The Sister, Part Six [M19, F18] [Cheating]


For a small girl, Natalie had a pretty solid ass.

I had already gotten a good look at it when she was bent over to collect her things in the car earlier, though I had tried not to stare at the time. It was more difficult to look away, however, when she was ahead of me on the stairs. Her pink bikini bottoms hugged her hips tightly enough that I could actually see the shape of her pert rear as she took each step.

Looking was okay, right? That wasn’t cheating.

Since I had to keep my eyes forward anyway, since there weren’t many other options as we ascended the stairs. So, for a few seconds, I indulged myself and took a good, long stare at Natalie’s ass. Since she was wearing nothing but a bikini, I could clearly see every way her lower body shifted as she took each stair. If Natalie hadn’t said anything a minute ago, perhaps I could’ve just checked her out and moved on. But she had practically invited this; ‘Enjoy the view,’ in that lilting, innocent yet not so innocent tone. And I couldn’t really help myself from doing exactly what she wanted.

At least she didn’t glance back and catch me in the act.

When we reached the top of the stairs, Natalie just turned the corner like nothing was going on. Walking through the lake house like she owned the place; which she did, by extension. But, even after just knowing her for a half hour or so, I already suspected there was a method to her casual behavior. Not saying anything because she wanted to keep me in suspense. Or maybe playing it cool to make me think I missed my shot. Was it bad that I wanted to know?

Finally breaking the silence, Natalie said, “Here we are, babe.” The corner bedrooms were at the end of the short hall, right after the bathroom and linen closet. Now that I saw one door on each side of the girl, I recalled Jessica telling me that we’d be across the hall from her sister. Before, it hadn’t made a huge difference to me. Now, I wasn’t so sure. Both doors were open, and she gestured towards the one to her left. “So are you sleeping with Jess tonight?” Natalie asked, before gesturing to the opposite door, “Or with me?”


The answer was obvious–with my girlfriend. But there was just something about her younger sister. Despite her overt flirting, she didn’t come across as ‘slutty’ in the slightest. That would’ve made it easier to shut her down. Instead, it was like she was weaponizing her cuteness. Looking innocent, but contrasting that image with her words. Being clear with her intentions, yet being so nonchalant about them at the same time. And, of course, she was a visually miniature version of my girlfriend on top of that.

“With Jessica,” I quickly said. Any hesitation, and the silence would just encourage the tempting girl to make herself, well, tempting.

Natalie gasped. “Oh my God, you’re *sleeping* with her tonight? When I’m right across the hall? Wow.”

“That’s not what I meant.”

“So you’re not? Because then you should sneak over to my room tonight. If Jessica isn’t going to give you what you need, someone should!”


“Just think about it,” she said, with a wink. Then she turned and sauntered through the first doorway she had gestured to. “Come on, babe. This one’s your room.”

Maybe a quarter of me was actually hoping for something to happen with this girl. While I’d never make the first move, I’m not sure I’d be able to help myself if she tried something. At least, not when she kept subtly flaunting her body and verbally throwing herself at me. But the rest of me was still determined to be faithful to Jessica, as well as worried that this was all some kind of sick test. One wrong move with Natalie, and there was the chance that she’d run off and rat me out, leaving me with neither sister.

Although the more time I spent with Jessica’s tease of a sister, the more I was convinced the flirt was acting alone. It would be one thing if she made a pass at me to see how I’d react. But to play games for this long? That felt like something else entirely. And, even though I had an idea of what she was doing, I was still falling for it.

I actually hadn’t seen the bedroom yet. Natalie had arrived right before Jessica had a chance to give me the tour, and the younger girl had gone out of her way to attach us at the hip ever since then. There were two big glass doors that offered an amazing view of the lake, just like Jessica had told me about, and there was a deck just outside the doors as well. My girlfriend’s duffel bag was sitting on the queen bed, still open and a little messy; because she changed a few minutes ago.

And then there was Natalie’s ass.

The girl was fully bent over. In the kitchen, the danger was how close her backside was to brush against my crotch. In the bedroom, however, it was back to the matter of averting my gaze. I had a perfect view of all that bare leg, not to mention how her pink bottoms once again left very little to the imagination. She wasn’t just striking the pose for my benefit–well, not *only* for my benefit–Natalie was going through my suitcase.

“Hmm, no protection? Shame. Oh, here we are!” Natalie snapped back up with my swimsuit in her hand

*‘That’s because the condoms are in my backpack.’* Except I would never give her ammo like that when she had already taunted me about ‘sleeping with Jessica.’ Instead, I just went with a simple, “Thanks.”

“Alright,” she said, eyeing me up and down for a moment, “Strip for me?”

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