Don’t act like you didn’t enjoy it… [Gentle Dom] [M18+/F18+] [Bondage]

“And don’t act like you didn’t ask for this.” As my hand ran a finger along your sternum, sending a hypnotic tinging sensation through your entire system, I spoke with the same gentleness with which I had asked if you were sure, and the same dominance with which I tied you to the bed after getting a yes. Four leather straps, one for each limb. That was all that I needed. However, just as much for my own amusement as for yours, a thick yet soft strip of dark linen had been tied around your head, covering the eyes and allowing no light through. Every movement of yours only elicited more tension from the straps, which held your arms and legs open and stretched outwards. Cutting through the intentionally chilly temperature in the room, my warm hand explored every inch of your naked body, rubbing and squeezing, scratching and caressing. Worshiping you in your entirety, while the deprivation of your sense of sight only increased the intensity of the sensations tenfold.

No part of you had been left unexplored, your entire body covered with a thin layer of sweet after being enjoyed for what felt like an eternity. My lips had kissed and pleasured from the inside of your thighs, where they’d rubbed against until I could feel you squirming and ready to beg for more, to what was between your legs, moving at a restless pace until I had elicited as many moans and screams from you as I wanted to. From there, they moved upwards, drawing a steady line which reached from your belly button to your ribs. Then onto your chest, which I had teased in unison with my hands, pinching and squeezing, relishing the intoxicating sounds that escaped your mouth as I did so. And, after that, there was one other stop I had been patiently awaiting. Red marks had been left all over your shoulders and neck, impossible to hide reminders of the erotically burning sensation of my teeth sinking into your skin, going deeper and deeper, stopping as soon as the point of causing pain was reached. Only to start again on another, by that point unclaimed, spot, leaving your mind in a constant state of limbo, balancing on the thin line between pleasure and pain.

Only one spot was left, and I had most certainly saved the best for last. I knew you wouldn’t resist anything I wanted to do, but all that I did was plant my lips against yours, in what started as the sweetest and softest of kisses. As it grew in depravation and intensity, kissed until we both had to gasp for breath, mirroring the motions of my hips as our groins met each other, again and again. Deep, deep, deep, and then pulling away, only to repeat that same chain of events. As your sweat covered my body, completely in contact with yours, the deepness and intensity increased, one final kissed silencing the moans that escaped us at once as I repaid the favor and left a fluid of my own, on you as well as in you.

What a beautiful sight you were in that state. Used and worshiped like only you deserved, shown just how much you meant to me and reminded of how much I mean to you. In an equal state of exhaustion, my lips pressed against your ear for the first time in the night, putting the playfulness of my physical teasing into one single, whispered sentence. “I know you’ll be begging for more soon, princess, so don’t act like you didn’t enjoy it.”


Hey everybody! Writing stuff like this seems to be becoming somewhat of a habit for me, and it probably will remain that way if you keep showing me the love you have :) I know that getting 20 likes or so isn’t crazy, but it does mean a lot to me. So does any feedback or comments you might want to leave. And my DMs are open, if you feel like talking for whatever reason. Hope you enjoyed this one, and if you read this far, have a great night/day/whenever it is you’re reading this
