her breasts and started nipping at biting at them. He brought his hand down from her hair and placed it gently around her neck. Not enough to choke her…but enough to let Lydia know who was in charge in this moment.

Lydia started rocking her hips in response to his dominance. Ryder moved from her reddened breasts to her left rib cage and bit down hard. Lydia arched her back off of the mattress sighing in ecstasy. Ryder wasted no time moving to the other side of her rib cage. This time when he bit down, he thrust two fingers into her weeping hole at the same time. He bit and sucked all around her ribs and thrust his fingers in and out of her pussy with intensity. He hooked his fingers and started stroking her g spot by the time he moved his teeth to her hips. Ryder bit down hard on her hipbone and caressed her g spot in succession until she reached the point of no return. Lydia was simpering and moaning beneath him…the combination of pleasure and pain driving her fast to the edge. Her orgasm slammed into her fast and hard…the internal simulation causing fluid to gush out of her all over Ryder.

Ryder was surprised but pleased, “That was fucking sexy.” He said beaming down at her.

“I didn’t know”. Lydia panted, unable to move. Ryder lay down beside her playing with her hair as she regained control of her breathing. “Didn’t know I could do that”. She finished, slightly embarrassed.

“Sooooo, weird?” He asked with a smile.

Lydia huffed and replied, “still not weird.” Her smile faltered and she paused before continuing, “I don’t even feel bad….I feel like I should…I should feel bad about what just happened…I should feel bad for you and….”


“But, I don’t. It’s like…this was something that was always meant to happen…this claim came before you and Amy so it doesn’t count.” Lydia hoped her voice sounded neutral in this moment…and that she hadn’t just ruined her dearest friendship.

“Yea hun…I know exactly what you mean.” Ryder said softly before pulling her close.

“Not weird. No future expectations, and I still expect to hear all about your relationships and life. You are still one of my closest friends now, just like you were at the pub, and before. This wont change that. “

Lydia closed her eyes in relief.

“Sweeeet”. Lydia glanced around the room. It was a mess.

“Shower and round two?” She asked with a grin.

Ryder laughed. “Fuck yea kitten”.

RLydia was walking quickly. She was nervous. Nothing she tried on at home had looked right. In the end, she convinced herself it didn’t matter because they were just friends.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/wcbfrb/fucking_a_long_time_friend